If you don't want Roman Reigns to be the champ, don't watch Mania.

Do you understand how foolish that sounds? You're basically saying that people should completely give up a four hour product because they don't want to see the last moment of a four hour product.

I DO want Roman Reigns to be the champ, so I will watch, hoping he gets the pin. If you want Daniel Bryan to be the champ, then don't watch Mania.

Do you really think this is all people want out of Mania? Who among us is so simple that this is all that matters?
Have you ever met a person or watched a wrestling show, we/it are a little bit more complex.

I do NOT want Daniel Bryan to be the champ, because I'm not impressed with him at all.

Did you watch last year's Mania? Did you watch any Raw or SD during his reign before he was stripped of the title? If I use the search function and go back and look for posts you had from a year ago am I going to find any?

So, I will watch Mania, hoping that he isn't the champion.

You do know there are ways to find out who is champion before Mania actually starts? You can PM me right before the show and I will tell you.

Now, if things don't go as I want them to, I'll happily watch the next night's Raw, hoping to see the new story lines. I'm not going to throw a massive fit all over the internet, crying like a child that I didn't get my way.

Who is throwing a fit? And are you seriously telling me you have no complaints about WWE, Vince, the fans etc.?

The real fact is that the critics, the detractors, and the real marks keep trying to change a program that WAY more fans like than dislike. The vocal minority has always been mentally disturbed as far as pro-wrestling goes, at least in the episodic era of pro-wrestling. They ruin live events, and they ruin the experience for the casual observers. Imagine if in 1998, there were real smark IWC fans that shit all over Stone Cold every single time he tried to cut a promo or every single time the glass shattered. He probably would have walked away.

That same Stone Cold that was saying a lot of the same stuff about The Rumble, Reigns, and the upcoming title bout that you read on here.

Look, there are fundamental reasons to stop watching. If you find it boring, if you are not interested in PG, if you love blood, if you find it racist, if you think it is corrupt, if you worry too much about what others think of your tastes. But not being happy about the Rumble or the result is not a reason to skip out on Mania. It is throwing the baby out with the bath water. Stop trying to be so prideful.
Do you understand how foolish that sounds? You're basically saying that people should completely give up a four hour product because they don't want to see the last moment of a four hour product.
No, I'm saying don't watch if the alternative is trying to get the ending changed to fit your personal opinion. The WWE is a giant business, one in which MANY fans do want the matchup of Lesnar and Reigns. In case you haven't noticed, but the IWC has basically imploded over the last 8 days regarding this Mania matchup. If someone is so "passionate" about that match that they need to throw the fit that the Reigns detractors have thrown over the last 8 days, then it's probably unhealthy for them to be watching wrestling.

Do you really think this is all people want out of Mania? Who among us is so simple that this is all that matters?
Have you ever met a person or watched a wrestling show, we/it are a little bit more complex.
No, I think that this is what this current discussion is regarding, not to mention this current thread that you and I are commenting in. I believe that the last 8 days of the IWC have shown that the rest of WM31 isn't nearly as important as the Lesnar v. Reigns matchup.

Did you watch last year's Mania? Did you watch any Raw or SD during his reign before he was stripped of the title? If I use the search function and go back and look for posts you had from a year ago am I going to find any?
I did, on the Network for $9.99/month. He was possibly the least impressive champion in the current era that also took a week vacation to get married, scheduled directly after the biggest win in his career, during the busiest season in his profession (I also understand that a horrible tragedy took place for him immediately following that, which is not something to be used against him). He doesn't take his position as seriously as his fans do. Which is not a slight against him, that's awesome. But he's not deserving of the title. I really like him as an upper midcard guy.

But if you search my history, you're going to find a bunch of comments that state that I do not nor will I ever understand the Daniel Bryan phenomenon. He was super pushed because some chants were starting to get over, he was given TWO matches at WM30, and he was booked as the strongest face in the company until he got hurt (injuries he knew about but intentionally hid and downplayed so he could get his push, mind you), and now, only his chant remains. He doesn't sell buys, he doesn't sell merch (much). He's a talented wrestler, but one with less promo talent than Roman Reigns and less personality than the ring post.

You do know there are ways to find out who is champion before Mania actually starts? You can PM me right before the show and I will tell you.
You do know that being a condescending asshole doesn't actually present an argument, right?

Who is throwing a fit? And are you seriously telling me you have no complaints about WWE, Vince, the fans etc.?
Um, I'm going to pretend you just haven't been online in 8 days or watched the Royal Rumble yet. The hipster mark piece of the IWC just impoded over their nerd rage over Daniel Bryan being eliminated at the number 17 or 18 spot and Roman Reigns winning the Rumble. The entire Philly crowd cried like children, booing and shitting on everyone. It's an entitled mass of morons in Philly, but they're literally the worst fans in any sport or any event.

And sure, having some internal criticisms is MUCH different than being petulant spoiled children because the WWE didn't obey some fantasy booking of guys that call Daniel Bryan "Bryan Danielson" when talking about him on wrestling forums. For instance, I think that Bray Wyatt should be back in NXT, and Sami Zayn should be in the upper midcard. But that doesn't make me go into every thread and news story on Wrestlezone to cry about it.
That same Stone Cold that was saying a lot of the same stuff about The Rumble, Reigns, and the upcoming title bout that you read on here.
You should listen to the two podcasts from Stone Cold from last week, and the podcast on ProWrestling Torch that he did the week before. He agrees that Roman Reigns is the top guy going forward, and he's going to be the replacement John Cena. It's just too early for this push, which everyone agrees on. The alternative is to give in to the vocal minority and put Daniel Bryan back in the top spot, which just can't work, ever.

Look, there are fundamental reasons to stop watching. If you find it boring, if you are not interested in PG, if you love blood, if you find it racist, if you think it is corrupt, if you worry too much about what others think of your tastes. But not being happy about the Rumble or the result is not a reason to skip out on Mania. It is throwing the baby out with the bath water. Stop trying to be so prideful.

I think you misunderstand, a lot. I would PREFER if everyone just watched and enjoyed the show, mostly. I would PREFER that even if you don't like a segment, you don't shit on the rest of the show, as a live audience. I would PREFER if small groups would stop trying to turn the WWE back into the shit that it was from 2002-2009. But instead, most of that noise actually ruins the product for casual watchers, like me. Roman Reigns didn't deserve to have his Rumble win ruined by assholes in Philly, despite how mad they were (unjustifiably).

If it were up to me, no one would leave the product, and it would continue to prosper. But given the alternative of a group of assholes ruining WM31 because their fantasy booking isn't taken seriously, I would rather they just stopped watching.

And EDIT: If you don't like a certain matchup, turn off the TV for that certain match. No one is forcing anyone to watch all 4 hours of WM31. Watch what you like, don't watch what you don't like.
No, I'm saying don't watch if the alternative is trying to get the ending changed to fit your personal opinion. The WWE is a giant business, one in which MANY fans do want the matchup of Lesnar and Reigns. In case you haven't noticed, but the IWC has basically imploded over the last 8 days regarding this Mania matchup. If someone is so "passionate" about that match that they need to throw the fit that the Reigns detractors have thrown over the last 8 days, then it's probably unhealthy for them to be watching wrestling.

Who is overreacting now? You talk like acts of violence have been committed against the McMahon-Helmsley children. People are booing and complaining on the internet. Kind of like you.

No, I think that this is what this current discussion is regarding, not to mention this current thread that you and I are commenting in. I believe that the last 8 days of the IWC have shown that the rest of WM31 isn't nearly as important as the Lesnar v. Reigns matchup.

No, the rest of Mania is far from set and this is all people have to comment on. Sting/HHH looks to be set but that is old news. When people have more to talk about they will. This just hot right now.

I did, on the Network for $9.99/month.

But you didn't want him to be champion.

He was possibly the least impressive champion in the current era that also took a week vacation to get married, scheduled directly after the biggest win in his career, during the busiest season in his profession (I also understand that a horrible tragedy took place for him immediately following that, which is not something to be used against him). He doesn't take his position as seriously as his fans do. Which is not a slight against him, that's awesome. But he's not deserving of the title. I really like him as an upper midcard guy.

I like him. His story last year was fun. His reign was weak but I don't blame that on his marriage. It was shit booking against Kane and his injury.

You do know that being a condescending asshole doesn't actually present an argument, right?

That was a good one but you deserved to get shit. Have you gone back and read what you wrote? It makes little sense unless you live in cave.

Um, I'm going to pretend you just haven't been online in 8 days or watched the Royal Rumble yet.
Or you could see that I have many posts and responses to other posts over the last eight days. The Rumble was boring, it deserved to be booed. It is the main event of the show and something people have waited a long time to see.

The hipster mark piece of the IWC just impoded over their nerd rage over Daniel Bryan being eliminated at the number 17 or 18 spot and Roman Reigns winning the Rumble. The entire Philly crowd cried like children, booing and shitting on everyone. It's an entitled mass of morons in Philly, but they're literally the worst fans in any sport or any event.

It was boring. Plan and simple. It was built to matter and it did not deliver. This isn't chanting announcers names in the middle of a show because you are bored and you want to cause a scene. It was a lame main event. Reigns winning was just the icing on the shit filled cake.

And sure, having some internal criticisms is MUCH different than being petulant spoiled children because the WWE didn't obey some fantasy booking of guys that call Daniel Bryan "Bryan Danielson" when talking about him on wrestling forums. For instance, I think that Bray Wyatt should be back in NXT, and Sami Zayn should be in the upper midcard. But that doesn't make me go into every thread and news story on Wrestlezone to cry about it.

Who is going in to every thread? If those people exist call them out. Report them if it is so bad. People have legitimate gripes. Why are you so bothered by it?

If you want to tell people to focus on the future and think WWE has a plan that will give them more than they are expecting then share that. I have some thoughts on how they can turn Reigns' story around but in the meantime it looks like they are taking a guy who many have not enjoyed lately and put him in a position they don't want him in. They reached this conclusion from sitting through a dull Rumble.

You should listen to the two podcasts from Stone Cold from last week, and the podcast on ProWrestling Torch that he did the week before. He agrees that Roman Reigns is the top guy going forward, and he's going to be the replacement John Cena. It's just too early for this push, which everyone agrees on. The alternative is to give in to the vocal minority and put Daniel Bryan back in the top spot, which just can't work, ever.

Everyone agrees Reigns is not ready for his push?

How dare you?!?! You should turn off the TV if you feel that way!!!! What is wrong with you?!?!

I think you misunderstand, a lot. I would PREFER if everyone just watched and enjoyed the show, mostly. I would PREFER that even if you don't like a segment, you don't shit on the rest of the show, as a live audience. I would PREFER if small groups would stop trying to turn the WWE back into the shit that it was from 2002-2009. But instead, most of that noise actually ruins the product for casual watchers, like me. Roman Reigns didn't deserve to have his Rumble win ruined by assholes in Philly, despite how mad they were (unjustifiably).

If it were up to me, no one would leave the product, and it would continue to prosper. But given the alternative of a group of assholes ruining WM31 because their fantasy booking isn't taken seriously, I would rather they just stopped watching.

And so you share your feelings about it.

And EDIT: If you don't like a certain matches turn off the TV for that certain match. No one is forcing anyone to watch all 4 hours of WM31. Watch what you like, don't watch what you don't like.

This is reasonable. You should have started with this.

Still though, the main event is more than just Roman Reigns. Reigns may not be enough reason to tune out. That Lesnar kid is quite the talent, Heyman is fun, title matches matter, and it is the main event of the biggest show of the year.
Why don't people simply stop watching? The reason for myself, and likely for many others, is that there are still many things left that I enjoy about the product. The whole point of being on a forum in the first place is to share your thoughts on the given subject matter of the threads. In this section, the content happens to be WWE. If a thread is up regarding a show that we think sucked, we should be able to share that opinion. Yes I have had my fair share of negative things to say. Nothing WWE produces will ever be perfect. However, they have kept me interested for over 20 years. If they did something that made me angry enough to legitimately boycott their product, I'd quit watching. Deep down a lot of the fans you are referring to here still like it enough to keep watching.

I hate that Lesnar is World Heavyweight Champion without having to defend the belt, for instance. There's still more than enough other matches/feuds going on in the shows to make me want to watch again. I came close to quitting in 2011 due to Miz's awful WWE Championship reign. He defended against a retired 60+ year old announcer on PPV. He main evented the worst Wrestlemania of the modern decade. But as bad as Wrestlemania 27 and the first half of 2011 were, I still kept watching. Probably the only thing that really could have made me walk away from the product forever would have been Miz ending The Undertaker's Streak at Wrestlemania. That didn't happen, so unless something of THAT magnitude of idiocy happens, I doubt I'm going anywhere anytime soon. I still enjoy their product overall.
And, if you want to stop watching WWE, you have alternatives: TNA and Lucha Underground have weekly shows. New Japan streams here. In NYC, I DVR Pro Wrestling Syndicate, and I have a blast watching it. Let us be very real about WWE: It has become a TV show that happens to have a wrestling component, rather than a wrestling company that happenss to have a TV program. There IS a difference.

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