DX pissed me off tonight...


Celtic Warrior
Maybe I drank too much during the earlier football games but for some reason DX wearing DX gear tonight really pissed me off. You know one of them made the decision to wear The DX shirts instead of the Raw shirts. What the fuck is that? Theyre trying to sell a new PPV concept and everyone else is wearing team colors but for some reason HHH and HBK are wearing their own gear. The PPV had a great feel with the cross branding and this kind of distracted from it in my opinion. I know Shawn had some kind of RAW sash on but it didnt make up for it.

I didn’t watch the pay per view, but I don’t know why this would piss you off. I thought that one of the main reasons they decided to bring DX back was to sell more merchandise. If that’s true, then it explains why everything they wear has DX on it. Anyways, they are probably just pimping out all of the DX gear fans can buy. And even if they weren’t, it’s still a silly reason to by pissed over. In the grand scheme of things, does it really matter what they wear? Shouldn’t you be more worried about what they are doing in the in-ring to entertain you over what they’re wearing? Does it really make that much of difference or decrease your enjoyment of the show? It doesn't for me and hopefully it doesn't for you either.
you had to see the show to see how well they differenciated the brands. And obviously Im more interested in the match. But all of the other wrestlers in the match had a Raw or SD shirt on and they wore them while they wrestled. This was a bad idea, but HBK and HHH wearing DX shirts instead made it worse.
The two old men probably think they are still in their 20s and rebels. That's probably why they wore those DX shirts..

Or they know they're more talented than the rest of team Raw combined and didn't want to completely associate themselves with them.

They basically said on previous Raw's that no one on the team liked them much, so obviously they were sort of a seperate team within team Raw. Plus the merchandise thing, that too. :]
DX was brought back solely to sell more merch. Case closed. I attended the PPV and barely noticed they had their own stuff on. Like I noticed, but it wasn't a conscious thought. They lost anyway. Who cares? They could have had pink track suits on and I couldn't have given a shit.
agreed that got to me to.you think for one night theyd could all be team players and wear shirts that represent their brand. if being on raw and beating team smackdown was soooo important to dx. why couldnt they represent their brand and not themselves for one night? everybody on sd wore their blue shirts.everybody on raw aside from them was wear red shirts. i dont understand why dx couldnt do the same. are sales of their shirts and glow sticks going to drop that much after one night of no dx shirts hats or watever.i hardly think they would. i praise micheals for at least that shirt he had around his waist but still.tonight was the night to represent their brands. not themselves thought i will admit i almost forgot all about it as the match progressed.but yeah that did annoy me some
I think DX wearing their own shirts had more to do with their characters and the storyline (and as others have pointed out, it helps pimp the merchandise). DX have never been team players or classical faces. I think their shirts signified that they didn't believe in their team (as the segment before the match showed, where they basically mocked each member). And this also helped the Big Show betrayal storyline. So to me, their shirts made sense in context.
The only reason DX keeps reforming is for merchandise sales. I guess WWE figured it was a PPV so more ppl would be watching so they had DX wear their gear.
Yea, DX wearing the shirts made sense...being a subteam of Team Raw, and also to advertise the merchandise.
I had a feeling Big Show or Jericho would turn on their team. When Big Show basically said on Raw, "I'm going to make sure my team wins." I had a feeling it was a lie.
I knew Big Show was going to turn when he said that too. As far as DX goes, yeah they should've been wearing the Team Raw Shirts instead of their merchandise. It was awful and for them to be co captains, it was a shame.
HBK sorta had a raw shirt on tonight, he just had it around his waist. It got knocked off during the match. Some of my friends and i were wondering the same thing about why DX wasnt wearing the Raw shirts, then we noticed Shawn was.
Saying its all about selling merchandise makes NO SENSE AT ALL! Raw T-Shirts also would be merchandise and if HHH and HBK wore the shirts wouldn't their fans want to buy the shirts to be JUST LIKE THEM? Its all a matter of DX thinking their are TOO COOL to be like everyone else, specifically HHH. I can't imagine HBK saying he refuses to wear a shirt or come up with some objection as to why they shouldn't be wearing it. It's things like that and especially them burying talent on TV that annoys me about HHH. Why Vince allows things like this baffles me. In addition to all that, lots of wrestlers get bonuses based on the merchandise sold so why should they not be allowed to promote their gear?
you guys are really wasting a topic...who cares what they wear in the ring? its all about the performance some of you are acting like yall were cryin last night cause dx didn't wear the shirts...raw didn't even win so i dont see the big deal behind it...
I see why some people are upset about this. Represent the brand. Be a team player, etc. I didn't see the PPV but saw the pics on WWE.com and there was enough Raw vs. SD themes going on where I don't think DX wearing Raw shirts could would make a difference good or bad.
If y'all are SOOO concerned about the shirts that DX were or weren't wearing, why not go off on John Morrison, The Miz, Melina, Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim, Natalya, Beth Phoenix or Michelle McCool weren't wearing Raw or Smackdown shirts? Personally, I really don't give a rat's ass what the wrestlers are wearing before or during a match. It's not like this was a free TV event that people might have stopped on (WWE vs ECW) where you might draw people that haven't seen the product in a while. This was a PPV where I would think that most people watching would realize who was who and followed the lead up either by watching the show, or reading on the internet.
In the grand scheme of things I think it doesn't really matter. HOWEVER, in a match on a PPV that the entire build is one unified team against another unified team 2 members wearing different shirts takes you out of the moment. Remember, wrestling is all based on suspending your disbelief for the few hours the show is on. A better idea would them wearing RAW shirts with a little DX spraypaint on the bottom under the word RAW. IMO
Yeah, I certainly don't care. I think it was dumb they were wearing RAW/Smackdown shirts to begin with, at least during the match anyway. Deep down, I almost hope they did that to defy the boss in some way. I know it's not true, but I can hope for a little nostalgic DX.
At least HBK had a Raw shirt on. It was around his waist but he had one. HHH just had RAW on the back of his tights.
Hmmm maybe what couldve worked is them entering the match wearing them then having Raw underneath or maybe even ripping off the Raw shirts and revealing DX shirts for a 'hulk up' spot near the end of the match?

Its not really a major deal but I understand why people are annoyed at this as it was a 'team work' PPV and the captains showed no teamwork!
I'd have to agree that DX did seem like they were their own team out there. I love how Big Show turned on team Raw, as we are more than likely to see JeriShow feud DX for some time.
Personally I don't like DX. They are the old guys that seem to call the shots. For instance why would Cena lose to HHH last Monday? They are together because they do sell tickets tho. Many of the fans in Pittsburgh had on DX gear, and this is probably why DX did as well. Let's face it DX basically does what they want, when they want to. They are still trying to look better than all of the other talent. The problem is that not enough guys on Raw are able to carry the load like DX can. So since that's the case, DX will keep differencing themselves from the rest of the Raw roster.
Hate to say it, but DX had more star power than the rest of the Raw team. Thus them wearing the DX gear probably didn't piss as many people off as we'd like.
i trully believe that DX need to become heels cos ive had enough and so have a lot of oher people by the sounds of it.
hhh always was more interesting to watch as the bad guy and even today lots of people still want to see him lose. HBK has got stale in my opinion and it would be good for the company to have him face guys like mvp, kofi, morrison etc.

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