
I'm Awesome ;)
I've always wondered this since Shawn Michaels joined the NWO. He was trying to get Triple H to join the week before they ended the storyline because of Nash getting injured so all 3 original members basically weren't there anymore and it wasn't really the NWO. But, what would of happened in this story line?

I think Triple H would of stayed face, and faced off against the NWO, with Shawn Michaels eventually getting sick of the NWO and reforming DX with The Game. Then, they would got old members back like Road Dogg and Billy Gunn to even the playing field. The wild card in this would be X-Pac, since he was a member of both of them and the feud eventually ending at that year's Survivor Series.

So do you think this would have happened and if so, how would you have planned the storyline?
im not sure if this would have played out the way you suggest, however im very glad that it didnt happen as im sure that this angle would have been horribly botched. plus, the outcome would have been awful, 1 of the three best stables of all time (horsemen, nwo, dx) would have been buried no matter what the outcome... can you imagine burying the stable that was responsible for the biggest heel turn of all time? can you imagine burying a stable that carried the wwf against wcw? im glad this didnt happen, not to even mention the stain that the wwf's version of the nwo left on the nwo's legacy in general, and not to mention how bastardized the stable had been in wcw. the nwo should be remembered for its greatness in the beginning and the branch off wolfpac, as DX should be remembered for its early days, and the days after michaels was on hiatus.
I am happy it didn't happen. wCw killed the nwo. There was nWo hollywood, nWo wolfpac, nWo japan, and even a LWO. Atleast wwe brought back the original. I think it could have been done right. I am and always have been pro wwe. However the nWo was so much stronger in my opinion. To see a tag match with trips and hbk vs hall and nash would be awesome. If they were all in there prime.
This thread kinda of already happen in a way. This is more what if it happen in 2002 era when the nWo first arrived in the WWE. Even though WWE screwed this up like WCW did when it was dieing.! It just like the WWE mess this up because it was a WCW stable and we all know how the inVasion went down.


I'm glad it didn't happen but as a wrestling would love to see how it would begin and end. The thing it would have to be on an even playing field not in WCW or WWE ring because one side would want their team to win and it would be unfair advantage for either side. My best guess would let them work it all out and let them decide who should win and lose in number of matches of course. Which leads into the final bout like War Games/Survivor Series type match.

The players that should be and depending what era this would take place.?!

1. Shawn Michaels co-leaders
2. Triple H co-leaders
3./4. New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn and Roaddog) tag team specialist
5. X-Pac* (depends on his loyality with DX or nWo)[he should end up on DX at the end some how]
6. Chyna (manager*/bodygaurd/maybe participate)


1. Hollywood Hogan leader
2. Outsiders (Kevin Nash and Scott Hall) tag team specialist
3. Syxx* (depends on his loyality with DX or nWo) who will replace Syxx?* Randy Savage ?*
4. The Giant/Big Show ?*
5. Jeff Jarrett ?*
6. Great Muta ?*

Who else would you bring to the table to face DX if this could really happen.
Yes, the nWo had a lot members to pick from but out of these guys who would you pick for this fight? nWo/Japan/Hollywood/Wolfpac/Black & White/Reunion/2000 (The Giant/Big Show, Randy Savage, Buff Bagwell, Scott Norton, Scott Steiner, Brian Adams, Curt Hennig, Masahiro Chono, Great Muta, nWo Sting, Hiro Saito, AKIRA, Tatsutoshi Goto, Michiyoshi Ohara, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Satoshi Kojima, Big Titan, The Disciple/Brutus Beefcake, Stevie Ray, Horace Hogan, Lex Luger, Sting, Konnan, Bret Hart, Jeff Jarrett, and Harris Twins)

Depending on what role X-Pac/Syxx and HBK plays. I would go with Randy Savage, The Giant/Big Show, and Great Muta. Then again its a tough decision because your best bet would go with Lex Luger, Sting, and Bret Hart. So many choices who knows.?!

Would DX be a face/tweener/heel vs nWO full fledge heel?

If this happen in 2002 all the way up to Survivor Series and no one was hurt at the time. How or who would it happen and end up?

Also, at the time we had Austin and Rock vs nWo but it was in single or handicap feuds. Plus you had the APA reteaming up as well. WWE Screwed it all up because it what they do best. If WWE didn't come up with the idea first sooner or later it just going to end badly.

As much I love to see this happen WWE or even WCW would end up messing this up one way or another. The best way to see or create such a match is though our Video Games or some kind of video type thing youtube. It's too late for this to happen to be any good.
I think if WWE hadnt turned Hulk Hogan babyface after his match with The Rock at WM X8, Hall hadnt got fired & Nash didnt get injured, we could've possibly have seen DX vs. NWO. Backlash could've been the setup, Hulk faced HHH for the title at the PPV anyway, they could've easily just not had Hulk turn face and had "Hollywood" Hogan vs. HHH at Backlash and had "Hollywood" win the title from HHH as scheduled. After that I'm not really sure cause Hogan lost the title to Taker then Taker defended the title against HHH at KOTR and Angle & The Rock at Vengeance but it wouldnt really have gotten in the way if Hogan lost or kept the title, they would've just had to keep putting anyone up against NWO in the meantime till HBK returned, formed DX with HHH then have a NWO vs. DX match for Summerslam since that's when Shawn Michaels returned to the ring officially. Maybe it could've gone like this.

WM - Rock beats "Hollywood" Hogan

Backlash - "Hollywood" Hogan beats HHH for Undisputed Title with help from NWO.

Judgment Day - Taker (who they would have had to turn back face. He did in August for his feud against Test, could've been earlier for this, so dont say they couldn't have turned him face) defs. "Hollywood" Hogan to win the title with help from HHH.

King Of The Ring - Taker defs. "Hollywood" Hogan & HHH to retain the title (all 3 were the top guys of the Undisputed Title division at the time anyway)

Raw - HBK joins NWO.

Vengeance - Taker vs. Rock (Taker would still have to be face since he turned face at JD. Face vs. face has been done for the title, so dont get your panties in a twist over this.)

"Hollywood" Hogan vs. Kurt Angle (since they faced off at KOTR but for the NWO to have stayed together & my booking to work, they could've bunked Angle vs. Hogan to this event. Angle would be face aswell).

HBK confronts HHH and persuades HHH to join Raw (which is what happened on the PPV)

Raw - HBK & HHH reform DX which makes NWO mad and attack them.

Summerslam - DX (HBK & HHH) vs. NWO (Hogan, Nash & Hall) in a Handicap Match.
I am happy it didn't happen. wCw killed the nwo. There was nWo hollywood, nWo wolfpac, nWo japan, and even a LWO. Atleast wwe brought back the original. I think it could have been done right. I am and always have been pro wwe. However the nWo was so much stronger in my opinion. To see a tag match with trips and hbk vs hall and nash would be awesome. If they were all in there prime.

WCW didn't necessarily "kill" the NWO...but it certainly ran it's course while it was over there.

Vince McMahon, however, did the finishing touches to kill whatever was left of it once they returned to the WWF.

The NWO was literally this juggernaut of a faction within WCW that beat people mercilessly and ran the show. WWF brought the NWO over to try and spark something...but they treated the NWO entirely differently. The NWO came over to the WWF and Vince McMahon had them represent the exact opposite. He basically made a mockery out of the group...giving off the impression that they were the same guys from WCW...yet having Austin and The Rock and others poke fun at them and beat THEM up instead of the other way around. It was tough to watch as an original NWO fan most definitely.

The NWO went from being this powerful faction that beat up all the stars in WCW and made a name for themselves to some Vince McMahon experiment where, regardless of him now owning them, he felt the need to embarrass the faction for kicking his ass in the past...which took all the credit away from the NWO at that point...that by the time others started to join in the WWF, it was already deflated and a shell of its former self.

AS for NWO vs. DX? If you're talking about just WWF, I would say Vince would have made sure his faction not only won but embarrassed them.

But if you're talking in generalities and a hypothetical question - then there is no way in hell the NWO would have ever lost to DX in their prime. They were the biggest, baddest, and greatest thing going...and DX wouldn't have even existed had it not been for the NWO.
If all the chips fell into place, as in Hogan, Hall, and Nash staying together, then yes. I think this would've happened. We would've seen DX make fun of the older guys, and basically destroy them. To me DX was always better than the nWo anyways, and we all know that McMahon would want DX to win, just to further tarnish the legacy of the nWo.

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