Well, there has been alot of moments that has pissed me off.
First that comes to mind was when Hogan defeated the Undertaker for the WWF Championship. I mean, I have been a Taker's fan since he got in the WWF/Eand eventhough he beat Hogan (when Hogan got up from The Tombstone it pissed me off to) not cleanly I was happy and curious to see how he would do as Champion, and guess what, 6 days later Hogan takes it away cheating too and all that to vacate the Title.
Bret Getting the belt from the Undertaker after HBK interfiered. I was like: "This has to be bs", I liked Bret a lot but man, Taker deserved better (kayfabe wise).
The Montreal deal with Hart and and HBK, because I didn't know what was going on at all, I heard the Spanish broadcast and thwey were saying: "this is Hart's last match in the WWF" and I was like: "What the Hell are they talking about?" and then it happened. I don't hold a grundge to anyone but at the moment it pissed me off because I wanted Bret to win the rematch.
Kurt Angle giving The victory to JBL over Eddie, for me that was absolutely crap, even with the replay, Still feels like he was robbed, and well, JBL complete reign to be exact, it completely pissed me off.
John Cena beating Edge after Edge Cashed in. I mean, He just enter the main event scene and lost it in 3 weeks and by Tapping out! I mean Cena had just lcked the STF and Edge was already tapping, that was bs.
HHH tapping out to the STF so damn close to the Ropes at WM 22, I was like: "dude, the rope are right infront of you, just grab them"
HHH defeating Edge at GAB last year, have to admit I am also an Edge fan, so it piised me off.
Edge getting out so early of the EC at NOW and HHH defeating the Undertaker at the end. I was rooting for Taker and Edge as the last 2 and Taker winning it, eventhought That made no sense at all for storylines. I at least hoped for Edge to take it home by cheating but he didn't lasted enough, well at least he won the other one.
Jonh Cena winning the World title at WM 25 HHH defeating Orton (and I don't like Orton). I was rooting for Edge and as far as the other match goes, I though at the time "why so much build up to make him HHH's B*ch at WM?". I mean I respect HHH but that year from Backlash to Mania he sweeped the entire Roster, from Raw to Smackdown to Raw again, even if that is right, when you see the wreslter you support lost clean to anyone you get pissed off. So yes I get pissed off a lot
