WWE Fans vs TNA Fans...some observations

To some degree, there's at least some truth to what everyone has posted here thus far. The fact is, it's not black and white. It's not a black and white world when it comes to everything else in life so I fail to see how professional wrestling is the sole exception.

Both WWE and TNA have their good points and bad points. That's life. Someone that's expecting perfection, expecting every iMPACT! or Raw episode to be some epic, every ppv to be a blockbuster and every match to be a clinic is living in a fantasy world. However, basing intelligence upon which wrestling company one prefers over the other is arrogance, plain and simple. Watching TNA doesn't make automatically make a person a smark that feels that they should be the stars of the show or that decisions made by the company should revolve around them. Watching WWE doesn't automatically make a person a sheep that watches because of loyalty and habit instead of enjoying anything they're seeing. I'm sure that some fans do meet that criteria, however.

For instance, There are some fans that are probably going to have a problem with Orlando Jordan kissing another man, some are thrilled about it for one reason or another and some just don't care either way. Those that will have a problem with it, not liking it doesn't make them less intelligent. Wrestling companies do angles, stories or even little angles within angles that fans don't like each week. This would be no different. Such an angle doesn't bother or offend me in the least, but I'm not going to rip into someone that is offended or bothered by it.

What I see on these forums quite a bit are people that have forgotten what it's like to be fans. They watch TNA or WWE not necessarily to watch a program and be entertained but to watch it in the hopes of finding something to complain about in order to simultaneously put down certain fans while validating their own personal preferences. Being a fan means you have to accept the bad along with the good. You have those that run down TNA no matter what they try to do or what big steps they take and you have those that run down the WWE no matter what they try or what ideas they come up with. It's crap. The WWE is PG, I've got no problem with it. TNA has an openly bisexual wrestler on the roster kissing another man on camera, I've got no problem with it. The point is, I'm a fan. I can't speak for anyone else, but my intelligence and love of wrestling isn't measured by which company I like better. I prefer the WWE because I like a lot of what's going on. Not all of it is great, but there are wrestlers that I care about seeing on the WWE roster and I just don't see that over at TNA. TNA is doing some racier things overall right now and that's good for them. It doesn't particularly interest me because, quite frankly, I've seen it all before and seen it done better. Compared to much of what you see on television today, the vast majority of the things TNA is doing is tame and not so much above the WWE. But that still doesn't mean that TNA doesn't have something to offer to those that want to watch it.

Some keep saying that TNA is a more adult oriented wrestling program. I'm sure that's true in some instances but so what? Just because TNA shows close ups of Velvet Sky's backside and crotch while she's getting into the ring, as nice looking as they are, doesn't automatically mean I'm going to be impressed. Seeing Orlando Jordan plant one on the lips of another man is something different, but it's nothing that hasn't been done before in movies and on television. Am I supposed to be all excited and say how edgy it is or something? If it impresses you, then more power to you.

I don't try to sway anyone to one side or the other. If I like what I see, I say so. If I don't, I say so. I doubt very much I can be swayed and, quite frankly, I have better and more important things to do than to try and sway anyone else.
Sorry, Sid. Not buying it. There is more than one way to advertise. What you are doing is negative advertising. You want people to switch over to TNA, and you are doing that by attacking WWE. Telling someone why they shouldn't watch WWE is just as much advertising for TNA as telling people "come watch TNA".

If I go on and on about how bad Pepsi is, what is implied, even if it is unsaid, is that Coke is better, and that Pepsi drinkers should switch over. If I attack the Democrats, its implied I am trying to turn people Republican. You can hide behind semantics if you want, but we both know that by constantly attacking the WWE in the WWE threads, you are trying to convince WWE fans to give up the WWE and switch to TNA. You are politicking for TNA, despite your denials, by deliberately trying to subvert WWE fans in the WWE section.
I think twentytwo put a serious question mark to the validity of the intriguing statement put forth by the OP. It is quite ironic that in the middle of a thread full of great posts on the topic presented that the only random bashing is of TNA fans.

I think that statement was largely true 3 months ago but now that tna has a little buzz it seems some are ending their "indifference." Maybe WWE fans got tired of the TNA fans nitpicking their product and decided to fire back. Whatever, the case I think it is important to point out that while some WWE fans might have perceived TNA fans behavior the way described, in my experience that was not the case. There are a lot more people commenting on Tna that do not really watch it than on WWE who do not watch it. Thus, we often had a lot of misinformed opinions of what was happening. It is hard to clear those up without comparisons or appearing combative.

Another important element at work here is that a large part of TNA's audience used to be WWE fans. Many of us I believe had given up sadly on prowrestling because of the direction WWE had taken. Then we found something in TNA that we actually liked again. It might be a semantics misunderstanding. It is not wwe sucks come watch tna. It is if you do not like the direction wwe is going why not check this out. Are people actually saying friends did not recruit eachother during the original monday night wars? Are WWE fans forever to be superior because they have the luxury of enjoying their program that gained a monopoly so it does not have to fight for its spot anymore? Meaning is indifference really something to be proud of? I know the main thought on many of our minds is that competition makes both companies improve. In this sense it would seem critiquing the opposing product would support this goal while ignoring it would be a vote for dumbing down both products.

The McDonald's comparison cracks me up. Mostly because of the interesting parallels between product quality etc but expanding on that further apparently plays into the tna fan stereotype.
Sorry, Sid. Not buying it. There is more than one way to advertise. What you are doing is negative advertising. You want people to switch over to TNA, and you are doing that by attacking WWE. Telling someone why they shouldn't watch WWE is just as much advertising for TNA as telling people "come watch TNA".

I could care less if you don't "buy it" or not.

Do you know how utterly ignorant you sound? By your "logic", if I say anything remotely negative about the WWE, I am "advertising TNA". Well, I guess we have a lot of people who are advertising TNA then in the IWC because there sure as Hell are a lot of upset people with WWE these days.

I guess if I have to be all positive with WWE so that I "don't advertise TNA, then." The problem is that I wouldn't be calling it like it is, and would be lying to myself and my views if I supported something I didn't like.

Like I said, I am not holding hands to bring anyone over to TNA. I am pointing out why WWE programming is awful. And rest assured, compared to what I have seen in my 20 years as a fan, it is awful. It is absolutely lazy television.

People can take those points of view and do whatever they want to do with them. They could follow TNA. They could follow ROH. They could leave the WWE and go to UFC for all I care. But that is their decision, not mine.

No hands being held by me to walk these people over to TNA.

If I go on and on about how bad Pepsi is, what is implied, even if it is unsaid, is that Coke is better, and that Pepsi drinkers should switch over. If I attack the Democrats, its implied I am trying to turn people Republican. You can hide behind semantics if you want, but we both know that by constantly attacking the WWE in the WWE threads, you are trying to convince WWE fans to give up the WWE and switch to TNA. You are politicking for TNA, despite your denials, by deliberately trying to subvert WWE fans in the WWE section.

Do I think WWE is awful? Yes.

Do I think TNA is the better product of the two? Yes.

Do I feel that there should be healthy competition in the wrestling business, because it leads to a better product? Yes.

Will I blindly support an organization to be competition and praise it for things I really don't find enjoyable, just to help promote it? No. I will not say something is "good" if I don't find it enjoyable.

Lord Sidious tells it like it is and will always tell it like it is. I don't play games like that.

As I stated, TNA fans in general have a better grasp of the wrestling business as a whole, because they are familiar with BOTH products being offered. They are far less likely to be casual fans than the WWE fans are, and therefore have branched out more than what most WWE fans are willing to do.
Actually, Sid, you are wrong. It is only when you do it in the WWE forums. Who is the audience in the WWE forums? Fans who are interested in the WWE, who want to chat about the WWE. And there you are, creating anti-WWE threads every week it seems. Who do you expect is going to be reading your anti-WWE rants, in the WWE forum, other than WWE fans, primarily? And yet you have the audacity to claim that you aren't trying to get WWE fans to give up the WWE, and switch over to TNA?

If you want to bash the WWE, go ahead...but, isn't there a more appropriate place to do it than the WWE forums? Isn't the TNA forum the right place? If you are going to compare the WWE and TNA, isn't the WWE vs. TNA forum the proper place to do it? If you are purely going to hate on the WWE, shouldn't you do it where those who will be the most appreciative of your rants are?

What is the purpose of intentionally creating anti-WWE threads in the WWE forum, if not to advertise TNA? Is it just to be a troll? Maybe I was giving you too much credit. Perhaps you are nothing but a troll in the WWE forums, who creates the anti-WWE threads purely to piss WWE fans off. Maybe you are one of those guys who just likes to stir the pot, to poke the beehive, as it were, without any real message.

I am not talking about general WWE threads in which you give opinion, where you call it like it is, I am only talking about the specific, deliberate, anti-WWE threads you create, within the WWE forum.

Shouldn't the WWE forum be a place where WWE fans can go, and not have to worry about being insulted by TNA fans?

Shouldn't the TNA forum be a place where TNA fans can go, and not have to worry about being insulted by WWE fans?

It seems to me that the WWE vs. TNA forum is a much more appropriate location for your anti-WWE threads, because you know damn well its going to piss WWE fans off, and result in yet another in the long line of WWE SUCKS TNA RULES/TNA SUCKS WWE RULES arguments.

But, how would I know, I am just an utterly ignorant fan of the WWE, incapable of watching anything else, because Vince McMahon has so thoroughly programmed me, that I am not able to think for myself. The time I spent watching WCCW, the NWA, WCW, ECW, GWF, AWA and the USWA mean nothing. Hell, I even gave Wrestling Society X a chance...(as much as you can when its only aired 3 episodes ever). For almost 30 years I have watched all forms of pro wrestling, But, I am incapable of free thought, right? I do have to admit though, you have one hell of a healthy ego, don't you?
Actually, Sid, you are wrong. It is only when you do it in the WWE forums. Who is the audience in the WWE forums? Fans who are interested in the WWE, who want to chat about the WWE.

Is that so? Well, I certainly see a lot of WWE bashing in that section I must say, from quite a bit of people. So take off the rose-colored glasses and welcome to reality.

Quite a bit of the IWC thinks the WWE sucks, and it does.

You can come in and chat Pro WWE all you want to, to your sweet little hearts' content, and nobody, especially not I, will stop you. As long as you follow the rules, you can say whatever it is you want to say. With that being said, the fans who like WWE and want to talk about WWE can do so as much as they want to.

And there you are, creating anti-WWE threads every week it seems. Who do you expect is going to be reading your anti-WWE rants, in the WWE forum, other than WWE fans, primarily? And yet you have the audacity to claim that you aren't trying to get WWE fans to give up the WWE, and switch over to TNA?

Let's hypothetically say that this is my goal ... to take advantage of my position as a Mod to brain everyone into my way of thinking ... well if the WWE fans are as smart as you say they are, then what do they have to fear?

Theoretically, you are contradicting yourself.

You know very well that I can defend my points of view to the very end. If the WWE fans who I interact with can do the same, then what is the problem?

I call things the way I see it. Plain and simple. If you have a different point of view, than nobody is going to silence you from saying it.

The thing you need to overcome is what YOU think the traditional purpose of a Mod is supposed to be. If you think the requirements of being a Mod is that you MUST be Pro whatever organization's section you are assigned, you are terribly mistaken.

I serve a function and perform that function well. I am happy with my work. And the rest of the Staff feels I do my job well, too, in the WWE section. Maybe you just simply don't get it.

If you want to bash the WWE, go ahead...but, isn't there a more appropriate place to do it than the WWE forums? Isn't the TNA forum the right place?

Ummmm, no. Nobody says that you have to be solely Pro WWE in the WWE section, or Pro TNA in the TNA section. Conversely, nobody says that you can't be Anti WWE in the WWE section or Anti TNA in the TNA section.

As long as you talk about the company, take positions that are on topic to the threads, and justify those points of view, you can be as Pro or as Anti WWE you want to be in the WWE section. When you are Admin, you can determine otherwise.

Having people who have negative points of view of the organizations in all sections helps maintain balance, presents alternative viewpoints, and ensures that people aren't drinking the Kool Aid, while leading to spirited debate and discussion in the process.

If you are going to compare the WWE and TNA, isn't the WWE vs. TNA forum the proper place to do it? If you are purely going to hate on the WWE, shouldn't you do it where those who will be the most appreciative of your rants are?

I've got quite a bit of Rep from posters in the WWE section, for my points of view. Sure, there are a lot of people who don't like what I have to say, but there are also a lot of people who appreciate that I don't drink the WWE Kool Aid and tell it like it is everyday I sign on here.

What is the purpose of intentionally creating anti-WWE threads in the WWE forum, if not to advertise TNA? Is it just to be a troll? Maybe I was giving you too much credit. Perhaps you are nothing but a troll in the WWE forums, who creates the anti-WWE threads purely to piss WWE fans off. Maybe you are one of those guys who just likes to stir the pot, to poke the beehive, as it were, without any real message.

I'll tell you what.

You can call what I do:

- "trying to advertise TNA"

- "trying to troll"

- "trying to drive discussion in the section"

- "trying to ensure there are a balance of opinions offered in the section"

or anything you want. It matters not to me anymore what you think my intentions are. The bottom line is that whatever it is that you don't like about what I do, you need to learn to contend with it, because it isn't changing for you.

I am not talking about general WWE threads in which you give opinion, where you call it like it is, I am only talking about the specific, deliberate, anti-WWE threads you create, within the WWE forum.

Sorry. I'm not a WWE Kool Aid drinker that is going to sing the praises of WWE if I think it sucks. And I do. There are plenty of other people in the section that can counter what I say.

Shouldn't the WWE forum be a place where WWE fans can go, and not have to worry about being insulted by TNA fans?

There are forum rules to follow. As long as those rules are followed, then I hate to tell you, but it's fair game. The bottom line is that ultimately, I follow the rules with what I do.

If you are so convinced that WWE is so awesome, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Just ignore me, plain and simple. Or debate me on the specific topics instead of bitching about how I mod the section. There is your opportunity to take me on with certain issues, tell me how wrong I am, and explain to me why I am so wrong.

Show me that you are capable of looking at the issues clearly instead of being a WWE mark who drinks the Kool Aid.

Shouldn't the TNA forum be a place where TNA fans can go, and not have to worry about being insulted by WWE fans?

The same thing applies with this, in the reverse. There are a lot of Anti TNA people in the TNA section, as well. And they have every right to say whatever is on their mind. People who are Pro WWE, who have never liked TNA, as well as people who did like TNA, but aren't happy with the changes being made. Everyone can speak their mind as long as they follow the rules.

It seems to me that the WWE vs. TNA forum is a much more appropriate location for your anti-WWE threads, because you know damn well its going to piss WWE fans off, and result in yet another in the long line of WWE SUCKS TNA RULES/TNA SUCKS WWE RULES arguments.

Well, that's your opinion. And you had your say in it. But once you get on Staff, maybe you will have a larger say in how the Staff manages the website.

But, how would I know, I am just an utterly ignorant fan of the WWE, incapable of watching anything else, because Vince McMahon has so thoroughly programmed me, that I am not able to think for myself. The time I spent watching WCCW, the NWA, WCW, ECW, GWF, AWA and the USWA mean nothing. Hell, I even gave Wrestling Society X a chance...(as much as you can when its only aired 3 episodes ever). For almost 30 years I have watched all forms of pro wrestling, But, I am incapable of free thought, right? I do have to admit though, you have one hell of a healthy ego, don't you?

As far as my "ego" is concerned, sir, I call it confidence in my opinions, because of experience, and because they are most often well-thought-out arguments and positions that I take. That is why I can argue them exhaustively.

Like I said, you need to stop worrying about how I mod, because that isn't going to change. So you are going to have to find a way to cope with it somehow.

Instead, and I offered this suggestion, you should actually debate me on the issues. You have plenty of opportunity to tell me how wrong I am, and explain why WWE is so great.

Being that the WWE is aggressively targeting children these days, that tells me that the people who watch it do any of the following:

- enjoy the same type of programming that little children enjoy

- simply watch the show out of habit because it has become part of their routine

- are too lazy to go elsewhere because of that habit

- are parents with families who enjoy watching with their children

- are simply brand loyal

I simply question how adults without children can stick up for the type of programming on WWE today and tell me how much they honestly love seeing Hornswoggle dance around the ring on Monday nights, and enjoy DX's segments which aren't in the least bit funny, or think John Cena and kindergarten poopy humor is hysterical.

So, that is why I feel that something is up and there is more than eats the eye there, because that simply is not normal.
I brought up you being a mod once..you seem to keep reminding everyone that you are a mod, almost like you have to keep trying to flex your mighty mod hammer around....if you were that confident in your opinions, it seems to me that you wouldn't need to...

are that scared of someone who isn't afraid to contradict your opinions that you feel the need to keep mentioning that you are a mod? Who are you trying to impress? All you are doing is proving to all the WWE fans that TNA fans just like you are far more arrogant and smug then they are. All you know how to do is insult us, claiming we are sheep, claiming you know so much more about wrestling because you go against the mainstream, when in reality, you are full of it. Keep flashing your mod badge around, I don't care one bit.
So, as someone who watches both TNA and the WWE, I feel I can contribute some insights here.

In an effort to not generalize this completely, I will compare TNA marks vs WWE marks, as these are the problematic groups. Ordinary fans of both less companies are likely to fit this description because they're reasonable enough to have deep to their arguments.

Let me establish that when I say a 'mark' I mean someone who is
1.) unabashedly bias towards one company
2.) ignores or makes excuses for their flaws while overstating the flaws of the competition
3.) dismisses the competition for the sake of convenience usually with unsound logic.

Now, the TNA mark vs WWE mark is basically like an indie music fan vs a pop music fan.
WWE marks who can't stand TNA constantly make the basis of their argument that TNA is lowly. They're not as big, they're not as accomplished, and they're not as popular.
Ironic that this is used in what is still a down cycle for pro wrestling in pop culture, but still, to the WWE mark, somehow, WWE is better because they're more popular.

People are who claiming that TNA fans are mainly the ones picking fights with WWE fans must not visit the same forums I do.
I can't possibly recount how many times I've seen WWE marks in TNA ratings threads, ridiculing TNA because Impact ratings are this or that in comparison to Raw or SD.
Or how many times, I've been in a thread about a TNA house show and a WWE mark posts just to crap on the attendance figures.
Despite the fact that TNA obviously has way less resources and lineage to work with than the WWE, WWE marks mock TNA as though they should be as well known and watched as the are. And whenever they make strides to compete, they ignorantly brag about how they WWE will one day buy TNA
( as if that would be a good thing for the business )

WWE marks are like pop music fans who only want to rock what's "in" because it's "in". They're willfully ignorant of the competition because their sheep, and don't mind it at all.

Now, TNA marks are a bastardized breed of smarks who think the WWE is the bane of pro wrestling and is standing in the way of pro wrestling being 'cool' again.
TNA marks hate the WWE because they think their corny, kiddie and bland, through and through ( even though it's not ).

They think the WWE's in-ring product is slow and terrible and TNA's is fast-paced and innovative.
They hate most things about the WWE, but fail to realize that TNA is often guilty of similar things.
They complain about how short WWE matches are ( even though Impact matches don't always clock in much longer nowadays ).
They hate how rudimentary WWE storylines can be ( but don't want to admit how disjointed TNA storylines can be ).

They claim they want TNA to succeed, but whine when anything changes. They never want to wait out storylines to see what happens, if a TNA 'original' loses a match to one of Hogan's guys, it's like 'OMG [insert name here] burried!!" instantly.
They think that these changes are making TNA lose their precious identity and before you know if, they'll be all bland and kiddie just the evil WWE.
They think they're wrestling purists, but their just silly fanboys and girls who make watching Impact a checklist of paranoid bitching instead of what it should be--entertainment.

TNA fans are like indie music fans who've invested their own personal identity into the product, and forever want the company to be static for their own personal enjoyment, but not for everyone else.

In other words both of these marks are snobs, one for popularity, and one for in-ring quality. Both provide fodder for other fans to use against the company, i.e. both are morons.
In my opinion, both groups of fans have their bad apples. Some get their points across better than others, while some are slightly lacking in all departments but Douchism. I will state I agree with the OP that TNA fans tend to be more attacking than WWE fans do. Not always, but in general. I relate it very much to their product. I watch both companies, but I never EVER hear WWE make mention of TNA. This may be because they don't view them as competition and/or they don't want the casual fan that might not already know about TNA to watch it. I agree with this philosophy 100%, as it doesn't help any company to do that ( I'll explain why in a minute). Tna, however, takes every oppourtunity to take spots at WWE. Example...Tazz saying the USS Cole was a Vintage ship. That part was funny I will admit, but did it need to be done? Absolutely not. Another shot is what Hogan has said repeatedly about them being better than the guys up north. Do you really need to say that to get heat in the Impact Zone? It reminds me of what WCW started to do when they were kicking the shit out of WWE every monday for almost 2 years. They started giving away WWE results on live tv, taking shots at WWE in interviews and promos, and during their broadcasts would criticize what WWE would do and do you know what it came across as? High school gossip. That is why they lost viewers and went out of business. Guess who was head of creative when that happened? Vince Russo. Guess who, aside from Bischoff and Hogan, has all the booking power in TNA? Vince Russo. I hope TNA succeeds, because the industry will be 100 times better for competition, but they have to much bush league antics right now that are driving alot of casual fans away. Let me get flamed.
Is that so? Well, I certainly see a lot of WWE bashing in that section I must say, from quite a bit of people. So take off the rose-colored glasses and welcome to reality.

Quite a bit of the IWC thinks the WWE sucks, and it does.

You can come in and chat Pro WWE all you want to, to your sweet little hearts' content, and nobody, especially not I, will stop you. As long as you follow the rules, you can say whatever it is you want to say. With that being said, the fans who like WWE and want to talk about WWE can do so as much as they want to.

............ Shortened for length's sake

I'm not trying to start an argument or bring any fight to this "debate" you're having with others, but my only problem with the way you present yourself is that you pass off your opinion like it is fact. No argument, no denial, everything you say must be fact and everyone is wrong to argue with you. When you say

Quite a bit of the IWC thinks the WWE sucks, and it does.

That is your opinion. Just because you think it sucks doesn't mean it sucks. That's your opinion and you're free to have one, but don't try to sway people into thinking the same way you do just because you don't like their product. Some people like different things, and that's something everyone has to live with.

As a mod of these forums you shouldn't be presenting yourself like this, because, let's face it, people have opinions, and just because they don't match yours doesn't make them any more or less of a wrestling fan than you are.

End slight rant.

Belladonna29 said:
So, as someone who watches both TNA and the WWE, I feel I can contribute some insights here.

In an effort to not generalize this completely, I will compare TNA marks vs WWE marks, as these are the problematic groups. Ordinary fans of both less companies are likely to fit this description because they're reasonable enough to have deep to their arguments.

Let me establish that when I say a 'mark' I mean someone who is
1.) unabashedly bias towards one company
2.) ignores or makes excuses for their flaws while overstating the flaws of the competition
3.) dismisses the competition for the sake of convenience usually with unsound logic.

Now, the TNA mark vs WWE mark is basically like an indie music fan vs a pop music fan.
WWE marks who can't stand TNA constantly make the basis of their argument that TNA is lowly. They're not as big, they're not as accomplished, and they're not as popular.
Ironic that this is used in what is still a down cycle for pro wrestling in pop culture, but still, to the WWE mark, somehow, WWE is better because they're more popular.

People are who claiming that TNA fans are mainly the ones picking fights with WWE fans must not visit the same forums I do.
I can't possibly recount how many times I've seen WWE marks in TNA ratings threads, ridiculing TNA because Impact ratings are this or that in comparison to Raw or SD.
Or how many times, I've been in a thread about a TNA house show and a WWE mark posts just to crap on the attendance figures.
Despite the fact that TNA obviously has way less resources and lineage to work with than the WWE, WWE marks mock TNA as though they should be as well known and watched as the are. And whenever they make strides to compete, they ignorantly brag about how they WWE will one day buy TNA
( as if that would be a good thing for the business )

WWE marks are like pop music fans who only want to rock what's "in" because it's "in". They're willfully ignorant of the competition because their sheep, and don't mind it at all.

Now, TNA marks are a bastardized breed of smarks who think the WWE is the bane of pro wrestling and is standing in the way of pro wrestling being 'cool' again.
TNA marks hate the WWE because they think their corny, kiddie and bland, through and through ( even though it's not ).

They think the WWE's in-ring product is slow and terrible and TNA's is fast-paced and innovative.
They hate most things about the WWE, but fail to realize that TNA is often guilty of similar things.
They complain about how short WWE matches are ( even though Impact matches don't always clock in much longer nowadays ).
They hate how rudimentary WWE storylines can be ( but don't want to admit how disjointed TNA storylines can be ).

They claim they want TNA to succeed, but whine when anything changes. They never want to wait out storylines to see what happens, if a TNA 'original' loses a match to one of Hogan's guys, it's like 'OMG [insert name here] burried!!" instantly.
They think that these changes are making TNA lose their precious identity and before you know if, they'll be all bland and kiddie just the evil WWE.
They think they're wrestling purists, but their just silly fanboys and girls who make watching Impact a checklist of paranoid bitching instead of what it should be--entertainment.

TNA fans are like indie music fans who've invested their own personal identity into the product, and forever want the company to be static for their own personal enjoyment, but not for everyone else.

In other words both of these marks are snobs, one for popularity, and one for in-ring quality. Both provide fodder for other fans to use against the company, i.e. both are morons.

This. This, this and more of this.

Everything you said was correct, especially your second last paragraph about the investment of identity and not wanting the product to change for their own personal enjoyment, and it's perfectly true in that statement.

I enjoy change in any promotion, and seeing TNA go from what it was (Disjointed, cluttered storylines) to more organized stories and actual basis to feuds on a more personal level (not just the typical "OMG I think I'm better than you so we're gonna wrassle!" that TNA used before Bischoff and Hulkster came aboard). Now I don't want to say that's all TNA has ever used for storylines, they have had good personal feuds, but weighing that against the stuff that was disjointed and made no sense, the bad far outweighs the good.

But, TNA are the perfect example of the classic wrestling fan that plagued the WWF in it's Attitude Era. The same can go for WWE fans; they don't have the patience to sit and wait to see how things are going to play out and change in front of them. They expect everything good to happen over night, and when they see one of "hogan's buddies" pinning a "TNA Original", you're right, they're pissed off cause they think it's Hogan's "Regime" burying the younger talent.

We've only hit the tip of the iceburg, so to speak, in what is going to happen with Hulk and TNA. Everyone hears that storyline of Hulk vs. Dixie, or Hulk vs. Eric (whichever way it goes), but no one is willing to wait for it to actually build to something big. They want it NOW when it would make, entertainment wise, absolutely no sense.

About your points on WWE Fans making fun of TNA fans in threads about low attendance rates and such, I'm guilty as charged, but it's not because I want to bury TNA and see them fail. I want to see them succeed and bring back what we all miss from the late 90's. Their low attendance rates are a huge disappointment to myself and other's like me, because when we see a show that is touting itself as "better than WWE" and it's drawing 800 people in an arena that should 18,000, we just shake our heads. Now, we all know it's not because the product sucks, because if it did they wouldn't be pulling in 1.7 million viewers every week, I just believe they have the most horrible advertising and marketing team to ever work for any company. If they advertised their house shows heavier (and actually adv. them on their TV shows) and marketed their product to different venues outside of wrestling, it would do wonders for the house show figures.

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