The PG era does suck, anyone whos say it doesn't is just trying to convince themselves that it's true, but it's not.
Or we're just not little cry babies stuck in the past wanting blood, and sex on TV. Go watch Porn.
The attitude era is what fans want and frankly, no one will EVER EVER EVER get over that era. You PG defenders can make a 100 threads defending the PG era, but no one is believing or buying it, you miss the attitude era and you know it.
No, not all of us want it actually. How many careers were ended, or cut short due to that era? How many people would still be alive today were it not for that era? How many damn threads to we have to see of you idiots bashing PG do we have to see? Unlike you, I like the product we have now. I know the wrestlers are actually taken care of now and we can have them for many years because they're not going to get fucked up by a chair shot gone wrong, or going threw a table badly.
I use to NEVER miss an episode of Raw during the attitude era,
Me neither, and I still don't. So what?
I remember one time I did and I started crying
Why is that not shocking? You're still crying.
Now-a-days, I can't even watch a full episode of raw without falling assleep,
Sounds like a medical problem.. You know they have pills for that right? Should look into it.
Wrestlers today would wish for the reaction a low-midcarder would get during the AE.
So the huge pop orton gets? Or the one Cena got in boston? Or the reaction Jericho gets each week, until doing something Heelish of course. How about the one Bret gets? You know, if you're going to say you don't watch much of the show, you cant comment on things that go on. Otherwise you just look ******ed..Oh.. Too late.
Today we have ******s like the Miz walking around,
I've never seen, or herd, anything about the Miz having sexual intercourse with another Male. Guess that means he's not a "******".
the miz is not awesome, he's not even using the word correctly(actually look up the word awesome).
inspiring awe: an awesome sight.
showing or characterized by awe.
Slang . very impressive: That new white convertible is totally awesome.
Yeah, I'd say that's pretty much about right. He's saying he's Awesome, meaning he's very impressive. That is in fact the correct meaning. Maybe you should follow some of your own advise..
He's not good on the mic, he's not good in the ring, he's just another generic loser(like cena) that WWE loves pushing
Actually, he's quite good on the Mic. Oh, but he doesn't swear.. So that means it's shit in your eyes.. Tell you what, go sit in a bathtub.. Fill it with water.. Plug in the Toaster, and drop it in the water. It will take you back in time to 1998. It's true, go try it, quick!
I can't wait for the day that undertaker, kane, triple h, edge, and jericho leave WWE so they don't have to be associated with this PG garbage anymore, these wrestlers were the shit during the AE, now all of them are nothing but a shadow of their former selves. they need to retire because they're destroying their legacies
Yes, because the Katie Vick thing was WONDERFUL. Kane "falling in love" did great for his career too

Oh, and not only that but I believe.. Yes, Jericho said a month ago that "This is the best work of my career right now" Hmm.. yeah, that sounds like it's pure shit alright, he must just be lying. Probably too many chair shots to the head during the "Greatest Era Ever!"
Theirs absolutly NO storyline other the main event, during the AE their were almost 6 huge fueds going on at once, and each of them grabbed the audience attention. Now all we have is cena is every main event, overcoming the odds and winning like always, and then we get to repeat the same thing next week, and the week after that
Well D.B/Miz, Vickie and Dolf, Kaval and LayCool, Who the GM is, Cody/Drew vs Matt/Christian. Yup, there is nothing going on that Cena is not involved in.. Again, if you are going to say you sleep threw the show, don't comment on whats going on! Maybe you're just dreaming about this imaginary product you're talking about. Drink some energy drinks, and watch RAW and Smackdown for once.
when WWE beat TNA on mondays, WWE fans were so happy but I was thinking "why are you happy, WWE is still the same and it's still shitty". The WWE fans actually thought WWE was going to step up and be entertaining again, but they didn't, it was just a usual lame Raw
I saw no need to step up their game at all, TNA was not a threat. Not a knock against them, but they have a shit load of work to do before they are a threat to the WWE. Even they admit that.
I'm this close to giving up on WWE, I can't take it anymore. I've been a loyal fan but it's gotten me nowhere, eventually it's just going to be time to move on. And no, I'm not moving on to TNA, they piss me off as well.
Take my bathtub advise.. Go back in time. Then you won't have to give up, and we wont have to read your ignorant, useless posts anymore.
Change your user name to "WWE PG" and then yes, I will say that, but until then, you my friend, are a moron. If everyone agrees with you, then why is your rep bar so low? Hmm.. Guess you were just talking out your ass, and thinking that everyone was on your side, just because you and your imaginary friends in your basement think so. This is an example of why Kids should stay in school. Hell, write a Attitude Era thread if you like. You're passionate about it, so cool, do it up. But don't be coming around knocking the PG rating when there are a lot of us who do enjoy it.