Tourists Killing TNA

That's just ignorance. The fact that you think if you can't tell the difference between faces and heels then you lack brain cells is ridiculous. If I watch a WWE match and even ROH matches more often than not I can tell who is face and who is heel bar a few examples, such as Edge at the moment. Not everytime but theres been a few times watching TNA where I don't know who is the face and who is the heel and it kills what is happening, especially when two months later they've switched sides again.

It's nothing to do with ''lacking brain cells'' it's simply due to the fact that TNA does not remain consistent with their wrestlers and therefore, in my opinion, the fans just like and hate who they want, because TNA do not have a consistency majority of the time.

Then how come I always know who the face and the heel is? The first time I watched TNA, I knew exactly who the face and who the heel was. All I didn't get to remember were their names. I haven't watched WWE in a WHILE. If I do, I only watch RAW. I'm sure that if right now I download the latest Episode of SD I could tell who the faces and the heels are. Same goes for Ring of Honor and any other promotion out there.

If I can do it, but you can't -- then what does that mean? It just seems like one of these complaints that people who don't have the patience to watch TNA just shoot automatically as soon as they hear or see the name TNA. It's just like that stupid "Cena has 3 moves" crap.

Yes you are a dumb idiot if you don't get who the heels and the faces are. I don't care if it's TNA, WWE, ROH, Chikara, NJPW, CZW. This not just a TNA issue. It's an issue with how ******ed some wrestling fans are these days. If you watched wrestling long enough, you'll be able to spot it in no time. If you haven't, and you're relatively new to the product -- then you have an excuse.
I honestly do not think that it is the tourists that are killing TNA. What is killing TNA is the budget restrictions for one, also, Universal Studios has it where it is free to the people who have paid tickets to their theme parks. But, if you look at the TNA website looking for tickets, it says tickets are free for everyone, so, they have to make their money off of television, ppv, and merchandise sales. It would be nice to see TNA go on the road, but they just don't have the money to do this at this time, will they??? MAYBE, but they really need to stop paying a ton of money for these broken down guys and push their products better, but this is just my opinion
That's just ignorance. The fact that you think if you can't tell the difference between faces and heels then you lack brain cells is ridiculous. If I watch a WWE match and even ROH matches more often than not I can tell who is face and who is heel bar a few examples, such as Edge at the moment. Not everytime but theres been a few times watching TNA where I don't know who is the face and who is the heel and it kills what is happening, especially when two months later they've switched sides again.

It's nothing to do with ''lacking brain cells'' it's simply due to the fact that TNA does not remain consistent with their wrestlers and therefore, in my opinion, the fans just like and hate who they want, because TNA do not have a consistency majority of the time.

No it's true what he says. I mean for Christ's sake how can't you know the difference between who's the face and who's the heel? Why does the company have to map out a consistency plan for the fans? The only way a person wouldn't be able to tell, is if they've never watched a wrestling match in their lives, and that I could understand. But even then they should pick up who's the good guy and who's the bad guy.

If crowd reaction is the go by then your totally screwed, especially when it comes to the Impact Zone. Some of them are the biggest bunch of idiot's I've ever seen, and the sooner TNA can move the better. It won't happen anytime soon though, they just don't have the money to tour like the WWE does.

Unfortunately for them you have to spend money to make money and I just don't think they have it to spend. They came to Southern Ontario a year or so ago, I found out about the show, 2 weeks after it was over. We live about a 15 minute drive from where it was, I would have been there in a minute, but there was no publicity, nothing. That's the problem. If they hype the hell out of the shows, then people would attend. Say nothing and no one even knows your there.
I disagree. The main problem with the imapct zone isn't the casual fans, in fact, it's not even (the majority) 30 year old IMPACT zone regulars that ruin each show(even though they do give it a very good shot). The main problem TNA has (and WWE for that matter) is that they do not book the matches in such a way that heels and faces get over in the right way. I am just a casual TNA viewer, and when I watch the show, I have no idea who's meant to be a heel or a face by whats happening in the ring, apart from the few main event wrestlers who to be fair to them, can do this. The matches are not booked in such a way that allow the talent to work matches that tell good stories. The only story telling that comes through is from the commentary.

The next time you watch a TNA (OR A WWE) match up, put yourself in a completely neutral state, and from what happens in the ring, and with no volume, try and figure out who it is you're meant to want to be. Who is booked to get over as a face and over as a heel? It's impossible to tell. That, as far as I'm concerned, is the biggest problem with crowd reactions. Not the tourists. If the story in the ring was told properly, the face would be cheered and the heel would be booed. Simple as that.

Are you serious that is the number 1 TNA gets on point

jeff hardy has hit a twist of hate on rvd onto a ladder with Andersons arm inside the ladder, hardy busted anderson's head wide open with a chair, jarret threw Samoe joe off a stage, Jarret and Fortune hung matt morgan with a steel chain.

Robbie E uses his manger Cookie to win his matches classic heel tactic.
Kaz Ultimate X against anderson, anderson gets jumped b4 and after
TNA No Surrender Gen Me hitting a double DDT on Alex Shelly after the match.

Yes tourist do kill it in a sense, as the poster i quoted got wrong its not that TNA does a bad job of showing who i suppose to be heel and who is suppose to be face. Its that the wrestlers with the biggest fan bases are ALL heels.

AJ Styles
Beer Money

Easily the most populars names in TNA all have had a large/decent fan base prior to the Immortal takeover. So its going happen Hogan always gets cheered take out the bash at the beach, the first month of the nwo, and his match against goldberg hogan always got cheers even thought he was a monster heel.

Its this simple until the Impact zone has a bonafide face this will continue to happen, TNA has no faces that are even on the level of a Hogan or Flair, or even a Jeff Hardy. Anderson has the chance to but who is their in TNA that everyone collectively will get behind its not morgan, or pope, or joe.

If they went on the road i do think you would notcie more cheers for guys like anderson or pope, so i do blame the tourist, but I also will blame TNA for taking a huge chunk of guys that are popular and keeping them heel with no face for the crowd to get behind to oppose Immortal, however I will have to wait and see what happens with Mr. Anderson's push and maybe even Kurt Angle reurn b4 i totally give up on the impact zone
Okay I am going to let all of you in on something, I work backstage at TNA i wont reveal who i am or what I do have a small role which ties into the current storylines. Everybody blames russo for the lack luster in the current story lines but the fact is it is now Flair,Hogan and Bischoff who run TNA and they are running it straight to the ground. They were hired by the WWE to come in and destroy TNA they have dixie jarret and russo brainwashed. I was there at the tapings of MR.ANDERSON AND KAZ ULTIMATE X MATCH and Bischoff told hardy to botch the chair shot I heard this with my own ears. I was thinking to my self WTF for? this man can't even have a decent match with AJ his brain is scrambled. NOW i keep telling these guys at work that we should Tape every thursday right before the impact show so we can have more time with the story lines but no they want to tape Mon-Wed and honestly its killing out product who wants to watch TNA when you can read whats going to happern for the month and i keep requesting clean match finishes and they tell me JARRET always requests for the match to end in a DQ or have the ref pretend he is knocked out/ confused /plays stupid Also i cant stand working with Jeff Hardy does what he wants all the time he acts like a 12 year old little sissy bitch who has to get his way plus hes always high as shit.
We are diminishing and we should be expanding and this is all a WWE conspiracy TNA can be better then WWE but Hogan,EB,Flair are running it to the ground.
Also i cant stand jarret since he stole angles wife its completly disgusting. he is trying to prove that he got over on KURT. I heard this over out of his own mouth. and to be honest "THEY" are not big on having stars from other ethnicities not at all they are trying to keep the current product white thats why hernandez is gone, sabu, monty brown, homicide and next will be samoa joe well im going to stop here before "THEY" find out i blabbed and i lose my job.
I agree with everything you said, up to the bolded part. That's a complaint I hear a lot, and either I'm too intelligent or you're too stupid to not know who's the face and who's the heel.

Honestly, there's not ONE guy on the roster who could confuse you. The closest TNA has to a tweener is Samoa Joe and he's always fighting heels, which would mean he's a face. Heel vs Heel feuds are not very common.

If you can't make a difference between a heel and a face in TNA, then you lack some braincells. If the crowd's cheers confuse you, then you're ab****ely stupid. The answer to who's what is in the ring, not in the crowd. If some group of arrogant pricks is throwing out the old TNA belt and replacing it with their own, they ain't no heroes.

What's interesting that you said that it's cool to cheer heels and anti-heroes, but it's bad to cheer the number one face. I would correct you here -- cheering bad guys is bad overall. No exceptions. Moving out of the I.Z might be the answer, who knows.

But it's just that ... pro wrestling changed. The fans changed. Personally, I just don't like the good guys. They're not "cool". They're just good guys. With their stupid morals and everything. The bad guys are cool by default. At least the TNA ones. They look cool, they act cool, they're badass, they don't follow no rules. It's easier to connect to such a persona because deep down inside we all want to be rebelious and badass, no matter who we are. Nobody strives to be a good human being, drink your milk, make your grandma some breakfast and all that crap. We're all pieces of shit in one way or the other and we like other pieces of shit, especially if they're on TV, whooping ass.

I understand WHY they cheer the bad guys, but like I said in my previous post -- like them all you want, cheer them at home, but when you go to the show and you know it's a taping or a live event, have some common sense. Realize that you are a part of the show as much as the guys in the ring are. Be aware of the fact that you are to this show what cue laughs are to sit-coms. Watch a sit-com without cue laughs and you'll be braindead by the time it's over, it's not the same. Watching wrestling fans cheer bad guys is like cueing "aawwww" after a fun joke on a sit-com. That's the best way I can describe it. Have some common sense, even if you hate the good guy, just cheer him, contribute to the show. If you like the bad guy -- fine, but do your job and boo him. You don't have to, but don't be a fuckin' idiot.

I'm not stupid let's just get that out of the way Zeven. I've been watching wrestling for 20 years and I'm 21 so believe me, I know my shit. If you disagree with me, then just disagree, there's no need to call me out like that man. I'm not going to disrespect you, so please go easy man.

I didn't mean it as I have no idea who is a face or who is heel, I meant it as there are too many heel/face changes occurring for a small company and on way too common a basis. (i.e./ Brother Ray was a face earlier this year, turned heel for 2 months while he kept beating up Jesse Neal, EV2.0 is created and guy goes face again, last night he goes back to heel. That's 3 changes within 10-11 months).

That's my point, there's too many swerves for such a small company. On BFG alone you had Jarrett, Bischoff, Hogan, and Hardy turn heel. In doing so Pope, Nash and Sting who were heels because of their actions in the weeks leading up to BFG became faces. That's 7 changes in one night, for the fans who tune into Impact as opposed to buying TNA's PPV's, that's an absolute clusterfuck on any fan.
I'm not stupid let's just get that out of the way Zeven. I've been watching wrestling for 20 years and I'm 21 so believe me, I know my shit. If you disagree with me, then just disagree, there's no need to call me out like that man. I'm not going to disrespect you, so please go easy man.

I didn't mean it as I have no idea who is a face or who is heel, I meant it as there are too many heel/face changes occurring for a small company and on way too common a basis. (i.e./ Brother Ray was a face earlier this year, turned heel for 2 months while he kept beating up Jesse Neal, EV2.0 is created and guy goes face again, last night he goes back to heel. That's 3 changes within 10-11 months).

That's my point, there's too many swerves for such a small company. On BFG alone you had Jarrett, Bischoff, Hogan, and Hardy turn heel. In doing so Pope, Nash and Sting who were heels because of their actions in the weeks leading up to BFG became faces. That's 7 changes in one night, for the fans who tune into Impact as opposed to buying TNA's PPV's, that's an absolute clusterfuck on any fan.

Okay, I get your point, and I didn't necessarily call YOU an idiot, I called the people who don't get the difference between a heel and a face idiots.

I'd just like to note that Pope, Nash and Sting were never heels. They didn't act like heels, they didn't bash the fans. All they did was preach about this deception. They were the good guys trying to tell us something noone believed. So that's no heel turn.

And as far you saying that there are too many swerves, I'll have to agree 100%. Maybe I didn't get your point, if so, my bad, but yeah. I love the occasional swerve. Hell, I even love a lot of swerves, but only when they involve the right people.

I loved the Hardy swerve because it was something that's never been done before. Hardy's never been heel, or at least of any importance.

I liked the Bischoff/Hogan swerve. Albeit predictable, it was nicely done and I've enjoyed their work after 10.10.10.

I loved AJ's turn. I loved Anderson's turn.

My point is -- a swerve, a turn, whatever you want to call it will be good if the people involved in it are.

Turn Hardy -- you've got yourself something cool.

Turn Bubba and Rhino -- you've got yourself a snooze fest.

One thing that TNA doesn't seem to realize is that turning an irrelevant and idle member of the TNA roster heel or face is not going to miracurously make them compelling for the audience. I've said this before for WWE and I'll say it for TNA -- polish a turd, it's still a turd. That will never work unless you're Jeff Hardy. A guy that blows as a face but is rejuvenated by a heel turn. It's not the case with Rhyno and Bubba. Rhyno has been insignificant his entire career. He's been a heel, a face, a tweener -- it never worked. He is the epitome of useless. Am I saying he's a bad wrestler? No. He's an ass kicker. But he's just one of those guys that you cannot mold into anything. They call them ECW Wrestlers I believe.

Same goes for Bubba Ray. To think that Bubba Ray is interesting on his own is ludicrous. Same goes for D-Von. These guys are BORN to be a team. That's it. Pitching them against one another, especially after doing it a month back and almost sending the crowd into a coma, is absolute crap. Why TNA didn't just let them go as a team is beyond me.

If THAT was your point, I agree and I apologize if I offended you. But still, there are people out there that have complained about not being able to know who the faces and heels are, and yeah, you're stupid. Even if the turns happen frequently, you're STILL able to know who's who.
Okay, I get your point, and I didn't necessarily call YOU an idiot, I called the people who don't get the difference between a heel and a face idiots.

I'd just like to note that Pope, Nash and Sting were never heels. They didn't act like heels, they didn't bash the fans. All they did was preach about this deception. They were the good guys trying to tell us something noone believed. So that's no heel turn.

And as far you saying that there are too many swerves, I'll have to agree 100%. Maybe I didn't get your point, if so, my bad, but yeah. I love the occasional swerve. Hell, I even love a lot of swerves, but only when they involve the right people.

I loved the Hardy swerve because it was something that's never been done before. Hardy's never been heel, or at least of any importance.

I liked the Bischoff/Hogan swerve. Albeit predictable, it was nicely done and I've enjoyed their work after 10.10.10.

I loved AJ's turn. I loved Anderson's turn.

My point is -- a swerve, a turn, whatever you want to call it will be good if the people involved in it are.

Turn Hardy -- you've got yourself something cool.

Turn Bubba and Rhino -- you've got yourself a snooze fest.

One thing that TNA doesn't seem to realize is that turning an irrelevant and idle member of the TNA roster heel or face is not going to miracurously make them compelling for the audience. I've said this before for WWE and I'll say it for TNA -- polish a turd, it's still a turd. That will never work unless you're Jeff Hardy. A guy that blows as a face but is rejuvenated by a heel turn. It's not the case with Rhyno and Bubba. Rhyno has been insignificant his entire career. He's been a heel, a face, a tweener -- it never worked. He is the epitome of useless. Am I saying he's a bad wrestler? No. He's an ass kicker. But he's just one of those guys that you cannot mold into anything. They call them ECW Wrestlers I believe.

Same goes for Bubba Ray. To think that Bubba Ray is interesting on his own is ludicrous. Same goes for D-Von. These guys are BORN to be a team. That's it. Pitching them against one another, especially after doing it a month back and almost sending the crowd into a coma, is absolute crap. Why TNA didn't just let them go as a team is beyond me.

If THAT was your point, I agree and I apologize if I offended you. But still, there are people out there that have complained about not being able to know who the faces and heels are, and yeah, you're stupid. Even if the turns happen frequently, you're STILL able to know who's who.

I misunderstood you, no offense taken man it's all good lol... And I agree with all of your aforementioned points the Rhino/Bubba turns are completely useless. You could hear a pin drop when Bubba turned on D-Von last night, why? Because no one cares about these guys anymore, they lost their relevancy a long time ago.

TNA just needs to emphasize their uniqueness as compared to WWE.
If they can do that then maybe we will see some better competition between the two companies down the road.
I misunderstood you, no offense taken man it's all good lol... And I agree with all of your aforementioned points the Rhino/Bubba turns are completely useless. You could hear a pin drop when Bubba turned on D-Von last night, why? Because no one cares about these guys anymore, they lost their relevancy a long time ago.

TNA just needs to emphasize their uniqueness as compared to WWE.
If they can do that then maybe we will see some better competition between the two companies down the road.

You know, at that point, I don't give a rat's ass if TNA is competition to WWE or not. I always liked it despite the fact that WWE crushes them in almost every department, except for the quality of their shows. Just because the company's smaller, that doesn't mean I'll stop watching it or not give it a chance. To me, it just seems like TNA will be that company that had good wrestling, the company that could but never did. As much as I love TNA and hate WWE, I seriously doubt that TNA will get to pull 2.0 ratings in the next 7 years unless something drastic happens. To me it just seems like TNA tries and tries and does good things but the fans refuse to like it and give it a chance. And once they do give it a chance, they chastize it for the stupidest reasons. Things that every company does, but somehow TNA's the one that gets crapped on for it. People are giving it TOO much of a hard time for things that WWE does as well, and they praise it. Every time I hear someone bitch TNA out cuz it has people who worked in other companies there, people who have bad history, you know, all the smarky reasons, it makes me wonder if the fans degenerated to such a point where they just can't see good wrestling anymore. TNA is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. But in the end it comes down to not who's got the better wrestling, but who's a better businessman, and THAT'S why I don't think we'll see TNA as being legit competition to WWE. WWE sucks, let's call a spade a spade, it's nothing like it should be, but the person on top is a genius businessman, and as long as a company has money, I don't care how much it sucks, it will be on top. And WWE will always have money. TNA's only hope is for Panda Energy to invest in them with time and finances. THese guys had some of the greatest pro wrestling matches in history in their early years, and noone was there to see it. Now they have some cool storylines and things happening, and nobody's there to see it. It all comes down to the money. TNA just doesn't know how to make 'em. Nostalgia doesn't work these days. We can enjoy it, it could be entertaining as a one time thing [ i.e WWE's Old School RAW ] but it will NEVER fly in the long run because we already paid to see these guys do their thing, and guess what -- we paid to see it 10-15 years ago when they were good.

Like you said, TNA needs to figure out a way to be unique. Right now they have enough star power to seem legit in the eyes of the common wrestling fan. Step two would be using the old farts who despite their age are pro wrestling legends, and the guys like Hardy who are mad popular to advertise TNA, step three is to make the company seem unique, or at least different from WWE.

Noone here can tell me that WWE has good wrestling matches. They don't. It's stupid on RAW, stupider on PPVs. TNA should focus on that. Bust your ass every iMPACT, and bust it twice as much on every PPV. Why? Because EVEN if your segments suck balls on any given night [ and it happens, they have bad weeks, and good weeks], people are still going to watch next week's episode cuz of your great wrestling.

Again, WWE's storylines are basic. Nothing fancy. They also recycle, they do nothing exciting, no cool twists on old SLs, nothing. TNA's whooping their ass in that department. They have nice storylines, TNA is creaitve, they think out of the box. They also have the basic stuff which work too, again, depending on who's in them.

TNA's better at building people up, giving them a chance to build a real gimmick. If you look at WWE's roster, 99% of the heels are the same, and same goes for the faces. They're shells. TNA gives their characters life. Not one guy on the roster is like the other, except some of the faces. There's variety.

They've got some things covered, but not the essentials. However, they're heading in a different direction with their shoot-style stuff, ReAction and all of that, so that's a ray of hope. Personally, I believe that TNA needs to be symbollic to "cool" and "badass". The place where big boys play. Something that's not for kids. An adult-oriented program. Noone likes kiddy shit. Especially in wrestling. TNA could and will take advantage of the fact that the WWE is so childish right now. They're already going in that direction. Bischoff LOVES to break pro wrestling taboos, he said it himself. After years and years of this business alive, maybe that's what needs to be done if TNA's to do something different. Don't forget, it was ECW and WCW who brought the Attitude Era. Vince didn't come up with it. Guy took it from Bischoff and made it his thing. It's what Vince does. He was doing his kiddy, gimmick-y stuff while ECW had all the violence and WCW was plain cool to watch. That right there is breaking a wrestling taboo. It was a taboo back then, at least. WWE set the rules, WCW broke them and succeeded. Between a rebel and a rich kid -- who would you choose?
I understand what some of you are saying about the line between baby face and heel is blurred sometimes...thats why TNA needs "IMFACTS" ! Imagine you just enter the impact zone and got to your seats when Pope comes up to you talking about how much he hates immortals and fortune, of course he's in charecter the whole time while he's talking. I know what some of you will say "too much talking" ok what if while Pope is talking to you Abyss comes at him and starts swinging janice at Pope's head...the cool part is that your right next to them while it's happening so now you feel like your part of the storyline !
It's not tourists who are hurting the product.... but you did have the correct answer in the other half of your post. TNA must start doing shows at places other than the Impact Zone. The fans who come there do not provide a diverse enough sample of the entire wrestling fanbase. People who the Impact Zone fans like, might not be liked elsewhere. TNA should know that by now, and they would make more money if they did more shows. It's not that complicated. I like the threadstarter's idea of the "ImFacts" programs they could hand out at shows. Every important angle should be discussed a little, as should each champion and each match on the show if it's a PPV. This would be beneficial due to people being more likely to understand who to root for. Anybody else miss the face/heel tunnels? Turns out TNA needed them after all, what with all the constant face/heel turns they have wrestlers make back and forth.
Cuddlebuns said bring that shit to me, cause I aint flyin to Florida to watch Impact. Dead on man. I went to a TNA live show, it was in Coney Island and I can walk to the fucking Cyclones field where the had it. I went to Jersey to Evolve5. That's about it. There's no fucking way I'd travel ALL the way to Orlando just to watch TNA. If I happened to be there for other reasons and Impact was actually happenin, sure.

Where's the TNA Backlot Champion? cause thats what their World Title should be called. And yes it would look way more ligit than Hardy's foly.
If they traveled for Impact tapings, Hardy would be cheered...I went to two live shows this month, little kids everywhere cheering for Hardy @ both shows...and they were promoting it: $20 to get your photo taken with Jeff @ the end of the shows, I am not a Hardy fan so I didn't pay for that...ok, I usually don't even worry about the heel cheering, could really care less who the crowd cheers for, but I was actually wondering why they even turned him heel...
Can't blame the people for coming to see a free show or however it works. TNA needs to stop sucking, make some damn money, and get out of there. I don't understand why they'll go out and have house shows all over different regions but won't tape impact anywhere else, I guess because they can't afford to transport the crew and set pieces around yet. Everything about the Impact zone is stupid, whether it be the 10% in the front rows who come to act like smarks and ruin the show or the other 90% who probably have no idea what's going on.

I wonder that also why have house shows all over but tape impact in the same damn spot that hold what 10,ooo people and they wonder why there are behind and if they can rent a uhaul to load the two camera and 5 set of lights they have, there pathetic
You know, at that point, I don't give a rat's ass if TNA is competition to WWE or not. I always liked it despite the fact that WWE crushes them in almost every department, except for the quality of their shows. Just because the company's smaller, that doesn't mean I'll stop watching it or not give it a chance. To me, it just seems like TNA will be that company that had good wrestling, the company that could but never did. As much as I love TNA and hate WWE, I seriously doubt that TNA will get to pull 2.0 ratings in the next 7 years unless something drastic happens. To me it just seems like TNA tries and tries and does good things but the fans refuse to like it and give it a chance. And once they do give it a chance, they chastize it for the stupidest reasons. Things that every company does, but somehow TNA's the one that gets crapped on for it. People are giving it TOO much of a hard time for things that WWE does as well, and they praise it. Every time I hear someone bitch TNA out cuz it has people who worked in other companies there, people who have bad history, you know, all the smarky reasons, it makes me wonder if the fans degenerated to such a point where they just can't see good wrestling anymore. TNA is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. But in the end it comes down to not who's got the better wrestling, but who's a better businessman, and THAT'S why I don't think we'll see TNA as being legit competition to WWE. WWE sucks, let's call a spade a spade, it's nothing like it should be, but the person on top is a genius businessman, and as long as a company has money, I don't care how much it sucks, it will be on top. And WWE will always have money. TNA's only hope is for Panda Energy to invest in them with time and finances. THese guys had some of the greatest pro wrestling matches in history in their early years, and noone was there to see it. Now they have some cool storylines and things happening, and nobody's there to see it. It all comes down to the money. TNA just doesn't know how to make 'em. Nostalgia doesn't work these days. We can enjoy it, it could be entertaining as a one time thing [ i.e WWE's Old School RAW ] but it will NEVER fly in the long run because we already paid to see these guys do their thing, and guess what -- we paid to see it 10-15 years ago when they were good.

Like you said, TNA needs to figure out a way to be unique. Right now they have enough star power to seem legit in the eyes of the common wrestling fan. Step two would be using the old farts who despite their age are pro wrestling legends, and the guys like Hardy who are mad popular to advertise TNA, step three is to make the company seem unique, or at least different from WWE.

Noone here can tell me that WWE has good wrestling matches. They don't. It's stupid on RAW, stupider on PPVs. TNA should focus on that. Bust your ass every iMPACT, and bust it twice as much on every PPV. Why? Because EVEN if your segments suck balls on any given night [ and it happens, they have bad weeks, and good weeks], people are still going to watch next week's episode cuz of your great wrestling.

Again, WWE's storylines are basic. Nothing fancy. They also recycle, they do nothing exciting, no cool twists on old SLs, nothing. TNA's whooping their ass in that department. They have nice storylines, TNA is creaitve, they think out of the box. They also have the basic stuff which work too, again, depending on who's in them.

TNA's better at building people up, giving them a chance to build a real gimmick. If you look at WWE's roster, 99% of the heels are the same, and same goes for the faces. They're shells. TNA gives their characters life. Not one guy on the roster is like the other, except some of the faces. There's variety.

They've got some things covered, but not the essentials. However, they're heading in a different direction with their shoot-style stuff, ReAction and all of that, so that's a ray of hope. Personally, I believe that TNA needs to be symbollic to "cool" and "badass". The place where big boys play. Something that's not for kids. An adult-oriented program. Noone likes kiddy shit. Especially in wrestling. TNA could and will take advantage of the fact that the WWE is so childish right now. They're already going in that direction. Bischoff LOVES to break pro wrestling taboos, he said it himself. After years and years of this business alive, maybe that's what needs to be done if TNA's to do something different. Don't forget, it was ECW and WCW who brought the Attitude Era. Vince didn't come up with it. Guy took it from Bischoff and made it his thing. It's what Vince does. He was doing his kiddy, gimmick-y stuff while ECW had all the violence and WCW was plain cool to watch. That right there is breaking a wrestling taboo. It was a taboo back then, at least. WWE set the rules, WCW broke them and succeeded. Between a rebel and a rich kid -- who would you choose?

Hey everyone look at Zeven_Zion taking a perfectly logical "Problem with TNA" thread and turning it into a WWE sucks thread. Good job bro, your ignorance and blindness impresses all of us everytime you post. You just said you haven't watched WWE in a WHILE, so shut the fuck up because you clearly do not know what you're talking about. Did you watch Survivor Series or Raw last night? Nope. Therefore you missed out on 5 hours of amazing story telling and creative writing, youtube it, douche.

I don't think it's the tourists. I think it is the kinda fans that TNA has at the Impact Zone. They just eant to cheer the heels for some reason. I get it but it's just not right. These fans don't care they just want to cheer what they like and boo what they hate (Robbie E lol). Wrestling is a story, be apart of the story. Boo the heels and cheer the faces. Don't cheer Hogan because he's Hogan, boo him because he's trying to take over the company that you love.
I went on holiday to Orlando to visit my friend and went to see TNA. Somebody stone me because apparently as a tourist I shouldn't be allowed to go see it.

I was a TNA fan before I went to Florida and it seemed like most of the people in the tourist section were fans too as they were talking about the show in the queues outside. Inside the studio they were into the show, booing the heels and cheering the faces. I think only a Fallen Angel chant broke out when Daniels was heel in a match against another heel, Desmond Wolfe. Impact tapings are in the late afternoon, people are tired, wrestling isn't particularly a 'family' show and it's mostly families holidaying visiting theme parks and I don't think non-wrestling fans have much if any interest in seeing a 2 hour wrestling taping when there's plenty of other things to do/shows to see in the park.

Maybe somebody else who's been to the shows more than me can explain how it is more than me because I really think they're the only ones who can judge whether the tourists are 'ruining' the show and make an informed opinion about how it is live.

The fans were silent at Brother Ray turning on Brother Devon because they didn't give a shit, not because they were confused. It's a fans prerogative to cheer or boo who they want. It might not be desirable for them to cheer the heels but if they do do it you can't exactly do anything about it. Alberto Del Rio got a good reaction at Survivor Series maybe we should stop those fans attending WWE. If the reactions aren't the same as the show, pipe in the reaction they want. I have no problem with doing that if it adds to segments.

To say tourists are 'killing' TNA is hyperbole. It's at most an annoyance. There are other things in that company that are 'killing' the TNA that existed prior to Bischoff/Hogan.

By the way, tourists/fans don't have to pay to get into the park to see TNA, you can get into the park for the sole purpose of seeing the show by using another entrance.
Yeah lol isn't it free to go see a TNA show TNA needs to start charging their fans to come see their shows. Like have them pay 2-50 bucks. That way TNA can make even more money.

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