Tons of TNA Fans Disappointed By "3/3/11" Angle

Little video clip everybody goes insane

And if wwe is so superior then why wwefan's just ingore tna?

Stop watching tna ?
Stop commenting tna threads ?
Stop reading news about tna?
i dont really like WWE OR TNA but the 3:3:11 clip was lame and if dixie carter puts herself out there on twitter or fb then she should get criticized.
Regardless of the supposed makeup of those "fans" that Twittered, the only thing that really matters is whether or not their tweets had an element of the truth or not. Were the complaints way off base, or did they have merit? Obviously they had merit. When TNA overhypes some huge major change wrestling forever surprise, and then blatantly copies something the WWE just did two weeks earlier, and brings back a guy who was gone only four months, is that really the "huge major change wrestling forever surprise"? If that is the biggest surprise TNA is going to have all year, they are in a shitload of trouble. It isn't just WWE fans saying that the announcement was lame, some of the most diehard TNA fans on Wrestlezone have said it as well, because they can at least be objective some of the time. It was a ripoff, and everyone knows it was a ripoff.
WOW, that was Fucking pathetic. It's obvious some people didnt get the memo that WRESTLING IS FAKE.

To bash a woman like that on twitter because they didnt agree with her decision is an all time low.

I dont know what sucks more, wrestling in general or the people on the internet who still think wrestling is real?
What the fuck is your point Phenomenal? No fucking shit that wrestling is scripted. So if everyother fucking fictional television show on the planet. Maybe you didn't get the memo that this is a discussion forum and that this is a discussion. Dork.

But if one show copies from another is it "fucking pathetic" if the fans take notice and say something? No. It's not. it gives us something to talk about and analyze as fans of the product.

Do us all a favor, you hillbilly. Shut the fuck up if all you have in the tank is a fucking 10 year olds argument about how fake wrestling is.
If you get confused by a discussion forum, then you need some FREAKIN help. It's obvious your parents aren't expecting much from you in life.

Step 1. Shut the fuck up.

Step 2. Continute step 1.
Here's the reason why everyone is and should be frustrated with TNA. Back in 2001 when WCW was around and ECW there is a pool of about 12 million wrestling fans now I would estimate that number to be roughly around 8 million. This is due to the wrestling audience leaving for things such as MMA and maybe only 1.5 million and that is generous that are TNA followers. That still leaves roughly 2-3 million viewers that have left and have not come back since WWE/WCW and TNA has not made any progress in getting those fans to catch their product and it's been almost 7 years.

I must admit that TNA does have some must see moments but for the most part they have shown that the amount their willing to invest only minimal and have done nothing in getting anywhere near close to competing with WWE. Here's the thing with wrestling now WWE has become a product that is elite. For example the majority of people if they want to watch football then they watch the NFL, if they want to watch basketball they watch the NBA, they want to watch hockey it's the NHL. Also if you want to watch the best in the world for MMA it's the UFC. When WCW was around if you compare it to the NBA they were the ABA which was something different with players you could only see in the ABA.

TNA is nowhere near to that status and that is what is frustrating because unlike any other form of sport it's proven that wrestling is at it's best when there is more than 1 major league and there is a market out there for a solid number #2. TNA has not shown that they are that #2 player yet and not even to the point of #1. Paul Heyman said it way back is that you need serious capital and have a plan to get TNA to go public but the product now is terrible. Kevin Nash said it best also when he said there needs to be at least a significant capital investment in the product if they ever want to be in a major league category. WCW did this by having a foundation although not solid they built it around Hulk and Savage as well as having Sting and Luger in the fray as well as Hall and Nash.

Nowadays that would require TNA acquiring Austin, The Rock, Shawn Michaels, and Goldberg. If those players were wrestling in TNA hypothetically with the likes of AJ Styles, Robert Roode, Jeff Hardy and RVD would you start watching TNA more frequently and not criticize as much? Could they draw what they were drawing with WCW and beat WWE I think so.

The formula worked before but do I see it happening anytime in the future? Anything is possible especially when money talks. Before it took WCW to offer guaranteed money and dates. Do I see it happening now? Nope because TNA do not have an owner or management that you could trust. If you were offered millions of dollars but the catch was that the people you will work for were the ones that were part of downfall of ENRON would you jump ship? I sure wouldn't trust my financial future on that!

Here's the thing that really upset me is we were all in the IWC thinking that Sting was WWE bound something that we thought would never happen but now it seems as if that decision was not made. That's like Brett Favre saying that he was going to play his final years in the UFL or the Arena League knowing full well he had another MVP season in him. Sting to me had one MVP season left and could've ended a great career in WWE but instead choses to wrestle his last years and wrestle in the minors. Sting still has something left in the tank he can still wrestle a decent level, Hulk proved that you can wrestle at 50% of what you once were and have an amazing match and Sting could've done the same. I feel that Sting by staying with TNA slapped every wrestling fan in the face when he did not show in WWE for a last match that want him to end his career on a high note will instead wrestle his last match in the minors. Instead of Sting being known as the great WCW wrestler that won all these prestigous titles wrestling his final years of wrestling not for the major leagues but the minor leagues showing that instead of being an ICON turns into a never was.
I was very disappointed by TNA copying WWE. It was pathetic, as a hardcore TNA fan i cried like a little baby when it happened because i realized that TNA sucks and i should stop watching forever because TNA stooped to such a low level, much lower than what transpired in WWE at Survivor Series 97.

Hey 3/4 facelock, buddy get a life. Who here who isn't a hillybilly comes on here and tries to bully a poster for his opinion? Phenomenal has an opinion you don't agree with,
so you tell him to 'shut the fuck up'? Well i think your opinion is delusional so i say to you 'shut the fuck up'. Stop posting on these threads buddy, your opinion doesn't mean squat.

Rayne: where did i say i wasn't a journalist? Your argument to try and discredit my credibility is built on a lie so your foundation is full of shit. Not mine. You can't just make stuff up and pass it off as truth. At best i'm a blogger ok whatever buddy. At best you sit around in your basement all day and haven't spoken to a woman in your life. There, i am what i am now because you said it and you are what you are now because i said it. We all know you're the expert on the habits that journalists are trained into so we'll all just bow down to your brilliance and how well you know the personal lives of WZ posters.

Just so you know, you do write better than a lot of the average WWE smarks trolling around here. Your punctuation as far as commas are concerned is atrocious though. Since you are smarter than me you should go to university or community college and get your English or Journalism and you'd make a fine journalist with all the bullshit that you like to write. The world of journalism needs more guys like you who can convincingly brainwash braindead zombies and turn them against anybody who challenges your rhetoric.
They have to get younger talent over and stop using WWE has beens. They also need to stop copying them. After all see years they still havent created their own identity.
They have to get younger talent over and stop using WWE has beens. They also need to stop copying them. After all see years they still havent created their own identity.

How is all of the "young, homegrown talent" going to get themselves over? Where was this company going before the "WWE has beens" came in?

If I never watched TNA before.. Why, all of a sudden, would I want to tune in to see Matt Morgan vs. Eric Young?

Who cares if they copied WWE? So what? You think people that watch Impact every week are, all of a sudden, going to stop watching it now because of that vignette? Get real.


The "biggest surprise of the year" was promoted a few days in advance and ONLY on the Internet. It wasn't promoted on Spike. It wasn't scrolling at the bottom of the screen while the show about gangs aired from 8-9pm. It wasn't promoted once during Impact. There wasn't a freaking countdown during Impact.

The only people who knew about the "Biggest Surprise of the Year" are the ones who visit Internet wrestling websites... the same websites that swore up and down that 2/21/11 would be Sting. Or people who follow Dixie on Twitter or go to the TNA website... I'd imagine that most of those people would be TNA fans.

Whoever is tired of the "disappointing surprises" that TNA offers, they need to just stop tuning in altogether. The loyal TNA fanbase will tune in for the entire two hours, while the usual TNA bashers will read a report on a website and come on here and complain about it.

I hate the NBA. If I was watching Sportscenter and they said, "Tune in after the commercial break to hear about the big trade".. I'd turn the channel. I couldn't care less what the trade was.
if TNA never brought in any of these former WWE wrestlers from 2010 until now, they would not be any better than they are now. in fact I bet they would be worse. there are A LOT more general wrestling fans than there are hard core wrestling fans. in order to get and keep those general fans, you need NAMES that they will recognize. you could have thee ultimate best damn talent in the history of forever, but if most people don't know who they are it isn't going to matter 1%. now I do think TNA has miss used these "name" wrestlers, as they could be used to help elevate the younger talent. I honestly think part of the problem there maybe has to do with Spike. Spike is probably ratings hungry and only wants to do what will help with ratings right now, rather than what ratings could be for the long run. I think Spike wants to see these "name" wrestlers right now in order to hopefully bring in viewers right now?

I'm also really tired of seeing the word copied thrown around. even IF TNA has done something similar(or even exactly the same) than WWE, then SO WHAT!? like everything WWE does is original? BULLSHIT!

when the video for WWE came out, a lot of people thought it was Sting. it doesn't matter whether or not WWE was intending or this person to be Sting, because perception by a lot of people that it was. did WWE make any kind of statement to let people know it was NOT Sting?

I certainly don't think everything in TNA is working when clearly it's not, but I don't think TNA is nearly as bad as some people make it out to be.
I really think TNA can do no right. no matter what TNA does, there will ALWAYS be people complaining that it isn't right.
I honestly think part of the problem there maybe has to do with Spike. Spike is probably ratings hungry and only wants to do what will help with ratings right now, rather than what ratings could be for the long run. I think Spike wants to see these "name" wrestlers right now in order to hopefully bring in viewers right now?

Good point. I have so much fun bashing the debacle that is Impact! that I never considered this. Shame on me. Spike is the same network that gave ECW a national Cable show only to butt in and mess with what made ECW something that became big enough to get national attention. Then they screwed ECW to jump on the WWE train, which helped lead to the ECW ship sinking. WWE went BACK to USA, the network that used to pre-empt them for the dog show, after their time with Spike. What does that tell you?
I bash TNA because it's frustrating to watch them constantly waste such huge potential. Now I want to know how much Spike is to blame. Although Dixie deserves a lot of blame anyway, she may be worse than the guys AOL put in charge of running WCW as a business.
The internet is a big place. The anonymity of the internet gives people the impression that they can pretend to be anything, and they'll never have their credentials called into question; as if the only way to know someone was lying was to have an intimate personal relationship with them.

The problem with this, however, is that if you lie about your credentials long enough, you are going to run into someone who's actually done the stuff you're claiming as your own. This post is your long-forestalled comeupance.

First, it's important that we don't lose track of the original thread of this conversation, as it is quickly becoming a meta-argument on the validity of your professional claims. This started because you claimed it was impossible to think for yourself if you didn't like TNA (Post #20).
ilapierre said:
The most annoying thing and obvious lie anyone can say on these threads is that they don't like WWE but they are upset with the direction of TNA. It's a cover, it's a facade, it's a lie. I've seen Mark Madden write it, i've read all the other dipshit guys with columns write it here, but you can read in between the lines with these smarks. You can say you're little line 'just because you don't like TNA doesn't mean you're a WWE mark' but it makes no licking difference. You come on here, you bash something to the moon for months on end, you're a brainwashed zombie who can't think any other way.
Having someone come in and claim to read my mind was quite interesting, as well as being told that what I was doing was impossible to do because... well, despite my prying, you never got to that part. Post #33-
Rayne said:
Explain to me how it's a lie that someone can not like either WWE or TNA. I hear a lot of "you say you don't love WWE, but I know you secretly do", but I'm really fucking curious to hear the logic behind how it's impossible to be a wrestling fan without either liking WWE or TNA. Or the logic of how it's impossible to have criticisms of a product without having the ulterior motive of trying to destroy it.
From that point on, I got a whole bunch of stalling tactics from you.

Alright, the preliminaries are done. Now, you seem to be suspicious of how I know what a habits a journalist would have. See; I've actually worked as a journalist. In 1999 I started work as an intern for the Worcester Telegram & Gazette while I was in college, which became a part-time contributors position in fall 2000 when the internship ended. I wrote columns on the video gaming industry for a weekly insert called "Go!" until 2004, when my job was cut in favor of using columns sent from the parent newspaper, The New York Times. I have a bachelor's degree in Communications from Worcester State College (now Worcester State University), granted in 2003. If you were a journalist worth half your salt, you could verify this for yourself and quickly have my identity. Since you aren't, and will likely play the "oh, my precious time" card for yourself, verifying my statements would be a cross-referencing task that would take about ten minutes, tops, if you were slow about it.

But enough about me. Let's get on to how I know you're lying about your credentials, by discussing with you the habits you should be familiar with if you weren't a liar; the habits of a journalist.

Journalists understand how to research the internet.

The two primary skills of any journalist, whether they're an investigative journalist or a column journalist, are research and communication. (More on communication next.) These days, if you don't know how to browse the internet quickly to find information that can help you, you aren't able to do your job. It was a dead giveaway when you tried to chastise me for researching your old statements, as if I had spent all day doing it. Any journalist active in the past fifteen years would understand the tools of internet search; like a combination forum software search and web browser search for the word 'journal' to narrow down the search results.

Journalists are experts in communicating their ideas.

Hearing you talk about your posts on this board as "rough copy" is laughable, especially when you try to convince people that you have two writer's degrees. I am well aware how much writing those two degrees require; communications is kissing sister to both. There is absolutely no way you could have successfully achieved both degrees and still write in rough fashion the way you do. This is my rough copy; look at how it's formatted. The ideas are broken up into paragraph sized chunks, so that I can more easily communicate my ideas to the people reading it. The sentence structures are clean, so that my readers don't have to repeat sentences to grasp my meaning. As a journalist, my job was to make sure that my audience knew exactly what I was talking about.

Now, read your posts. (And I welcome anyone else still reading this slop to make the same comparison.) Statements and ideas are crammed together illegibly. Sentences run into each other, forcing the reader to examine them to try to understand what you are saying. You communicate your ideas poorly. The editor of a high school paper would give you back the slop you post here and tell you that if you want him to proofread, to give him something readable. You write at a high-school level; there is absolutely no way you have done the work for two writer's degrees, as the results of that work (those habits I mentioned) do not show up in your writing.

Journalists can tell when they're being put off.

Here's something I learned on the very first year working as an intern. If someone's giving you lots of excuses and trying to put you off from having a question answered, they're doing it because there's something they're trying to avoid telling. Since we've started this discussion, I've been after you to qualify your original statements (the whole brainwashing thing, don't lose me now), and I've received the following reasons why you can't talk about it:
  • "My point is obvious, so I don't have to prove it" (Posts #44 and #48)
  • "I have the free time to flame you, but I don't have the free time to discuss this." (Post #44)
  • "I'm really a puppetmaster who's been controlling you by responding to your posts." (Post #48 again)
  • "What gives you the right to question me" and "you're just a punk kid who I don't have to answer to." (Posts #44, #48)
Not once, however, did you try to turn back to the discussion of how it was that anyone who disagreed with your favorite promotion had to be a brainwashed slave of someone else. Nor were you much up for a discussion of your journalistic credentials. I've walked the walk; I can tell when someone can't talk the talk.

You can complain all you want about how I'm 'manipulating your words'. If you were any kind of actual journalist, you'd understand that's what journalists DO. Truth is objective; the idea is to arrange information and thoughts into easily digestible patterns to support a point of view. (We haven't discussed and no one's participating in news journalism around here, so spare me the 'objective search for the truth' canard; been there, done that.) All I've done throughout this thread is use your own collected statements over time, in concert with my own life experience to detail how you are not the person you claim to be. I could have just asked you to publish something from your portfolio and watch you stammer about how you couldn't be bothered to take the time to find it, but this bullshit session of yours needed to come to a close. (Any writer has a portfolio of their best work, which is constantly kept updated, especially journalists. There is no such thing as steady employment in journalism anymore. I haven't written professionally in three years, but I still update mine monthly, if not more often.)

And you could have avoided all of this mess just by saying "so I pretended to be a journalist in October to bash Mark Madden, so what?"
I can't help but post here.

Ilapierre, you bitch at 3/4 because he called somebody's obviously ignorant post stupid, when it was, and say he has no right to diss somebody's opinion. Yet, long before that, you ragged on somebody because of their opinion. Hypocritical much?

Rayne already handed you your ass. You said you were a journalist, then earlier on in this thread you said you never did, then you try to play it off again like you are. References, buddy, references. You sound like Sid reincarnated (from what I've heard and glanced at on here...)

You can't write. A journalist's job is to write. It's common sense. If you were a journalist, you could string together a coherent thought in a semi-organized manner. Which you do not.

E-mailing your local "letters to the editor" is not a journalist. Signing up on a free website that caters to "amateur writers" and failing to be noticed even though you're allowed a blog space is not a journalist. The closest I can see is that you do volunteer writing for some free local paper. They probably hate the fact they use any of your stuff, but they figure "Why not, it's filler".

But to the topic. I'm so tired of TNA fans telling people they can't criticize TNA w/out being a WWE mark. You're ignorant and blind. As WRESTLING fans, we want some kind of semi-decent product. WWE isn't exploding every week, no, but at least it's streamlined and coherent. And they don't have to jump up and down yelling "Look at me, look at me!" every week. They do what they do and you watch it or you don't. It's that simple.

The promo was lazy booking, period. Russo thought it would be funny, and we all know he's an idiot. Him and Bischoff probably thought they could get a nice little jab in at Vince because they got Sting and he didn't, but they ruined it.

If they would have done the promo w/out promising "the biggest surprise of the year-guaranteed!", then it would have been a different story. It would have come across as a nice little gag. But to hype it up in the manner they over hype up every mediocre fucking thing was pointless and ignorant. They tried to take something that should have been a joke and turn it serious. It was stupid and made them look simple.

And to address the whole Sting/WWE thing, sure people wanted to see it happen. It's not funny that it didn't. As WRESTLING fans, people wanted to see something legitimately surprising, shocking, and newsworthy as Sting in WWE. Why? Because he'd never been there in his career. Wrestling fans, not WWE fans, you simple bastards, wanted something new, fresh, exciting, and beyond the norm that would get people excited again. It would be the same thing if TNA somehow got Rock, Austin, Taker, Jericho, Michaels, or Triple H to appear on their programming. It would cause excitement and shake things up a hell of a lot.

That's what it was all about, was excitement for the sport in general, not the WWE vs. TNA bullshit that you want to make this about. It's not about the way that you seem to want to try like hell to find something to "get one over" on fans of the other company. It was just excitement about the sport of professional wrestling in general and about seeing something that hadn't been seen yet. And no matter what fucking company you want to suck the cock of, that's all anybody really wants.
I'm a little disappointed that Sting isn't going to the WWE. Taker vs. Sting at WM is really one of the few dream matches left when it comes to the older stars. I find that idea vastly more interesting than anything Sting will have going on in TNA. Let's face it, he's done everything that's worth doing and it's not like he's going to be bumped down to being a high profile jobber. The WWE got more out of Sting's rumored joining of their company than TNA will probably get from Sting actually being part of theirs at this point in time.
What the fuck is your point Phenomenal? No fucking shit that wrestling is scripted. So if everyother fucking fictional television show on the planet. Maybe you didn't get the memo that this is a discussion forum and that this is a discussion. Dork.

Are you comparing freakin wrestling to Dexeter, Chuck, Breaking bad etc.. Atleast the latter dont suck.

But if one show copies from another is it "fucking pathetic" if the fans take notice and say something? No. It's not. it gives us something to talk about and analyze as fans of the product.

Analyse what? it's FAKE, get over it. Wrestling is all the same, people pay tickets to see it, watch it at home, 2 men/women wrestling in the ring etc.. Wrestling has its off moments and good moments.

If you get too emotional over it (abusing the owner on Twitter) then you need some freakin help. Like most people on the internet who post on forums.

Do us all a favor, you hillbilly. Shut the fuck up if all you have in the tank is a fucking 10 year olds argument about how fake wrestling is.

So your admitting wrestling is real?
I am sorry Phenomenal. Truly.

I looked over some of your past posts and came to the conclusion that you might be one of these challenged persons in this world who find these things we understand to be difficult.

Had I known that this was true in your case then I would have never have exposed myself to what you wrote. It just wouldn't have been right. Sort of like parking in a handicap space. I did that, and I am sorry.

You, Ilapierre, Zevon Zion, and the rest of you TNA supermarks need to back off of everyone who has a problem or says anything derogatory, or disagrees with you. It's one thing to attack or shit-talk, but to the degree you pudlickers stroke eachother while you post lies and is astonishing.

I am entering in an epiphany of stupid. After this, you may not hear from me for a while so I may gather myself to fight you wrestling forum trolls later. I cannot summon the strength I have left to mock your moronic opinions and below average IQ comments about TNA.


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