What moment in wrestling pissed you off?

Turnng the main event at Wrestlemania 2000 to a Fatal Four Way Match instead of having the Rock and Triple H take center stage as they deserved.

Actually before WM2000 and No Way Out, I was really hoping for Rock and HHH in an Iron Man Match at WM2000. Looking back and considering how their careers paralleled feuding as leading member of their factions, feuding for the IC Title, allies with McMahon, and so on, I felt it would be fitting they ended their epic rilvary at WM2000.

Instead well we got a Fatal Four Way Match. Of course let's consider that during 1999 we were treated to a multitude of Championship Matches composed of Triple Threats and 6-Pack Challenges consisting of a mixture of either Big Show, Foley, Rock, and Triple H so there was nothing to get excited about when WM2000 rolled over.
The first thing that pissed me off was when I was watching that episode of Raw in February 1999 that aired on Saturday night and watched the Corporation beat the crap out of Stone Cold.
Any time HHH or Cena wins the title never goes down well with me, however there is one moment that really jars with me and that's Cena making Michaels tap out at Wrestlemania. That moment got a rather loud "BULLSHIT!" from me, which at 4am, woke up my mum. The WWE had the opportunity to create a great Wrestlemania moment and they threw it away in the cheapest way possible. The crowd reaction said it all, it still angers me.
Where to begin? Maybe I shouldn’t phrase it like that. I watch wrestling for fun so not much actually pisses me off. I’m sure that’s the case with most of you. It’s not like I go to bed at night steaming about this stuff, but here is a list of things that bothered me, or for the sake of this thread, pissed me off.

It pissed me off when the main event for WrestleMania VIII was changed. Savage vs. Flair was a great feud and a great match, but Hogan vs. Flair would have been epic.

I get pissed off whenever any advertised ppv match is changed or canceled. Other examples are WrestleManias VIII, IX, and X each had an advertised match canceled. None were big matches, but it still pissed me off. Billy Gunn and Road Dogg switching places at WrestleMania XV didn’t make any sense. Mankind being added to the main event at SummerSlam 99 and SummerSlam 03’s main event changing also pissed me off. There are more examples, but you get the idea.

It pissed me off when Hogan walked out with the title at WrestleMania IX. This was a slap in the face to Bret Hart and Yokozuna after the match they put on.

I was pissed off when the main event for SummerSlam 94 was announced. I had tickets to the show and was upset to learn the main event was some ridiculous gimmick.

I was pissed off throughout 1996/1997 as I watched the WWF fail with Vader.

I was pissed off the night after Survivor Series 2001 when an entire summer’s worth of stories was instantly scrapped because WWF didn’t know what to do after the invasion angle.

I was pissed off when I chose to go to the horrible No Way Out ppv in 2002 instead of raw the following night. I decided I didn’t want to spend the money on both so naturally I chose the ppv. No Way Out sucked and the next night The Rock challenged Hogan for WrestleMania. Wrong choice by me.

I was pissed off in the fall of 2002 when raw was putting on some really bad tv. HLA and Katie Vick are two of the worst segments I’ve ever seen. I was embarrassed by what I was watching. It’s a good thing SmackDown was outstanding at that time.

I was pissed off when Gene Snitsky debuted in 2004. I know it’s just tv, but his baby killer gimmick goes way past the boundaries of good taste. That was just unnecessary. One of the worst angles ever.

Kurt Angle’s feud with Booker T in 2005 pissed me off. That was just uncomfortable to watch.

I was pissed off when the WWE title was booked as a triple threat match for WrestleMania 24? Cena won the rumble and should have fought the champ one on one.

Originally I was pissed off in the summer of 2008 when Triple H wrestled Edge on ppv and John Cena wrestled Batista at SummerSlam. The only reason is because I had convinced myself those would be the two main matches at WrestleMania XXV. Oh well, I’ve got a good card in mind for WrestleMania XXVI so hopefully some of those wishes will come true.

It pisses me off that the IC title and tag titles don’t mean anything anymore (although the IC title seems to be making a comeback). Most of all, it pisses me off that title reigns don’t mean anything anymore. Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart were the elite when they had five title reigns. Five is nothing anymore. It pisses me off when a title reign lasts less than three months. What’s the point?

That’s my list for now. I’m sure I’ll think of more so maybe I’ll be back later.
There are many, many moments in wrestling that have pissed me off so bad I thought I would explode, but just one recent one that stands out was at Mania when Rey had that one minute match with JBL for the I.C title and JBL retired right after. I'm a bit of JBL mark, I'll admit that, but even if you don't like him I'm sure you still wanted to see a good match for the I.C title at Wrestlemania, something that has been lacking for a number of years now. At least 10mins would have been enough to not leave me shaking my head wondering why I paid $30 to see this shit.

Watching Kid Rock perform had the same effect on me.
That this hasn't been brought up so I will bring it up. Back when Cena was drafted to Raw he was on the show with Hassan. "Hassan" was being punished because creative gave him a gimmick that was "too controversial" so that were going to kill the character off, but usually when this happens the character is taken off TV, and repackaged only to show up with a new gimmick later. But of course creative killed his career because this character was portrayed so perfectly I'd tune into Raw just to hate what I was watching. And I'm a critic. I've got very high standards for what I'll tune into. On top of that the guy could wrestle. But they booked Hassan vs Cena. And as a true moment of what was on the horizon Cena ran out and we saw a squash match where Cena ran over Hassan in less than a minute and Hassan was not allowed to get in any offense. I think my spirit as a wrestling fan died, and my days of being a critic took full swing.

Then a few months later that they had Taker give Hassan a last ride off of the stage into some equipment below, and then that was the end of anything interesting in the WWE. Leave it to Vince to have the Great American Bash ruined by not repackaging a guy who can wrestle, and is punished by the very people who gave him the gimmick. And keep a guy who like Cena who is about as entertaining as watching paint dry.

Ultimate Warrior appearing in the mirror in the bathroom and Bischoff, and Hogan couldn't see him. Really WCW? This is the best you could have done.

The Corporate Ministry with the Vince McMahon swerve. All that build to make fans wonder who it was only to show it was Vince, and not somebody else. Typical Vince. He believes the fans are too stupid to catch on to his "surprises" and their attention spans do not go very far.

There are many more but a lot of them were already covered.

Also I've got to mention when Trish Stratus debuted, and Vince made her look like a ****e in the ring, and in her build. It was complete bullshit, and I was only grateful that she actually learned how to wrestle, and wasn't an example of what Vince uses in the ring now.
Two moments come to my mind when I read the thread title. And there aren’t really many moments that have pissed me off.

First moment is when I saw the HIAC match between Brock Lesnar and Undertaker. Undertaker is my favorite wrestler ever and seeing him in that match made me really hate Lesnar. I mean, Undertaker looked like he really was in pain and seeing him bleed because of Lesnar made me pissed. I was a little kid watching and I honestly couldn’t help get pissed because Undertaker is my favorite wrestler and I couldn’t stand seeing Lesnar beat him up and win the match.

Another moment that pissed me off was when the Triple Threat match at WMXX was announced by Stone Cold. I wanted it to be Chris Benoit vs. Triple H in a one on one match but then Shawn had to enter the picture. I was really starting to enjoy seeing Benoit and he was pretty entertaining to me. Simply put, I became of fan of his. I didn’t like how Shawn inserted himself into the match because I thought that Benoit wasn’t going to win the match and get his moment. But after seeing the match, I wasn’t pissed because it was a great match and Benoit did get his WM moment.
There are many, many moments in wrestling that have pissed me off so bad I thought I would explode, but just one recent one that stands out was at Mania when Rey had that one minute match with JBL for the I.C title and JBL retired right after. I'm a bit of JBL mark, I'll admit that, but even if you don't like him I'm sure you still wanted to see a good match for the I.C title at Wrestlemania, something that has been lacking for a number of years now. At least 10mins would have been enough to not leave me shaking my head wondering why I paid $30 to see this shit.

Watching Kid Rock perform had the same effect on me.

How could I forget to include WresleMania XXV? Maybe I blocked it out. I flew down to Houston for what appeared to be an event with a lot of potential. The whole show pretty much sucked. I was also very disappointed with the IC match. I didn't see any reason for it to go down that way. I was also pissed when the tag title match was moved to a dark match. I was still able to watch it live, but I felt it was a major insult to drop this match from the ppv. All so we could have a mini Kid Rock concert. I don't mind celebrity involvment, but that went on way too long. When I watch mania again on dvd I would much rather see the tag title match than a concert and a sham of a battle royal. I already think WresteMania XXVI has a lot of potential. I hope they don't blow it.

Edit: Of course HBK vs. Taker was awesome. This literally saved the show from being a complete disaster for most fans.
A few moments piss me off in wrestling history.

The Rock getting screwed over at WM2000. This was my 1st Wrestlemania and I had to see my favorite wrestler defaced the way he was. He should have won and held the belt for some time. It even bothers me that he's never won the title at WM, ever.

Originally WMX-7's ending made me want to cry, but the older I get, the more I appreciate it.

Triple H being awarded the WHC from Eric Bischoff. That caused me to give up WWE until 2004. Subsequently any time HHH wins the belt pisses me off.

Randy Orton losing at WMXV. The hype was great but the match wasn't. I was there live and had no interest in my current favorite wrestler. The whole feud felt like Orton was untouchable and could do anything but he just couldn't win the big one. Triple H's politicking probably helped that too.

John Cena winning at Breaking Point

The entire WWE product in 2003

December to Dismember

All the Wrestlemanias I have attended live (22-25 and already bought travel packages for 26) They all started great, but John Cena winning ruined 22, 23,25. 24 sucked because of flight issues so I can't really blame WWE, but I will since they gave us Chavo vs Kane. Honestly? horrible match.

When title reigns last a day
Jericho's run as the first ever Undisputed Champion in 2001-2002.

No one was more deserving of the titles than him. He had loads of momentum going into Vengeance 2001, and one of the best feuds, if not the best, of that year with The Rock. No one was more over.

But once he won the belts, boy was he booked horribly...made to look like a bitch. Then they saddled him up with the screeching Stephanie McMahon, his mortal fucking enemy, and said, "Good luck...you'll need it, cuz HHH is coming back."

I won't even elaborate on what happened from there. But yeah, that really pissed me off. Other times include:

The Invasion Angle
The end of Goldberg's streak
HHH defeating Orton at WM25
HHH from 2002-2004
Angle being made to say (by Creative) that he hated the troops. Distasteful...he was still way over though, hilarious...
For me personally it was Jeff Hardy's first title reign, after all that time watching him get so close, and deliver good matches against HHH and his other opponents, and being massively over, they waste what could have been a good 'Mania moment, and stolen the show and saved it with an Edge vs Hardy match, to wasting it in a Triple Threat with HHH, where Edge is sacrificed for the pin and then keeping him of tv for most of the next 3 weeks with "mysterious" injuries, before having him drop it like he did at the Royal Rumble, when he was performing well and one of the most over people in the business.

Also from a creative point of view the fued with Matt pissed me off, because they started it incorrectly by wasting a solid mania match on a gimmick straight away, if the creative had of had a little face, we could have seen an excellent single's match where Matt could have proven he was a better wrestler than Jeff, before trying to destroy him in the stretcher and then the I quit match.
David Arquette winning the WCW title. You knew at the time WCW was desperate, but to see just how desperate they were was maddening.

Doink the Clown. This turned me off WWF for quite some time. I wanted to see wrestling, not side show acts.

Hillbilly Jim. See above. Again, WWF lost me as a viewer with him and his family and the wedding. I wanted wrestling.

The moment in wrestling that pissed me off the most was the infamous Katie Vick incident. It's been covered hundreds of times, but it still really pisses me off that it was on television. I was 19 or 20 when it came on and it embarrassed the shit out of me to watch it on tv. It was the first and only time I've ever turned off wrestling because it was so lowbrow and unnecessary. ...I just watched the video online again and it still pisses me off beyond belief!

Another thing... the whole DX bit. Every week, HHH and Shawn Michaels come out to a huge cheering crowd, they slap high-fives and throw glow sticks to the kids...and then they start their spiel. After asking multiple times if the crowd is ready (?!?), he then screams, "LET'S GET READY TO SUCK IT!" I just don't get it. Does he want the whole crowd to suck his dick? I understand "Suck it" as a catchphrase when directed towards an enemy or opponent, but having an arena full of people chant along with him...?? I really don't get it. And, then, to make matters even worse, Shawn Michaels reminds us that "If you're not down with that, we've got two words for you: SUCK IT!" So, what DX is telling me is this: We, as a crowd, should be ready to suck it; however, if we're not down with that, we should suck it regardless. Yet, regardless of being told to suck it twice, the crowd still goes apeshit. DOES ANYONE ELSE SEE HOW THIS PISSES ME OFF??? I just wish that some of these wrestlers would listen to the bullshit they say week after week after week and realize that, just because something is catchy or rhymes, doesn't mean that it's a good idea to say it!

The Great Khali. How in the hell is this guy still on television, let alone on the payroll? I know that Vince is a sucker for big guys, but there needs to be some sort of standards. He's horrible in the ring, he's horrible on the mic (even with a translator, or whatever he's supposed to be), and he's already killed one worker. The only reason people cheer him is because his opponents are generally decent heels. The only redeeming part of this is where all of the cheers turn to loud boos once he starts actually fighting.

Hulk Hogan's book. I know, I know... I set myself up for failure. I actually expected him to come off of his pedestal and write something as a mere mortal. Boy, was I wrong.

Just like everybody else... the end of WCW. Honestly, I would still watch one, two or three hours of shitty WCW Nitro every week, just so I could have some variety.

The bit where Steve Austin broke into Brian Pillman's house... Austin comes in through the door, Pillman pulls a gun, the camera goes black and a shot fires. I understand that they're trying to build captivating television, but it's WRESTLING. There should never be any need for guns or any weapons like that!

Does anyone remember The Goon. I only remember watching one of his matches and it pissed me off. I can forgive the stupid hockey gimmick and even his stupid skate-looking boots, but his finishing move pissed me off. He would get his opponent outside of the ring and hipcheck them into the apron or the steps. Then, and only then, he would get back into the ring and wait for a count out. W.T.F.?/

As much as I love Jericho, his match at Wrestlemania XXV pissed me off, more specifically Jimmy Snuka and Roddy Piper. I thought Steamboat and Jericho put on a great show, but the other two were just embarrassing. I understand that you wanted to showcase some of these legends and sell tickets for the Hall of Fame, but, geez... Have a little dignity and leave the wrestling to those who still can compellingly.

ZZ Top as a guest host of RAW also pissed me off. They came out at the beginning for a couple minutes, but, for the rest of the show, they made puns based on their songs and pretended to play their own instruments with Santino. Wouldn't it have been easier for them to just play their own music instead of playing a CD and having them mime along? Gah!

Rick Steiner getting into an argument with Chuckie from Child's Play.

Zac Gowan. I'm all for equal rights for handicapped people, but having the body of a fifteen year old girl and only one leg does not mean you should be beating legit wrestlers. It also pissed me off to see Vince McMahon berate and belittle him on television. Yeah, it's just an angle to get you some heat, but still...

Melina turning face pissed me off as well. I don't mind looking at her, but I'm much less pissed off when she's a screaming, raving heel bitch. Her painted on smile just kinda creeps me out.
10. WWE not pushing WCW stars. They are just given huge stars and they just decided to set those stars aside for 5 years or so. (Booker T, RVD ect.

9. The nWo not being involved in the invasion. well i guess they wouldnt of pushed them anyway.

8. Vince Russo. Need i say more. He fucked up WCW.

7. WWE firing Eric Bischoff. His contract didnt exspire until 2007. This guy was a very bright guy. and brought up both Nitro and Raw

6.Vince Killing the nWo. It was complete ego, why end the nWo they were a great group who knew how to stir the bowl and make interesting television.

5 Killing the 'Oringinal ECW' It started a good idea but then firing just about all the originals. (Sandman, Sabu, RVD, Balls Mahoney, Nunzio, ect.) now its just Christian which he is a good entertainer but doesnt belong in ECW, Tommy Dreamer which is great and William Regal they are just triing to push him on a easy show.

4 Triple H. hes not a bad performer but lets face facts he is where he is because of Stephanie. If he had not had a relationship with her who knows where he'd be Cause everything he has now he owes to Stephanie.

3. TNA--- the whole company pisses me off. They have Washed wrestlers, Washed up Writers and pretty dumb Storylines. Dont get me wronge they do have some pretty talented people such as AJ Styles and Kurt Angle but if not getting pushed in the right direction then its gonna kill ur on screen character. Which I feel TNA does all too much

2 Vince McMahon's limo exploding. How fucking dumb do they think we are. Any 5 year old with a brain knew he wasnt in there. what was the point of doing that angle. it did nothing for the buissness

1. WWE going PG. They fucked things up here. Do they not realize that when they were in the attidude era and went over the top with beer, fowl laungage, and women. There Buyrates went through the roof when they push all this forward.
has to be letting NWO go to shit. If they had kept the group condensed to a limited amount of guys it would have worked out so much better. near the end of WCW, no fan could tell you who was NWO and who was WCW (because the NWO would grow by the dozen each week). No wonder the likes of y2j, chris beniot, big show etc etc went nuts there.

i believe letting that happen was one of the major let downs in wrestling history and what led to the ultimate destruction of WCW because once that happened, what other reason did you have to stick around and watch for?? Goldberg??? i'd rather watch taker tomb stone someone through the mat any day of the week.
Well alot of things upsets me in wrestling, but here are some that pisses me off.

Luger vs Hogan in 1997 for the WCW title. I was really happy when Luger beat Hogan. It was one of the best times i enjoy WCW, It was only destroyed later when Hogan won the belt 6 days later.

Rock beating Stone Cold at Wrestlemania 19. Are you serious. The rock is nothin but a big cry baby, cuz he never beat Stone Cold at a Wrestlemania. Then what made it worst it was a clean win. If this was that Stone Cold up and left for 2002. Then have some one else beat Stone Cold.

The Rock stealing wrestlers moves. I don't understand what ppl see in this guy. He is a copycatter.
He use a crippler crossface on chris benoit.
He use a stunner on Stone Cold .
He use a pedigree on HHH.
He use a ankle lock on Kurt Angle.
He use a chokslam on Undertaker.
Then he really pisses me off to use the sharpshooter as one of his signature. He took the people's champ from ddp.

Other than that those where the moments that pisses me off.
One of the moments that pissed me off was the Montreal Screwjob at WWE BREAKING POINT Just when I thought taker was world champion Teddy long comes out n says Taker's Hell's gate sbmission was revolked a ling time ago I mean come on then cm punk put taker in the anaconda vice and Taker didn't even tap and the ref rings the bell as if he did and punk n the ref run I WAS SO PISSED!
The moment that pissed me off more than anything ever has in professional wrestling was Raven losing the Untied States Championship to Goldberg on Monday Night Nitro.

First of all, Raven was my favorite wrestler in the company besides Sting, and when Raven FINALLY beat Diamond Dallas Page and won a title, I was beyond stoked. But the VERY NEXT NIGHT, he loses to Goldberg. Can you believe that shit? I was infuriated and I've hated Goldberg ever since. Seriously, what was the point of that? Goldberg didn't need that fucking title. And after that, Raven would go on to lose another match against DDP, and he was basically never pushed again. It was complete bullshit and the thought of it pisses me off all over again.

Also, obvious answer here, but Starrcade 1997. Jesus Christ... what the fuck were they thinking? I had never been that excited for a match ever, and Hogan completely fucked it all up. I love Hogan, but a part of me will always be bitter towards him over that. I still can't just how horrible that match went.

How right you are, first off with Raven, man I LOVED Raven when he showed up in WCW, I had seen some stuff online from ECW and saw an ECW PPV or two at this point, but when Raven showed up in WCW it was awesome. I loved his promos, I loved his feud with Benoit, and I marked the fuck out when he won that title. Then Getting old-berg and his streak ruined all of that. I was pissed, but Kayfabe pissed.

Starrcade '97. I remember i didn't watch it live, i had to literally push record on the vcr so i could watch it, because it was Christmas dinner or some shit. Then I get home and its like Christmas all over again, and i get that lame ass ending.

Now the other moment that made me fly off the handle was the infamous finger poke of doom. I never felt so cheated. I stopped watching WCW at that moment. I only ever turned on Nitro once or twice after that.
I’m adding a new one to my list of “WTF” moments in Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment. The half @$$, no, quarter @$$ ending to the Main Event Mafia. Now, if the Big Bad Booty Daddy does something with it later, then fine, but for right now, “this moment in Wrestling pi$$ed me off”!! I would have loved to see Kurt Angle upset with the M. E. Mob and made a M. E. M. Fatal 5 Way match where whoever gets pinned is gone. Of course Booker would take the fall and be out, but I’m not Russo and what we got is what we have. I just got the damn Black M. E. Mob T-Shirt too about a month ago.
When WWE brings in talent that is not "homegrown," they absolutely DESTROY their character and name. Examples:

Marcus Cor Von - "Alpha Male" Monty Brown
Braden Walker - "Wildcat" Chris Harris
Tazz - What the other "Z" determine??
The Hurricane - "Sugar" Shane Helms

The latest one???..... Vance Archer - "Big D" Lance Hoyt

There are many others, but if the name that made them huge stars was a successful moniker, what is the sense in changing it into something nobody recognizes???? I didnt know Marcus Cor Von was "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown until the Wrestlemania Match.
The one thing that pisses me off the most is the fact that Vince McMahon has erased any instance of Chris Benoit in the WWE. Yes what transpired in his final moments(part of me still believes he didn't do it)was tragic, but that doesn't give you the right to erase all traces of one of the greatest wrestlers to ever step in the ring.

Another moment that pissed me off was Nash ending Goldberg's streak. WCW builds Goldberg up as a friggin juggernaut and then all of a sudden he loses? Nothing against Nash, but if someone was to end Goldberg's streak, I would have Sting end it.

Speaking of Goldberg, his match with Brock Lesnar was another moment that pissed me off. To me, this was a dream matchup, and it ended up being a HUGE dissappointment.

Here's another one: giving Shelton Benjamin that "mama's boy" gimmick. Ugh. Shelton was on an incredible push, and how does WWE ruin it? By turning him into a whiny mama's boy. That set him back so far. Here's hoping Shelton gets drafted back to Raw or SmackDown! and being a legit title contender.
One thing that pissed me off was when Edge seemed to be winning a World Title every month. It really got to me when he lost the WWE Title but won the World heavyweight Championship the same night.

As much as I love Edge, I just always kept thinking to myself "For christ's sake, either give him a decent run with the title or dont put it on him at all"

The character Adam Copeland plays is awesome, not so much the amount of short title reigns he has had
the moment that Mark Henry's and Mae Young's baby was born....only to have it turn out to be a rubber hand. yes a rubber hand. was expecting something funny looking like a little alien or something.
Shelton Benjamin not getting over with the fans bothers me, he put his body at risk numerous time within the money in the bank ladder matches. It's unbelievable.

Chris Benoit being completely forgotten, I mean seriously this is rediculous granted what he did outside the ring was not good it's not about that. It's about his wrestling legacy that he created damnit.

Brock selling out and both him and Goldberg leaving WWE with a rather distasteful match at WMXX.
Vince McMahon winning the ECW title was a pretty upsetting moment to me. He brought back ECW and it wasnt that bad initially. But as the year went on and Lashley won the belt you could tell that they were phasing out the old ECW with the current product. When McMahon won the belt I felt like it was a slap in the face of the old ECW. Kind of like he was saying fuck you and all that you stood for im rebuilding you and making you mine and not the fans. It made me very mad at the time but now since its again changed to a breeding ground for the young guys I find it not as bad. Plus I dont really watch ECW ever so as long as I dont have to see it it doesnt bother me as much.

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