Bischoff = nWo

They don't need Hall and Nash. Bischoff was the orchestrator of the nWo in the first place - not hall, nash, and hogan. Bischoff can make the nWo happen...
The nWo may come back tonight at cyber sunday cause bischoff will most likely be the special guest referee in the rated RKO vs DX match. I can imagine at the very least that orton and edge will lose the match and then take out hbk so he can go for his knee surgery. who knows, after that they may just bring out the old spraypaint and brand hbk with the nWo logo. If its going to happen then thats the way it will happen. i can just see a DX vs rated RKO feud for the next few months though, not with the nWo.
As of right now with the condition of Scott Hall I would say not right now. He has a ways to go to get back in shape.
Lets face it- as long as Eric Bishoff will be around in the WWE, there will always be rumors of an nWo reunion. It might just be a rumor, or wishful thinking but, you can't help but wonder if it'll happen.

Flames Out
i dont know about nwo, but all i know is DX will continue on till christmas, because of their new t-shirt that says "merry dx mas" and has the 2 figures that are on the mooning shirt, but their wearing santa hats
Doesn't necessairly mean DX will continue on till than. It's a possibility but, I bet they'll be selling DX shirts even after they disband.

Flames Out
No matter how many people want to see the nWo come back it just shouldnt happen. Dont get me wrong nWo is my favorite faction and all but WWE doesnt know how to use them right. They brign them in for what like a couple months and then they die off. If it was a long time ago when DX had 4 members and nWo was in its prime then I would say this is a great idea. Yes Bischoff is the reason for the nWo but you cant make the nWo without the people who were the face of the faction from the begining.
I think that people are getting stuck on the "NWO" thing. The group if they even decide to have one does not need to be called the NWO. They can call it anything they want too. I just want to see some more factions on Raw and Smackdown for that matter. I think that it gives you more matches with out having to really explain them. I think that it just makes the product better. Cause then you have storylines of who will get who each week.
Johnjohn324 said:
They don't need Hall and Nash. Bischoff was the orchestrator of the nWo in the first place - not hall, nash, and hogan. Bischoff can make the nWo happen...

Umm..yes they do need the originals. With new people, the nWo WILL NOT WORK. It would just be stupid to have a bunch of new people in the nWo colors. Maybe make up a new faction...but don't even try to stick people in the nWo that don't belong.
It would seem as though we have seen the last of Eric b. The whole dx big dick johnson segment seemed like a blow off for eric.

your thoughts.
Ok a freind showed me this...

Which brought on this...

Tyros the Pyromancer says:
Holy s***...

nWo says:
its real

Tyros the Pyromancer says:
Hey *wheeze* Yo *cough*

nWo says:
lol dullest razor ever or what?

Tyros the Pyromancer says:
Man. retire. See ya. Really liked you, and choose not to remember you like that...
Tyros the Pyromancer says:
Tyros the Pyromancer says:
See this is shock and awe, drop leaflets of this on the iraqis...

nWo says:
nWo says:
they'd pause long enough to say "is that really him" and then we bomb them!

Tyros the Pyromancer says:
They'ed be stunned. Unable to defend themselves... Many would surrender rather than suffer the shame of the leaflet any longer...

Bye Razor...
lol hi tyros!

i knew youd get a kick out of those razor pics in that email i sent ya hahaha but i didnt think you make a string and join the forums out of shock! lol

and yes, its sad how out of shape he is. but he has many demons to battle and it seems he hasnt been battling too much lol. i hope his real life is ok tho but scott hall cannot be seen on tv like that...please!

by the way to everyone else, the 'nWo' responder in that msn talk is ME :P
i would hope this is bischoff's last time on raw. he is a real dick, in acting, and in person. my brother works for chet coppock on the notre dame football pre and post game show in chicago, and coppock obviously ring-announced wrestlemania 2 and 3, and even he says he's a dick
nWo willl never come backk hall is so fat nash is tna hogan is retirin after wm23
Christ yea, I saw a recent picture of Hall and man has he gotten fat. I wouldn't have thought it possible for a professional athlete to gain weight like that.
Mr. Sam said:
Christ yea, I saw a recent picture of Hall and man has he gotten fat. I wouldn't have thought it possible for a professional athlete to gain weight like that.
Just look:

I guess if he got back into shape then there's a kind of possibilty that nWo would come back, but I don't see it happening.
NWO IS DONE!!!! i dnt understand why anyone keeps bringin up the possibility of the nwo coming back because they are not its been stated many times the idea has been scrapped and is not thought about anymore so its dead done OVER
i just thought of something randy orton and edge can make like a new the relastionship they have with bishoff and since they have like a fude with DX it could happen and they would have like an original NWO member with them
They also could bring back former WCWers like Flair Turned than Randy Savage made a crazy uncalled for ohh yeah comeback, leader would be king booker after Droping the king because he realizes its real gay, or not; maybe shane o mac wants to turn on daddy and vince all of a suddon is buddy buddy with dx or something crative
well if the BwO can come back out of nowhere like they did last year, the NwO can easily do the same, but still i doubt they will come back because bishchoff is with edge and orton and i don't think he would just leave them unless they joined NwO aswell.

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