You don't want it with me.
This is going to be fun.
I'm sure you have. What did it feel like? I know! A bag of sand, right?
1. Use the spell check feature.
2. Your use of emoticons shows your maturity.
3. I'm immature? You red repped me and ended it with "Say hi to your mom."
Ok, buddy.
1. If you didn't care you wouldn't have posted in the thread mocking you. You obviously care.
2. If you didn't care you wouldn't have made this post.
3. If you didn't care you wouldn't have red repped me.
You're right, and you should definitely advertise your lemonade stand during WWE's current time slot on Spike.
That might make a difference to me, But we are talking about TNA and their advertising right now. I just myself as an example. They want to advertise to anyone who will visit their WEBSITE (You know, the place where people who don't live in TNA's General area can still get their merchandise?), or get people to know they EXSIST.[/quote]
They are definitely advertising to people who don't know they exist. I know that if I wanted people to know I existed I would put that ad on during my show. Oh wait, they're watching my show? They must know I exist.
I said TNA viewers buy more product advertised than WWE viewers. Why would you want to reach more people who don't buy? Secondly, WWE's ratings fluctuate half a point week to week, while TNA's are consistent. The purpose of advertising is to drill your product into the minds of the viewer. A more consistent fan base is more likely to buy your product.
Once again, your use of the word "turd" shows your maturity.
Wow, attack me for flaming, and then call me stupid? Are you serious? I mean, what's good for the goose is good for the guy choking the goose, right?
Ummm, the MEM is what, five weeks old? So in more than two months what has happened? You don't understand wrestling, business, or a calendar. I guess that makes me stupid.
Your mastery of the language amazes me more and more.
You're putting this story line in the ground already. If you ask someone who actually watches TNA, they will tell you that they slow burn stories. This serves two purposes. One, to gauge fan response. Two, to allow viewers who might be late in the game or miss a show to not get too far behind. But you're right, they should scrap it because it took two shows to jump half a million viewers. Coincidentally, it too WWE two weeks to lose almost 800,000 viewers. Go use that advertising money wisely. I bet buys per dollar spent on advertising favors TNA.
1. I didn't make the thread, Xfear did.
2. I just joined in because making fun of you is fun.
3. Everyone on the site makes fun of you, and you keep coming back for more. I bet high school will be tough for you.
Now, let's see. You claim that the undercard doesn't mean shit. You also seem to think that TNA should market to smarks. Let me break this down. If you read any message board, smarks complain about the oversaturation of main eventers. Smarks defend the brad split because it allows them to see more midcarders and less HHH. Daivari has ahd how many bad matches since he got to TNA? The answer is zero. Eric Young has developed tremendously as a midcarder in this storyline. The Guns are not maineventers, yet are involved in one of the most interesting subplots in the story.
You attack the MEM story, however, it has everything WWE is lacking right now. It has a main overarching storyline, with several interesting subplots that all lead back to one main plot point. This is the essence of story telling. This is why Pulp Fiction is revered as a movie. That is why Go is a good movie. The lack of the minor plot twists is why you fast forward to the fights in Bloodsport, or the fucking in porn.
I think you'll find that I don't run around flaming people. I think you'll also find that my feeling about myself are just fine, and they improve every time you type.
No, On this forum I WILL defend myself from arrogant little pricks like you that wanna run your mouth on here saying I am 14 years old and haven't felt a tit.
I'm sure you have. What did it feel like? I know! A bag of sand, right?
I prefer being called an executioner.You are what we call an instigator that prowls forums, probably all accross the internet looking to add DUMB as FUCK comments like you did.
This conversation was between me and "X" whatever he is going to change his name to today. If you wanted to comment on what I said, Fine. But coming in here and attacking me with the 14 year old and tit comment shows your lack of maturity and credability.
1. Use the spell check feature.
2. Your use of emoticons shows your maturity.
3. I'm immature? You red repped me and ended it with "Say hi to your mom."
Ok, buddy.
I could careless. Do you honestly think I give two shits what there is or isn't about me. LOLOLOLOLOL OH MAN! Thats HILARIOUS. The funny thing is, thats all you have to do with your life is set up threads bashing me. LOLOLOLOLOL Get a life.
1. If you didn't care you wouldn't have posted in the thread mocking you. You obviously care.
2. If you didn't care you wouldn't have made this post.
3. If you didn't care you wouldn't have red repped me.
Alright, IDIOT, The WWE was on BOTH NETWORKS at one point in time.
You're right, and you should definitely advertise your lemonade stand during WWE's current time slot on Spike.
Actually, different spots in the show cost different amounts of money. Main event ad spots cost more. Ad spots during the last two minutes of a basketball game cost more because there are more viewers at that point.If the WWE was still with Spike, NO MATTER HOW MANY HOMES IT REACHES, I would STILL advertise during the Timeslot they were running. Because regardless on how many people get Spike TV, The WWE's Ratings are STILL 2.0 or better which means I have reached over 2 MILLION PEOPLE. What do you think happens when you advertise on TV, you pay them money and they put your spot in at ANY TIME?
Because you want to sell My Little Pony, apparently, during a wrestling show. You should advertise UFC shows during soap operas too. Demographics are everything.What does Demographic have to do with TNA?
That might make a difference to me, But we are talking about TNA and their advertising right now. I just myself as an example. They want to advertise to anyone who will visit their WEBSITE (You know, the place where people who don't live in TNA's General area can still get their merchandise?), or get people to know they EXSIST.[/quote]
They are definitely advertising to people who don't know they exist. I know that if I wanted people to know I existed I would put that ad on during my show. Oh wait, they're watching my show? They must know I exist.
I said TNA viewers buy more product advertised than WWE viewers. Why would you want to reach more people who don't buy? Secondly, WWE's ratings fluctuate half a point week to week, while TNA's are consistent. The purpose of advertising is to drill your product into the minds of the viewer. A more consistent fan base is more likely to buy your product.
Wow. Did you come up with that one all by yourself? Try not to hurt yourself there.
Once again, your use of the word "turd" shows your maturity.
Another person in need of some more schooling. I never said I didn't like the MEM storyline. Are you really this stupid in real life? Could you take more than 5 seconds to read a post before flaming someone?
Wow, attack me for flaming, and then call me stupid? Are you serious? I mean, what's good for the goose is good for the guy choking the goose, right?
Let me guess, One day you were sitting on a park bench and told some old bitch that "Momma said life is like a box of Choco-Late's". I will say it slowly for the reading impared. Once the MEM storyline started, It took more than 2 months to finally get a spike in the ratings.
Ummm, the MEM is what, five weeks old? So in more than two months what has happened? You don't understand wrestling, business, or a calendar. I guess that makes me stupid.
When the NWO, Millionaires club and hell, even the D-X faction started, ALL of them seen immediate ratings jumps.
Your mastery of the language amazes me more and more.
TNA had their highest rating ever like two weeks ago. That would be two or three weeks in depending on when it started. Is that not immediate enough? Week 0 it starts. Week 1, the story is developed. People tell their friends that something badass is going on. Week two sees the highest ratings ever. Hmmm, seems pretty quick to me. But once again, maybe learning to read a calendar would be a good idea.With the nature of the storyline, and who was representing it, It should have seen a BOOST out the gate.
Maybe not the same as the ones I mentioned, But more than what TNA got. Which is the basis of me saying that MAYBE (OPINION here for the reading impared), TNA should have used the wrestlers I mentioned and MAYBE (OPINION AGAIN), it would have made a healthy boost instead of maintaining ratings.
You're putting this story line in the ground already. If you ask someone who actually watches TNA, they will tell you that they slow burn stories. This serves two purposes. One, to gauge fan response. Two, to allow viewers who might be late in the game or miss a show to not get too far behind. But you're right, they should scrap it because it took two shows to jump half a million viewers. Coincidentally, it too WWE two weeks to lose almost 800,000 viewers. Go use that advertising money wisely. I bet buys per dollar spent on advertising favors TNA.
I am not telling TNA how to "write a storyline", or even suggest that the MEM will not work. But OMG, MORONS like you that see 1 week of ratings boost think automatically that its working. "Your wrong Hellspawn Demon! Let's go make a thread making fun of him! HE HE HE" said the moron from the south.
1. I didn't make the thread, Xfear did.
2. I just joined in because making fun of you is fun.
3. Everyone on the site makes fun of you, and you keep coming back for more. I bet high school will be tough for you.
Now, let's see. You claim that the undercard doesn't mean shit. You also seem to think that TNA should market to smarks. Let me break this down. If you read any message board, smarks complain about the oversaturation of main eventers. Smarks defend the brad split because it allows them to see more midcarders and less HHH. Daivari has ahd how many bad matches since he got to TNA? The answer is zero. Eric Young has developed tremendously as a midcarder in this storyline. The Guns are not maineventers, yet are involved in one of the most interesting subplots in the story.
You attack the MEM story, however, it has everything WWE is lacking right now. It has a main overarching storyline, with several interesting subplots that all lead back to one main plot point. This is the essence of story telling. This is why Pulp Fiction is revered as a movie. That is why Go is a good movie. The lack of the minor plot twists is why you fast forward to the fights in Bloodsport, or the fucking in porn.
Maybe, while your eyes are rolling, they'll catch all your name calling. I feel so respected every time you call me idiot or tell me to say hi to my mom. I did say hi, and she said you cried during the last episode of friends. Even my 60 year old mom thinks you're a douche.Is this the "Big League"? You consider jumping into a conversation with nothing but name calling and disrespectful comments the Big League?
You have just confirmed what I said earlier about you just being someone running around forum flaming people. I honestly hope your life gets better so you won't have to feel better about yourself by projecting your feeling about yourself onto someone else. Your not worth the time of response anymore.
I think you'll find that I don't run around flaming people. I think you'll also find that my feeling about myself are just fine, and they improve every time you type.