I would rather watch Sponge Bob Square Pants with my 10 month old son than tune into PG WWE. I haven't watched WWE regularly in 8 years, but when i do i feel like i'm watching something that caters only to women and children. Like Mr. Awesome said before, WWE is an opportunist and wrestling is business. They wiped out the competition they had before the PG Era and with the PG Era they have stabilized wrestling so they can profit and so competition will be stifled. So yes the PG Era really is that bad, it's got almost all of my peers and me turned off wrestling completely. I really hope it comes to an end and the only way it can is if TNA can (gasp) become really competitive in the ratings. I'm cheering TNA on so that WWE is forced to put out better programming so that all of us wrestling fans can have much better programming to look forward to. I really want a reason to regularly start watching WWE (and TNA) again.
I shake my head when i hear a PG defender speak ill toward the Attitude Era they probably weren't old enough or smart enough to ever understand. Attitude Era 'grinches', as one poster labeled them, likely loved wrestling, like I did, from the time of Hulk Hogan's first Title reign right up until about the time The Rock and Steve Austin left wrestling. They all didn't just like the Attitude Era and disappeared when it ended, like some PG defenders seem to think. I feel like I speak for a majority of wrestling fans from my generation who do not watch wrestling regularly anymore as most everyone i know agrees with me on when wrestling started to suck hard. PG lovers who have their John Cena and their Edge (snore) really don't have any idea how much better their extremely stale obsession could be. All they understand is what they grew up with or what they've grown accustom to being spoonfed. We all know babies and children will eat and love whatever they are spoonfed, whether it be something absolutely delicious or completely disgusting, because they have no prior food eating experience to draw upon. My generation loved the programming it was spoonfed but it was spoonfed something awesome and it stayed awesome right through the Attitude Era until WWE became the only major player in the game. When wrestling's best entertainers The Rock and Steve Austin left and charisma-lacking chumps like John Cena and Triple H took their place and began being shoved down our throats as 7 and 8 time World Champs, that's when most wrestling fans from my generation had enough and took their ratings elsewhere.
Plain and simple, PG Era sucks, it's stupid, there's too much emphasis on clean wrestling and too little emphasis on originality. Also too little emphasis on complicated (and intriguing) storylines (minus the one going on right now in TNA). To all those PG lovers, go watch Spongebob or something so wrestling can gain back its attitude. And to those of you who want your wrestling to always be two guys doing the same carbon copy amazing moves on each other for 20 minutes non stop week after week, go watch gay porn or something. I want my wrestling to be a mix of everything great, not just PG acceptable shit.