1997-98 Horace Boulder (Raven's Flock heel) vs. 1998-99 Horace Hogan (nWo B&W heel)


Pre-Show Stalwart
A heel vs. heel mirror match could do wonders, but which Horace Boulder Hogan would be over? Horace Boulder circa 1997-98 when he was a member of Raven's Flock because Raven only wanted to add him to get closer to Hollywood Hulk Hogan (Horace's uncle), or Horace Hogan circa 1998-99 when he was a member of nWo Hollywood (probably as a replacement for The Disciple aka Brutus Beefcake/Ed Leslie) by Halloween Havoc '98 during the Hogan v. Warrior II rematch despite a series of unsettling confrontations with his uncle as preparation for his uncle going into the HH'98 match with Warrior. Horace's allies in the nWo Hollywood are former Harlem Heat tag teamer Stevie Ray, Scott Norton, Brian Adams and Virgil/Vincent/Mike Jones.

Horace Boulder (circa '97-'98):
-Allies: Raven, Scotty Riggs, Lodi, Perry Saturn, Chris Kanyon, Billy Kidman, Reese and Sick Boy.
-Foes: Diamond Dallas Page, Johnny Grunge, Rocco Rock, Van Hammer, Juventud Guerrera, The Barbarian (Sione Vailahi) and Barry Horowitz.

Horace Hogan (circa '98-'99):
-Allies: Hollywood Hogan, Stevie Ray, Scott Steiner, Scott Norton and Vincent (Mike Jones)
-Foes: Ultimate Warrior, The Disciple, Dean Malenko, Steve "Mongo" McMichael, Kevin Nash, Wrath, Scott Hall, Chavo Guerrero, Disco Inferno, Konnan and Lex Luger.

Because it's mirror match fantasy booking with heels vs. heels, tell me if outside interference will be the main factor between each heel's respective allies or foes.

Do you think we'd see Horace Boulder's fellow Flock pals interfere as his backups when trying to fend off nWo Hollywood's Horace Hogan? And how would Hollywood Hogan, Stevie Ray, Big Poppa Pump, Scott Norton and Mike Jones each play a part in helping nWo B&W Horace by fending off Flock Horace Boulder and the rest of the Raven's Flock?

Come up with your own play-by-play script summary for the matchup between Horace Boulder of Raven's Flock and Horace Hogan of nWo Hollywood, take into account who will come out in the following order for outside interference run-ins.
Tony Schiavone: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have an unprecedented event for you this evening!

Bobby Heenan: Tonight and evening are the same thing Tony.

Mike Tenay: Why is Lord Steven Regal here!?

Tony: You're reading from the wrong script Mike.

Steven Regal: No he is not, I'm here tonight to offer commentary for this upcoming match.

Bobby: Have you been sitting next to me the whole time?

Tony: We have word from Turner cloning facilities that they have made a breakthrough in human reproduction.

Mike: That happened.

Bobby: Are you saying that we cloned Ted Turner?

Tony: Close, we cloned Horace Hogan.

Steven: Who in the bloody Hell is that?

Bobby: Couldn't those resources have gone to something more important, like spackling drywall?

Mike: Why is Lord Steven Regal here?

Tony: Horace Boulder will fight Horace Hogan, right here, tonight, in front of this capacity crowd, in front of millions of fans watching at home.

Steven: May I ask what's at stake in this fight?

Bobby: Our sanity.

Mike: This is the greatest wrestling program in history!

Tony: Due to shaky laws regarding cloning, the winner will be allowed to murder his opponent as punishment for losing.

*everyone except Mike eyeballs Tony*

Mike: I can't believe Bret Hart would do something like this!

Tony: I'm just joshing you guys, the winner will have earned our brand new Super Duper Championship.

Bobby: We're all Super Duper Champions if we survive this.

*generic rock music starts playing*

Tony: And here comes our first competitor!

Michael Buffer: Walking first to the ring, he is... a bald man with a weird face. He hails from, somewhere. We think he might be Hulk Hogan's nephew, or he may have been grown in a lab. Hoooooooorrrraaaaaaace... Booooowwwwlllll-hooooogan-derrrrrr!

Mike: I can't believe this is happening right before our very eyes!

*Horace Boulder comes to the ring with Raven's Flock*

Bobby: Which one was he again?

Steven: I don't bloody know.

Tony: That's Horace Boulder.

Bobby: How can you be certain?

*Horace enters the ring while Raven's Flock surround the back half of the outside of the ring*

Michael Buffer:Ladies and... well, the other Horace.

*Horace Hogan comes to the ring with the nWo*

Mike: AGAIN!?

Bobby: Is this some kind of mirror fantasy match?

Tony: This is an elimination interference lottery match Bobby.

Steven: Oh, it's one of those.

Bobby: What in the what is a what what?

Tony: It's very simple, both men will compete in a three out of five arm wrestling tournament. For each point, that winner may invest one to three points depending on how well he won that round into one or split up among as many outside allies as he would like.

Steven: What good does it do to invest in your mates?

Tony: The outside ally with the most points is allowed to solve a mathematical conundrum submitted by American Mensa, but he can only be provided pieces of scratch paper from allies with progressively higher scores below his score. They must retrieve those pieces of scratch paper from a depot beneath the arena that will only supply that paper if they can solve a riddle where the answer is a secret password.

Mike: My God! The walls are melting!

Tony: Upon solving the mathematical conundrum, that man may interfere in the match or he may complete a physical challenge as penance for passing his right to interfere unto another ally.

Bobby: Fast forward for a minute, how does anyone get eliminated?

Tony: After breeding enough Elephant Snails to affect the local environment of Southern Australia, that man will be permitted to appeal to his congressman for a new amendment to the state constitution that forbids a particular opponent from appearing within fifty feet of anyone named Hogan on a local tv broadcast.


*Hogan is quickly arrested for appearing with himself on tv*

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