Does Vince Have The Right To Be Pissed Off?

No you're right mate. If someone is in the HOF they don't appear in the Alumni section. If you check the Alumni section there are NO Hall Of Famers in it and never have been. The Alumni section is made up of former WWE/F stars who are not yet in the HOF.

The whole point I'm trying to make with Hogan and Flair being removed from the alumni page is that WWE reacted to the Hogan/TNA signing,and possibly Ric Flair,and I thank Pbenglish for understanding that . Because if they didn't care about it, why would they take them off the alumni page? Gameover also made a good point earlier about Savage and Warrior. They really haven't been in the spotlight for a long time, so I guess Vince wouldn't care if they were on the alumni page. Hogan and Flair are hall of famers when it comes to pro wrestling. Nobody can take that away from them. For example, Billy Graham is still listed on the HOF page, and we all know he's had a falling-out with Vince in the past, and recently.
Personally I think Vince has every right to be pissed off somewhat.
1st Hogan decided to go to TNA and not even talk to the wwe that's 1 point i think vince is upset with.
2 Vince should'nt be that concerned besides it is TNA they oppose no type of threat to the WWE none what so ever.
3 I think vince is twice as upset because not only Hogan going 2 TNA BUT It seems they are now trying to lure Ric Flair to the company as well.
4 Vince is probably thinking TNA are u kidding me TNA is like a ragdoll compared 2 the WWE.

Of course Vince has every right to be pissed. First off his ego and shit doesn't matter he only thought like a successful business man. Hogan I can see why, WWE offered him a generous amount to come back one match where Cena would carry him and all Hogan had to do to earn a nice paycheck was to put Cena over. If Flair truly betrays Vince after his amazing sendoff than fuck that.

Yes he has every right to be mad.
As far as the whole MSG ?his building? issue, it's very clear that he dos'nt own msg. MSG has a contract of exclusivity with the WWE for ?WRESTLING EVENTS? there is nothing that prevents them from renting out their facilities for a press confrence. TNA has a right to hold their events with whatever venue that is willing to have them. GET OVER IT VINCE!

As far as Hogan and Flair, business is business and I feel Vince can't be SO mad.

But with MSG...

Yes The Garden is exclusive to WWE for wrestling events but remember, Vince still has some old school mentality in him so there is reason for him be upset with MSG (not TNA) for showcasing a competitor (no matter how small). Almost like an unspoken understood trust was broken. I wouldn't be surprised if Vince uses this in future contrat talks with The Garden to try and garner a better deal.

Vince has always worked with MSG but it has been 'shaky' at times. I remember Charles Dolan (MSG's owner) wasn't cool with Vince stating that if that Olympic/NY Jet stadium was built on the Westside of Manhattan he'd be interested in holding Wrestlemania there. Vince was unhappy when the most recent plans for building the new Garden's timeline ran up against Wrestlemania 30.

I would not be surprised if Vince tries to get exclusivity to the Nets Brooklyn arena also just to keep TNA out of New York City. Right now the only place they can go is to Webster Hall (glorified rock club) and it's only big enough for house shows. That's the stuff Vincent Kennedy McMahon would do. Not bash (end run promote) TNA on air.

Seperately it was very bold and ballsy to hold the press conference at MSG, but if you can't hold an event there, or any major event in NYC, what did you actually prove? You can talk shit about the school yard bully when he's home sick? Their best bet is to try for the Brooklyn spot also because without it TNA is frozen out of America's biggest TV/Media market.
I sincerely think Vince might be slightly pissed, but not any more than he gets pissed if he's brought the wrong kind of coffee. If he wanted Hogan and Flair active in WWE, knowing these guys needed money and were coming back, he'd of made it happen. Behind the scenes he's probably hoping that it all works out well for Flair and Hogan, but for listening ears he's creating some heat, which ultimately draws more fan interest for all parties involved. McMahon could benefit in many ways from TNA doing well, and won't be bothered one bit until he is losing money/ratings; THEN you'll see a genuinely pissed Vincent Kennedy McMahon. I, in fact, expect Hulk and Ric to finish their careers in a WWE ring, and I'm sure that without an abrupt injury that is how it will play out and in 3-5 years both of these guys will finally retire for good (maybe even wrestling each other at a Wrestlemania as a finale...).
Vince's biggest star ever (mildly ahead of Stone Cold imo) is working for his competition; and this must be a huge sense of deja vu for him. Yeah I think he has a right to be pissed, at himself more than anything. Try to sandbag someone's tour and this is what happens.

Just My Opinion

P.S. Okay maybe he isnt sandbagging it but you get my point.
I know Hogan and Flair are still on the Hall Of Fame page, but they have been removed from the alumni page.

Hogan and Flair were never on the alumni page. They were always on the HoF page since getting inducted. I should know, as before I knew about another image site I always went to for sig-worthy images. This is just extraordinarily stupid false reporting.

As for Vince being pissed, I kind of get where he's coming from. He gave Flair that incredible sendoff, and now he's going to wrestle again for the number two company and WWE's competition. I'd be more than a little upset.
However, I have hope that this anger will galvanize Vince into action. He needs to ramp up his game if TNA becomes a true threat.
honestly, I think Vince just needs 2 grow up & get over himself & his MASSIVE ego. he should've known that eventually, his company was bound 2 have some new, up & coming competition nipping @ his heels. as far as the MSG situation, I feel that the owners of the venue have every right 2 have WHOEVER they want occupying their venue WHENEVER they want. Vince only owns the WWE, not the city of New York.
Well, Vince was only pissed about Hogan making the anouncement at MSG, but truth be told, he was probably more mad at himself than anything, in fact what does he expected Hogan to do after he rejected him wrestle Cena or Jericho at Mania 25? Not that he was no logical at doing so because I would not put Cena with Hogan in a ring at all.

But Hell, the best way to take retalation to TNA is to do nothing, I mean nothing, if WWE acknowledge this, is like saying TNA is really competitor, which is not.

TNA is nowhere near a competitor for the WWE, but only a nice alternative to it and to acknowledge them is actually just give TNA what they are desperate for, attention. Other wise why to put under contract someone who is that passed his prime by far?

Let's be honest, How many of you are going to start watch TNA because of Hogan? Only the casual fan will watch for a couple of times and then will stop doing so.
Nah. He doesn't. I can see him being a little mad, especially if Flair signs with TNA. After that big-ass send off Flair got.. yikes. But all that shit about MSG being his building, that's dumb. Vince shouldn't get mad over Hogan. Let Hogan dump on someone else's territory, not WWE's. Even with Hogan and Bischoff (who Vince REALLY doesn't care about) TNA won't beat WWE. Just like someone said above, Vince killed all the territories. There are none anymore, why should he be crying about this?
The last time Hogan left Vince, it was to WCW....When Hogan did that, WCW acquired Nash, Hall, Waltman, and Nitro beat RAW 84 weeks in a row!!!! Will this happen again?? I'm not sure, but this does feel EERILY familiar.
Who else remembers vince/hogan feud with Vince saying
"i could've picked anybody to play the part of Hulk Hogan!"
Hogan: "You think i just happened to be the right guy at the right time? Maybe i am the right gay.. guy!! *pause*.. but i invented HulkaMania! blah blah!"

Basically vince was saying, because of himself Hulk Hogan is so popular. But i'd say he has every right to hold a grudge.

You produce a multi million dollar man, famous worldwide, and that 74 year old scrotum face "thanks" you by joining the competitive wrestling company NOT owned by the man who made him.

it's basically having raise a kid and in time, that kid ends up doing drugs etc, or abusing You (the parents), when you've done everything for them (feed them, raise them, teach them right and wrong etc).
Vince made Hogan. I'd be pretty pissed off if the man I made into a mega star went to the rival promotion. It'd be like if I put years into training a man to follow me in my footsteps in, say, the butchering business, and made him into the best there was. Only he went and got a job with the rival business cutting up cows or some shit. I'd be pissed off.

Flair is being a bitch, plain and simple. McMahon did all of that for his retirement, and Flair is going to repay him by going to TNA? I'd be asking for my gold watch back, if I were Vince.

The thing is, who wouldn't be pissed at Flair and Hogan if there were in Vince's shoes?
Vince no more made Hogan then Hogan made Vince. JUst getting a push doesn't get you over like Hogan got over. He did that his darnself, and he was already way, way over BEFORE he came back to the WWF to beat the Iron Sheik. Vince and Hogan owe each other exactly the same thing, which is to say, they owe each other nothing.

Further, I repeat, Vince built his entire empire on going into other people's "buildings", destroying the territory system. Getting pissed at others for doing exactly what you did is the height of hypocrisy...which means, of course, that Vince is pissed. But he doesn't have any right to be.
Vince made Hogan. I'd be pretty pissed off if the man I made into a mega star went to the rival promotion. It'd be like if I put years into training a man to follow me in my footsteps in, say, the butchering business, and made him into the best there was. Only he went and got a job with the rival business cutting up cows or some shit. I'd be pissed off.

This thread isn't about him signing with TNA though Razor, it's about him having the press conference announcing it at Madison Square Garden, which is considered "sacred ground" to Vince.

In response to that...fuck no Vince has no right to be pissed. He doesn't own MSG, he has zero right whatsoever to be pissed about this.

Flair is being a bitch, plain and simple. McMahon did all of that for his retirement, and Flair is going to repay him by going to TNA? I'd be asking for my gold watch back, if I were Vince.

It doesn't work like that though Razor, Flair DOESN'T HAVE A CHOICE. He's signed with Hogan to a deal that virtually makes him Hogan's bitch, he is literally contractually obligated to follow Hogan in any ventures he does.
Vince has no right to be angry. He does not own Hogan nor has he ever. Hogan is addicted to the business and it often shows. Hogan and Vince paired up for years to make WWE what it is today. But Vince remembers this is business. If Hogan wants to go to TNA and try and help it, then God be with him.
Once again I see alot of people trying to paint this picture of Vince being this "evil tyrant" or something. And you know what I find funny, when Vince held WM in Orlando and the rumors started about TNA trying to "sabotage" Mania, alot of people on this board and other forums were basically saying things like... "TNA has a right to be pissed off" "Orlando is TNA's backyard". "Whatever TNA tries to do to Vince and WWE, McMahon deserves". But when TNA goes into "WWE's Backyard" then suddenly it's perfectly fine? TNA has every right to do it? Vince doesn't own MSG? Well if memory serves, Dixie Carter doesn't own the key to the city of Orlando. But alot of people still felt that WWE was in the wrong for being in Orlando last year.
The only thing I can say about this whole situation is that Karma is a Bitch. Vince is angry because he is MSG! Well, I guess he got a small taste of what the other promoters must have felt when Vince took the WWF out of it's territory and helped to put the other companies out of business. What's good for the Goose is good for the Gander. The point here is that Vince sure seems to have a really short memory as it really should be no big deal. WWE wants to go yo Florida, well then let them. TNA wants to go to New York, let them. Because of Vince McMahon, there are no more boundaries or "This is my Venue" in professional wrestling. Hell, I don't see any WCW signs in Atlanta these days. How about NWA signs in Greensboro? Not too many WCCW signs floating around Texas these days either. Why? Because of Vince. He don't like it, I guess it's a bitter pill to swallow knowing he did the same thing three decades ago or so. I find it humorous that he is mad.

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