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Triple H:"DX Will Never Die"

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Last night on Raw, we probably saw the last of DX for a long time. Some people might be excited that they're going away for a while,some people might not care, and some people might night want to see DX go away. DX lost their re match for the tag titles against Miz and Show, which was expected because it would've made no sense at all for them to go into Wrestlemania as tag team champions. I expected DX to loss, but what Triple H said during the opening segment of Raw got me thinking:


At about 1:10, Triple says "DX will never die". Now this could be a good thing or it could a bad thing depending on how you look at it. As long as HHH and Shawn can sell merchandise, they will do the DX thing again. It might be for a long or short time, but there's a good chance we'll see a DX reunion every now and then.

I'm a fan of both HHH and Shawn, but they are in their 40's. Of course DX isn't as raunchy, rebellious, or cutting edge as they used to be because of the PG era, but there are times where they still entertain me every now and then. I'm just wondering, how long can they still do this? Again, the Game and Michaels are both in their 40's, so how long can they pull this off, and still get pops from a live crowd and sell merchandise? I think if DX is used on rare basis meaning HHH and HBK re unite for 1 match here and there, then this could work, but only for a couple years more. HHH and Shawn doing the DX thing on a regular basis, won't be able to last for another 4 or 5 years.

There's a chance that Wrestlemania could be HBK's "last match", but I highly doubt it. Even if it is, Shawn will surely come back, and have at least 1 more "DX reunion" with HHH.

What do you think is the future of DX?

Should they re unite again? Be used on a limited basis in the future? Or should DX just die?

What are your thoughts?
What do think is the future of DX?
Should they re unite again?
Be used on a limited basis in the future? Or should DX just die?

Well if HBK some how loses againts the Undertaker, We all know that HBK will just take a long rest and make his return after 5 to 6 months. I am also a big fan of both of these man, but when they reunited it was all cool, but as soon as 3 months past they got kind of stale and there promos were kind of dumb.

DX should re unite in the future, but i will them to reunited once in a while, not to become an official team all over again, just like a one night thing and thats it.

But if HBK really retires then i guess yesterday was the last time and the final day of DX. They had a great run and they will always be remember, as the best stable/tag team in the WWE.
DX can still be entertaining and while the fans complain about it all the time and act like the show is always centered around HBK and HHH, they've pushed so many younger guys from Cena to Miz that that's bs. There are times when I sort of think DX is ruined by not being more dominant, but I understand it.

On a side note, I don't think HBK will lose at Mania but he might. He won't spit on his retirement, though. People on the forums can be really ignorant sometimes and it's clear that Michaels has gone far out of his way to create a good legacy and do things the right way. Mark my words: If HBK retires, he's NOT coming back.
Oh hell yeah!!

I will always expect DX it make a "reunion" everynow and then. I deffinatley argree when it comes to them only being used spuradiocaly after Wrestlemania.
Granted, I love HBK and HHH, they are 2 of the best in the buisness 2day, and they kick ass when it comes to, Selling merchandise so I feel that Vince would want to keep that around as long as he could.
But to the fact tha they are in their '40's really dosent matter all that much to me because they are both in great shape (HHH more so than HBK because of his back and knees) but HHH has deffinatley had his share of injuries in his day (both knees), but despite all that, they can still "GO".
And as long as they both can do that, I see DX being brought back every so often, but I don't think that DX is what both men would want to do heading toward "hangin' 'em up" as I expext HBK 2 be involved someway after his "recovery time" time from what is sure to be a CLASSIC @ this years Wrestlemania.
I wouldn't mind seeing HHH and HBK team up again, but please drop the DX gimmick. It's run it's course, then got run over. It was great when it was controversal and funny, now I just find it borish. Were it not a merch cow we'd never would have had to put up with it this long.
I don't mind them being around, er, I didn't mind them being around since they could be done, at least for now if HBK wins. Yeah I found their Attitude Era and 2006 material better but I also enjoyed some of the stuff they did when they reformed last year. If HBK does win at 'Mania then the one off appearances I wouldn't mind seeing like they have done in the past, well in '07 (I think it was then?) and twice in '08, maybes for the Raw anniversary episodes they do. Also was a little obvious they weren't going to win them back last night, its just not logical, ShoMiz are doing fine at the moment, Miz is in the middle of quite a big push holding two titles (technically 3 though) and Show is doing something, not lingering in the lower-mid card like a lost dog, he did great with Jericho and now hes doing great with Miz. I'm rambling now.
The DX gimmick doesn't work good when they are faces. The original DX, the raunchy, bad ass one that everyone fell in love with, were heels. If they were to rejoin again in the future, its time for them to go back to that proven formula of success. Not only that, it is time for them to bring in a new member to freshen things up a bit. Perferably a young gun who can really capitalize on the push. I doubt we will see it this happen to cuz as much as everyone wants to blame the PG era for the decline of DX, we have to remember that HBK is a born again Christian too. The moments DX supplied us with the first time around, he probably wouldn't even think about doing again. Oh well, one can always hope.
I am willing to bet that I am in the minority here but let me ask you this question:
When was the last time DX was actually alive and well??

I know, TECHNICALLY, they have been for the better part of this year. But as someone who saw the genesis of DX I really have a hard time putting this current version of DX with the "spirit" of the original version (included in it was the NAO era). I sort of look at D-X's demise becoming official when X-Pac and the RoadDog were the last official members. Or you could even argue that it ended when HHH and Chyna went corporate. I wont argue with you on that one either.

Now the concept of D-X was revolutionary, fun, and as it turns out, a necessity to help expedite wrestling to levels never seen and barely imaginable before. So in THAT respect, yeah, DX will probably never die. Just in the same way The 4 Horseman, Mitsuharu Misawa, and others wont (in that semi-corny Sandlot sort of way).

But Ive never really swallowed what the WWE has spoonfed wrestling fans w/o looking at what its made of first. Which means, among other things Edge/Jericho should steal the show at WM, CMPunk is one of the top tier WWE guys, and.......when it comes to this conversation....they can call HHH and HBK Dx if it helps sell t-shirts, but I dont call them that. Degenerates they are not.........if the best they can do.......is make a midget their mascot.
DX can still be entertaining and while the fans complain about it all the time

Did you even listen to the fans? They were ALL booing when HHH said this will be their last match together for a very long time. The fans LOVE D-Generation X. Its the IWC who doesn't like D-Generation X. The IWC is a very small portion of the fanbase for the WWE.

act like the show is always centered around HBK and HHH

The show is centered around HBK and HHH? Last I checked they haven't even been in the Main Event scene for quite some time. They were both in the MIDCARD as World Tag Team Champions, and now Triple H is busy with new comer Sheamus, and Shawn is busy with The Undertaker. Neither of these 4 are currently in the Main Event scene.

As for fans at the shows acting like DX is the center of the show, thats their perspective. Don't blame Shawn and Triple H for putting on the best show of the night, and getting the loudest pop. Thus being a fan favorite.

There are times when I sort of think DX is ruined by not being more dominant, but I understand it.

Say what? Why should they be more dominant? They're 40...Its time for them to start putting over newer stars. Dwell in the upper-main event scene only making appearances in the Main Event scene for short periods of time to keep themselves over and credible.

On a side note, I don't think HBK will lose at Mania but he might.

Shawn will either be losing at WrestleMania, or he and Undertaker will end in a draw. Either way, Shawn is not picking up a win over the Undertaker at WrestleMania.

A) Shawn beating the Undertaker at WrestleMania will tarnish everything the Undertaker has worked for. Shawn has good runs with the title, Hogan has WrestleMania 3, Cena has year long title reigns, Triple H has 13 World Title reigns under his belt, Ric Flair has 16 World titles under his belt, so on and so forth. Legends have a reason for being legendary. Undertaker has never truely given a long title reign, many titles, etc. But he has been given a legendary reign at the biggest event of them all, and thats the only reason worth remembering the Undertaker. Taking that away would be stupid.

B) A draw at WrestleMania won't do much good for the Undertaker, nor Shawn Michaels either. As stated above he'll be stuck with a 16-0-1 forever, which seems a little stupid for someone as accomplished as Shawn Michaels. Maybe for some newcomer, like Drew McIntyre, but Shawn doesn't deserve the Undertaker rub. He doesn't need it. Shawn could easily retire, take his usual 6 month hiatus, and return at SummerSlam as if it never happened.

Mark my words: If HBK retires, he's NOT coming back.

I'll be sure to put it in my notepad that you said such a thing, and I'll be sure to put it in my notepad that I say "You're an idiot if you actually believe that" Shawn may not return within a year, two years, but I guarentee in three years, he'd be back in the ring to do a one time thing for a struggling Triple H in a heartbeat.

It's just the way those kind of storylines work out.
i think it will be a sad day when dx is gone for good they may not have been as good in there last pg outing but they where still entertaining just try and remember how fun they were to watch back in the day i hope when we actually do see dx for the last time as a team i really would like them to be the old dx again and not the sell outs they have been made out to be recently
I'll be sure to put it in my notepad that you said such a thing, and I'll be sure to put it in my notepad that I say "You're an idiot if you actually believe that" Shawn may not return within a year, two years, but I guarentee in three years, he'd be back in the ring to do a one time thing for a struggling Triple H in a heartbeat.

It's just the way those kind of storylines work out.

I should clarify. He's stated in interviews that when he retires, he may come back for the occasional Wrestlemania or whatever, but he won't be on the roster and it'll be in a rare-occurance copacity. I'm saying that he won't simply retire and then return as if it had never happened.
I might be crazy for thinking like this, but i see a different way this could work out...when the first incarnation of DX went down in 98 it was Triple H who reformed DX into what it was with the NAO, Chyna and X-Pac. I can see something down the road, talking 2 maybe 3 years down the road where DX gets back together for the 20th time (exaggeration there) and Hunter and Shawn realize they are getting a little too old for this and they try to recruit guys who they feel could carry on the DX banner for years to come.

So when Triple H says "DX will never die." I just see it as maybe they won't always be the ones to carry it on, somewhere along the lines there will be a whole new DX and it won't just be the 2 of them.
Im just going to comment about one thing everybody is always talking about Triple H and Shawns age on this site but then you people all mark out over
Hogan and Ric Flair in TNA Flair is 61 years old and Hogan is 57 Triple H is only 41 Shawn is 45 I dont want to here about Shawn and Triple H need to make room while the depends generation is still main eventing the bigest show in TNA history Triple H and Shawn could wrestle for another decade and still not be as old as the depends croud are now quit hating they will give up the spotlight when someone takes it pushes aren't given there earned vince will put over who the crowd tells him to not internet crowd the real paying crowd.
Is it just me or is everyone looking past WM 26 way to much, your all talking like the match between Taker and Shawn means nothing if shawn loses he RETIRES so your all like Shawn will probably win, but for that to happen THE STREAK WILL END jesus christ i dont want to be dickhole but your all treating it like a filler match. Look at it this way, Undertaker streak is probably the only thing getting him over with the kiddies and it is mentioned on all his merchandise and shawn....well....we all know shawn loves his family more than anything and has already missed most of his kids childhood from travelling so if he retires i am 99.99% sure he wont come back.
What do you think is the future of DX?

I think they will be splitting up soon because Shawn's going to be gone for a while after Wrestlemania, both in kayfabe and in real life. Shawn will most likely not end the streak and when he takes some time off after Wrestlemania, DX will obviously not be able to remain together until he returns and we don't know when that will be. Or.... could we possibly see new members get recruited while Shawn's gone? It's happened before.... I think Trips is right, "DX will never die".

Should they re unite again? Be used on a limited basis in the future? Or should DX just die?

They will reunite again. Maybe for a one night only reunion here and there, or perhaps for another "final" run. The only thing that could stop them from reuniting is injuries that might or might not happen in the future. Only time will tell. They sell more merchandise than any other team, so there's reason for them to reunite in the future. I think they should at some point, for short reunions here and there rather than another long run, because fans like them and they make a lot of money for the federation.
I hope that they will be splitting up for good. Because how are the degenerates in the PG era anyways? Its like seeing your favorite rock band when theyre young and full of energy but then aftera few years theyre old and dont really have the rock and roll spirt anymore.Thats how i see the current state of DX. Two guys in their 40's telling people to S*CK IT isn't really cool its just down right lame.
If I had to make a prediction in regards to the future of DX, I would say there is no doubt in my mind they will be back. This group sells wayyy too much merchandise to be shelved for good. The WWE brought DX back in PG-era form to sell merchandise to the kids, plain and simple. They knew they could reinvent DX into a marketable group aimed at children, hence the addition of Hornswaggle. So, with how much they mean to the company (financially), I have no doubt we will see it again, in some fashion.

Do I want to see it again? Hell no. First of all, it's not DX. It shouldn't even be called DX. DX was NOT a tag team, they were a stable, and a heel stable at that (ok, they were tweeners, sorry). Don't get me wrong, as singles stars, I love HHH and HBK, I really do. But it seems like Vince has NOTHING on his mind besides selling merchandise.

DX was an adult-themed group. They were funny. They were raunchy. They were cutting-edge. This impostor-DX is nothing like the original. So in my mind, it is NOT DX. This tag-team has run over every potentially decent, young, heel tag team the WWE has. I am never a fan of putting two mega-stars into a tag team, and this is no exception. A pairing like this does two things: 1. Gives two superstars something to do when they get stale. 2. Sells merchandise. Those are the only two reasons to have this team together.

Shawn Michaels is almost done. He is older, slower, and just looks worn down. Triple H, on the other hand, looks great. He looks like he's 30. Will we see them together again before Shawn hangs up the boots? I am sure we will, because they are just too marketable. Do I want to see it again? No, I didn't want to see it three years ago, and I sure as hell don't now.
DX will be back next year I'm sure of it. The Undertaker is not going to retire HBK! If anyone is gonna retire HBK I'm 99.99% sure it will be HHH. Has anyone stopped to think that this is a retirement match but not for HBK? Lets look at it a. i havent read anything here about Taker taking a "break" after mainia b. he just had a big tittle run c. unlike Shawn he can barley "go" anymore. I mean come on he almost killed himself last year diving out of the ring to Shawn damn near breaking his neck.

Not being undefeted at mainia will not tarnish his career what so ever. Being 17-1 will still be a very very impressive streak! Taker like Shawn is due for retirement very soon I firmly beleive that this will be Takers last wrestlmainia. DX will reform later this year and either HBK or HHH will turn on one or the other leading to HBK's last match at WM 27. ITs been stated many times now that Shawn and Hunter have never faced each other at WM.........what a way for them to send HBK off!
To make it simply put, somewhow someway they will get back together and have their little DX Reunion whether its one night, one month or one year. Ok probably not a year but you never know. Honestly it wouldn't hurt my feelings if they didn't because DX is simply not the same DX we knew to love. But with time, everything comes full circle and DX down the road will reunite. And when the time comes when WWE is ready to disband DX for good, I'm sure they will have a better send off than losing their last match together imo.
IMO, there's a chance DX could die. B/c I think at Wrestlemania, HHH will cost Shawn the match. After what happened on RAW in their match and all the issues they've been dealing with over the last couple of months, I just think that Hunter will end up costing HBK the match at Wrestlemania 26....unless this is truly the final Show for HBK. I mean he did, in an interview last year on a Houston radio show days before WM25, say that he wanted to have his final match at WM26. I know people say it can't happen, based on stuff they read on the net. But I guess only time will tell. If this isn't Shawn's last WM, then this HBK/Taker match could be the start of the HHH/HBK feud going into WM27....or WM28 if WWE really wants to sell Shawn's retirement.
I should clarify. He's stated in interviews that when he retires, he may come back for the occasional Wrestlemania or whatever, but he won't be on the roster and it'll be in a rare-occurance copacity. I'm saying that he won't simply retire and then return as if it had never happened.

Eh. I say its according to the shape he's in when his girls get a little older. The only reason Shawn wants/needs to retire is that he's missing out on his little girls' lives. Shawn could very well make a fulltime return to the WWE as a mentor, give a few matches, become a RAW GM when he's up in his 50's.

Its all according to where he feels God is leading him, and all according to where his health is at when he's 50.

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