Moment that still gives you goosebumps today

As a big Flair, Hart, and Austin fan I'll say:

Flair, it's when he came back to Nitro with the Horesman to a great cheer from the fans and Bishoff comes out and tries to cut him off. Just seeing Flair comeback after being off for years, was awsome. That was better then his retirement night, imo.

Hart- When he came back to Raw after what went down in 97. Watching his Wrestling with Shadows dvd and what Vince said about him. Being away from the WWE for over decade, a place that he spent his life at, and everthing, to get screwed and get screwed again in WCW. It was a wonderful night seeing him on RAW.

Austin- Being a big fan, when he won the title at WM17. Being away for a year, coming back and winning it, not a better feeling. It doesn't matter he turned heel, most wrestlers can be gone and when they come back, it's not the same for them. But what he went through to come back really pick up were he left off, was amazing. Then his last match ever with the Rock at WM 19. Knowing that would be his last match ever, that brought a tear to my eyes. It was a good match betwen 2 of the best ever, and when The Rock pinned him. It was sad. 1) he laid down for The Rock and 2) he was never going to wrestle again. You could see, as he was walking up the ramp, that it was over.

And The Rock coming back was awsome
The moment that got me goosbumps is when The Rock came back to wwe back in 2004 on Monday Night Raw to help Eugene against La Resistance. That gets me everytime I watch it.
Great stuff, guys.

I guess I should finally post mine:

-Jeff Hardy hanging in mid air speared from Edge off ladder (WM 17)
There hasn't been anything to really top that...such a nasty bump and every time I watch it I'm still impressed.

-Bret Hart's return last year. "I've got 12 years of things I want to get off my chest, and the very first thing I want to do is call back there and ask Shawn Michaels to come out here and see me face to face."

-Jericho's debut. I'm in the majority this debut can't give you chills is beyond me. Absolutely amazing...a lot of credit goes to the great crowd that night.

-Shawn Michaels/Mike Tyson face off. Goes to punch and then rips off Tysons shirt revealing DX. A great angle and the way they pulled it off was even better!

-Jericho pinning HHH on Raw for first WWE title. (Of course it never was unbelievable and shocking at the time and looking back on it still brings a smile to my face.)

-Wrestlemania 17 intro.
Has to be Andre and Hogan on Pipers Pit when Andre ripped Hogans cross off. I dare say we will never see another spectacle quite like that in wrestling.
Edge spearing Jeff Hardy off the ladder while jeff was hanging in mid air.

When Eddie Guerrero won his first WWE title by pinning Brock Lesnar.It just amazed me because I wanted Eddie to win but Brock just seems like to much a challenge.

Stone Colds bleeding face when he didnt tap to Bret Harts Sharpshooter.

That moment they always show where the Ultimate Warrior is shaking the ropes and someones yelling out THIS PLACE HAS GONE CRAZY!!Cant pinpoint it.

And WM6 when Warrior beat Hogan
I think it has to be Jericho's debut, the crowd goes absolutely crazy. I absolutely love that moment, it has to be one of my favourite wrestling moments of all time, the pop when "JERICHO" appears on the titantron is unreal!

Goldberg making his WWE debut to square off against The Rock has to be up there too, I did not know that was coming at all

The moment where the "WWF" wrestlers turn around and side with Tommy Dreamer and RVD after they have invaded in 2001 is a special moment, as you can see the crowd realising that all these guys were former ECW wrestlers, and Paul Heyman announces "This invasion jsut got the...EXTREME!" I marked out for that moment, it was the beginning of my favourite period in wrestling by far.

The final one I can think of is Naitch's retirement ceremony, beautifully done. Nothing else needs to be said. It was perfect. Shame he has shit all over it in TNA now though.
This is a hard question... I mean there have been many moments that made me go OMG.. like seeing Vince on WCW or Eric Bischoff in WWE, the 97 Survivor Series screw job etc..

but as for EPIC among the EPIC?

(In no order)

1. I have to say Taker/mankind in hell in a cell tore down the house

2. Bash at the beach 96 formation of the NWO. (kids nowadays don't realize how different and shocking this was back then)

3. Stings entrance Starcade 97

4. Roddy Pipers debut in WCW with his promo on Hogan "they only cheered you because they hated me more!" it was full of truth!

5. WM 8 when Savage beat Flair for the title.. and the promo Flair , heenan, and Perfect had afterwords was epic.

6. Goldberg beating Hogan

7. Hogan vs Rock

8. NWO returns at No Way out

9. Andre vs Hogan WM3

10. Warrior beating Hogan WM6

11. Undertaker beating Hogan in the early 90's

12. Bret vs Owen

13. Sting beating Flair for the title the first time

14. Bigshow vs lesnar breaking the ring.. / Bigshow breaking the WCW ring

15. Stone Cold vs Rock (all of them)

their so many moments
The one moment that still gives me chills no matter what is the staredown between Hogan and The Rock at Wrestlemania 18. It was the biggest thing ever for me because my two favorite performers growing up were finally in the ring together. One was the icon of the past and the other was the icon of the present. It didn't hurt that the crowd was absolutely electric as well, which just gets me all that much more excited. The way they took their time and absorbed everything that was going on before the match finally began is just amazing. You could tell it was amazing to them like it was to us. Then at the end it was awesome to see Hulkamania return and he and The Rock pose.
Here is my list:

Taker v mankind. Mankind getting thrown off the top of the cage and cokeslamed through the cage was great to watch. Really makes me appreciate what the WWE wrestlers do to entertain us fans.

Triple H makes his return at MSG. Triple H is my fav wrestler of all time and i marked out soooo bad when he came out. He had the biggest pop i have ever heard, for sure.

Hogan's heel turn. Didnt see this coming. Loved it when Hogan said "all this crap in this ring represents all the fans in this arena" lol

WM (in 2000, i think) the triple threat TLC tag match between 3D, Hardy's and Edge and Christian. The part where jeff swanton's devon off the tall ldader onto the table. Always takes my breath away.

HBK v Taker At WM 25. I never get sick of watching this match and after all the tombstones, chokeslams and the sweet chin music's really makes me proud of being a fan of WWE. The hair on the back of my neck and arms always stand up when i watch this match.

Jericho's debute on Raw.

The Rock's return this past few weeks.

HBK return's at SS. After his long hiatus i never thought i'd see HBK back.

Shane O'Mac v Big Show. Shane jumping off the trioton thing onto Big Show. Still gives me goose bumps wenever i watch it.

In the invasion angle where it was WWF v WCW/ECW and Austin turns on team WWF giving WCW/ECW the win.

The crowd's reaction to Cena at ECW One NiGht Stand.

WM in 2000 where it was HHH v Foley v Big Show v ROck. Vince turing on Rocky causing HHH to retain the title. I remember watching this and marking out bad when hhh got the win. Gives me goosebumps whenever i watch it. Great finish to a great match.

I could go on forever... But i wont :)

I remember watching this in my house so fluidly. It was just the way that the crowd reacted, and how Hogan and The Rock looked to either side of the crowd. Really makes you wonder how Hulk fell so low as to where he's today, but that's the price you pay. Really great moment, still love watching it.

The Rock: "...Oh you want to know what the people did? They ran to the toilet, pulled their pants down and took one massive Hulka-crap!"


Back in 2003 I remember watching this on a Saturday morning and marking out. Kurt Angle came back after so much, he thought after Wrestlemania 18 that he'd never wrestle again, and yet he proved himself wrong and returned. Him walking down the ramp and the fans going nuts, another great moment. And Kurt was leading the "You suck!" chants. Classic.


I'm not a big fan of Triple H, I think he's an arogant prick but this return had my TV shaking due to how loud the people screamed in The Garden. And his promo was good too, and when Angle came looking for a fight it made it perfect.


I honestly believe that this is the greatest promo WWE have ever done. It almost made me want to cry, and I was happy they saved it for Mania. It was the beginning with the words across the screen and then Vince's word, "You deserved to be screwed Bret, you deserved to be screwed!!"
Stone Cold Steve Austin's return to help The Rock at Backlash 2000. I remember staying up 'till silly o'clock to watch the event only to be dissapointed when Mr Mcmahon announced that Austin would not be there. Then the moment...the sound of breaking glass, the pop from the crowd, the retun of The Rattlesnake to simply 'Arrive, Raise Hell, Leave.'

Mick Foley being launched off the top of the Cell by The Undertaker during their infamous Hell in a Cell match at King of the Ring 1998. Although the fall through the roof of the Cell was equally impressive, it was the initial spot with Mankind crashing through the announcer's table, coupled with JR's dramatic commentary made it a goosebump moment for me.

Jake Roberts' cobra biting Randy Savage. It was an amazing scene. All I can remember thinking as a kid was, "It's a cobra. Cobra's are poisonous. That's a real cobra. It's biting his arm. Holy S**t!"

The ring collapsing when Brock Lesnar superplexed the Big Show off the top turnbuckle on smackdown. Nobody was expecting it. Those unexpected moments are just magic and everybody reacts in the same way. Total disbelief, shock and awe.

"Oh, What a rush!" Hawk's announcement at the start of LOD's entrance, usually followed by a massive pop from the crowd was another goosebump moment for me.

The Rock and a bloodied Stone Cold eyeballing each other across the ring during the Royal Rumble 2001. You knew these two legends were going to trade blows dead centre of the ring.

When watching all of the above back time and time again, I get the same kick I did back when they originally happened.
IMO, WrestleMania 19 was the best WM of all time. There were moments in most every match that gave me chills

Including during the Mysterio vs Matt, Undertaker vs Big Show & A-Train, and Divas match?

BTW, my favorites moments have been mentioned so I'll mention this:

And also at the same match when Taker & HBK was clinging to each other to get to their two feet as the crowd chanted "This is awesome!!". That right there is beyond epicness. :worship:
Benoit's standing O after the match w/ angle at the RR. everyone knew it was truely awesome

Brets return to the wwe this past yr. if u didnt feel something, ur not a old school fan.

Cena at ONS- that my friends, is a HARDCORE crowd

this is truly a personal one- watching the warrior/savage career ending match when i was young. it was epic 4 me.
The staredown between Hogan and Andre in the opening moments of their WM3 match is truly the definition of epic.In those years of innocence,before I learned what kayfabe was,this was the single event that made me love this industry. I can remember the VHS tape of Mania III being rented out for months at the local video stores and when I finally got the tape,it was like Christmas morning. Seeing that staredown gave me chills as a child and I still get chills when I watch it. More recently,the retirement ceremony for Ric Flair on Raw. Seeing all the old stars I watched him team with and wrestle against as a child send him off still moves me,even if he bastardized it by going to TNA.
It would have to be survivor series 2001 when the wwf beat the alliance. The entire crowd was on their feet for the last minute of that match and When Kurt angle came in and hit Austin with the title it was epic.rocky made the pin the crowd completely erupted. I think the promo before the match was one of the best wwe has ever made aswell. IMO it was a great finish to a mediocre fued. I still love the look on stephanies face after the alliance lost.:lmao:

Also, as many posters above me ^^have stated Chris Jerichos 1999 debut. ,Everytime i see that video I have to rewind to see jerichos name apper on the screen and listen to the crowds reaction.:)
Jericho's debut was the moment for me, ill never forget the Rocks face, Priceless! Honorable mentions: Hogans heel turn, Lesnars botched shooting star press against angle, Eddie beating Brock, Goldberg's WWE debut that was epic! Awsome Thread!
off the top of my head, these moments gave me or in some cases still give me goose bumps:

1. Howard Finkel announcing that Randy Savage advanced in the WMIV tournament against the One Man Gang. I don't know why, but the way he says it gives me goosebumps.

2. Again Howard Finkel when announcing "the winner of this his farewell match.................Rowdy....Roddy....PI-PER!!!!" while the bagpipes were going off at WMIII.

3. Y2J's debut in 1999 interrupting the Rock.

4. ANytime I hear Austin's glass breaking.

5. The Ric Flair entrance on RAW the day after Survivor Series 2001.
Pretty much any moment in the Austin vs. McMahon feud. It just had great booking and so many awesome moments to it, you just can't pick one. The crowd went crazy everytime Austin would get McMahon and whenever I would see Austin vs. McMahon video packages, I would just get a rush from watching it and the music playing in the background, it was just epic.
Jericho's debut in 1999. I was so close to going to that show but had to turn it down because I had a test early the next morning in my Business Ethics class that I needed to prepare for.

I guess that's why I get the goosebumps...because I was so dang close to going to that show.

Not to mention...a guy I've loved since his days in ECW...was coming to my favorite promotion
#1 for me has to still be Hogan slamming Andre The Giant at WMIII. It makes me remember a time when I still thought wrestling was real, and the nightly news locally gave match results for stuff like Wrestlemania and Starcade.

Undertaker's debut at Survivor Series still does too, watched it last night as a matter of fact. What an entrance.
For me it involves Jericho but it isn't his moment... It's when Cena was traded to RAW the night after winning the title... This clearly was when the guys in the back didn't know who was moving where and when Cena's music hit, the crowd went ballistic, and (then heel) Jericho marked out in a legitimate way... You could tell he was excited and they winged the segment brilliantly... and you knew it would end up going somewhere... and it did... a year later, Jericho leaving after losing to Cena...
A moment that I forgot about but does still give me goosebumps is the moment when Vince McMahon and Eric Bischoof embrace after Vince announces Eazy E as the new General Manager on Raw.

After all the rivalry, dirty tricks and cheap shots during the Monday Night Wars, to see Bischoff on Raw was shocking enough, but then to see Vince hug him was a HUGE moment! There was no other man who could have done a better job of running Raw than Bischoff at that time, and it was great to see him back on TV.

I never thought we would see on a wrestling show again after the end of WCW, but it shows that Vince CAN put grudges aside when it comes to doing business, and Bisch was brought back as a strictly on camera role. He was the perfect choice as WWE fans hated him after WCW, and he ended up doing a great job as the heel GM of Raw.
The biggest one for me was the stare down between the Rock and Hogan at Mania 18. It's one of the biggest moments in wrestling history. You had the past meet the present. The match wasn't that great, but the crowd was amazing. Every time I watch that match I get chills.

Also Sting's entrance at Starrcade 97. The guy had not been in a match in over a year. He's been in the rafters or coming out from the fans doing run ins. It was fantastic to hear the crowd and him coming into the area.
First thing that sprung to mind was John Cena's return at the 2008 Royal Rumble. It was truly an "Oh Shit" moment. I couldn't believe it and I don't think many others could either. Cena was out with the neck injury and it was unclear as to when he would come back and shockingly enough he worked his tail off and returned to win the Royal Rumble. It was an awesome moment and you just couldn't help but root for the guy at that instance in time.
It may have already been posted, but the Shawn Michaels entrance at WM19 for his match against Chris Jericho is a moment that always gives me goosebumps.

It was AWESOME to see Mr Wrestlemania back on the grandest stage of them all, and his entrance for this match was brilliant. The crowd was going crazy, HBK was strutting and posing and flexing in his usual way as he came down the ramp and then used the foam cannons that were sitting alongside the entrance way to fire confetti into the crowd and then when he got into the ring and did his pose, pyro went off around the top of the entire stadium, rather than just down the ring.

The camera looked at Jericho's face during the entrance and he looked so disheartened by the awesomeness of it all, after claiming he was better than Michaels in the run-up to the match. After such a great entrance, I did not think the match could satisfy me, but it did.

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