Funniest moments in WWE or all of wrestling

Well I think the whole Perry Saturn - Moppy angle was hilarious! But a stand out was when Regal was Commissioner and Tajiri was his assistant, and they were trying to replace Moppy after Raven kidnapped her. As Tajiri tried to explain they found Moppy, Saturn exclaimed "That's not Moppy! That's just a mop with a face on it!!" Regal looked at Tajiri after Saturn left and said something like "well you really made a mess of that didn't you?" I can't find this on youtube so if anyone has it please post - as fucnny as DX, Austin, Rock and Foley were, this one always stood out for me.
I'd have to go with when they were interviewing Stephanie and she was talking shit towards Stone Cold and Debra. As she was talking, Stone Cold came up behind her and suddenly started yelling at Stephanie with "What" over and over again. All she could do was scream and run away. Great times.

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I cant believe no one has mentioned the Nation Impersonation skit on RAW. That still is one of the funniest moments ever. Look it up kiddies
my funniest moment is when the rock and stone cold say each others cath phraes at s series and the rock says wha wha what
Without a doubt Vince McMahon in hospital and Mankind shows up with the balloons and then Stone Cold beats the living crap out of him and hits him with a piss pan. That will always be a stand out moment for me!

Scott Steiner's "history lesson" always gets me, too.
Scott stieners rants always get me too.."I'm hungary" if more funny cause I have no idea what the hell he's even trying to say.
There's one Royal Rumble where Genichiro Tenryu stood around 90% of the time he was in the match. Just stand there and watch walk five feet repeat.

Survivo Series 90 promo with Tito Sananta, HUlk Hogan , and the Ultimate Warrior. Tito's catch prhase was arriba so Warrior being Warrior during his promo called Tito arrivederchi. Crap want comedy just watch a bunch of Warrior promos its so off the wall that a lot of is unintentally hilarious.

World Class or USWA whatever Jerry Jarrett was calling the Dallas territory at the time. I think it was Eric Embry could be wrong in a cage match involving Skandar Akbar or one of his cronies, wll the Punisher who would later become the Undertaker came out from under the ring bloodied up Embry if it was Embry could be wrong. Well they tried to blur out the blood but the whole time blurred out two feet from the blood. Seriously they went to the studio to blur out blood and the whole segment they were two feet away.
What about the time when DX invaded WCW. I was pissing my pants. When hhh goes 'Today we embark on a journey to the South. We will go to (southern accent) WCW wrasslin'. Then they asked some dude 'ddid u pay for that ticket?' and he goes 'no , they gave it to me for free'
A recent one that comes to mind is Santino's tea party with Koslov and Sheamus. I could not stop laughing seriously, Santion is comedy gold.
''Would you like your tea milky?''
@pba_sensation i'll second that! Dx parodies nation...the most hillarious segment ever.
All steiner rock were funny too

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