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OK, for all of you posers who don't think Orton would fit in with the nWo...aside from his shirt...let me explain a little something to those who have no clue about the Monday Night War. Story-line wise...the nWo was not only an anti-authority faction...but also anti-tradition. Who are those in wrestling that most try to hold onto tradition? LEGENDS. So, if the nWo was to come back..btw, Shawn Micheals...and I quote PWI..."is embracing his role as a legend", therefore, not only would RKO have the chance to kill two legends with one cutter, those being HBK and DX, it would also settle the question of who was the dominant faction of the 90's. Now, as far as a third member...what part of the word "Rumored" is so hard to comprehend to you no-spell-check-using, marking out morons?
how would adding orton settle the dominant faction question. He did not compete in the 90's. Orton is over rated anyway
thats never gonna happen....first off nash is still under TNA contract....secondly HHH and Orton together? Remember Evolution?
no go for orton. he is rather successful on his own right now. i see x-pac coming back, as for NWO, it would probably end up being Hall, Nash, and either 1 of 3 or all of them, Hogan, Show, or Gene Snitsky. i hear that maybe edge might have something to do with all of this, not happening. Edge is as randy orton, better off on his own. NWO would definately recruite someone from WCW.
******s edge sucks balls for a living he does not deserve to be in dx.
and he would only make dx a heel. not a tweener like 1997-1998
a full heel. Orton maybe? kkwik is most likely to go to dx
whether it happens or not, it would definitely be a selling point but the match will probably suck. Scott Hall's been away for far too long. Plus, dude's approaching 50. Kevin Nash hasn't been good in like...ten years. If the nWo did comprise of those members, the best wrestler in there would be Shane
The fact of the matter is that Vince is going to bring back the NWO, now whether or not he does it by SS is a different story. He knows what the people want and it is a smart move to bring them back cause it will boost ratings and in turn bring more money in his pockets. As far as Hall and Nash, I can see Hall coming back cause he isnt under contract with TNA but I believe that Nash is. So they can bring him back along with Xpac and start up the NWO. Doing that and adding people to both factions would boost ratings and get some wrestlers some light so that down the road they can be main eventers. It makes perfect sense for them to do that, and I hope for the sake of the buisness that they do!!!
How is that not true? Do you even watch wrestling and understand the buisness? I dont think you know what you are talking about. How does everyone else feel?
no i dont think you know what your talking about...vince has to think in the long run what the hell will happen with the nwo once they are done with their feud with dx? while it would temporarly boost ratings it would tarnish vinces reputation for just doing something in the moment...he isnt going to bring them back deal with it rookie
This must be the 1st yr that you are watching wrestling. It makes sense cause as long as you dont bring back all the old stars you are going to be ok. If you bring back just Hall and Xpac then after its all done Xpac can fight for an IC title and Hall can get caught up in one of the those BS feuds he is always in. If NWO comes back then like i said before you can add some younger stars to really get them over with the crowd. Like an Orton, yea he is a main-eventer but he cant continuesly bring in ratings like a Cena or HHH or someone like that can. Putting him with the NWO would deffinetly boost his credibility. Or maybe Carlito with DX, that would help him get to main event status. So before you speak out on something that you have no idea about, stop and think about it so you can make some sense. ROOKIE!!!

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