No you're right mate. If someone is in the HOF they don't appear in the Alumni section. If you check the Alumni section there are NO Hall Of Famers in it and never have been. The Alumni section is made up of former WWE/F stars who are not yet in the HOF.
The whole point I'm trying to make with Hogan and Flair being removed from the alumni page is that WWE reacted to the Hogan/TNA signing,and possibly Ric Flair,and I thank Pbenglish for understanding that . Because if they didn't care about it, why would they take them off the alumni page? Gameover also made a good point earlier about Savage and Warrior. They really haven't been in the spotlight for a long time, so I guess Vince wouldn't care if they were on the alumni page. Hogan and Flair are hall of famers when it comes to pro wrestling. Nobody can take that away from them. For example, Billy Graham is still listed on the HOF page, and we all know he's had a falling-out with Vince in the past, and recently.