Impact Going On The Road Full-Time In The Near Future?

Do you think the time is right for TNA to go on the road full time?
Yes it is, it's something they should have done years ago if you ask me. The crowd is always more hot because they want to be there not just because it's free in an amusement park
Can they benefit from this more than the Impact Zone?
YES YES YES for the love of god YES!

1) They can charge to let people into their shows which brings in money for the company. This is something they can't do in the iMPACT Zone due to the fact everything on Universal grounds is free to anyone who bought a ticket

2) The crowd will actually want to be there.

Hear me out here. If you were at Universal and you saw a wrestling show going on you would just because it's free and you could then say you've been to a wrestling show. Say you live in NYC and TNA was coming to the Hammerstein Ballroom. They would then be able to charge an admission fee and only people who actually wanted to be there would even go.

As we all know for people watching at home the live crowd is a big part of how we precieve the show and if the crowd is hot people will say hey the next time they're around here we need to go see them thereby bringing in more money for TNA.

so yeah going on the road Full time will benefit everyone from the fans to the people who work for TNA
Of course it would benefit IW to go on the road full time, all you have to do is watch the road episodes versus the impact zone episodes, they're a complete different look and feel on the road with REAL fans.

"This rumor seems to come up every few weeks going back to when Hogan debuted. I
do not see it happening. Bound for Glory only sold 650 tickets. How can you go on the road with that?"
You have got to be kidding me right? 650 tickets? Quit blowing numbers out your ass and take that trolling shit back to the wwe forums troll. That's the typical nonsense horseshit that gives members of the IWC a bad name, you spew ignorant made up numbers like they're true/real. The only thing missing was "they gonna be bought by WWE by the end of the year." please, get a life bro.
They needed to go on the road full time LONG ago. They do far too many shows at the Impact Zone and they would have more fans if they tried to please people other than the Impact Zone fans because they only represent a small portion of the overall fanbase. To say that it would benefit them would be an understatement because they would have a chance to sell merchandise to much larger crowds and see how other groups of people react to the wrestlers. If they decide to go on the road full time, or at the very least more often, it could be one of the best decisions TNA ever made.

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