NWO was first, DX was the fresher “remix”. NWO was huge that split into 2 (3 if you count Hall’s NWO Black and Gray, “the Lone Wolf”), DX kept it simple (even their split was only enough SuperStars for a Tag Team match).

I used to put the New World Order above D-Generation X, but only because they were the first on TV and the impact they had in the business. Today, it would be the equivalent of CM Punk and Sheamus showing up on Impact the Thursday after Bound For Glory, and then having Triple H show up at Genesis.

When it comes down to it, when the New World Order was hot, WCW was on top. When D-Generation X was hot, it was still behind Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Rock. On the other hand, when the NWO was on its way down, WCW as a whole, came down right behind them. DX ended at just the right time. When the NWO returned, they left just as fast. When DX returned, they had welcomed reunions, again, at the right time.

Right now, I’m going to say it’s a tie, due to being in different situations. I don’t think the New World Order would have worked in WWF and I don’t think D-Generation X would have worked in WCW. It would be the NWO vs. the Hart Foundation, Nation Of Domination, Disciples of Apocalypse, Los Boricuas, and a few other stables. Then you would have DX vs. the Four Horsemen, the Dungeon of Doom, and of course WCW.

It's insulting that the nWo has to be constantly compared with DX. Heel Hogan has no equal in DX, the Outsiders could be equaled out by HHH & HBK if you're a wwe fanboy, otherwise they just don't have the same kind of coolness, they obviously have better in ring work tho. Xpac and Rude were in both so they cancel eachother out. And then Steiner alone takes care of the NAOutlaws and Chyna. Now the list can begin to blowout DX and even the Horseman for that matter. I hope to never, ever hear anyone bring up an idea that Evolution is even slightly comparable to any of the major 3 (DX,nWo,Horseman). Sting, Luger, Hart, Norton, Savage,Rodman just these 6 could've made a stable that was as good or better than DX. You know when you're with a group of people chillin and there's people that look cool and act cool, then there's the people that need to be a little inappropriate to get noticed, yeah that's the deal here! nWo over DX every time!

Hart, Norton, and Rodman are not very good examples to back your argument up. Of the 3 you mentioned Norton was the most relevant member. Rodman made very few appearances, and by the time Hart joined the NWO the group was already really watered down. I agree with you though that the NWO, and i am talking about the originally three, were just a little better than DX. I am a huge DX mark to, but the formation of the original NWO shocked the world. A heel Hogan was unthinkable. Even at 16 I was totally stunned. They did what DX did, and they did it first. Sure DX was easier to relate to as teens, but like you said they got that because of the vulgar things they were doing. I know because I was that age and we got a kick out of doing the crotch chop, and we liked them best when they were being vulgar. I am a huge fan of both groups, and honestly I am a bigger fan of DX, but The NWO takes it for me here.
I take the NWO over DX as a whole because the nwo was more relevant in my mind and made a bigger impact on the business.

That said, the DX reunion where they were heels and X-Pac turned on Kane and HHH was married to Stephanie was awesome television. That was probably my favorite version of DX and was up there with the nWo.

I think people overrate the roster issue for the nWo as well. That became a probably in 1998 when they were keeping it going by adding guys like Stevie Ray, but prior to that the large roster wasn't a problem. Hogan, Savage, Nash, Hall, Hennig, Bischoff, Norton, Muta & Chono...yeah it was a lot of people but it worked.
I'd say the NWO when it first got started was a better stable but it was drawn out far too long and had way too many members. It became ridiculous after a while with someone new joining every couple weeks. For that reason, I have to say DX was the better stable from start to finish.
They were both at their peaks at different points in time.

I'd say the original NWO eras, from Bash at the Beach '96 - Starrcade '97 is definitely the best.

But as 1998 started, NWO declined and DX started to take off (with HBK, HHH and Tyson). After Wrestlemania 14, DX definitely takes it. Face DX with the NAO and HHH were WAYYYY better than the 1998 versions of the NWO (including Wolfpac).

After Wrestlemania 15, pretty much both DX and NWO were dead stories. Spring 1999 had the new Wolfpac curtesy of the Fingerpoke of Doom... and DX was left with just X-Pac and Road Dogg.

So... July 1996 - December 1997 NWO vs. August 1997 - March 1999 DX

While "Suck it" was way more over than "4-Life, Just Too Sweet, Survey Says" ever was, I'd still have to give the nod to NWO for basically starting the Attitude era. That initial run/storyline taking over WCW and vs. Sting was the hottest thing in the business. While the HBK version of DX was extremely entertaining, I wasn't as big of a fan of the HHH era. I mean, I remember the New Age Outlaws getting bigger pops than HHH did.

Here are the different era of the NWO I'm basing this on:

Bash at the Beach 1996 - November 1996 (Formation)
Heels: Hogan, Nash, Hall, DiBiase, Vincent, Giant, Syxx

Halloween Havoc 1996 - Starrcade 1997 (Bischoff era)
Heels: Hogan, Nash, Hall, Bischoff and almost everyone on the roster

Starrcade 1997 - April 1998 (Dissention)
Heels: Hogan, Bischoff, + more / Faces: Nash, Savage

May 1998 - January 1999 (Wolfpac vs Hollywood)
NWO Hollywood: Hogan, Bischoff, Hall, Scott Steiner, + more
NWO Wolfpac Faces: Nash, Savage, Sting, Konnan, Luger

January 1999 - May 1999 (Fingerpoke of Doom)
NWO Wolfpac Heels: Hogan, Nash, Hall, Luger, Steiner, Bagwell, Konnan
NWO B-Team: Hennig, Giant, Horace, Stevie Ray, Brian Adams, Vincent

December 1999 - April 2000 (Reformation)
Heels: Nash, Hall, Jeff Jarrett, Bret Hart, Scott Steiner

Won't count the WWF version of NWO


Here are the different eras of DX:

August 1997 - Wrestlemania 14 (HBK version)
Heels: HBK, HHH, Chyna, Rick Rude

Wrestlemania 14 - Wrestlemania 15 (HHH version)
Faces: HHH, X-Pac, New Age Outlaws, Chyna

Wrestlemania 15 - July 1999 (Dissention)
Faces: Road Dogg, X-Pac, Billy Gunn, (Kane)

October 1999 - Wrestlemania 2000 (Reformation prior to McMahon-Helmsley)
Heels: HHH, X-Pac, New Age Outlaws
The NWO over DX. Ultimately when you talk about the NWO its just like The Horsemen, the other heel faction universally considered "The Best" of all time. You dont talk about The Horsemen with Brian Pillman, Sid Justice, Paul Roma, Steve McMichael, etc. You talk about Flair, Arn, Blanchard, Luger, Whyndam, Ole Anderson, the guys most associated with the faction's height both popularity & creativd wise, circa 85-88. Other incarnations had some moments, but overall paled in comparison.

The NWO circa 96-97 was the same. Hogan, Nash, Hall, and later Scott Steiner were an extremely effective faction. The whole storyline got watered down with much of WCW's mid card being added, the whole "split" between Hogan's Black & White and Nash's Red & Black, plus the addition, subtraction, and addition again of WCW main eventers who joined, left, switched sides, etc like Sting, Savage, Hart, Luger, et all, it just got ridiculous in 98 to the point the storyline was almost dead by Starrcade 98.

I would say the "re formation" of the group in early 99, purging the mid carders and focussing on just the main players (Hogan, Nash, Hall, Steiner) was very good, and much needed as WCW was top heavy in way over fan favs (Goldberg, Flair, Sting, DDP) with no dominant heel group to oppose them. Unfortunately it was short lived, so I would say the prime time of The NWO was their 96 formation through Starrcade 97 and Jan-March 99. That version was an extremely effective faction, integral to WCW programming and very popular with fans.

Like the NWO, DX had some revolving members but their best known roster would be HBK, HHH, X-pac, & NOA. DX was a major force in WWE Stories between 97-99 but were not necessarily the dominant group as the company focussed much of it's storylines on "Faction Warfare" with NOD, Ministry, etc. While the NWO was a violent, edgy, group DX had a much more humorous bent, less serious in their presentation. You could argue the NWO was more comparable to The Horsemen & DX was more comparable to The Bobby Heenan family in that regard.

Which group played a bigger part in their company's success ? I would say the NWO, although DX was significant. Which group was more dangerous, more violent in the traditional heel sense ? The NWO. With that in mind The NWO is my pick of the two.
I think its unfair to say which one is better. For the simple fact was the NWO was half of the WCW locker room. Also if you just count the main people in NWO Hogan, Nash, Hall, Savage. Or is it Hogan Nash and Hall. You cant judge 3-4 people against 28 people. I would go with NWO, but I can’t. Dont get me wrong I love that fact that they would run rough shot over everyone. That was great. But after awhile it was the same thing over and over just a different person they would jump. Then you have Sting, Be took the entire NWO out. And that help make the NWO interesting.
Now for DX. They would mess with everyone. And they only had one top guy in the group at the time. HHH didn’t develop until later on. He was mid carder when DX formed and a tag team. They could talk, they too could run rough shot, they were funny, went even as far as going to WCW event. They were better performers in all. NWO would just brawl and beat people up. Even in matches.

So Im going with DX.
i can`t really say as i never say them as competition to each other. DX was a couple guys who were thought that they were better than the rest and that the rules didn`t apply to them. nWo were guys main eventers who got the big money contracts, were allowed to do whatever they wanted and decided to do that in order to stay on top. in many ways, the nWo was what a group like DX would turn into if they were successful - had they not left, Nash and Hall probably would have been in DX but they decided to leave when they got the big contracts. but i never compared them to each other because they were 2 totally different ideas.

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