Should Fans Boycott TNA iMPACT!?

To me boycotting Tna Impact just because what happened at Victory road is just plain ******ed. it was one match in whole paperview if you enjoy TNA then you will continue to enjoy it after that incident . and boycotting it just seems a bit childish yeah if you dont like it then dont watch it fair play but its an enjoyable show
I honestly don't think people should boycott TNA.

The two main reasons being...

1 - There are alot of talented wrestlers on the TNA roster who had nothing to do with Jeff Hardy coming to work stoned. They don't deserve to pay for another man's problem.

2 - If TNA's ratings tank, Impact will be cancelled and the company will go out of business. You just caused thirty or more wrestlers to become unemployed and handed Vince McMahon monopoly over the wrestling business AGAIN, would that make ANYONE happy?

The fact of the matter is, TNA isn't irredeemable. Sure it's flawed, there's no denying that, but with the amount of talent under their roof, they need our support, not our scorn. I know everyone has the kneejerk reaction to hate on a show, but 99% of the Victory Road PPV in question was perfectly watchable, even enjoyable at times.
With the NFL draft coming up and NFLPA members telling the draft picks they should boycott the draft, I began wondering if fans should do the same tonight when TNA Impact goes on air. With what can only be labeled as a "criminal act" in the robbery of fan's hard earned money for those who paid to see Victory Road both live in the arena and via Pay Per View, I am wondering if the fans should show and voice their disappointment with a company that keeps heading more south than LeBron James taking his "talents to South Beach", by simply blacking out tonight's edition of Impact regardless of what happens?

It's obvious that the higher ups in TNA could care less about the fans, even if this assumption is slightly true, given the fact that they allowed an obviously impaired Jeff Hardy to continue to main event last Sunday despite risking both his safety but the safety of others. It's also obvious to some degree that TNA doesn't too much care about where its product is going moving forward, if they allow Hardy to still be on the roster post that debacle last Sunday. The fans have a voice, and they can choose to either call their cable companies demanding cash back, post threads online where everyone airs out how they feel OR they can simply NOT tune into Impact tonight and let TNA management watch as their ratings take a severe nosedive.

I'm not demanding that fans do this, I am simply asking WILL YOU? Will YOU show TNA that either they turn this ship around ASAP or YOU will continue to NOT watch TNA for weeks upon weeks at a time? Will TNA FINALLY get the message that it's about the FANS and what the FANS want when they see said fans are no longer watching their program? Since TNA cares more about ratings (and I have to wonder if even THAT'S true) then will they care when they see those ratings slip on by the wayside? Will you boycott this week's edition of Impact? Something has to happen and maybe my suggestion will set the ball in motion. I know I'm sitting this one out, what about you?

So when Owen Hart died in 1999, should all the fans have left the arena immediately after his accident? Should they have followed suit by boycotting the Monday Night RAW that followed the night after because Vince ALLOWED Over The Edge 1999 to continue despite the fact that a man DIED in the middle of the ring? Granted Jeff Hardy was an idiot for getting high in the first place and destroying his push that TNA has invested in him and TNA of course is at fault for even bringing him back to the company last year. I mean with a pending court case for drug charges I don't know why anyone would want to commit someone to a performance contract like that. But the rest of the roster should not suffer for this guy's actions. Also the company is handling things by offering people who ordered the show six month subscriptions to the TNA ON DEMAND Service. There's only so much you can really do, this whole thing was a disaster with how the main event ended up and it would have been nice to actually see RVD vs Anderson go last and have an actual conclusion instead of that BS double count out but hey what's done is done, but boycotting TNA Impact solves nothing. And nothing irks me more than reading stuff like this, I am sorry but I have to say it, not taking away your right to say what you want or anything, but man it just seems like people will find anything negative to bring up about TNA (which I admit there are several things but just the same) and just keep magnifying it.

If you want my opinion while I am by no means a TNA fanatic I can't thrash the promotion completely even though it's not my cup of tea but it just seems like every anti-TNA post here always comes from fans who have short memories. I can't help but just find issue with posts of this nature, I got no hostility towards you man, but I think we all tend to forget that all these promotions have done dubious things and nothing is more dubious than continuing a show after a performer has been killed in a stunt gone awry.

That's something I notice people like Mark Madden while granted someone who knows the business better than you or I do but just the same likes to paint things out to be very one sided at times in my view also didn't bother to mention how TNA doing something like letting Jeff Hardy perform is worse than the choice to let an event like Over The Edge 1999 continue when Owen died.

Don't get me wrong I am not here to defend TNA but I am here to try to make most of these posts and topics less one sided because that's what seems to be par for the course when TNA is brought up on these forums.
Ill be glad when people find something else in wrestling to cry about. Really? Boycotting a company over one bad main event? You must not have order very many pay per views. WCW was doing shit that would make what Jeff Hardy did look petty but the only difference is WCW wrote some of their endings to end horribly.Jeff has a drug issue.He has been removed from tv/live events.Im sure they probably have told him get help or hes out at this point.

Coming on an internet forum to rally a group to protest a pro wrestling company is the stupidest thing iv'e read on the internet in a long time and i constantly read the forums on which can be pretty bad also.Besides most of the people bitching and moaning actually enjoyed 90% of the pay per view.Should you be refunded all of your money? No people are people lame and expecting a full refund even though most overall enjoyed the ppv.Just a classic case of people expecting to get something for free.

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