The nWo could have been kept alive in the WWE

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The NWO could have worked, but from the start they were made to look like a comedy act and not a legit threat at all.

First of all they started of the PPV cutting promos about how they are there because they all want another shot. Now I know it was to act like they were good, but that is not the NWO. All 3 of them cut corny scripted promos that just didn't get them off to a good start.

Then through out the night you had them encountering the Rock, SCSA, and others and those guys just cut jokes on the NWO. Again how are they supposed to feel like a real threat if WWE's top guys are just bury them in segments.

What should have happened was at the start of the PPV Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about all day the wrestlers and management in the back as been on edge because no one has seen the NWO and given their history they can attack at any time. Now you have all the fans at home watching on the edge of their seat because you have your hook. When will the NWO strike and who will be with them. Because at this point you just herd the NWO was coming, but you didn't know who would be with them. The WWE played there hand to quick on the NWO storyline at the PPV.

I don't think anyone would have made a big deal about them showing up during the ME and fucking up The Rocks or SCSA's match. I just think they should have been kept away from the WWE locker room and talent ( on TV ) and not have them wrestle for a few PPV's down the line.
The NWO - though a stolen idea by Eric Bischoff - was the ignitor that set off one of the most incredible periods in American pro wrestling history. But a few things happened that killed it long before Vince McMahon even bought WCW.

First, the whole group got WAY too big. Someone mentioned that the NWO made stars out of Scott Steiner, KDawg and Buff Bagwell. Steiner has never been anything more than a borderline star at best. He was a top guy in a dying WCW and is now a top guy in another floundering company. He did have a short run in WWE as a top guy, but it wasnt memorable and didn't work very well. As for KDawg and Bagwell... that poster might be the only person on the planet not related to those guys who thinks they were stars.

The unfortunate thing about the NWO was that they came in representing the anti-establishment. After a year, there were more WCW wrestlers in the NWO than not in the NWO. Not sure how else to say this, but if the anti-establishment is represented by the majority then it actually becomes the establishment.

Other things to kill the NWO was the constant teasing of its demise. All those different spin offs of the NWO were done to increase the hostility between Nash/Hall and Hogan. The fans wanted to see a climax to those hostilities, but instead, we got the finger poke of doom ... and the rebirth of the original NWO. All of a sudden, these guys went from being cool heels that people loved to see wreak havoc to guys that we thought were lame for trying to pull one over on the crowd.

Vince bringing them to WWE was - I thought - a great idea. The fans did want to see it. For nostalgia purposes. Funny thing about nostalgia with wrestling fans is that we can become sick of a wrestler, but after a while of that wrestler being gone, we want to see him again.

But the nostalgia effect with pro wrestling crowds fades quickly. And once that initial period is finished, the fans are left wishing that wrestler would just go away. By the time Hall was fired, Nash was injured and Hogan turned himself face, the nostalgia of the NWO was pretty much gone. I think that even without those three things occurring, it would have been a smart move to get rid of the NWO around that time anyway.

...Keeping it around and thinking the NWO rub can make a star is faulty logic. Just ask Scott Norton or Stevie Ray ...
And don't even get me started with Evolution. Evolution is an overrated stable. They did shit. What did Evolution ever do that was noteworthy as a group besides help bring up Batista and Orton? Evolution has no memorable moments as a stable except when Batista turned and when Orton got beat up out of the group. That is it. 2 moments out of how long? LOL! Trash stable. RAW completely sucked when Evolution ran the show. Smackdown was the far superior show at that time and RAW ratings sucked. From the time Evolution was on TV, they stank up the joint.


Finally someone said it!!!!!!! Evolution had no memorable moments that speak volume... most over hype stable in the past 25 years... now with the nwo vince fucked up huge with not bringing these guys in the invasion angle.. NWO VS DX would of bin the battle of the best factions in WRESTLING HISTORY (four house men) you aint got shit on NWO OR DX... pulling the plug on nwo was a smart move!!! history repeats itself hopefully we get a crazy new heel faction(not nexus) and cena is the leader of it!!!!
what they shouldve done is brought nWo in unannounced in early 2002 with bischoff as sort of a stage 2 invasion, sayin stuff like " wcw and ecw couldnt get the job done, we are experts at invading companys, WWF is next" sign stiener a few months early so u hve a roster of Hogan Hall Nash Bischoff Mr Perfect Big Show X Pac and Scott Stiener, now try and tell me that would have gotten HUGE ratings and been a wayy more credible threat to WWF.

Have wrestlemania X8 with hogan vs austin, nash vs rock and hall vs HHH

Have wrestlemania X9 hogan vs rock, hall/nash vs hhh/hbk, bischoff vs mcmahon, hennig vs angle and stiener vs undertaker or som shit like that EPIC year of a real invasion i think that couldve been....
what they shouldve done is brought nWo in unannounced in early 2002 with bischoff as sort of a stage 2 invasion, sayin stuff like " wcw and ecw couldnt get the job done, we are experts at invading companys, WWF is next" sign stiener a few months early so u hve a roster of Hogan Hall Nash Bischoff Mr Perfect Big Show X Pac and Scott Stiener, now try and tell me that would have gotten HUGE ratings and been a wayy more credible threat to WWF.

Have wrestlemania X8 with hogan vs austin, nash vs rock and hall vs HHH

Have wrestlemania X9 hogan vs rock, hall/nash vs hhh/hbk, bischoff vs mcmahon, hennig vs angle and stiener vs undertaker or som shit like that EPIC year of a real invasion i think that couldve been....

Awful. Steiner sucked for years on end and 2003 was living proof. Hall and Perfect aren't the most dependable guys in the world and Show is mediocre. I don't see any way this would be better than what we got in 2001.
To answer the OP's question: yes, I agree. Vince McMahon could likely have made this last. Proof? How long did the Lawler/Cole feud last? Relax, I'm only joking...

To quote the wiley Mr McMahon himself:
I'm going to inject the POISON into my own creation...

Right then I thought "what kind of idiot kills his own source of income?"

It looked like he maybe, just maaaaybe... had some plans for the legendary stable when Michael's joined, but I definitely think the nWo's best WWE moments were intended to be the Rock vs Hogan dream match/ Hollywood's repentance to the hulkamaniacs he left behind.

It was WrestleMania! The night that's more important than the other 364 days. Mr McMahon could've used the nWo for a single storyline, couldn't he have? Its not like it was HIS idea anyway...
The nWo became too redundant and should have ended when they split. Wolfpac and Hollywood. WCW then had it go on forever, and Vince did too. I was wondering if it was done right in the WWE, maybe it could have been a catapult for newer stars to break out from.
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