WWE Fans Bashing TNA

Oh, spare me. You've jumped down my throat on posts I've made that were almost entirely supportive of TNA, because they weren't entirely supportive of TNA. You just don't notice when you do it because you're too busy focusing on whatever negative aspects a post has to see the positive.

How convenient for you that you left out the second half of that statement where I hinged it on coherence and logic, eh?

That being said, the whole "my favorite wrestling company is better than yours, and if you don't agree you're stupid" is just plain ******ed. It started in earnest earlier this year with the TNA revamp Some people became disaffected and made their voices heard; often, they didn't do it in the most productive of fashions. People that stuck with TNA became defensive about it. Now, you can't say anything negative about one company without being a fanboy and braindead slave of the other.

Of course it is, because anyone who argues that way is being childish about it. Again, see the latter half of my original statement. Logically and coherently critiquing another promotion is well within the bounds of my own personal take on this, but when little else but outdated rhetoric and invalid arguments are used and pawned off as truths, fully expect to be called on it, same as I would be were I to have said some disparaging remarks about the WWE that were such.

People forget there's room to be dissatisfied with both companies, and this is the internet- never in history has there been a better place to anonymously and pointlessly air your grievances.

Not at all. By all means — hate the thing you complain about online. No one will stop you, nor should they. Personally I think it's sado-masochism considering you are willingly putting yourself through something you know you won't enjoy, but what the fuck do I know? I fully admit to having stopped watching the WWE entirely sans for perhaps a couple minutes of RAW or Smackdown in the event nothing else is going on every few months, but even then I quit not long after. Do you see me going into the WWE section whining and complaining? Nope. But were I to, and were I to do so coherently and logically, I'd have every right to.

(For what it's worth, the wrestling I've been enjoying lately is Dragon Gate and Chikara. I was enjoying ROH, but since I don't get HDNet, and since YouTube banned ROHBrazil, I haven't been able to watch it. I still try to watch WWE, but don't really care if I miss any. TNA, they completely lost me with this Hulk and Eric Show nonsense, but if someone's interested in producing a version of Impact with them completely stripped out, I could probably find my way into being interested again.)

Cool story, bro.
How convenient for you that you left out the second half of that statement where I hinged it on coherence and logic, eh?
Yeah, because that's a pretty standard line anyone throws out. Whenever someone's arguing, it's their points that are the height of reason and logic, and it's their opponents who are being asinine fools.
Of course it is, because anyone who argues that way is being childish about it. Again, see the latter half of my original statement. Logically and coherently critiquing another promotion is well within the bounds of my own personal take on this, but when little else but outdated rhetoric and invalid arguments are used and pawned off as truths, fully expect to be called on it, same as I would be were I to have said some disparaging remarks about the WWE that were such.
Again- it's always someone's adversary who's using "outdated rhetoric and invalid arguments". It saves you from actually having to discuss them, when you can just smear them over by saying "that's stupid", using slightly more intelligent language.
Not at all. By all means — hate the thing you complain about online. No one will stop you, nor should they. Personally I think it's sado-masochism considering you are willingly putting yourself through something you know you won't enjoy, but what the fuck do I know? I fully admit to having stopped watching the WWE entirely sans for perhaps a couple minutes of RAW or Smackdown in the event nothing else is going on every few months, but even then I quit not long after. Do you see me going into the WWE section whining and complaining? Nope. But were I to, and were I to do so coherently and logically, I'd have every right to.
And I've finally given up on TNA. I thought they might bring me somewhere I'd enjoy, but it got progressively worse for me. The problem is, I never see you address a poster complaining about TNA as if he's "coherent and logical", because you start off from the baseline assuming that anyone who complains about TNA is doing it without thinking about it. Hell, even here you start talking about how you don't go into the WWE forums as if this were some tit for tat thing; who brought up the WWE forums in this discussion? Why do I care what you say in the WWE forums?

Your problem- and why so many people refer to you as a blind TNA mark here- is that your idea of "coherent and logical" starts from "approves of what TNA is doing". That way, you can write off anyone who posts in disapproval as being illogical or incoherent. You're trying to do it again right now.
Yeah, because that's a pretty standard line anyone throws out. Whenever someone's arguing, it's their points that are the height of reason and logic, and it's their opponents who are being asinine fools.

Standard or not, it was required to convey my point, which you did not do — you cherry picked my post and pulled only a portion of it out to address without taking the full point into consideration.

Again- it's always someone's adversary who's using "outdated rhetoric and invalid arguments". It saves you from actually having to discuss them, when you can just smear them over by saying "that's stupid", using slightly more intelligent language.

Example of baseless rhetoric: "TNA makes no sense. Then again, this is TNA we're talking about — they never make sense anyway!"
Example of rhetoric with a foundation (logical): "Hogan is going to dismantle TNA just like he did WCW if this idea of a shooting is really going to go full force. How will guys trust each other not to bring up things that have no business in the ring?"

See the difference?

And I've finally given up on TNA. I thought they might bring me somewhere I'd enjoy, but it got progressively worse for me. The problem is, I never see you address a poster complaining about TNA as if he's "coherent and logical", because you start off from the baseline assuming that anyone who complains about TNA is doing it without thinking about it. Hell, even here you start talking about how you don't go into the WWE forums as if this were some tit for tat thing; who brought up the WWE forums in this discussion? Why do I care what you say in the WWE forums?

Then I suppose you've never seen me argue with habs, Ferbian, D-Man, KB, IC or others — all of whom tend to present very logical and coherent criticisms of the company on a near weekly basis.

WWE forums were brought up because this is a thread on whether or not it's right that WWE fans bash TNA in the TNA forums — the logical counter to that is TNA fans bashing WWE in the WWE forums.

Your problem- and why so many people refer to you as a blind TNA mark here- is that your idea of "coherent and logical" starts from "approves of what TNA is doing". That way, you can write off anyone who posts in disapproval as being illogical or incoherent. You're trying to do it again right now.

False. See any argument I've had with the aforementioned users.

Not my fault you can't understand simple counter-logic like the statement just prior to this illustrated.
Then I suppose you've never seen me argue with habs, Ferbian, D-Man, KB, IC or others — all of whom tend to present very logical and coherent criticisms of the company on a near weekly basis.

I feel very slighted to not be included in this group! Granted, I provide arguments on both sides and I tend to run with a group all to my own, but still. You and I have had some great back and forths and I deserved this mention!

Either way, I haven't read this whole thread because it screamed of more TNA vs. WWE which I have no time for, but from what I've seen, the arguments go both ways. My feeling is that you should watch what you like, don't watch what you don't like, or be a glutton for punishment and watch what you don't like. However, if anyone wants to come on these boards and talk negatively, use your brain to do so. I don't post that often, bu when I do, I formulate my ideas and put together a response that provides new insite (or so I hope). Providing nothing new to the forums is just a waste of time.
I will admit that I've prefer the WWE way more than TNA this year, but I still am a fan of both companies. I like to think that I can critque both companies without showing an obvious bias for another. It does make me disappointed sometimes when somebody says the very original "It's TNA so it'll probably suck" statement or the equally original "PG WWE sucks bring back the Attitude Era." I think if you can trash either one but just do so in a reasonable way.
Standard or not, it was required to convey my point, which you did not do — you cherry picked my post and pulled only a portion of it out to address without taking the full point into consideration.
Because I thought- and still do- that you use the line as a toss-off to make yourself 'the logical one' in a debate. I'd rather deal with the meat of your discussion, rather than all the bullshit on the side.
Example of baseless rhetoric: "TNA makes no sense. Then again, this is TNA we're talking about — they never make sense anyway!"
Example of rhetoric with a foundation (logical): "Hogan is going to dismantle TNA just like he did WCW if this idea of a shooting is really going to go full force. How will guys trust each other not to bring up things that have no business in the ring?"

See the difference?
Now if you'd only practice that on a regular basis, we'd be in business. Being able to cite an example is one thing, being able to live under that example is entirely different.

BTW, what the hell does that have to do with me again? Or are we just going to attach the "incoherent and illogical" tag again and call it a day?
Then I suppose you've never seen me argue with habs, Ferbian, D-Man, KB, IC or others — all of whom tend to present very logical and coherent criticisms of the company on a near weekly basis.

WWE forums were brought up because this is a thread on whether or not it's right that WWE fans bash TNA in the TNA forums — the logical counter to that is TNA fans bashing WWE in the WWE forums.
I have. It's not an issue of coherence, it's an issue of politeness. Sure, honey attracts more flies than vinegar, but let's not pretend that just because someone doesn't rub your back and massage your scalp that they're incoherent and illogical.

The WWE forums bit- that's not my argument. I don't really care where you post or what you do, I was calling you on your bullshit that you never, NEVER have a problem with someone bashing your favorite company. It's a logical counter if you completely ignore what I was discussing in favor of setting up your own strawman argument, which happens a lot on these TNA forums.
Not my fault you can't understand simple counter-logic like the statement just prior to this illustrated.
I can, you just use it very, very poorly, discussing issues which I'm not and attempting to get me to argue that position. You're doing it again; "we disagree, therefore, you must be stupid, and this is what you must think." Counter-logic (which is an oxymoron, as long as we're on the topic; counter-logic, by definition, would be logic dependent upon someone elses logic you're trying to disprove, but I'll use your fly-by-night definition for convenience's sake) is dependent upon using someone's logic to point out the flaws in their own argument. You're insisting that two things which aren't opposites are. I don't give a squat what you do on the WWE forums, and have never made any arguments suggesting I do. You are attempting to attach statements made by the OP to my posts, and all I did was call you a bullshitter for trying to claim that you never have issues with people posting against TNA, so long as blah blah blah, which was the extent of my original post towards you.

I know you believe your posts are the height of reason and rationality. No one walks into a discussion and says they're unreasonable and unknowledgable about their own actions.
Considering TNA fans for years have bashed WWE and made derogatry chants about the product on TNA shows whereas WWE fans dont even mention TNA one bit on WWE shows, I'd say WWE have every right to bash TNA even if it is one small comment.

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