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What do you make of DX return so far on Raw?

I agree that DX is perfect for both of them right now. I mean, it doesn't make as much sense as it did when they were 30, but it still makes sense. HHH, for as much as everyone complains, doesn't fit anywhere besides DX and the title scene. If he's not going to be in the title scene for a while, then DX needs to be around. He is a star, one of the most recognizable faces left in the business, and DX gives him some spotlight without his having to hog all of it.
i found the whole skit with shawn michaels being a short order cook to be a complete waste of time, but i think it is a good thing they have put them back together for the time being. first and foremost because it pulled H out of the title picture, finally! also, and really of equal importance, their feud with Legacy has been good, and helped take Cody and Teddy up a few notches. as old as it got seeing them get their asses kicked for several months, they really worked their way up and getting the rub from two of the top stars will continue to help them.

i do hope that this doesn't last long, or if it does have them challenge for the tag titles and get them working with Jericho/Show, Hart Dynasty, Cryme Tyme and whomever the thrown together tag team of the month is. it also wouldn't be bad if they expanded on the group and brought a few guys into DX to help develop their characters, but to quote the late great Gorilla Monsoon, "highly unlikely!" overall, not a bad move for raw right now. the question is; where do they go from here?
well I will say that I appreciate the idea of giving them the controversy that they have always had (the super kick on the little girl will be forever priceless to me) but the promo gimmick shit does get on my nerves... I would actually like to see them maybe be a legit tag team for once. I honestly am tired of seeing Triple H or Michaels with the heavyweight title but I do like seeing them perform.. There aren't too many wrestlers who bring that in ring charisma like they do... maybe a good beef with Jericho and Show could spark some energy back into the WWE because Lord knows that Crime Time is just a slot filler... Its really a shame...
DX are the best part of Raw, it really is that simple. No other people could get away with having an opening segment as long as the one last week. DX get me excited about Raw, everything about their return and their matches are great. I think people need to stop complaining about them. The fans go WILD when DX are there. Did you see how many fans had the Green glow-sticks at Summerslam? There were thousands of them held up as an X. DX are making Vince money - they're obviously not as bad as some people like to say.
My issue is that DX is taking the one thing that made them over, being anti-establishment, and screwed that over by siding with Vince. Look at last night, they spent 90% of the time they were on TV basically bashing WCW with the shockmaster and everything. Why bash one of the most talked about dvds in recent memory? It didn't increase buyrates and likely hurt people from buying the dvd. Something fresh needs to happen in the dx/legacy feud or else it will get stale by ANYONE'S standards by october.
My issue is that DX is taking the one thing that made them over, being anti-establishment, and screwed that over by siding with Vince.

This argument would make sense if DX were no longer over, yet that isn't the case. There are thousands of fans, and the arena pops huge when DX are even mentioned.

Something fresh needs to happen in the dx/legacy feud or else it will get stale by ANYONE'S standards by october.

By anyone's standards, what you mean is the Internet fans who spend half their life complaining about the WWE on the internet, and the other half watching it. Any feud that lasts more than a month seems to be 'stale'. But then there are complaints feuds are rushed...the WWE simply cannot win.
The thing that gets me is that WWE needs to find one, ONE thing to do with HHH and stick with it. Look, this whole DX reunion makes Trips look weak because he can't beat a couple of younger guys without the aid of his buddy Shawn Michaels. Shawn, while being a great talent still, is pretty much at the end of his line and is kinda becoming a hipocrite to a cetain extend due to the fact that when he 1st started DX he made mention every now and then about stars who could and could not still go...Now, every now and then, he can still go, but damnit, it still looks bad that they bring DX back to do a job that either one of them could have done by themselves, and that's beat DiBiase and Rhodes (especially Rhodes).

I truly wish they'd turn HHH heel, but that doesn't seem like it's gonna happen. I doubt DX will be around by say, Rumble time, which gives us basically the whole fall to put up with their age old crap. I don't like DX at all, but you have to admit, what else do they have to offer at the moment??? More Cena/Orton tag matches? No thanks. 6 in one hand, half a dozen in the other...

Every now and then hbk can still go? HBK is better than pretty much everybody on raw at the moment. Yeah, the dx shit is old but at least theyre tryin to help rhodes and dibiase look credible. Everybody bitched for months they looked weak. Now, theyre beating the shit outta dx and cena and looking much more credible. Im sure theyll lose at the ppv but dx returning has helped gain legacy a bit more credibility. So that's a positive. Im just perplexed by the hbk can still go now and then comment. Hbk seriously out performs everybody on every show he's on. I'm not even a huge fan of his but the guy is great.
DX are the best part of Raw, it really is that simple. No other people could get away with having an opening segment as long as the one last week. DX get me excited about Raw, everything about their return and their matches are great. I think people need to stop complaining about them. The fans go WILD when DX are there. Did you see how many fans had the Green glow-sticks at Summerslam? There were thousands of them held up as an X. DX are making Vince money - they're obviously not as bad as some people like to say.

Come on Becca, don't drink the Slyfox Kool-Aid that the only thing that matters in wrestling is money. Shitty awful things make money all the time; look at half of the current music charts; look at movies like Transformers 2 making HUGE money. Just because something makes money, doesn't make it good.

You're right though, DX is probably the best thing on Raw right now. Which is pretty sad considering they can be rather painful to watch. But that's just how bad Raw is right now. The promos with Dusty on Raw last night were nice, but DX is so played out at this point. It needs to end, immediately. The WWE is doing the same exact thing the WCW did with the nWo, they don't know when to stop and end the damn thing. DX was already old in 2006...in 2009 it's laughable to see two middle-aged men go out to the ring and yell "Suck it!" like they're 20 year old punks again.
Come on Becca, don't drink the Slyfox Kool-Aid that the only thing that matters in wrestling is money. Shitty awful things make money all the time; look at half of the current music charts; look at movies like Transformers 2 making HUGE money. Just because something makes money, doesn't make it good.

That's not what I'm arguing specifically, but what I'm saying is there are a LOT of people out there wanting to buy DX gear - look at the amount of Green Glow-sticks at Summerslam for their entrance. Seeings as I dislike Hogan, the money = great isn't something I believe all the time, but it is a way for me to argue against the amount of people who are complaining non-stop about DX and how shit they are. If they were that bad, there wouldn't be a lot of people with their merchandise cheering for them.
i found the whole skit with shawn michaels being a short order cook to be a complete waste of time, but i think it is a good thing they have put them back together for the time being. first and foremost because it pulled H out of the title picture, finally! also, and really of equal importance, their feud with Legacy has been good, and helped take Cody and Teddy up a few notches. as old as it got seeing them get their asses kicked for several months, they really worked their way up and getting the rub from two of the top stars will continue to help them.

i do hope that this doesn't last long, or if it does have them challenge for the tag titles and get them working with Jericho/Show, Hart Dynasty, Cryme Tyme and whomever the thrown together tag team of the month is. it also wouldn't be bad if they expanded on the group and brought a few guys into DX to help develop their characters, but to quote the late great Gorilla Monsoon, "highly unlikely!" overall, not a bad move for raw right now. the question is; where do they go from here?

Nice Monsoon quote! If I can piggy back on that, I'm going to quote his broadcasting colleague Jesse Ventura and say... "Wow Gorilla!" (ha ha ha)

But as far as figuring out were they go from here, I actually wouldn't mind if they keep DX together until 'Mania, which would likely be Michaels' last. We've seen the HHH heel turn as a member of DX before, so that doesn't need to be resurrected. They can fued for the Unified Titles, and/or have singles matches, but still under the DX moniker.

I think the DX gimmick takes them away from the spotlight, but still brings a much needed element on Raw, and even in the WWE period. If written right, they could be around for a while; not even necessarily in a wrestling role.
It would be nice if DX were actually accomplishing something. I mean after Legacy breaks up where is DX gonna go? Maybe Jericho and Big Show. WWE needs more tag teams so DX can work with them. There really isn't much new that DX can do at this point. I guess they could pour green paint on Bob Barker but hasn't that been done to death? I love Shawn but the overacting is getting annoying. I know DX will always sell huge crowds and merchandise, I just wish there was something new they could do. Instead, we have been seeing the same corny skits we have always seen. DX has been rehashed so many times, there isn't anything the fans haven't seen before.
When DX first returned I thought it was going to be a bad idea. Because you can only return so many times but since return it has been real fun and they have put on good matches. I feel while Raw is so bad DX need to be kept. I like DX quite a lot right now.
I feel that DX could acually last a while if they get one or two other members, someone like X-Pac would be great, and stopped acting like young guys and adopted a more NWOish attitude. Then have them feud with a stable like The Hart Dynasty. Some good stable wars would be awesome and a welcomed change.
I see Shawn Michaels wrestling his last match vs. HHH at WM26. If HBK and the WWE Universe want anyone to face him for his final match, it best be HHH. Tastycles brought a good point earlier saying that HBK won't be here any longer and that X-Pac and the NWO won't be returning to the WWE. So I see this as a build-up for a great match at WM between HHH and HBK.
Even though I have grown tired of DX a long time ago, at least they are out of the main event spotlight and helping Legacy. Rhodes and DiBiase have been elevated after beating down HHH and HBK a few times and I hope they come out of the feud on top. DX is doing good for now unlike 2006 and this could lead to something big.
I'm 50/50 on this one.

I think that the PG era destroyed DX in terms of humour. And quite frankly, the main reason I loved DX was because the group was so funny. I remember I was ecstatic when DX reunited in 2006. They were hilarious, and they were the main reason I watched Raw. Now, because of the PG era, their jokes are basically lame. They can't say things they once could have. They are restricted, and it sucks.

However, it's always great to see HHH and HBK perform together. They're both great, and competitive wise, DX's latest return is by default great in the context of wrestling. Oh and, DX ended HHH and Orton's feud. Thank God.
The only one thing i can say i enjoy about the DX Reunion is that it puts Shawn and HHH together for tag action and takes HHH out of some boring matches with Orton were we know Legacy will screw HHH out of the title. Theres 2 reasons for this DX reunion one being Money and Merchindise sales whenever dx come back they generate alot of money for the company because they seem to always have good merchindise out for these returns. Second and the best reason they came back is to make Legacy look good and build them up into something more than Ortons right hand men
So far, I've enjoyed it. HHH is a pain in the ass when he's by himself, and since DX has been feuding with Legacy, it's given Ted and Cody something to legitimately do, rather than just be the people that job out to whomever Orton is currently feuding with. The DX comedic material has been funny overall, too, but most importantly, they're making Rhodes and DiBiase look better. That extra boost they're giving them now will help out in the long run. There's really nothing to complain about so far for me when it comes to how DX has been since their resurgence.
They ruin the entire show, because they take up to much on air time. I cannot stand seeing them in 20-40 minutes worth of Raw. They've had at least 3 backstage segments and a match each week since returning. I'm sorry but just because their both main event level stars doesn't mean they should take up more time on the program than anyone else.

I hope the DX effect ends as quickly as it started
I'd like to start saying I like DX and The best thing bout the DX reunion has gotta be the crowd pops at the entrances but the gimmicks getting old now; perhaps it could be improved by bringing in other members i.e. Xpac, road dogg and billy gunn. As this would give us something that the previous reunions have lacked. I know people have posted about possible hostility between wwe and these options as well as concerns over road doggs fitness etc. But I'm sure if it offered something new as opposed to waiting for HHH to turn on HBK as is inevitable more people might get behind the DX reunion being forced upon us again in the same mundane way when it could be so much more...... I'm aware of chatter that HHH and HBK have turned down the idea of new members but why....... Just to keep the spotlight on themselves?????? DX can be soooo much more if it was dealt with properly plus if the wwe trying to improve the image of the tag title then the new age outlaws could lend them extra credibity. Xpac could be thrown in the us title picture and the wwe would have a dominant stable again that would be pushing new talent as well as allowing old schoolers a last showing.
I think that with the return of DX comes in a package of half gift half curse, the gift is being able to reunite a great faction and still keep people excited as well as introduce DX to the younger generation. The curse is every who knew the real raw DX and the history is pissed off that WWE is using this DX everytime they feel WWE is losing interest.

I would personally want to see Triple H turn on Shawn Michaels one more time, or vice versa to see a real cocky heel side of Shawn again.

I'm not sure if Trips is planning on more title reigns to either pass or catch up with Flair, but I feel they can come up with way more interesting storylines for him than to be in some tag team turmoil putting Mr. Lisp and Future John Cena over.
I must admit, I was not up for another DX run when it was announced by HHH that he was bringing back HBK to help him against Ted and Cody, but this has really been an enjoyable feud with some great matches and a lot of building of Ted and Cody. Is there a little too much DX on TV? sure, but then again we the IWC will say "Theyre not giving enough time to the feud" or "theres too much time devoted to this or that" otherwise. Bottom line: DX is helping get over The Legacy Lads as legit competition to two of the best in the business, and helping to keep the crowd popping. All in all i'd say DX's mission is being accomplished.
DX seem to have added a bit of flavor in my opinion to Raw. Yeah Raw sucks but at least their wild antics will help to relieve the pain of sitting through this show.

Triple H and Shawn Michaels seem to old to be playing 40 odd year old guys acting immaturely these days and Dx is really stale and corny. They had a great comeback match at Summerslam against Legacy but it looks like it'll be back to the lame promos which they are most reknown for.

I think everyone would agree it was convenient for their return as Michaels was written out of storylines post Wrestlemania 25 and they can sell a load of Dx merchandise to counter the tough economic times.

Thoughts on the return of Dx?

its not as bad as i thought it would be, you know since dx can't be dx with a PG rating..but some of the skits where they try to be funny are pretty annoying.
It's not as bad as 2006 reunion yet. It keeps HHH out of the title scene, and their promos haven't been too cheesy, they actually made Legacy seem credible weekly pushing them one on one or their tag matches

A few months ago HHH was destroying all three members of Legacy by himself and now they aren't relying on their numbers as much

Not to mention the inevitable break-up that will either be an injury or one of them turning on the other which could lead to their first Wrestlemania match together to possibly retire HBK

As long as they keep building up Legacy and hopefully put over Hart Dynasty at some point I'll be happy. I just don't want to see them pull another Spirit Squad and destroy up and comers like last time. Even a feud with JeriShow over the titles could be reminiscent of the Rated RKO feud
It's been okay so far. Better than i thought it would be. Although i gotta say i remember dx back in the day when it started and for all the shit people talk about the two reunions, they still entertain me more than a shelton benjamin or kofi kingston. So yeah, they can come back as dx every few years because the majority of the fans still go ape shit for it, and hbk and hhh have earned that right regardless of what you think of them as people. I'd like to see it end up that they turn on each other and have a feud between hhh and hbk. I don't see hbk ever being the heel though. I wish it would happen, but fans seem to cheer for him no matter. As for hhh, i like him better as a heel and the same thing applies to him because people cheer him now even if they aren't suppossed to. I'd like they are trying to get legacy over. They jobbed to them at a ppv, and every week on raw legacy seems to get the upper hand on them. Maybe that leads to hhh and hbk feuding. I hope so. If not, the reunion is doing some good as its helping legacy look more legit. Dx entertains me, and they always have. Some of the jokes are lame, i'll admit that, but for the most part its alright. The cafeteria skits to start it all off were hilarious, and hhh delivers some pretty good one liners. I think dx still has a place in wwe. Basically, if you don't like it then just don't watch it. Simple really.

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