Is WWE PG REALLY a bad thing?

There's nothing wrong with the PG era. In fact, if the WWE didn't advertise it's shows as PG hardly anyone would ever even notice, let alone obsess over it.

The biggest problem with the WWE imo is that every promo seems to be scripted. I want to see the wrestlers have more control over their characters, not the writers. The jokes are more often than not, really bad. I'm sure they sound hilarious in the back being written over a nice fatty, but when it comes time to execute them, it's bad. It's not genuine. When a person is being spontaneous and natural, they use different body language vs. when they are trying to recite a script. That's the main thing I notice when I watch promos now vs. in the 80's and 90's. There's very little real life passion in today's promos. You can't muster up natural adrenaline and passion reciting a script.

With that one change, WWE would be much stronger. Give the wrestlers bullet points and X amount of time to cut their promo and let them just go out there and do it with natural charisma and attitude. Stop molding them into personas they aren't.
I think the PG Era is being wasted. Here in Michigan RAW comes on at 9 and ends at 11 while Smackdown starts at 8 and ends at 10pm. The PPV's start at about 8pm and end around 11pm. Aren't most school aged kids, WWE's target audience, in bed by 8 or 9 on school nights? I know mine are. If WWE wants kids to watch they should be presenting programing at earlier times or on Fridays or Saturdays.

I'm not debating the Merits of PG vs Attititude Era just that they're not programming properly to their target audience.
This whole subject has been beaten to an nc-17 level. WWE is making money, 4+ million people are watching every week. It works for them.
No. WWE PG is not a bad thing. It is no different than what WWE has always been, minus the Attitude Era, which had more sex and violence and cussing, which are not needed more than one-off appearances, and that is only in the case of violence and cussing.

People hop on and complain about the PG Era. If there is anything wrong, which there is currently, it's the writer's fault, not the rating. And recently the writing has been stepped up. PG does nothing to hurt WWE, and people need to stop complaining about it.

BBFalconShot was spot on with this thread, only the title needs adjusting. It should read: WWE PG isn't a bad thing. As it's not.
No, PG isnt a bad thing I've said it before and will say it again. The WWE has showed in recent times that they are more than capable of putting on what IMO are some of the best storylines in a long time (including pre PG) such as the Nexus, Taker's attacker and the Mystery GM. This proves that you dont need sex and excessive violence to make a great storyline. Same thing goes for great matches, this year we have seen the likes of HBK/Taker and Nexus/WWE which were both amazing matches. So no PG is not a bad thing.
PG limits violence, I don't need people bleeding weekly, but blood can be one of those things that puts a guy over. Look at Austin vs Hart, do you think that would have had the impact if Austin wasn't bloody? It makes a match sort of special when it's done right.

Storyline wise the issue is that with PG you are targeting children, and so characters are more on dimensional then ever. Storylines are one dimensional.

In theory, you can still have a great product with PG as long as you due well not to just target children, but that's what the WWE is doing right now.
I think with the PG rating now WWE needs to go back to the original 80"s WWF format. The shut up and wrestle style. More action and less talk because the promos are pretty lame under PG.
WWE being PG isn't a bad thing, this is WWE coming full circle. Back in the Hogan days, there was blood sometimes, but when it was used, it was ether drawn the hard way, or in a big, Feud ending match. The only really started to use it as a all out gimmick in the Attitude era, and after awhile, it was starting to become expected in any match with the words: NO DQ, HIAC, Extreme Rules, ect. And even in some matches were unneeded. Now, were back to no blood, unless its the hard way. And even though it is still begged for, its being less expected. So when WWE decides to bring it back, say in a big feude like what HHH and Orton had going on around Wrestlemania, and they decide to end it with a first blood match, people are going to flip, and its going to be a bigger draw than it normally would! Plus by that time, the children that WWE has been focusing in on, will be older, just the way it happened before. And as for less violence, I'm not seeing it, we still have pretty much the same Holy Shit moment going on, while some are used less frequently, I wouldn't blame it on the PG era, but more on the fact that they may have been over used, and not getting the same reaction they were before, so instead, the wrestlers go for the moves that will get people up on there feet! The only part that is been truly affected (to me that is) is the promos, there seems to be much more, and a bit less wrestling, which is never a good thing, unless the performer knows how to cut a great promo.
It is the PG promos that are to tame, with all the "don't try this at home" it's not PG really.
The PG action will long-term be better for the talent but some matches just aren't believable without some blood :D

I just hope that Linda McMahon doesn't win the senate election or we will be stuck wit it forever.
That is the real reason for the PG rating.
A bloody Stone Cold would make a great campaign poster. Doesn't Sarah Palin shoot polar bears? So blood and republican females goes together :D
Hasn't Smackdown always been PG?

No, not at all. Not just because it was in the attitude era, but they've had a tag team buried alive match on Smackdown before and had Big Show throw Kurt Angle off of a 25 ft structure and crack his head on the floor.

Smackdown turned PG the same time raw did. Midway through 2008.
The PG rating really isn't that big of a deal, except where it gets taken to extremes. (When I see a match getting paused to towel a guy off because he went hardway, I want to scream.)

The problem is the writing. You can write a good story without having women tease taking their tops off or without Ric Flair going .6 Muta. Those are cheap tricks which get you eyeballs a couple of times, but if you're trying to sell sex and blood to kids, this is the internet age- they can find far better online. Without a compelling story; with feuds that just start for no real reason and have little passion to them, it doesn't matter if you're rated Y7, PG, or M, the show's going to suck.
I'm actually new to the forums at WZ; however, I've been an avid reader of WZ since the attitude era. Just like this current PG era we are in the agrument PG/Attitude isn't going away either.

I've been a fan of WWF/WWE since the 80s. I can understand and appreciate why WWE is now going in this direction. With Stephanie being a mom now she probably doesn't want her kids seeing Triple H (Daddy) getting nailed with a sledgehammer or Granddaddy getting his ass kicked by Stone Cold Steve Austin. Or Uncle Shane flying off a titantron. All of the McMahon kids have grown up now and have families of their own. And by the way Linda McMahon is running for Senate.

I also will agree that the PG era of the 80s worked very well. But as a long time fan of WWE we deserve a lot better than this. Even Vince McMahon has been quoted as saying WWE fans deserve more. Vince has also asked his wrestlers to always "up it" or in Mr. McMahon terms - What have you done for Vince McMahon lately!" Listening to a monotone Jerry Lawler isn't getting the job done either. I had hoped the Nexus angle would take off much like NWO did but it's boring TV. The same thing happens every week. There isn't much new going on to keep the fan interested. During the days of Austin vs McMahon you almost had no idea what was going to happen next. A lot of the problems that I see it might be more of an issue of the actual writing of the storylines than anything else.

I don't really see how you fit divas in this current era either. If bra and panties matches are gone what's the point of having divas?

With PPV buy rates tanking, I just think that WWE fans deserve attitude!

I agree with mikenance - I don't think the PG issue is a problem, but they need to define their boundaries and start actually writing outlines that challenge them! There are so many different stories that could be going on but they refuse to delve into a more social aspect of the WWE. They represent each of their stars as separate entities but don't show how they hang out or talk backstage or anything so you can't really see any of the relationships that are built or destroyed. That's what was so good about the attitude era - there was a lot of stuff behind the scenes that actually helped solidify and ground the feuds but nowadays, they all just go along the - "us vs me" or "me vs everyone" attitude. it's ridiculous. what they need to do is introduce at least one or two GMs as supported by McMahon (in-person) and then we can start some crazy storylines...
I understand why they are toning it down but don't like it one bit. Wish it was closer to PG-13 or R standards. Its way too bland television. And sex does sell! I miss the days in which the whole McMahon family was up in smoke. I'm glad we have Youtube to fall back on!

It was a lot more comical and interesting back in the attitude era.

This PG era now reminds me of comic book style wrestling. You have the Undertaker whom still has similar looks from years past but in advertisments looks like an American version of Rayden from Mortal Kombat. You have the group of men wearing the Letter "N" on their shirts.

I don't have a problem with PG but they are taking it a bit too far. Ive seen blood in PG movies before, so why does WWE have to ban it and give us incredibly lame comedy skits?

WWE is more like rated G instead of PG.
Exactly. I almost have to cringe when I see a tame Mr. McMahon character. Even though he hasn't been on TV awhile it's probably a good thing. He comes across as a real joke. I seen him on some Raw episode I think it was last year - and I'm like what the hell did he just say?? I think the end of the attitude era was when he got his head shaved off. He looks like a real moron now. He sounds like his voice is about to give out too. It must have been all the takes he had to do when he yelled in the zamboni episode - "You go to jail you son of a bitch, you go to jail!!!!" God I miss those days.

I know he wouldn't make much money but they need to use Stone Cold Steve Austin in Lawler's place. Have Austin throwing microphones!! Poor microphone!!!

you know what i so godamn sick of these stupid little bitches complaining about the pg stuff, first of all its a freakin business, and vince loves money just like the other 6.5 billion people on earth and when you dumbasses complain about it on the internet its not sending a message to the wwe creative team or to vinces head, and it just makes you look like bitter diva who cant get over a break up.

and i want it all back to thats the thing i want all of it cussing, tits n ass, sexual innuendo, tables ladders and chairs, blood, and awesome matches and charimatically superior superstars back too but guess what , whining and bitching about it to come back and how " oh i'd rather watch spongebob than watch wwe, ooh im too much of a pussy to deal with the wwe" stop damn crying your not going to change anything but the daiper you just shat in from crying and pouting like a immature child.

and like generalkarim said if u want tits and blood and gore and all that go watch bloody gory and nude movies when you wanna watch WRESTLING come to wwe. its a quite simple concept, christ
I don't usually reply just to criticize a thread, but I have to say I'm really sick of threads about the PG rating. Literally almost every single day there is a new thread or threads about the rating on here. Nostalgia is fine but the Attitude Era is dead and gone and it's never coming back. Maybe a more mature rating will return at some point, but the Attitude Era itself, with the Attitude logo, The Rock, Stone Cold, D-X, The Ministry, The Corporation, etc., circa 1997-2001, is GONE.

And that's what most people are really complaining about. They could have John Cena turn heel and start doing lewd battle raps against Randy Orton, and people would still say it's stupid. They could have wrestlers blade in every main event, have tons of hardcore matches, and bra and panty matches, and people would still say it's stupid. I don't think anyone misses the blood or sex that much, I think they miss Stone Cold and The Rock, and company. But they are GONE. And the fact that people are complaining about it almost a full decade later, is just sad and pointless. Just go on Amazon or eBay and buy every episode of Raw from the late 90s if you want and watch them over and over again for the rest of your life.

But stop spamming on wrestling forums, like this one, that actually have interesting thread topics about TODAY'S wrestling, on its own merits. Sorry for the rant, but I've been wanting to say that for a long time.
I was a teen during the Attitude era and I have to say, what made it great was not the sex and violence, it was the competition from WCW, ECW, etc. Most fans, including myself, were bored by the overtly sexual and violent content in some of WWE's programming at the time. It was trash tv to many Wrestling fans and was not something to be proud of. It's funny how as the years go by, people forget about that.

In fact WCW was even more popular than WWE for 2 years and they had virtually no graphic violence or sexual content whatsoever. It was the competition between WCW and WWE that generated the sense of excitement of the era. The quest to continually try and top the other show and even their own previous show from the week before. In the beginning WWE tried using lowbrow violent or sexual situations to win ratings but most of the time that failed to catch on and WCW remained dominant. It was events like Hall/Nash showing up on WCW or Jericho showing up on RAW that made the era great. Nobody cared about overtly sexual characters like Val Venis or Godfather, nor did they care much for "hardcore" wrestling. Especially WWE's version of hardcore. It was moments like the Beer Bath or The DX invasion of WCW that made each Monday Night must see viewing and which catapulted WWE back to the top. Neither of those moments had any violence or sexual content in them whatsoever. They were funny, they were real, they were spontaneous. That's what was great. It was fresh, hip, cool tv.

My point is that it isn't WWE's PG rating that makes the modern day product suffer. Its the lack of competition.
The PG era does suck, anyone whos say it doesn't is just trying to convince themselves that it's true, but it's not. The attitude era is what fans want and frankly, no one will EVER EVER EVER get over that era. You PG defenders can make a 100 threads defending the PG era, but no one is believing or buying it, you miss the attitude era and you know it.

I use to NEVER miss an episode of Raw during the attitude era, I remember one time I did and I started crying because I know I missed something entertaining. Now-a-days, I can't even watch a full episode of raw without falling assleep, it's that damn boring. Wrestlers today would wish for the reaction a low-midcarder would get during the AE. Today we have ******s like the Miz walking around, the miz is not awesome, he's not even using the word correctly(actually look up the word awesome). He's not good on the mic, he's not good in the ring, he's just another generic loser(like cena) that WWE loves pushing

I can't wait for the day that undertaker, kane, triple h, edge, and jericho leave WWE so they don't have to be associated with this PG garbage anymore, these wrestlers were the shit during the AE, now all of them are nothing but a shadow of their former selves. they need to retire because they're destroying their legacies

Theirs absolutly NO storyline other the main event, during the AE their were almost 6 huge fueds going on at once, and each of them grabbed the audience attention. Now all we have is cena is every main event, overcoming the odds and winning like always, and then we get to repeat the same thing next week, and the week after that

when WWE beat TNA on mondays, WWE fans were so happy but I was thinking "why are you happy, WWE is still the same and it's still shitty". The WWE fans actually thought WWE was going to step up and be entertaining again, but they didn't, it was just a usual lame Raw

I'm this close to giving up on WWE, I can't take it anymore. I've been a loyal fan but it's gotten me nowhere, eventually it's just going to be time to move on. And no, I'm not moving on to TNA, they piss me off as well.

you miss the attitude era and you know it.

I do miss the attitude era. I miss it. I loved it. It was amazing. The best possible thing. But the thing is, I know how to get over that. I will NEVER forget the attitude era. EVER. But, I do know how to get over the fact that it's not there anymore.

Now-a-days, I can't even watch a full episode of raw without falling assleep, it's that damn boring.

Kay, cool. Thanks for sharing. Too bad I don't care. You might as well just shut the hell up and keep to watching TNA or ROH or whatever you watch.

But, may I remind you something about TNA. It's a rundown version of the Attitude era. I watch it, and I find one thing interesting. Motor City Machine Guns.

Today we have ******s like the Miz walking around, the miz is not awesome, he's not even using the word correctly(actually look up the word awesome). He's not good on the mic, he's not good in the ring, he's just another generic loser(like cena) that WWE loves pushing

Kay, have you ever thought of the kids? Are you upset because they are pointing themselves to the kids? Deal. It's not going anywhere for another 5 years.

I can't wait for the day that undertaker, kane, triple h, edge, and jericho leave WWE so they don't have to be associated with this PG garbage anymore, these wrestlers were the shit during the AE, now all of them are nothing but a shadow of their former selves. they need to retire because they're destroying their legacies

But, you know they all love the kids right? That's why they are still entertaining them. That is why they are here. Hell, Jericho is here because he just wants to put people over and a have a fun time doing what he loves, wrestling. Edge made my niece laughed when he impersonated the Great Khali. Lol, it made me chuckle a bit. Just understand that if you think PG is garbage, please do not waste your time trying to tell us PG defenders that we're wrong. Cause we're not. You're not wrong either. We all have our different points of view.

Now all we have is cena is every main event, overcoming the odds and winning like always, and then we get to repeat the same thing next week, and the week after that

Cause he's super Cena. Same with Hogan.

when WWE beat TNA on mondays, WWE fans were so happy but I was thinking "why are you happy, WWE is still the same and it's still shitty". The WWE fans actually thought WWE was going to step up and be entertaining again, but they didn't, it was just a usual lame Raw

I didn't even care about that. That was a shitty try for TNA. Enough said.

I'm this close to giving up on WWE, I can't take it anymore. I've been a loyal fan but it's gotten me nowhere, eventually it's just going to be time to move on.

Kay. See ya!


Know your role, and shut your mouth. CAUSE "TEEH PG ERAA D3OS NOTT SUCXX!!!!!!11!!!!!!

Again, you're entitled to you're opinion. I'm just proving my point.
I don't get what everyones so pissed about. I started watching wrestling in the New Generation/Bret Hart era, and have been watching ever since with the exception of 2003-2007 for the most part, save for a couple of wrestlemanias and random raws with my cousin. So I missed out on a lot of the awful awful things that occurred in this time. Now, I watch all of WWE's programming and find most of it pretty good (or train-wreck bad like NXT sometimes), especially Smackdown. I enjoy the matches that get some length, and feel that WWE is underrated wrestling-wise because so many people overvalue highspots. There's a lot of solid workers that have an old school edge to them that could pervade WWE for years to come.
The PG era does suck, anyone whos say it doesn't is just trying to convince themselves that it's true, but it's not.
Or we're just not little cry babies stuck in the past wanting blood, and sex on TV. Go watch Porn.

The attitude era is what fans want and frankly, no one will EVER EVER EVER get over that era. You PG defenders can make a 100 threads defending the PG era, but no one is believing or buying it, you miss the attitude era and you know it.
No, not all of us want it actually. How many careers were ended, or cut short due to that era? How many people would still be alive today were it not for that era? How many damn threads to we have to see of you idiots bashing PG do we have to see? Unlike you, I like the product we have now. I know the wrestlers are actually taken care of now and we can have them for many years because they're not going to get fucked up by a chair shot gone wrong, or going threw a table badly.

I use to NEVER miss an episode of Raw during the attitude era,
Me neither, and I still don't. So what?
I remember one time I did and I started crying
Why is that not shocking? You're still crying.

Now-a-days, I can't even watch a full episode of raw without falling assleep,
Sounds like a medical problem.. You know they have pills for that right? Should look into it.

Wrestlers today would wish for the reaction a low-midcarder would get during the AE.
So the huge pop orton gets? Or the one Cena got in boston? Or the reaction Jericho gets each week, until doing something Heelish of course. How about the one Bret gets? You know, if you're going to say you don't watch much of the show, you cant comment on things that go on. Otherwise you just look ******ed..Oh.. Too late.

Today we have ******s like the Miz walking around,
I've never seen, or herd, anything about the Miz having sexual intercourse with another Male. Guess that means he's not a "******".

the miz is not awesome, he's not even using the word correctly(actually look up the word awesome).
inspiring awe: an awesome sight.
showing or characterized by awe.
Slang . very impressive: That new white convertible is totally awesome.
Yeah, I'd say that's pretty much about right. He's saying he's Awesome, meaning he's very impressive. That is in fact the correct meaning. Maybe you should follow some of your own advise..

He's not good on the mic, he's not good in the ring, he's just another generic loser(like cena) that WWE loves pushing
Actually, he's quite good on the Mic. Oh, but he doesn't swear.. So that means it's shit in your eyes.. Tell you what, go sit in a bathtub.. Fill it with water.. Plug in the Toaster, and drop it in the water. It will take you back in time to 1998. It's true, go try it, quick!

I can't wait for the day that undertaker, kane, triple h, edge, and jericho leave WWE so they don't have to be associated with this PG garbage anymore, these wrestlers were the shit during the AE, now all of them are nothing but a shadow of their former selves. they need to retire because they're destroying their legacies
Yes, because the Katie Vick thing was WONDERFUL. Kane "falling in love" did great for his career too :thumbsup: Oh, and not only that but I believe.. Yes, Jericho said a month ago that "This is the best work of my career right now" Hmm.. yeah, that sounds like it's pure shit alright, he must just be lying. Probably too many chair shots to the head during the "Greatest Era Ever!"

Theirs absolutly NO storyline other the main event, during the AE their were almost 6 huge fueds going on at once, and each of them grabbed the audience attention. Now all we have is cena is every main event, overcoming the odds and winning like always, and then we get to repeat the same thing next week, and the week after that
Well D.B/Miz, Vickie and Dolf, Kaval and LayCool, Who the GM is, Cody/Drew vs Matt/Christian. Yup, there is nothing going on that Cena is not involved in.. Again, if you are going to say you sleep threw the show, don't comment on whats going on! Maybe you're just dreaming about this imaginary product you're talking about. Drink some energy drinks, and watch RAW and Smackdown for once.

when WWE beat TNA on mondays, WWE fans were so happy but I was thinking "why are you happy, WWE is still the same and it's still shitty". The WWE fans actually thought WWE was going to step up and be entertaining again, but they didn't, it was just a usual lame Raw
I saw no need to step up their game at all, TNA was not a threat. Not a knock against them, but they have a shit load of work to do before they are a threat to the WWE. Even they admit that.

I'm this close to giving up on WWE, I can't take it anymore. I've been a loyal fan but it's gotten me nowhere, eventually it's just going to be time to move on. And no, I'm not moving on to TNA, they piss me off as well.
Take my bathtub advise.. Go back in time. Then you won't have to give up, and we wont have to read your ignorant, useless posts anymore.

Change your user name to "WWE PG" and then yes, I will say that, but until then, you my friend, are a moron. If everyone agrees with you, then why is your rep bar so low? Hmm.. Guess you were just talking out your ass, and thinking that everyone was on your side, just because you and your imaginary friends in your basement think so. This is an example of why Kids should stay in school. Hell, write a Attitude Era thread if you like. You're passionate about it, so cool, do it up. But don't be coming around knocking the PG rating when there are a lot of us who do enjoy it.
Well, Let's see... There is NOTHING wrong with the WWE being PG!!! WCW ran a VERY successful promotion without the use of blood or cursing for several years when they were beating the WWE in the ratings every week... WCW had excellent storylines, and they also had the Cruiserweight division... The problem with the WWE is NOT that they are PG, but that there doesn't seem to be much emphasis put into telling good stories... There is also this whole new wave of young talent that is not very appealing to the average person... Most of the new talent is OBVIOUSLY being shoved down our throats to the point that it is insulting... There is no way for the average person to relate to the Miz, R-Truth, Swagger, Nexus, etc... The only reason that a character like SCSA was so well liked is that the average person could easily relate to him... WWE just needs to get back to basics... By the way, I have not watched WWE programming for like 2 months...
If you need gratuitous sex and blood in every match to enjoy pro wrestling, you aren't a fan of pro are instead a fan of gratuitous sex and violence. You probably won't watch a movie that isn't rated R, or at the very least PG-13, because if doesn't have tits or the word "fuck" in it, why that just isn't a good movie!

The bottom line is that being PG is extending wrestlers ability to stay healthy. Maybe you are a heartless bastard who doesn't give a shit about their health as long as you had your fucked up blood lust satiated, but other people do care.

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