Which Moment In History Still Gives You Goosebumps?

Definitely one of the times that I got goosebumps was when Vince anounced that he had done something insane and injected poison into the wwf. Of course that was when the NWO entered the wwf. Being a huge wcw fan back in the olden days, I was completely gob smacked that the NWO was moving from wcw to wwf.
Another time was when paul bearer came out with a red suit and resurrected kane to come down to the ring and kick DX ass. I got to admit kane's old chokeslams were one of a kind and in my opinion the best of them all, which I use to get goosebumps from when he performed them. See them for yourself:
One very underrated moments that will get crao because of personal things one member of the group did outsidee of wrestling, was the debut of the Radicalz.... I was a huge Eddie, Beniot, Melenko, and Saturn fan and when they crossed the barrier and attacked (cant remeber who) on RAW I went nuts. I only watcehd WCW at that time for Eddie and Beniot. Without that moment we might not have ever had some of the greatest matches those put on.
Surely it's already been mentioned, but for me, one memory that will always stick out in my mind is when Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero stood in the ring at the end of WrestleMania 20 holding the world championships that they had both worked so long and so hard to get. At the time, it was a happy, proud... It was just a great moment. Now, both men are dead. It's almost bitter sweet. It makes me think back on all the great moments throughout their career and their deaths. It's something I'll never forget and it's something that will never lose its feeling.
When HHH returned to Raw in 2002 after the first quad injury. The reaction he got at MSG that night was insane. I'll never forget jumping out of my chair when HHH and Kurt Angle started going at it.
Eeeeeaaaaasssssssyyyyyy. The debut of Y2J. It was the greatest debut in the history of the business. I downloaded that clip and watch it to this day a couple times a month or so and still gives me goosebumps. From the time that clock comes up on the Titantron until you hear those wonderful magical amazing words "Break the Walls Dowwwwwnnnnn" and Jericho's name is blown up on the Titantron and the lights come on and there he is with his signature pose... still epic. No debut will ever... EEEEEEVVVVVVVER top the debut of Y2J in the WWE.
There are so many to choose. A bunch of people are saying Y2J's first debut, and I agree 100% with that. No one knew who the hell was coming out with the countdown, Break the Walls Down goes off, and you see Jericho at the top of the stage, it was a hell of an entrance.

Now I am a huge Rock, Jeff Hardy, and Chris Benoit fan.

So first with Rocky, I have to go back to him choosing the WWF during the Invasion angle. At the time I thought wrestling was real and had no idea which he was going to choose. He Rock Bottoms Vince and I thought no freaking way. Then he Rock Bottoms Shane and then does the People's Elbow. Then that night he had a gravely voice and out comes "Finally...The Rock has come back...to the WWF". JR went nuts and so did I.
Obviously Rock vs. Hogan was just amazing.

When it comes to Jeff Hardy, anytime he is in a gimmick match and does a huge Whisper in the Wind or Swanton. Royal Rumble 2000 is quite possibly my biggest mark out moment, when Jeff does the Swanton off the balcony on D'von, it is just amazing. Or at Summerslam in the first TLC when he gets back up from the missed Swanton, and is hanging with D'von holding onto the belts. I truly thought Jeff was going to just grab them and fall. Jeff against Umaga in the cage match last year, Whisper in the Wind off the top of the cage right on Umaga is just sick, I had to watch that replay like 50 times the next day. And lastly was Jeff winning the title at Armageddon. It was just awesome.

For Benoit, when he was going up against the Rock with Shane in his corner, I hated him. He was a good heel, and was always beating up on Rocky and almost won the title like 2 or 3 times with the Crossface. But then it all changed with his ladder match against Jericho for the IC title. He lost but that match was just awesome. But for Benoit it is obviously him making HHH tap at Mania XX. The whole match was awesome with HBK added in to the Triple Threat. Then Eddie came out and they embraced each other as best friends, and as champions. Truly inspiring with all of the emotions.
A dont think anyones mentioned it but what about John Cenas Royal Rumble return ?
I am by no means a Cena fan but i almost fell off my seat and sat with my mouth open as my jaw dropped when i seen Cenas music hit and i got goosbumps then. One of the very few surprises WWE have kept latly.
easily benoits title win at wm 20 having him standing next to eddie was just great.and at the time.when john cena was first drafted to raw.i honestly didnt see it coming.so that was huge for me.and like people previously said.cm punk cashing in money in the bank on edge.man i was at the edge of my seat when his music hit and he came out with breifcase in hand and a referee pointing towards edge.im sure there are others to
there is a few moments I want to mention, some very recent and some older ones.

1. Jeff Hardy vs The Undertaker Ladder match 2002 i think...
Jeff Hardy touches the Undisputed Championship with his finger tips on it. Then I got them again when Jeff got on the mic at the end and said "Taker, you haven'rt broken me! I can still stand!" Loved it :)

2. The second was when Shawn Michaels won the WWF title and fell to the ground and hailed the Championship, I actually get tears when I see that. It epitomizes the business for me.

3. The best I think over all, was when Shawn Michaels said "I'm sorry, I love you" to Ric Flair at Wrestlemania 24. Wow what a moment, love it.
I think i have the greatest one for this thread that noone mentioned..... Picture this Royal Rumble 2001.... Kane getting beat up by like 6 guys.... suddenly undertakers music hits comes out in his bike and helps kane clear ring... sick right? but thats not it.... nexrt out is scotty too hotty... taker/kane kick his ass, couple of chokeslams and throw him over the rope..... they wait countdown 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 GLASS SHATTERS... Austin comes out... crowd erupts and goes crazy since he was face at the time..... but triple h came from behind and beat him up before he could enter... crazy stuff though
The Eddie Guerrero tribute video they played on RAW with Johnny Cash's Hurt always gives me goosebumps. They couldnt have picked a better song

I was at that show and I am not ashamed to admit that there was a tear or two on my face as that played.
I have two of them. HHH returning from his first quad tear was insane. The place was rockin' like no other ovation I have ever heard to this day. Also, When Goldberg beat Hogan for the belt. It was a great time in my household.
This is my first post I have to say I have been reading this for a long time but to afraid to ever post. But The most recent goosebumps (key word recent)

1. CM punk cashing in MITB on Raw

2. Cena coming back at the Royal Rumble did not see that coming at all

There has been a lot of that still give me goosebumps to this day but to many to count. so just went with what was recent
I do have to agree with some of you on a couple of mine.
5. LOD's First return to WWE/F

4. Shawn Michaels superkicking Marty Jannety through the glass. No one has said this one yet, but that one moment was the most extreme thing the wwf did at that time. Maybe since Snuka getting the cocanut. But this one moment could have been the beginnings of the attitude era.

3. Beniot and Eddie no question. When Beniot was celebrating only to turn around to see Eddie there. I mean 5 years before that who would have ever thought that 2 former WCW guys would be holding WWF Heavyweight gold at the same time.

2. Rock's speech in 2002. He wasnt supposed to be back for a few weeks, but with Austin gone, he spoke from the heart telling everyone in the back if they didnt want to be there then get the "f" out.

1. This is to me anyway The return of Ric Flair after the whole Eric Bichoff mess in WCW. It wasnt a surprise or anything, but to have the horsemen out there and listening to Arn talk, The crowd went Ballistic.
"UNDER...SUDDEN...DEATH....RULES." HBK winning the title from Bret at WrestleMania XII. Great couple of minutes there.

Another is obviously Foley's fall from the top of the cell. Subsequently, Lawler's comment of "That's it, he's dead."

The "I'm all grown up" promo, set to the production song "Revelations". Love that song.
Shawn Michaels' nWo return was a big one for me. I was a huge mark for him back in the day.

The Benoit/Angle cage match from, I believe, 2001. The moonsault was, by far, the high spot (pun intended) of that match....hell, of the night.

The Benoit tribute show. Obviously this was before the facts came out....but I remember being at my buddies house and we had missed most of Raw, just catching the last few minutes, and the HBK/Triple H/Benoit match from WrestleMania was playing, and one of my buddies said "maybe it's a tribute show"....and BAM! We were all speechless, it was unreal.
Most recently, though I'm not his biggest fan, CM Punk cashing MOTB on Edge. I marked hard, and still kind of do. When I see the "My Sacrifice" videos of wrestlers, I still get goosebumps, notably Austin's. All-time, I'd have to say Chris Jericho becoming the first undisputed WWE champ, bc I loved him as a jobber in WCW and knew his time would come and it finally did.
For me, it comes down to three moments.

3. Hogan vs Goldberg: Goldberg beats Hogan and wins the WCW World Heavyweight Championship for the first time. I totally marked out for this match and still do because of how electric the crowd was for the match.

2. Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart (WM XII): I've been a fan of HBK since this match, because it was when I first really got into wrestling and was probably the first PPV I sat and watched with my friends. When I watch it now, I still get goosebumps seeing HBK hit that final Sweet Chin Music and pinning Bret. These two put on amazing matches every time they stepped into the ring together.

1. Stone Cold vs Shawn Michaels (WM XIV): Definately the top of my list for this one. The only wrestler I ever liked more than HBK was Austin. Seeing these two duel it out was awesome. Plus seeing Stone Cold finally win the title and hearing JR shout "STONE COLD! STONE COLD! STONE COLD!" and "THE AUSTIN ERA HAS BEGUN!" was just unreal. I still mark out every time I watch the match, even knowing the ending. This moment I think was even the biggest moment in WWF's history, because this pretty much kicked off the Attitude Era and led to some of the best storylines and matches in WWF's history.

Honorable Mention: Jericho "winning" the WWF Title from Triple H, only to have the decision reversed 10 minutes later. It's a shame they didn't put the title on him for real after that, seeing as how great the crowd reaction was when he won.
For me it would have to be January 4, 1999. I didn't see it when it actually happened but i saw it on Youtube and was amazed. The Rock and Mankind fighting for the WWF Championship. Mankind was winning and Ken Shamrock hits him, which prompts Billy Gunn to get involved a huge brawl between the Corporation and DX broke out. All of a sudden, the glass breaks and the fans go nuts. Out comes Austin and kicks ass. The electricity in that arena must have been incredible and the sight of the crowd jumping up ecstatically was amazing.

Honorable mentions: January 1998, Mike Tyson and Austin. Wrestlemania X8, Rock vs. Hogan. Wrestlemania XX, Benoit/Guerrero finish. November 2005, Eddie Guerrero Tribute Shows.
My "goosebump" moment...well actually there's 2 that I can watch over and over again...first was when The Rock finally beat Triple H 4 the WWF championship at Backlash 2000 it was so dramatic n the build up was so well done that when The Rock went over I almost got emotional..I still get a lil emotional..lol...and the other was SummerSlam '03 when Goldberg completely dominated every1 in da Elimination Chamber...he speared Orton in half..he destroyed HBK..he speared Y2J thru a chamber then 4 good measure jack-hammered him and finally he kicked in 1 of the chambers 2 get his hands on Triple H...that was the most dominating performance in a losing effort in wwe history..
I just thought of another one. Eric Bischoff's first WWE appearance.


It would've been perfect, if not for Booker T's line at the end. Nonetheless, shivers!!
When Foley was thrown off the cage and through the announcer's table, with J.R. screaming "As God as my witness, they have broken him in half!". Even 11 years later I still get goosebumps when I see a highlight of that.
Mine is Bret Hart going into the Hall of Fame. Being a huge Bret/Owen Hart fan my whole life then when they showed his video I freaked out. To top it off I bought the WM travel package from WWE so I had tickets to the HOF.

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