Moment that still gives you goosebumps today

The biggest one for me was the stare down between the Rock and Hogan at Mania 18. It's one of the biggest moments in wrestling history. You had the past meet the present. The match wasn't that great, but the crowd was amazing. Every time I watch that match I get chills.

This. I cannot remember any match where the crowd flip flopped for who they were supposed to root for as loudly. The cheers the heel Hollywood Hulk Hogan received genuinely affected him emotionally. The Rock, the biggest face of the WWF, instantly became the bad guy, based solely on the crowds adoration of his opponent. Watching their facial reactions to the crowd, you can tell they both understood not only what was happening, but more importantly, why.

It was Wrestlemania.
It was Hulk Hogan.

How could it possibly have ended any other way?
Me being a huge HBK fan ever since i could remember, It had to be back in 97, I was about 10 years old, and I remember sitting on the floor one night and watched bret hart roll his ass to the ring in a wheelchair and talk to HBK and he kept saying that Shawn wanted to hit Bret but he didnt have the heart to do it. Shawn then turn his back, and Sweet Chin'd Bret Hart's ass right over that wheelchair. It's a moment I remember like it happened yesterday. At that time I was already an HBK fan, I used to do his entrance in my underwear in my room and be HBk when I wrestled with my older cousins, but this moment, showed me how deadly he really was. It was so funny for me to see it and how bret hart was laying there after he got kicked.
Alot of mine are already posted but meh, i'll do it anyhow. In no partcular order after the first two....

1: Hulk Hogan v.s. Andre, WMIII. I still vividly remember it and still watch it at least once per year. Incredible. From the moment Hogans music hits until the end of the card. If there was one man who could have derailed Hulkamania and beat Hogan it was Andre. That was a match where despite what some may say you honestly had no idea who would win, even if you were "smart" to the business. To see those two stare one another down, then the bodyslam and win, words can't describe it.

2: Ultimate Warrior v.s. Hulk Hogan, Wrestlemania VI. Another incredible one. THE two biggest babyfaces in the business going head to head. The Little Warriors v.s. The Hulkamaniacs. The crowd for the first time in WWF history split down the middle. Absolutely incredible watching Warrior get the pinfall clean on Hogan.

3: Sting beating Ric Flair for the NWA World Title. For several years leading up to it Sting and Flair waged war and Sting could never get over the hump to beat Flair. Absolutely awesome when he FINALLY pulled out the win and took his place as the face of WCW.

4: Warrior returning to save Hogan, Wrestlemania 8. After vanishing for quite a long time Warrior was back outa nowhere. Awesome moment.

5: Hulk Hogan signs with WCW. That was absolutely incredible. For the longest time JCP/WCW, despite having the better talent, gimmicks, promos and matches was long looked at as 2nd fiddle to Hogan and the WWF. All of a sudden it was real, Hulk Hogan was back and back in WCW. Overnight WCW was officially THE promotion and the possibilities and new feuds Hogan could have were on everyones mind.

6: Wrestlemania 12, Warrior returns again. After a four year absence finally, The Warrior had come back... To the WWF.... And dispatched his opponent in under a minute.

7: Ultimate Warrior beats Honky Tonk Man for the IC Title in 28 seconds. That was amazing, amazing stuff. HTM was the man for years and held that belt. Soon as the music hit the goosebumps were up, Honky had never faced a guy like Warrior... 28 seconds later Warrior is the champion.

8: Hulk Hogan turns heel. What can you say? For over a decade Hogan was the man and the face of Pro Wrestling. Millions and millions of us grew up idolizing him and he turns heel. Out of nowhere Hogan comes out and you're expecting Hulkster to Hulk Up on the Outsiders yet he turns on his best friend and becomes a bad guy. Shocking, mindblowing and I still remember it being ALL OVER the TV news, newspapers and being discussed all day on radio shows. One of the biggest events in wrestling HISTORY.

9: Ultimate Warrior arrives to WCW. It was a long time coming and was great to see him in WCW and as a fan I can tell you we Warrior fans were pumped to see the run that never happened but should have.

10: Y2J walks out on Nitro. The most entertaining, charismatic guy in WCW, live on Raw? Interrupting The Rock?! I don't know someone couldn't get chills. That was bigger than Scott Hall interrupting Nitro and amazing. That was a brilliant play by the WWF I gotta say, take one of the most over characters in WCW, sign him and throw him out there with your biggest stars on day one was brilliant.

11: Goldberg beats Hogan live on Nitro. What can you say? Goldberg was hot as molten lava, was on his streak and was going up against Hogan with all of Hogans stroke and beats him clean. It was amazing as was the pops and size of that crowd, 50,000 live on a Monday Night?

12: Ric Flair and the 4 Horsemen return on Nitro. Absolutely AWESOME as can be.

13: Chris Benoit and Booker T best of 5 series. One of the greatest series of matches I had ever seen and it made the fans seriously start looking at Chris Benoit and Booker T as Main Eventers.

14: The Radicalz join the WWF. The nail in WCW's coffin was right here. There was no possible way to rebound after that without committing years to showcasing and building new replacements. In one move WCW loses two guys the fans looked at as guys who should have been Main Eventing and two workhorse upper midcarders who should have been fringe M.E. guys. While I was sad to see WCW lose those guys and knew we had pretty much lost the way for several years after that point it was incredible to see them just show up on RAW.

15: Triple H's worked shoot on RAW when X-Pac returned. I hated DX and Michaels but seeing Triple H break out into his own person and step up that night it was chilling how he put himself on a whole new level.

16: Triple H returns from quad surgery. That music hitting and his return was great.

17: WCW announces during a Nitro that Eric Bischoff AND Vince Russo would be returning to WCW as a team. That was absolutely incredible and I still get chills imagining what could have been.

18: Eric Bischoff walks out on RAW. Never in a million years did I think that would happen.

19: Hogan v.s. Rock at Wrestlemania. Another one I NEVER thought I would see and to witness it was magical. Is still magical.
Wrestlemania XIV had 2 goosebump moments

1. Undertaker's entrance to the ring to fight Kane. The druids, his entrance, the ovation he had that was just amazing.

2. Austin walking to the ring, his face tells a whole story. You could tell this was his moment at the top.
without a doubt seeing hhh tap out to benoit at WM20. fantastic match and great to see benoit finally realise his dream.

another is jeff hardy beating hhh for the ic title.i was a huge hardys fan as a kid and despite the fact that both matt and jeff have turned out to be utter disgraces this moment still gives me chills.

also any time scsa randomly made an appearence in the last 6 years.

theyr the ones off the top of my head bu theres plenty more. good thread.

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