Instead Of Taking TNA On The Road...

Personally I think having a 2nd show would do more good.

I also agree with the people who say spike hurts TNA. I live in Korea now so I have to watch everything online but when I was in America, TNA was the ONLY thing I watched on SPIKE TV. How many of you watch SPIKE for anything other than impact?

As for PPV, I'd stop doing them if possible.
If by some miracle I won a huge lottery and started a wrestling promotion, I wouldn't do PPV. I would make my promotion TV only. I'd probably do all my shows in a set number of cities and do house shows.
Maybe TNA should just charge money for their Impact tapings in Orlando? 10 dollars a tickets, 1400 people, that makes $14,000 every night. It's easy money. But, than again many people say "get out of the Impact Zone," I don't think they can. I think the fact that they have the same arena every week helps them save money. So, basically TNA is stuck in Orlando unless they can draw alot of interest somehow. TNA is basically a tourist attraction in Orlando, many people probably don't even know half the roster besides Angle, Hogan, Sting, and Hardy.

Or, they could go to England and have a big fan-base.

I think TNA really needs to cut down on signing the big named superstars and going to other markets outside of Orlando. If there was 2000 people in Nashville at Lockdown, than that's sad.

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