Suggest The DX and nWo members for feud

you know what? if it were to ever happen, it would be a 3 on 3. dX: hhh/xpac/hbk and nwo: hogan or steiner/nash/hall.
daoneenigma said:
The way I would book it:

DX are about to beat the McMahons and Big Show at Unforgiven at Hell in a Cell. Triple H clotheslines Vince over the top rope. Big Show is about to attack Triple H from behind and Shawn gives Big Show the Sweet Chin Music. And as Shane tries to attack HBK, Trips gives him a boot to the gut and the Pedigree. In the mean time, Vince is getting up. As DX is about to pin their opponents, Vince slams his fist on the apron and says, "NOW, DAMN IT!" The legendary nWo music hits. Hall and Nash walk down the ramp. Nash has wire cutters in hand with Hall holding a taser. Nash cuts open the Cell and both walk through it as Vince has a huge smile on his face. DX is in utter shock. Hall walks up to Shawn Michaels and shocks him with the taser to the chest. As Trips is about to attack Hall, Nash gives him the big boot. Hall then gives the taser to Nash as he then shocks HHH. Hall picks up Michaels, Nash picks up HHH, and hit the Razor's Edge and the Jacknife at the same time. Vince and Shane cover DX non-chalantly with their feet on their chests. (All the while Big Show goes to the back unnoticed)

Next night on RAW Vince books an epic re-match between Hall and Michaels. When the match is about to begin Randy Orton rushes to the ring from the crowd and RKOs HBK out of nowhere. Orton is wearing his nWo style, rKo shirt, and rips it apart revealing an nWo shirt underneath.

Next week on RAW an Unforgiven re-match is scheduled between Orton and Carlito. Orton sporting a new nWo look comes to the ring with Carlito waiting. Orton gets on the mic: "Listen Carlito, I didn't come here to fight. There's something bigger than the both of us that's happening in the WWE, and that's the New World Order. You got skills man, and I really think you should consider joining the movement. Cause either you're with us, or you're against us!" Orton offers Carlito an nWo shirt. Carlito grabs the mic and the shirt and says, "nWo? Now that's cool!" He puts on the shirt. As Randy Orton is celebrating the new acquisition to the nWo, he turns around and Carlito gives him the backcracker. Takes off the shirt and throws it at Orton. He grabs an apple takes a bite of it...and here comes Hall and Nash. They enter the ring and Carlito spits the apple in Hall's face. After that it become a three man beat down on Carlito. DX comes in for the save and clean house. They help Carlito up. HBK grabs a DX shirt that was hanging out of his back pocket. And hands it to Carlito. Triple H grabs the mic, "Well Carlito, you seemed like the only guy cool enough to join DX." Then HHH grabs a green apple shines it up and hands it to Carlito. Carlito has the apple and the shirt in his hands. He looks at them and puts on the shirt and grabs the mic. "Carlito in Degeneration X? That's really cool"

In a backstage segment, nWo are walking around pissed. Nitro and Melina are standing in a hallway. Nitro says: "Looks like you guys took a hell of a beating from DX." The nWo members look at each other and start beating down Nitro. Nitro gets bloodied up. Then they walk towards Melina and start smiling. They surround her. Melina speaks up: "Oh don't worry guys, he was a chump anyway." Melina puts her arms around the waists of Hall and Nash and they all walk away together.

Nitro has a match scheduled with Shelton Benjamin next. Somehow Nitro makes his way to the ring. Before the match can even get started the music of the nWo hits. Orton rushes down to the ring and starts beating up Nitro. Benjamin starts joining in. Orton gets a steel chair and goes to town on Nitro.

Orton grabs a mic, points at Nitro and says "This is what happens when you cross the nWo" Orton looks at Benjamin and says I know you're not as stupid as Nitro is and I'm damn sure not as stupid as Carlito is for turning down an offer to join the nWo."
Benjamin: "Hell no. Who do you think I am? I'm not a stupid Caribbean punk or a talentless prettyboy. I'm Shelton Benjamin. The best damn athlete on RAW." Orton: "I know you are bro. There's no doubt about that. It's all about the Benjamins."
Benjamin: Damn right.
Orton: It's also, all about the New World Order.
Orton hands Benjamin a shirt.
Benjamin grabs the shirt, puts it on and shakes Orton's hand. Then he puts on his shades as both exit the ring.

Next week on RAW, Nitro knocks on DX's locker room door and walks in.
Carlito, Trips, and Shawn Michaels are hangin out. Nitro pleads with DX for help to get revenge on the nWo. DX mess with Nitro and say he has to earn his stripes first. In a series of backstage segments, DX makes Nitro do menial and embarassing things like get them coffee, act like an idiot, and entertain their every whim.

In another backstage segment, Shelton is walking around sporting his new nWo shirt, and bumps shoulders with Ric Flair. Shelton berates Ric for getting in his way. He claims that he's an nWo member and deserves the proper respects. Flair says he's a 16-time World Champion and he's gonna show him respect in the ring later in the night. WHOOOOOO!

Shelton shakes his head and keeps walkin. And runs into Haas/Viscera. Shelton looks at them, snickers, and shakes his head. Then keeps walkin. Haas yells at Benjamin and says: "What the hell is your problem?" Benjamin: YOU! You and me were once the World's Greatest Tag Team. We were on top of the world. And then I move to RAW and I achieve greatness, while sink to the bottom. Now look at you, you're teaming with the black marshmellow man." Viscera punches Benjamin. Shelton comes back with a low blow and clubbing blows to Viscera's back as Haas looks on. Shelton gets up and says "Come to the top with me, where you belong. Join me and the New World Order." Haas looks at Shelton. Then looks at Viscera. Both Haas and Benjamin beat down the World's Largest Love Machine and walk away together.

For the main event, Ric Flair takes on Shelton Benjamin accompanied by Charlie Haas sporting an nWo shirt. After a solid back and forth match, Ric then locks in the Figure-Four. Haas gets involved and gets Shelton DQ'd. Flair gets beat down by Haas and Benjamin. The crowd starts chanting for DX. Instead the nWo's music hits. Hall, Nash, and Orton come down to the ring. 5-man beat down on Ric Flair. Finally, Triple H, HBK, and Carlito come to the ring to Ric's aid. But still the numbers are too much for DX. Nitro comes running down the ramp with two steel chairs in hand. He runs into the ring drops one of the chairs and starts swinging away. Flair who is finally revived picks up the other chair and joins. At this point, Triple H is out of the ring. He grabs a sledgehammer gets in the ring and joins the action. Trips Nitro and Naich clean house. Hall, Nash, Benjamin, Haas, and Orton are backing up the ramp angrily. Carlito and HBK reach under the ring aprons and grab two DX shirts. They come in as Carlito hands one to Nitro and Michaels hands one to Flair. Nitro becomes excited as Flair starts doing his WHOOOOs and crotch chops.

Nitro, Triple H, Flair, HBK, and Carlito stand side by side in the middle of the ring staring down the nWo. They all do crotch chops at one time setting off pyro in the ring as the fans go crazy.

Final Rosters
DX: Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Carlito, Johnny Nitro, and Ric Flair.
nWo: Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Randy Orton, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas.

Props if you read all that. Sorry, I was ultra bored. I got kinda carried away.


i don't see nitro in dx, but there's nobody else.. so i'll go with it..

hardy? nah.. they wouldn't make him the b*tch
DX Members:Triple H,HBK,Ric Flair,Kane,Carlito NWO Members:Kevin Nash,Scott Hall,Hulk,Scott Steiner,Johnny Nitro

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