What moment in wrestling pissed you off?

Hogan defeating Shawn Michaels at Summerslam 2005 annoyed me SO much. I don't generally care about who wins a match, but Hogan winning made NO sense. He's left the company, so it's hardly helping him gain momentum or anything else. I know Shawn didn't really need a win, but he'd have done more with it than Hogan did.

Along with this, Hogan going over Orton. I understand that Hogan works what he wants to, and he doesn't have to lay down, but why book this? Orton was in his legend killing mode, and adding Hogan to the mantle would have been HUGE for his build. Hogan ended up leaving and there was nothing left to it, just him beating an up and comer with nothing gained for the guy who stayed.
Orton not beating Triple H at WM 25
Austin joining the Alliance
Mae Young giving birth to a hand

Umm quite a long list and each one varies when you think about it. But Orton is one of the top guys here and Triple H should've stepped aside at Mania for Gods sake.
From TNA in 2005, Raven had won the NWA title, and got screwed out of it at a non-TNA show by Jeff Jarrett and AMW. 2005 was the first year I got into wrestling so I didnt really know much about kayfabe and stuff. I knew Jeff Jarrett was the owner of whatever, so I was thinking "what the hell! TNA hates Raven! The wrestling business is a sham!"
I remember mine VERY well, because it actually upset me to the point where I broke furniture in my dorm room Freshman year of college.

Chris Jericho's WWF Title win over Triple H is reversed by Earl Hebner.

Remember, I am probably the biggest Jericho fan in the world. I think so, anyway. So when he beat Triple H at State College, PA on Raw at the height of the McMahon / Helmsley Era, I went nuts. I ran around my dorm shouting "game over!" and shed tears.

10 minutes later, the greatest moment of my sports fan life (outside of the 1995 Stanley Cup finals and the NJ Devils sweep of the Red Wings) was mercilessly ripped away from me. Threatened with bodily harm, Earn Hebner reversed the decision and Jericho returned the belt.

A chair broke. 2nd week of college, I think. I hid it in the lounge so I didn't have to pay for it.
I get so pissed when wwe adverties a match just to change it to a bullshit tag match.
HHH vrs Basta on raw is one example they talked about the match all week and changed it to tagteam.
I was super pissed in 1997 at Fully loaded when Rock beat Chris Beneit because Beneit was my fav at the time and i was there.

Durring one PPV i don't rember what one HHH and the Rock was in a Iornman match with HBK as spicel Ref. Undertaker came down and chokeslams HHH at the last sec. Rock got DQ and HHH won the match and i throu stuff. There is a lot of outher stuff as WWE is good at pissing me off but the biggest thing is Raws Celabrity gust host. This pisses my off enough to think about stop watching raw for awile. tho i know i wont.
Oh yea Hornswoggel Pisses me off to.
When he was the little Bastered hiding under the ring helping a heel finley he was ok. Now he is pissing me off week after week. both of Koffy kingstons title reains. no story
for me i think it would be the last three money in the bank cash ins (Edge,Punk,Punk), they've all been the exact same thing , champ has been given a beatdown, then for the MITB winner to come down and then cash it in, where's the variety
Orton having to wait 3 years to win a world title after his first title in 2004 pissed me off they made him the youngest champ in the companies history he lost it to HHH and they didnt give him another title til 2007 when he got a lengthy rein. I dont understand how WWE would make him champ for one month then we would have to wait until October 2007 to see Orton wear World Championship Gold again

Steel Cage Match Extreme Rules 2009 also pissed me off they gave Batista a world title reign which i aint pissed about its the fact it was when he had a legit injury its like wot the hell hes injured so were gonna plant a belt on him and have him get his ass kicked the next night on Raw it was just a stupid thing for WWE to do
I was super pissed in 2007 when Edge won the MITB contract from Mr Kennedy, because i was a huge Kennedy mark, and then fully livid to learn that he'd cashed in on Taker and stolen the title basically, after he'd only won it at Mania the month before. Of course it makes sense considering both Kennedy and Taker were injured, but when you don't learn that until later it tends to piss you right off if you're an Undertaker fan.

Also in 2002 when Taker lost the title to Rock in that triple threat match everyone loves so much with Angle. Rock comes back from doing a movie, wins the belt straight away, loses it to Lesnar the next month. WHAT WAS THE POINT IN THAT? WHY NOT JUST HAVE TAKER LOSE IT TO LESNAR?

Ah hem....

I didn't watch last years Royal Rumble live, so when i came online to see who won, to learn that fuckin Cena had returned and won the match, i was super pissed. I was so looking forward to another 3 or 4 months with no Cena on WWE TV and he comes back and wins the Rumble. Not only that he did it from the #30 spot, which Taker was the first person to do it the year before, so it totally cheapened Taker's achievement as well.

And finally, everytime Vickie Guerrero had a microphone in her hand. I literally changed channels when she came on. She didn't make me watch to hate her, she actually drove me away from watching WWE whenever she appeared on camera.
Orton having to wait 3 years to win a world title after his first title in 2004 pissed me off they made him the youngest champ in the companies history he lost it to HHH and they didnt give him another title til 2007 when he got a lengthy rein.I dont understand how WWE would make him champ for one month then we would have to wait until October 2007 to see Orton wear World Championship Gold again

I think this was more due to the fact that when Orton first won the title (some may say to cheapen Lesnars win), they realised he was not neearly ready for the title and still required quite a bit of grooming, hence a quick feud to end it. He had some great feuds in between the wins to tide him over however, so it wasn't terrible, and it made his 2007/8 run so much better I thought.
Hmmm.... well there's a few moments I suppose.

- Montreal Screwjob.
- Khali winning the WHC. I mean honestly... WTF?!
- Triple H/Orton match WM25 was pure shit.
- Jeff Hardy's first WWE title reign was booked like shit. Didn't even have him on Smackdown for weeks.
- Batista's WWE title win 09.
- Edge getting injured 09. Sorry but it did piss me off, I wanted to see Jericho/Edge for a bit longer. Not pissed at Edge, just the situation.

All these things pissed me off to a certain extent but honestly nothing's really gotten under my skin that much, move on it's just a show. :)
The first time I ever really got upset was when Goldberg's streak ended in '98. I was a huge Goldberg mark at that time and it felt to me that his undefeated streak was very "real" indeed. When Scott Hall shocked him with the cattle prod and Kevin Nash pinned him for the win, it had felt as if the whole world had been pulled out from under me. I hated wrestling.

Other times include:
-Kennedy's injuries / release
-Every time Vickie and Edge made out...I felt it was a disgrace and a sick slap in the face to the legacy of Eddie Guerrero.
-HHH retaining over Orton at WM25
-when WWE had Kurt Angle say all those bad things about the troops in an attempt to turn him heel...deep down in his heart you knew he did not believe in what he was saying.
Okay, I'm really gonna be dating myself here, but the first one was at Summerslam in 1988.

My favorite wrestler at the time (don't give me any crap, I was twelve) was Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake. Unbeknownst to me at the time, he had a parasailing accident that left his face a rebuilt mess.

One of my least favorite wrestlers at the time was the Ultimate Warrior. I had seen him here in Dallas in WCCW a couple years before as the Dingo Warrior, and thought that his name was stupid. So I didn't like the guy even after he changed his name.

So, yes, Summerslam '88... Brother Bruti was scheduled to take on the Honky Tonk Man for the Intercontinental Title, but Brutus couldn't go. HTM ranted, "Get me somebody out here!" And who comes out?

The Ultimate Warrior. And he won before Honky even got his sequined jumpsuit taken off.

I knew that two good guys would never face each other in those days, so there went Brutus' chance at the belt, a belt which actually used to mean something.

Close runners up were Hebner taking away Jericho's title win over Triple H (started drinking to celebrate and by the end of the show was drinking away my sorrows), and Shawn Michaels throwing Marty Janetty through the "Barber Shop" window.

Oh, and the Brother Love show.
The moment that pisses me off the most was Curt Henning turning on the horsemen during the wargames match @ fallbrawl 97. Henning was an excellent choice to replace Arn Anderson and I had high hopes for the Horseman. Finally they'd get over on the NWO. Beniot and Henning would make a great tag team. But we all know how it turned out. Henning slamming the cage door into Flairs head and Mongo giving up thus having the horsemen lose..
The thing that pissed me off more than anything else was when Vince McMahon changed the main event of WrestleMania VIII after I had already purchaced my tickets.

Throughout the 80s there was one match that the fans kept talking about (HOLLYWOOD) HULK HOGAN vs Ric Flair. It was the match we all wanted but never thought we would see. Finally it was about to happen.

There had been a great build up to it as well, starting from Flair's arrival in the WWF (with the competition's World title belt no less) proclaiming himself to be the REAL World champion. Then Flair got involved in HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S title defense againt the Undertaker thus causing the title to be held up. This lead to Flair's classic 1992 Royal Rumble victory to win the WWF World title.

Finally the stage was set for the biggest match of all time to take place at WrestleMania VIII. I stood in line for hours to get those tickets. My frends and I had to pay for our own tickets and find our own transportation. That was a lot for us as young as we were. But we managed to do it. It was worth it to see the most antisipated match of all time!

But then suddenly, and for no apparent reason, Vince changed the main event to Flair vs Randy Savage and HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN vs Sid Justice (Vicious). WTF?!?! I was soooooo pissed of. To this day I have never forgiven McMahon. In fact this is what caused me to dislike the WWF.

Prior to this I was 100% behind the WWF. I always supported them over other promotions. But this was too much. When WCW promoted the match themselves I welcomed WCW with open arms. :wcw: I never once watched RAW over Nitro. :nwo:

Vince even had the chance to make it right (or at least better) by having HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN face Ric Flair at WrestleMania 24. They could have promoted the biggest feud of all time (which started when they were in different promotions) talked about how fans have always debated who was truly the greatest of all time. Now they have saved the best for last. On the biggest event in pro wrestling for the first time ever, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN will face Ric Flair in a loser must retire match.

:hogan: vs :flair:

That would have been much more exciting that Flair vs Michaels which, while not a bad match, was nothing special (other than Flair's retirement).

I still think about that day in 1992. :banghead:
The defining moment for US wrestling fans: Vince McMahon last man standing.

The collapse of what critics and so-called experts of the professional wrestling industry in America at the time called the "wrestling bubble". What it meant is that ECW and WCW both folded and the only remaining company was the WWF (later the WWE). In my view it was the darkest day of professional wrestling - indeed, the end of professional wrestling, killed by "sports entertainment".

Screw "sports entertainment" and screw people who are actually fans of this mockery of the long standing tradition that used to be American professional wrestling. I don't care if Vince McMahon is the Eskimo selling snowcones to you folks. The fact is that it's been seven years worth of garbage television. Why does anyone buy into this crap?

What pissed me off about it is really simple, the business went from a vibrant and bustling sprawl of an industry that was the equivalent of the 80's hair metal phenomenon (and metaphorically, just as colorful with all the excesses), to well...Vince McMahon's boring ass one trick pony.

Just the showcase of foreign talent in WCW and ECW alone is worth pining for. Anyone not offended by what wrestling is these days just likes vanilla ice cream and would burn Ben & Jerry's, Baskin & Robbins, (insert your local ice cream shop here) to the ground.

"Who needs that many flavors?"

I can give the devil (McMahon) his due. Though, I was only ever a fan of the WWF in the 80's, before I knew that anything else existed and before I knew better. Strangely enough, the WWF/E was never better than it was in the 80's.

The crash of 2001 was the wrestling equivalent of Chernobyl. It's like a nuclear bomb went off and leveled all traces of life in American professional wrestling. Every time that something seems to be going well, it's crushed under its own weight. Upstarts like Wrestling Society X, and (mark my words) TNA are examples of potential killed off by the smallest problems that would have been speed bumps to other promotions in previous years.

All that a disgruntled old school wrestling fan can do now is remember and dream (and eat ice cream) - at least we have youtube.
Benoit winning the title takes it for me. First off, he should have always been a midcarder. He certainly didn't had what it took to be world champion. Few years later, he ends up becoming a murderer. So Vince gave him a token reign out of pity for nothing.

Triple H retaining at WM 25 was terrible too.
Hmm, what moment in professional wrestling has pissed me off:

here are my top 10:

10. David Arquette winning the world title.

Okay this man had no training in wrestling at all and you give him a world title to promote one of the worse movies ever created.

9. The Fingerpoke of Doom

Do I really need to explain this?

8. Orton dropping the belt to Trips (the first time)

I hated this solely because Orton had a lot going for him, Benoit had lost it to someone I think wasn't ready at the time, and Trips had already pushed my buttons for a couple of years back with Scott Steiner.

So all in all, two wrestlers I somewhat liked got buried by the Cerebral asshat!

7. Sharmell vs. Jenna Morcasa


6. WWE's booking of Rey's title reign and its aftermath

I was okay with Rey getting the belt, but he got buried all through out his reign, and he got injured after a couple of brutal, but barely watchable matches with Chavo. Bad Vince Bad!

5. WWE getting rid of the Crusierweight title

So let me get this straight, Vince Mcmahon. You dropped one of the more prestigious titles held by one of your better wrestlers to a midget your trying to play off as your bastard child.

4. Jake Roberts and his druken snake incident

I'm 20 years old and this made my head want to explode. Don't drink before you do something important.

3. Triple H's reign of hell

Let's see two of my favorite wrestlers in WCW get jobbed to his ego and one gets pushed back to the midcard, another leaves entirely after one of the worse matches ever. The only good thing that came out of this is that Scott Steiner got fired afterwards.

2. Cena's reign of hell

Bad booking all around, nuff said.

1. The ending of the invasion storyline.

I hate the fact that WCW got buried in the match with only some offense during it.
There's some real dedicated wrestling fans here, so please forgive I'm only 10 years new. I wasn't mad about post-Invasion, but totally disappointed. I think that WWE had no idea how to make money with the new talent, or just told the fans 'we don't care about the other crap you've been following'.

I understand the comments about Benoit but don't really agree. If it's a fact that WWE is/was against the family, then I'm truly sorry. What happened was ugly but after time passed then I could miss him again and continue to pray for his family. Plus I have the tribute Raw which for me was a true farewell.

I haven't seen yet on these pages my most shocking moment: Taker forcing JR to kiss Vince's ass in Ross' own home state and then Vince prancing around with the hat on. Ross is the ultimate suck-up and isn't even trying to compete with the stars or be better than anyone. If he IS a member of the inner circle and screws people then I haven't seen those reports. I don't care if it was just the 'Vince' character. Ditto for JBL's Nazi crap overseas. That ONE report erases him from my collection forever - cards, mags, tapes, everything. I don't even care if he was told to do that or lose his job. I can forgive Benoit for being sick but NOT Bradshaw for being an American asshole to another country.

I watch Vince's show and love his employees. But I HATE some of his efforts to incite or just abuse the fans and his own stars. I was so mad at Randy for punting the boss, but right now not so much.

Accuracy note: I'll go check my sources, but if there's any chance it was HBK who did the Hitler salute, then I'll stick to my guns and NEVER watching another segment with him again. But JBL's still out for the way he treated other stars off-camera, as reported. I should hate Princess Orton for Kennedy's release, but I don't. That night was simply childish of many people, and I have faith in Ken's value in any career move.
I think when Hardy lost the belt one month after he won it. I was left scratching my head wondering what in the hell they were thinking. The entire reign was a joke. I finally thought that the WWE was going to do the right thing and give Hardy a crack at the top but nope, he drops it to Edge who drops it to Superman Jr.

I was literally praying for Matt vs. Jeff for the strap at mania... :(
I was actually pissed when the Honky Tonk Man lost the title to the Ultimate Warrior. That was bullshit. He holds the title for over a year and loses it in less than a minute? Wow, extremely lame.
A few moments that pissed me off in wrestling...hmmm...let me think for a second here. Alright well one moment that pissed me off was Orton dropping the belt to Triple H. It was great to have Orton win the belt and turn face but to have him drop the belt not even a month later. I feel that made him lose all of the momentum he had gained off the belt and it was just a poorly booked time in wrestling in my eyes.

Another moment was when all the B/S in WCW started taking place. The key moment here was when Jarrett layed down for Hogan. Hogan was right it was bullshit like that that buried the company.
Hmm, what moment in professional wrestling has pissed me off:

10. David Arquette winning the world title.

Okay this man had no training in wrestling at all and you give him a world title to promote one of the worse movies ever created.
Ugh. If you ask me this is the staple of the Vince Russo era.

9. The Fingerpoke of Doom

Do I really need to explain this?
I never understood why some people had a problem with this. I see it as pro wrestling's last great swerve. Absolutely no one saw this coming. It was almost as big of a shock as when HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN turned heal and gave the famous "you fans can stick it" speach. And when you take into consideration how difficult it is to surprise the fans in this day of the internet it makes the swerve all the more impressive.

8. Orton dropping the belt to Trips (the first time)

I hated this solely because Orton had a lot going for him, Benoit had lost it to someone I think wasn't ready at the time, and Trips had already pushed my buttons for a couple of years back with Scott Steiner.

So all in all, two wrestlers I somewhat liked got buried by the Cerebral asshat!
Yes and no. While Helmsley had no need to get the title at that point, at the same time, Orton was not ready to be World champion at that point. He looked really out of place as the top man and actually looked uncomfortable and week in that roll. Since then he has come a long way and has established himself as World title material. But that wasn't true at the time.

I was more pissed off at SummerSlam when Orton won the title by forfeit then lost it to Helmsley only to win it back in the same night. There was absolutely no reason for Helmsley to win the belt when they clearly had plans to keep it on Orton. It was just to add another number to his resume.

7. Sharmell vs. Jenna Morcasa

I'm not familiar with this match, but if it was that bad I'm glad I didn't see it. lol
6. WWE's booking of Rey's title reign and its aftermath

I was okay with Rey getting the belt, but he got buried all through out his reign, and he got injured after a couple of brutal, but barely watchable matches with Chavo. Bad Vince Bad!

I must disagree. Rey's entire title run was nothing more than to push Eddie Guerrero merchandise and milk all Vince could from Eddie's untimely death. From rushing him into the HOF (wrestlers should have to wait at least 5 years after they retire or pass on), to changing the outcome of the Royal Rumble (to the over used first man in/out finish), and then having Rey Mysterio Jr. (who weighs less than my pillow case) reign as the HEAVYWEIGHT champion of the world. It was rediculous and only served to disgrace the title, the wrestlers, and the name of Eddie Guerrero.

5. WWE getting rid of the Crusierweight title

So let me get this straight, Vince Mcmahon. You dropped one of the more prestigious titles held by one of your better wrestlers to a midget your trying to play off as your bastard child.
I agree 100% on this one. The Cruiserweight title was one of the best things going at the time and it wasn't enough that they dropped the title, but they had to disgrace it as well with one of Vince non wrestling "entertainment" time fillers. Ugh.

4. Jake Roberts and his druken snake incident

I'm 20 years old and this made my head want to explode. Don't drink before you do something important.

Which one? The Heroes of Wrestling PPV, or the Independent show that was all over the internet? :disappointed:

3. Triple H's reign of hell

Let's see two of my favorite wrestlers in WCW get jobbed to his ego and one gets pushed back to the midcard, another leaves entirely after one of the worse matches ever. The only good thing that came out of this is that Scott Steiner got fired afterwards.

2. Cena's reign of hell

Bad booking all around, nuff said.
I can combine these two because they both had the same effect on me: :banghead:

1. The ending of the invasion storyline.

I hate the fact that WCW got buried in the match with only some offense during it.
Not just the end of the angle but all of the events surrounding it. Most notable Vince purchase of WCW in the first place. That was the worst thing to ever happen to pro wrestling. Ever since Vince has ridden himself of competition the quality of the WWE product has gone downhill. The worst part is, Vince doesn't seem to care.
Well, there has been alot of moments that has pissed me off.

First that comes to mind was when Hogan defeated the Undertaker for the WWF Championship. I mean, I have been a Taker's fan since he got in the WWF/Eand eventhough he beat Hogan (when Hogan got up from The Tombstone it pissed me off to) not cleanly I was happy and curious to see how he would do as Champion, and guess what, 6 days later Hogan takes it away cheating too and all that to vacate the Title.

Bret Getting the belt from the Undertaker after HBK interfiered. I was like: "This has to be bs", I liked Bret a lot but man, Taker deserved better (kayfabe wise).

The Montreal deal with Hart and and HBK, because I didn't know what was going on at all, I heard the Spanish broadcast and thwey were saying: "this is Hart's last match in the WWF" and I was like: "What the Hell are they talking about?" and then it happened. I don't hold a grundge to anyone but at the moment it pissed me off because I wanted Bret to win the rematch.

Kurt Angle giving The victory to JBL over Eddie, for me that was absolutely crap, even with the replay, Still feels like he was robbed, and well, JBL complete reign to be exact, it completely pissed me off.

John Cena beating Edge after Edge Cashed in. I mean, He just enter the main event scene and lost it in 3 weeks and by Tapping out! I mean Cena had just lcked the STF and Edge was already tapping, that was bs.

HHH tapping out to the STF so damn close to the Ropes at WM 22, I was like: "dude, the rope are right infront of you, just grab them"

HHH defeating Edge at GAB last year, have to admit I am also an Edge fan, so it piised me off.

Edge getting out so early of the EC at NOW and HHH defeating the Undertaker at the end. I was rooting for Taker and Edge as the last 2 and Taker winning it, eventhought That made no sense at all for storylines. I at least hoped for Edge to take it home by cheating but he didn't lasted enough, well at least he won the other one.

Jonh Cena winning the World title at WM 25 HHH defeating Orton (and I don't like Orton). I was rooting for Edge and as far as the other match goes, I though at the time "why so much build up to make him HHH's B*ch at WM?". I mean I respect HHH but that year from Backlash to Mania he sweeped the entire Roster, from Raw to Smackdown to Raw again, even if that is right, when you see the wreslter you support lost clean to anyone you get pissed off. So yes I get pissed off a lot :).
I wasn't too happy when Christian left for TNA. He was getting a pretty big push in WWE, and seemed to be headed for the title, but neither side could agree on contract terms, and he left. It was all redeemed by his run there, and now his run in ECW, but I was pretty pissed off that nothing could be worked out for him to stay. Even if he didn't actually get the title, he certainly could have worked as a top heel for that time.
There have been plently of things over the years... but the one thing that seriously pissed me off was....

Giant/Hogan Halloween Havoc 1995.

The Monster Truck thing was just stupid. It made no sense and nothing but a waste of PPV time. I mean the card was pretty loaded that night and nothing seemed to go more than 6-7 minutes. We could have killed this and gave some more time to matches...

Interesting I use the word "killed" since wCw "killed" The Giant by having him "fall off a roof", simply to show up at main event time with Hogan looking like he just shit himself. This night was the beginning of the end for my kayfabe. And the end of the match, after Hart had been with Hogan for so long to do that... made no sense.

Dis-Honorable mention goes to Papa Shango/Ultimate Warrior.... my stomach....

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