Tons of TNA Fans Disappointed By "3/3/11" Angle

After reading the twitter cooments made, I believe most of them are made byAnti-Tna fans as is. The main reason I believe this is the nastinest of some of the comments. I doubt a real fan of TNA would make some of those comments.

But unfortunately as a WWE and TNA fan (Shocking I know it is possible to be a fan of both) I agree with the general meaning of those comments. I suspected that the shocking ending to impact would somehow be the return of Sting, but to just completely rip of something the WWE just did had me rolling my eyes.

As for Sting returning, well as I have said in other threads, this just makes him a hypocrite, because of the fact he had one time said the product the WWE was putting on at that time was against his christian morals, yet here he is going back to TNA, a comapny in it's own way is trying to replicate the attitude era
After seeing the 3.3.11 at the end of Impact, all I could do was shake my head. Is this yet another example of TNA trying to be the "alternative" to WWE? That is what TNA has supposedly tried to be since their inception. All they have done is become the little brother to the big brother WWE who just continues to keep on effortlessly pushing their face down in the mud over and over again. When TNA had the six-sided ring, put their emphasis on the X Division and great tag team wrestling, they legitimately could say they were an alternative to WWE. Now all they do is take the discarded excrement of big brother and push them to superstardom in their little pond. This promo is just another example of it. They see WWE doing this and it seems to be promoting Sting or Undertaker. Once its done and over with, they re-use it and make their own crappier version of it. It's what TNA has become in a nutshell. Just a dumpster for used up WWE ideas and wrestlers.
The entire "everyone who dislikes TNA is a WWE mark!" notion is moronic. As Rayne said, why would anyone bother with the effort of writing anything more than "wwe SUXORS!1!" if they didn't actually have criticisms of TNA's product. I know it's hard for some people to comprehend, but it's entirely possible that someone can disagree with your opinion without having an ulterior motive. How anyone can get to adulthood without realizing that is beyond me (or perhaps they haven't, and that's the problem?). I don't think there's anyone out there who doesn't actually want TNA to succeed; even the people who can't stand the product recognize that competition is good for business and will make the WWE better as a result.

WZ's topic might have been unprofessional, but not because the tweeters (or whatever it is) could have been a horde of WWE marks or WWE employees out to 'sabotage' TNA; TNA isn't on the WWE's radar, particularly since the "Monday Night Wars" debacle. A valid criticism would be that the topic makes no mention of what percentage of tweets were actually negative. Obviously, everything on the internet is going to get negative feedback; the only really telling figure is just what percentage of it is negative versus positive.
The only part of the article that I do not agree with is the fact that they labelled those voicing their opinions as "TNA" fans. These are WRESTLING fans. People who are fans of wrestling can like both TNA, like WWE, like ROH or any other wrestling organization you can name. Conversely, these fans can have intelligent opinions about TNA, WWE, ROH etc. that are valid and should be respected.

This is reinforcement of what has already been said in this forum. It seems that a majority of WRESTLING fans are unhappy with the fact that TNA mis-advertized and disappointed a lot of their viewers. It was a poor grab for ratings and is deporable business practice.

And just to reiterate, before anyone jumps up and down and points the finger at me yelling "WWE MARK!!", I would blast the WWE if they puuled the exact same crap.

Total agreement with you. We're all wrestling fans, not primarily TNA, WWE or ROH or whatever but "WRESTLING" fans. I agree with that statement made and the fact is a lot of us grew up with it. We seen a lot of pro wrestling, we even saw it in the days where it evolved to the next level. We saw NWA become WCW. We saw the birth of the Attitude Era, the Monday Night Wars, ECW, the list goes on. But the one thing we've wanted out of wrestling for the last 10+ years, we want to see it go from all that to the next level and we haven't seen squat. TNA had then and still to a degree has all the tools in their arsenal to start rising up. You have talent like Beer Money, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, The Motor City Machine Guns, Kazarian and what do they do? They blatantly copy a WWE promo, shove a deplorable Jarrett/Angle storyline down our throats, and then have a cast member of Jersey Shore wrestle?

I watched TNA when you had the X-Division as a cornerstone of it, you had the six sided ring, six sides of steel, Ultimate X, tag teams like Triple X and America's Most Wanted. The sad truth that I have to accept now is that those days look like TNA's peek and it's long gone.

Set aside whether or not these are in fact TNA fans that were posting it on TNA and Dixie's twitter accounts, the point is the fans are pissed. Not TNA fans but wrestling fans. We're tired of the same old crap and want something new and neither WWE or TNA is giving it.

If anything with this, I'm hoping that the fan feedback will serve as some kind of a wake-up call but it more than likely won't. My biggest gripe with all of this, is I'm starting to doubt what kind of future pro wrestling has. I watch ROH preferrably because I feel to a degree they still believe in pro wrestling. Call it a glorified indy league like that butt-puppet Bischoff calls it if you want to, but right now with the way the WWE and TNA have been, I'll stick with that indy league. I'm just again hoping that maybe just maybe that some good will come out of this for TNA
I agree its hard to tell if they were TNA marks but most likely it was both WWE and TNA fans. Clearly TNA die-hard fans are aware of how the product has been going down hill, even though some won't admit it some do. And on the other hand we have the WWE marks the ones that bash TNA, even when its better than WWE (not now). Thinking about it Dixie probably thought that with the 3.3.11 promo she was giving fans what they wanted. Obviously she was aware of the buz Sting's possible signing with the E created around the internet. Which lead her to think something like, oh my lord this is great wrestling fans are going crazy because of Sting, we have what they want (which resulted in the "big surprise"). But I would like to say fans not only wanted to see sting, they wanted to see both Taker and Sting at Mania. I guess it was naive of Dixie to think that. That being said TNA should worry about their product and not so much about the WWE, it makes TNA look weak I can see why fans would be dissapointed. A company is alwasy going to take shots at the company they see as a threat, we see it every day in commercials. TNA takes shots at the WWE because they're the big dogs and the WWE doesn't because they now they're superior. I guess taking shots only works when both products are evenly matched.
Here's a little something to think about... let's just assume for a moment that the people who were making these comments were NOT just WWE marks or TNA haters. Let's assume for a moment that these are people who were avid TNA fans who have simply become fed up with Dixie crying wolf and failing to deliver once again. That these are people who want to see TNA succeed, but can't stomach seeing what is happening to the company that they want to believe in, but given the current state of affairs can't.

So many people are quick to dismiss all these critical comments as coming from those who wish to "sabotage TNA", as a poster implied. But what if these comments are genuine? Is there any way to prove that they're not? Is a backlash against TNA's questionable booking and creative direction really all that far-fetched?

And to add something else to this... like I said, let's assume for a moment they're genuine, but Dixie is thinking along the current lines of thinking among the hivemind here- that they're just out to make TNA look bad. The warning signs are flashing, but most are willing to write it off as a false alarm. What happens if these people suddenly start changing the channel... and they convince others to do the same?
Rayne, anyone who sits around here all day criticizing something is a brainwashed zombie whether they love WWE or not. Either a brainwashed zombie, or a brainwasher paid by WWE to work the threads and brainwash wrestling fans, WWE or TNA, into negatively connoting TNA.

The most annoying thing and obvious lie anyone can say on these threads is that they don't like WWE but they are upset with the direction of TNA. It's a cover, it's a facade, it's a lie. I've seen Mark Madden write it, i've read all the other dipshit guys with columns write it here, but you can read in between the lines with these smarks. You can say you're little line 'just because you don't like TNA doesn't mean you're a WWE mark' but it makes no licking difference. You come on here, you bash something to the moon for months on end, you're a brainwashed zombie who can't think any other way. The proof's in the pudding no matter what you say. End of story.
Aren't you the guy who wrote a post consisting of one long run-on sentence where he tried to convince people he was a journalist? Let me ask you to use those journalistic analysis skills of yours.

Explain to me how it's a lie that someone can not like either WWE or TNA. I hear a lot of "you say you don't love WWE, but I know you secretly do", but I'm really fucking curious to hear the logic behind how it's impossible to be a wrestling fan without either liking WWE or TNA. Or the logic of how it's impossible to have criticisms of a product without having the ulterior motive of trying to destroy it.

I hear a lot of name calling and accusations from you, but as you say, 'the proof is in the pudding'; I didn't hear you try to explain your rationale once.
I just saw the promo and I think the intention did more harm than good. I don't think it was a ripoff more than poking fun at the WWE, saying that their promo is about Sting while your's disappointed fans in being more hype than substance.

However, the fact that we all know it's Sting defeats the purpose. If this was to poke fun at the "letdown" the WWE experienced by not having Sting, then TNA should've ran it as a commercial after having Sting appear.

If this was a ripoff then wow.

Ummm when did WWE ever claim it was Sting. A lot of fans, myself included jumped to that conclusion. So how can TNA poke fun at WWE for something WWE didnt do?? WWE didn't let anyone down, the not as important as they think they are IWC let everyone down.

When I read this, and saw it and read the spoilers, I as always with TNA lately shook my head in disappointment. The sad fact is, no matter who bashed Dixie on twitter or facebook, she deserved it. What's next, the head of TNA communicating through a blackberry or I-pad? How about a bunch of rookies joining together to form a group to dominate? I mean heck why not just have a wrestler called The Funeral Director at this point????

It's getting sad that as each day goes by, if its Dixie, or Russo, or Bischoff, or Hogan, the obsession with WWE is going to be TNA's biggest downfall. Facts are even Spike is starting to get a little antsy with the ratings and product. It's sad that instead of having its own identity, TNA is destined to burn because it wants to be the WWE. 3/3/11 is just another prime example of it.
Facts are even Spike is starting to get a little antsy with the ratings and product. It's sad that instead of having its own identity, TNA is destined to burn because it wants to be the WWE. 3/3/11 is just another prime example of it.

Where are these facts? I not going to pretend I know loads about Amercian TV show ratings, but I'd assume that iMPACT! is probably one of Spikes highest rated shows? I know TNA gets more viewers than the UFC prelimary cards, so are Spike thinking of cancelling the UFC?
Where are these facts? I not going to pretend I know loads about Amercian TV show ratings, but I'd assume that iMPACT! is probably one of Spikes highest rated shows? I know TNA gets more viewers than the UFC prelimary cards, so are Spike thinking of cancelling the UFC?
UFC Unleashed draws in the 2.0 range, and is Spike's top performing program. Don't forget- UFC is where Spike chose to break the announcement of Hulk Hogan signing with TNA. (Joe Rogan's "I can't believe I have to announce this shit" expression did not help much.) Preliminary cards don't fare as well because they are on a Saturday night, which is an extremely weak time to be drawing a good number for the 18-35 year old male crowd. They're all out trying to get laid, not sitting at home watching television.

I even watched the PPV last night (Bisping is a ********er, but Rivera's a hometown boy and I'm biased), but I didn't sit at home and watch the prelims (and wouldn't if they were on Spike- they were on Ion, which no one has.) I was at a bar, trying to get on top of a redhead.
Does anyone know what ratings other shows on a Thursday night on Spike draw? As explained by Rayne, Saturday night is not probably not the best night to compare.
I would agree that the subject matter is misleading, there is no evidence to suggest any other those comments came from TNA fans, but it wouldn't shock anyone if they did.
The whole TNA v WWE thing is a load of rubbish, there are people out there who want to see a good product no matter what the name of the company is. So don't follow either sides, so it could be them too.
TNA was always seen as the alternative to WWE, offering fresh new wrestlers in new division and being different. Since they moved to Spike, it seems its becoming more like being WWE and getting their attention that way rather than just beating them by not doing the things people don't like the WWE.

TNA fanboys arent going to like this but take the last month alone and you can see how TNA is failing:

TNA announce a big surprise.... it turns out to be a carbon copy of a promo WWE did
WWE release a mysterious promo, having the whole IWC/fans talk about it for weeks. Even when we found out it was Taker, we still didn't know the whole picture and find out it was a promo for HHH as well.

WWE announce there will be a guest host at Wrestlemania, throw in the odd curveball (the stupid like kid called Bieber) during Raw have The Rock post images linking him to it and have the IWC talking about it again and for them to tune in to see if it is indeed true and not to miss the unmissable.

Even the unannounced surprises have been done better, Trish appearing out of the blue (even though that whole segment sucked). Christian appearing after the Elimination Chamber match rather than being in it.

TNA tries to hard to get the IWC to notice and they fail at it hard. WWE keeps it simple and it works, if the angle works and the surprise is good everyone will take about it. It doesn't need Vince begging people to tune in to see what it is.

Granted the WWE suffers from a lack of new ideas and most of its writing sucks, you put that up against TNA and you can see why they are the joke they have become.

Dixie/TNA could have come up with some many different ways to build up a Sting return. A scorpion appearing randomly on the TNA website for example, a crow being mentioned backstage, signs just taking control over TNA products for a quick second in the build up of Sting taking control of TNA from Immortal. Yet the best they could do is play on the idiots who thought it was Sting in WWE's promos.

Lets clear things up TNA is not WCW, its more like an even worse version of the mid 90's WWF with its stupid parodies and refusal to change to be different.

Dixie should do what she should have done a long time ago, give all power to Heyman and if Hogan, Bischoff, Russo don't want to work with him get rid of them.
TNA's vision was a pretty damn good one. But nobody in their right mind would dare admit that right now. Well, except me I guess. The only real flaw to it, was it's execution. If a person with a rational degree of intelligence could kindly put away their biased, idiotic claims of "OMGZ lolTNA Sux. Mox WWE with crap parody" and actually stop and ask, "what if it aired before the 2/21/11 Raw aired? Obviously Sting was not a definite lock until the last second sadly, and I'm sure TNA didn't want a rerun of the MEM incident from last month. Simply put had this aired at the least a week before it did, people would think completely different. Why? Because TNA would've basically bitchslapped WWE telling them "Sting is owns. Subliminally hype him all you want, he's still here".

While technically it's what they did on Thursday, it's emphasis would have been so much greater if the rumors of Sting/Undertaker had not been dismissed that very same week. But sadly TNA, in trying to play it safe this time, waited 'till the last minute. Shame too. I would've loved to see some topics on TNA cutting the hype of WWE's 2/21/11 rumors.
I think too many TNA fans had already made up their mind about Hogan and Bischoff before they even really got going in TNA.
a lot of people assume that Bischoff and maybe even Hogan were what put WCW out of business, even though that was not entirely true. I assume there are a lot of fans that don't know the entire truth or really even care to find out the entire truth. with that, maybe Hogan and Bischoff are simply destined to fail. maybe some fans will always hate on TNA as long as Hogan/Bischoff are around.
personally I don't think Heyman is a lock to do any better at all.

Dixie is someone who before having her parents buy into TNA was never involved in wrestling at all? maybe that is also something fans just don't care for.

maybe the wording of what was expected at the end of the last Impact should have been different. the actual showing of a video clip really isn't OMG shocking/surprise, but I still think it was a significant thing and will lead to a shocking /surprise. now because so many people assume that this will be Sting they might not consider that HE as the person a shocking/surprise, but having Sting back is a surprise. I also don;t think it really helps that next weeks Impact was already taped. it could have been a better surprise if no one new leading up to this Impact just why it was. going LIVE I think would have had a higher rated Impact than already being taped and people not only knowing who it is, but what will happen.
When i saw the promo for 3-3-11 i just felt like they made that video two days ago because they decided to just copy the WWE's 2-21-11 promo and don't take the time and effort to create something that is very different but of course they want to rush things so they did it anyway. I am a fan of TNA, did i like it?? No because right after they said there was no communication with Sting and WWE, we all know that he was going to show up back on TNA but don't know when until we all saw the promo.

all the fans wanted to see Sting go to the WWE because it would be different for him, he would face wrestlers that he never face before. now he in TNA what is it going to be this time?? is it going to be the same bull-crap we saw last year and the year before that when Sting walks around backstage doing nothing but promos and who is left there for him to have a feud with?? Anderson, RVD, and the Pope??? maybe Matt Morgan and Rob Terry.

The big question is what are we going to expect from Sting this time?
Rayne, anyone who sits around here all day criticizing something is a brainwashed zombie whether they love WWE or not. Either a brainwashed zombie, or a brainwasher paid by WWE to work the threads and brainwash wrestling fans, WWE or TNA, into negatively connoting TNA.

The most annoying thing and obvious lie anyone can say on these threads is that they don't like WWE but they are upset with the direction of TNA. It's a cover, it's a facade, it's a lie. I've seen Mark Madden write it, i've read all the other dipshit guys with columns write it here, but you can read in between the lines with these smarks. You can say you're little line 'just because you don't like TNA doesn't mean you're a WWE mark' but it makes no licking difference. You come on here, you bash something to the moon for months on end, you're a brainwashed zombie who can't think any other way. The proof's in the pudding no matter what you say. End of story.

This is the biggest load of garbage I have read in the TNA forum yet.

Do you honestly think that you can come on here and dictate what people's tendencies and preferences in wrestling are by the fact they are upset about a bullshit move that TNA pulled? That is the most baseless argument I have ever heard.

Well let me enlighten you on how wrong you are: I want TNA to succeed. I want them to very badly. I thought they were on the cusp of something great when they had that triple threat match between Daniels, AJ and Samoa Joe. It was hard hitting wrestling action that WWE couldn't touch. It was a product that WWE wasn't even looking to offer as they were mired in bad storytelling and too many talking segments.

The reason I want TNA to succeed is so that we have a healthy opponent for Vince McMahon. Do you know what happens when Vince is challenged? He goes balls to the wall to compete right back and then we have the wrestling we truly want to see. Then we would have something akin to the Monday Night Wars where TNA and WWE would be doing everything in their power to give their fans what they want to see! But right now, Vince doesn't see TNA as a threat and therefore we have WWE in coasting mode.

That's why it makes me so angry when TNA pulls stupid, shortcut bullshit moves like they did with the 3.3.11 promo. It makes them look like a poor imitation of a wrestling organization that is already doing slightly better then mediocre. Both TNA and WWE could be so much more then they are. But TNA is just going to keep pissing of wrestling fans if they keep practicing bullshit business tactics and WWE is just going to continue to coast if they see no opposition on the horizon.

So, in closing, yes, the proof IS in the pudding. TNA screwed up and WRESTLING FANS are voicing their concerns. End of story.
Ummm when did WWE ever claim it was Sting. A lot of fans, myself included jumped to that conclusion. So how can TNA poke fun at WWE for something WWE didnt do?? WWE didn't let anyone down, the not as important as they think they are IWC let everyone down.

When I read this, and saw it and read the spoilers, I as always with TNA lately shook my head in disappointment. The sad fact is, no matter who bashed Dixie on twitter or facebook, she deserved it. What's next, the head of TNA communicating through a blackberry or I-pad? How about a bunch of rookies joining together to form a group to dominate? I mean heck why not just have a wrestler called The Funeral Director at this point????

It's getting sad that as each day goes by, if its Dixie, or Russo, or Bischoff, or Hogan, the obsession with WWE is going to be TNA's biggest downfall. Facts are even Spike is starting to get a little antsy with the ratings and product. It's sad that instead of having its own identity, TNA is destined to burn because it wants to be the WWE. 3/3/11 is just another prime example of it.
You misunderstood what I wrote, which my fault for how I wrote it. "Their promo" about Sting was about TNA's 3-3-11 promo. But like I said before, this could be TNA's poke at the letdown. Regardless of the goal of this promo, it makes TNA look like a cheap ripoff that states the obvious and does nothing to help them or hurt their rival.

I don't watch TNA and don't plan to, but it looks like their problem is trying too hard in all the wrong places. They're a little power trying to go against a superpower, their Jamaican bobsleds vs. the WWE's tanks. The best thing TNA can do for them is not compete against the WWE but instead build the brand up to where they know you can go toe to toe with WWE's fanbase. During the "Big three era", only once have I seen the NWA, AWA or WWF go at each other and that was the Black Saturday incident that backfired on Vince. Otherwise, all three lived successfully without any major competition against the other. Of course I'm talking before the Monday Night Wars. TNA should've waited until they were big enough to mess with the WWE, confirm their status with the fans' reactions over time, and then get at them.
you TNA marks are nothing but a bunch of tnabots! and why we WWE fans call you idiots TNABOTS? because you smarks are being PROGRAMMED by Dixie,hogan,bitchoff,Russo,and jarrett! we WWE fans already knew that it was the undertaker behind the 2-21-11 promo but the IWC and their so-called "expert" mentality think thought it was sting?!? childish... I think so!

"you TNA marks call us WWE fans "marks,shareholders,and Vince McMahon koolaid drinkers but we call idiots like you TNA sympathizers and TNABOTS! because you sympathize with anything and everything Dixie throws at you and you bots are PROGRAMMED to cheer, boo, and act like a bunch fucking morons by hogan, bitch off,russo and jarrett!

what TNA did was a ripoff of the WWE! but hell TNA always copies WWE! LOL! and I heard that only 3,000 bots showed up at that 2nd rate arena in north cackalacky ( north Carolina) while more than 10,000 true fans showed up to see taker return and it gave WWE a 3.9 rating!!! better than fleaNA's 1.2 crappy rating!! Lol! TNA... Total Nonsense Abomination! TNA ratings will go up slightly while WWE ratings will go between a 3.0-4.1!!! BANK ON IT!!! crusher mania 1592

Dark Horse: I agree with you completely until your last paragraph. You thought the 3-3-11 promo was pretty clever, wasn't such a bad idea but not executed well. Then you say that it is ok that TNA copied WWE and there is no better brand to copy. But then you get on this rant about WWF marks aren't the ones bashing TNA. Which is fine. But you say the whole 3-3-11 thing was a lame move although you earlier thought it was a great move. I know you tried to cover your ass and say it's what most people think but like Mr. Lionheart says, who really knows what 'most' people think. WZ posters hardly represent the average intelligent human being. I do agree with you that TNA fans have their grievances with TNA but most people who watch TNA also happen to watch or still watch WWE. Most prefer WWE. Some root for TNA. I may be completely off base because who really knows who most wrestling fans prefer? But i'd argue there's not a lot of fans out there who only watch TNA and do not watch WWE. I don't think there's a lot of fans out there who just woke up in 2002 and started watching TNA out of the blue without ever watching or preferring WWE at some point in their lives. Most wrestling fans prefer their WWE and watch TNA as a secondary hobby and compare the two and TNA obviously comes out looking pretty bad. So that's my beef. Is that so many pretentious marks come on here, say they're TNA fans, or at least not pro WWE and they're sick of TNA. Sure, there are TNA fans but deep down they know they prefer WWE. The ones who honestly prefer TNA to WWE may have grievances with the product but most of the ones i've heard from poser TNA supporters on this site seem pretty pro WWE regardless of what they say to cover it up, like "you better stop saying this shit.' The way someone presents an argument is a good indicator of bias. And every poster here has an agenda, a slant..why else post here? You're explaining your point of view and trying to have it appreciated. You're all here trying to convert other fans to your point of view and using little rhetorical devices you've come up along the way to swing those not so anti TNA into becoming more so. You don't have to be pro WWE to hate TNA. You are most likely anti TNA. Yes, there are TNA supporters fed up with some of the bullshit going on and are complaining about it. There's no doubting that. These same fans, as Lionheart points out, want TNA to succeed to make for better competition. I agree with that 100 percent. But, i do not think the majority or even half the posters who say they're not anti TNA or not pro WWE want TNA to succeed. I may be wrong, i don't have inside information on what's what, it's just a generalization. But i don't think it's that off base to say or believe considering all the inherent bias in posters above compositions. The only way i'd think it was off base is if i was a poser TNA sympathizer who deep down prefers WWE and wants to see TNA fail but doesn't want to be outted in front of his poser peers and have his credibility shot.

Rayne: No you must be confusing me with someone else. Every post i write has at least 10 run on sentences. I don't really need to convince anyone here i write for a living, i'd be surprised if a lot of you even hold down jobs or function properly in public. As for your question, i think i addressed that above. I didn't say it was impossible for a wrestling fan to not be necessarily a WWE or TNA supporter. I just said that it's pretty clear that the majority of TNA bashing is coming from people with a major bias or agenda. But, yes, you are right it's not impossible that there are TNA fans who are disappointed in their product. I consider myself a casual fan of both, not really one side over another. I could make a lot of negative criticisms about TNA on here and mimic everyone else but what's the point. Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things what's going to happen on a two hour wrestling show? I have so much more going on in my real life in the real world that i really don't have time to repeat the same whiny negativity about what Dixie Carter should or should not be doing. It's unoriginal. What gets under my skin more than what TNA isn't doing right is wrestling fans always complaining about what's not being done right over and over again for months on end like broken record players. It's irritating. I do take way too much time out of my life to challenge copy cat arguments of such dumb thinking on these forums which i believe 'hurts' wrestling. I absolutely can't stand it. It ruins wrestling for me.

It is not impossible to be neither a committed WWE or TNA fan or mark. I can't say i'm a big fan of either WWE or TNA myself, i've been watching WWE a bit lately and i've been enjoying it for a change. But, in general, i watch both once and a while and i'm not really into either although i do, as you can tell, root for the underdog TNA. I'm not into the ROH so i'm sure some wrestling fans prefer that and like neither WWE nor TNA and dump on both. My point was that i believe 'most' wrestling fans here liked WWE at one time or another and feel committed to it through good and bad. They may dump on it and be upset with its direction but they'll always come back when times are good. But with TNA, this does not happen these so called neutral fans will dump on TNA until its become unfashionable. WWE smarks (or these off again on again WWE faithful) are the same thing. They are opposed to anyone who is anti WWE even though they themselves are somewhat not in their WWE obsession mode. But you are right in implying it's very possible that TNA fans are jaded with the product. I, for one, have a hard time watching TNA and i consider myself somewhat of an on again off again fan. I have criticisms but i find that sometimes you can find enjoyment in something if you stop analyzing it to death and just relax. I've been doing that a lot lately with WWE and i'm enjoying it again. Mind you, having the Rock come back has made it a lot easier to watch. I could never get back into WWE for any more than a month or two over the past 7 years due to the absence of wrestlers and storylines i could understand and believe. I had no ulterior motive of destroying WWE, I just found it extremely terrible programming and i just couldn't get back into it. Same goes for TNA, i don't really find it's worth 2 hours of my time every week so i just stopped watching. Didn't feel it necessary to come on these threads and post about every little angle that should be done differently. I was either engaged and watched and went on with my life, or i wasn't engaged and just stopped watching entirely. I could get all upset about wrestling and criticize how it's being run. But really, when it comes right down to it for me TNA will never be even close to a competitive level with WWE until it gets some big name players. I don't mean Angle or Sting who are pretty big. I mean Cena, Rock, Austin big. I don't think TNA with it's little platform will create big stars. So what's the point of analyzing that situation to death?? TNA will never be doing anything right until the day comes when Vince and Triple H fuck over some big name star who bounces over to TNA (if it's still around) and that creates a snowball effect with others defecting. Not Paul Heyman, not Dixie Carter firing Bischoff and Hogan, not Vince Russo getting hit by a bus, not Hulk Hogan becoming world champ, not even an NWO return, not even Shawn Michaels showing up in TNA and coming out of retirement and not even the a plane crash killing all WWE employees will fix TNA and boost it's ratings more than half a percentage point. So why come on here and analyze such utter bullcrap? You have to seriously question the mental capacity of posters who come on here and complain daily, 5-10 times a day about a fake 2 hour wrestling program they watched earlier in the week. It's pathetic.
you TNA marks are nothing but a bunch of tnabots! and why we WWE fans call you idiots TNABOTS? because you smarks are being PROGRAMMED by Dixie,hogan,bitchoff,Russo,and jarrett! we WWE fans already knew that it was the undertaker behind the 2-21-11 promo but the IWC and their so-called "expert" mentality think thought it was sting?!? childish... I think so!
And yer stoopid. Because yer stoopid. And yer stoopid. Good God almighty, that's pretty much how sound like up there. I find it funny how you say TNA fans are "programmed" by Dixie Carter and Hulk Hogan and then start throwing praise for WWE in the most incoherent way possible. By the way, I believe it was the WWE fans who thought Sting was heading for WWE. Not your "TNAbots", my illiterate friend.

"you TNA marks call us WWE fans "marks,shareholders,and Vince McMahon koolaid drinkers but we call idiots like you TNA sympathizers and TNABOTS! because you sympathize with anything and everything Dixie throws at you and you bots are PROGRAMMED to cheer, boo, and act like a bunch fucking morons by hogan, bitch off,russo and jarrett!
Hey, genius. If you took the time of day to read the thread you're posting in, you'd notice that not a single person approves of the subject. Oh, but wait. That's not what you're getting at. You're just here to whine about TNA. And blind fans. Kind of funny how the dead guy mocks the corpse.

what TNA did was a ripoff of the WWE! but hell TNA always copies WWE!
Yeah! Thats why we see AJ Styles come out in jean shorts looking a like a walking Walmart shopper with the men's clothing on the front page! Of course they rip off WWE. They are a carbon copy. What was I thinking? Why the hell do we have women in Hardcore matches? Why do we have an "X" Division? Whatever the hell that is. Why do we have Kurt Angle? he's clearly a Jack Swagger rip off. But more importantly, why do we have Sting? Ah, that's right. Because WWE doesn't. Right. Glad we're back on subject.

LOL! and I heard that only 3,000 bots showed up at that 2nd rate arena in north cackalacky ( north Carolina) while more than 10,000 true fans showed up to see taker return and it gave WWE a 3.9 rating!!! better than fleaNA's 1.2 crappy rating!! Lol!
Ha ha! lololololololololololololololololololololololol!! Ignorance is freakin' bliss, baby! Dig it!
TNA... Total Nonsense Abomination! TNA ratings will go up slightly while WWE ratings will go between a 3.0-4.1!!! BANK ON IT!!!
Yeah! That's only been the sermon for 3 freakin' years. I don't have a freakin' clue why WWE's ratings are stuck in the 3.1's while TNA's been stuck in the 1.1s for the same amount of time. But clearly the issue isn't WWE. It's TNA. The product is so bad, it makes all wrestling related ratings stand still in sheer shock. When God went to the bathroom and took a dump for the first time, Vince McMahon was born. Blessed by holy shit. lolDixie could never compare to him.

crusher mania 1592

Obvious and ignorant troll is being obvious and ignorant.

But enough trash talking with... fill the blank. But to the subject. 3/3/11. Yeah, a pot shot attempt that backfired. Would airing the promo before 2/21/11 have resulted in the same negative feedback? I asked earlier and have gotten zero response. I admit, TNA did wrong here, but is this any different from the numerous shots WCW took at WWF? How about WWF devoting an entire angle to bashing WCW? Clearly, it's been done before. But why is it so bad now? What was the flaw? No, production values don't matter. I want a real answer. Was it the timing? The obviousness of it? Or am I being too much of a TNAbot?
Rayne: No you must be confusing me with someone else. Every post i write has at least 10 run on sentences. I don't really need to convince anyone here i write for a living, i'd be surprised if a lot of you even hold down jobs or function properly in public.
See, here's the problem with the internet. When you write something on a message board, it's there permanently. Anyone can go back and read your post history, and recover stuff like this:
Mongoose McQueen i'm 29 years old buddy boy and i've been a journalist writing news stories and columns now since you were 13 years old learning how to spell the big words i wrote back there that went way over your head. Pretty ironic eh??

You are right that every writer has a bias and is allowed to have an opinion and voice it. But if they do not use proper argumentation, then their argument is flawed and can be easily picked apart by someone like myself who can see through subjective rhetoric. Madden watches TNA every week, then turns around and says its not appealing? Perhaps he should quit watching then, just like i should quit reading, because his criticisms are redundant just like mine are becoming. If i came on here and said Madden was fat and lazy and that's why he's not a great columnist, then i would be using Madden's type of subjective reasoning in criticizing TNA. It's his own personal agenda, he's got a column to write and a lot of very defensive Insane Wacked Clowns to appease. He has everything to gain by dumping on TNA because the majority of IWC are WWE smarks. I, on the other hand, am nothing more than a casual fan who tunes in to both WWE and TNA from time to time but on no schedule. TNA could improve vastly, so can WWE, but TNA does have a lot going right for it right now (in my objective opinion). Subjectively, I would prefer WWE if WWE were to get good again. But objectively TNA is doing quite a lot better than I ever imagined and, in wrestling's least entertaining era, isn't doing half bad. I'm just giving credit where credit is due, i'm not a blabbering smark with an axe to grind or obsessive about a below average wrestling show or routinely criticizing that company's competition. I'm not emotionally invested in either WWE or TNA, and i'm much more objective than the smarks here take me for.

Anyway, it's not that I don't like what Madden writes. I do laugh from time to time. Moreso at him than along with him though. The difference between the target audience thing with him and TNA and his column and me is I can see through what he's doing and most of you WWE loving extremists can't. The IWC are essentially a cult of extremist smarks who keep Smark Madden relevant. Without you he is nothing, and without him there's not enough people here in positions of authority to say what all you sensitive WWE lovers want to hear: TNA sucks worse than WWE no matter what.

And yeah if you tried to pick apart anything Eric Bischoff said i'd pick you apart for being stupid. Bischoff's iq is probably 100 points higher than Maddens'.
Hey SFC, i am a journalist and heres some realistic journalism for you

An unverified source tells wz that John Cena is dissatisfied with working 365 days a year.
Another disgruntled WWE employee says that Triple H is banging his wife on the road and is thinking of heading to TNA
An unidentified source says that Vince McMahon waxes his balls every Tuesday afternoon.
One of WWEs main eventers says lockeroom morale as at an all time low because of the bad ratings lately.

That was really easy. Is that realistic journalism...NO! Realistic journalism is when a source is quoted. Otherwise, the source should not really be taken seriously.

I completely agree with the OPs point. WZ employs idiots like Mark Madden and other staff writers who pander to the anti TNA crowd. Its killing wrestling entertainment and it has to stop. Why cant people just give up the hate and just try to enjoy things for a change.
So thank you; I'm pretty sure I don't have you confused with someone else. Don't worry about my ability to function in public either, I'm doing quite well.
Our Budding Journalist said:
As for your question, i think i addressed that above. I didn't say it was impossible for a wrestling fan to like neither WWE or TNA. I just said that it's pretty clear that the majority of TNA bashing is coming from people with a major bias or agenda.
Again- pretty clear how? What's so obvious about it? How about some examples? We are left to take your word for it and as I've demonstrated you are full of shit once.
ilapierre said:
But, yes, you are right it's not impossible that there are TNA fans who are disappointed in their product. I consider myself a casual fan of both, not really one side over another. I could make a lot of negative criticisms about TNA on here and mimic everyone else but what's the point. Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things what's going to happen on a two hour wrestling show? I have so much more going on in my real life in the real world that i really don't have time to repeat the same whiny negativity about what Dixie Carter should or should not be doing.
I've got plenty going on myself, but apparently your posting on a message board attacking people who dislike TNA is more noble then people who post on a message board complaining about how TNA is performing.

Neither of us are curing cancer; your position doesn't make you any better then me. Drop this "oh, I've got so much going on in real life" bullshit, you're posting here and discussing your point of view just like I am.
ilapierre said:
It's unoriginal. What gets under my skin more than what TNA isn't doing right is wrestling fans always complaining about what's not being done right over and over again for months on end like broken record players. It's irritating. I do take way too much time out of my life to challenge copy cat arguments of such dumb thinking which i believe 'hurts' wrestling. I absolutely can't stand it.
I must be missing the uniqueness of your position then.

People complain on the internet. I'm not sure how long you've been using it, but as a journalist (absolutely HUGE wink there, btw) you should be well aware that people use the internet to complain. You must have a blog as a journalist (self-publishing is everything, if you aren't publishing you don't exist), and if you're a successful journalist, people are reading it and posting all kinds of inane comments about how your opinions make you a poopyhead and you shouldn't post them. (Is the irony here sinking in yet? Am I laying it down thick enough for you?) You complaining about other people complaining isn't some kind of noble quest.
you TNA marks are nothing but a bunch of tnabots! and why we WWE fans call you idiots TNABOTS? because you smarks are being PROGRAMMED by Dixie,hogan,bitchoff,Russo,and jarrett! we WWE fans already knew that it was the undertaker behind the 2-21-11 promo but the IWC and their so-called "expert" mentality think thought it was sting?!? childish... I think so!

"you TNA marks call us WWE fans "marks,shareholders,and Vince McMahon koolaid drinkers but we call idiots like you TNA sympathizers and TNABOTS! because you sympathize with anything and everything Dixie throws at you and you bots are PROGRAMMED to cheer, boo, and act like a bunch fucking morons by hogan, bitch off,russo and jarrett!

what TNA did was a ripoff of the WWE! but hell TNA always copies WWE! LOL! and I heard that only 3,000 bots showed up at that 2nd rate arena in north cackalacky ( north Carolina) while more than 10,000 true fans showed up to see taker return and it gave WWE a 3.9 rating!!! better than fleaNA's 1.2 crappy rating!! Lol! TNA... Total Nonsense Abomination! TNA ratings will go up slightly while WWE ratings will go between a 3.0-4.1!!! BANK ON IT!!! crusher mania 1592


*cough BULLSHIT.
that is why so many wrestling sites had WWE fans not only thinking it was Sting but wanting it to be Sting.

evvverrryytthhiinnnggg TNA does is a copy of WWE, so then who does WWE copy? wrestling has been around for so long there isn't much new anymore. I guarantee you there is a lot that WWE does that other promotions have done before, but the difference is WWE is so big so that is all that people remember.
and even if there was copying, SO? if WWE does something that is good and works, someone else like TNA is not supposed to even try the same thing? I assume in the NFL there was one team that first came up with the west coast offense, so I guess no other team should have used it then because that was copying!?

TNA fans are robots. and WWE fans are not? more BS. one of the reasons WWE has such a high rating is because they have so many viewers that will watch WWE on a regular basis regardless of what WWE is doing because it's what the viewer has done their entire life. Monday night, ALWAYS watch RAW. if for some reason one Monday night RAW was not on, these viewers would probably panic like, OMG what am I going to do the only show I've ever watched at 9pm Monday isn't on!!!

something there is probably no way of knowing, but how many of these fans upset at Dixie and the way this whole thing was done, are also WWE fans? wouldn't surprise me at all if these are fans of both TNA AND WWE, but these are fans that prefer the WWE more. that is maybe why they get so upset that TNA can tease and deliver something that so many people wanted WWE to do, in bringing in Sting.
why would Sting even want to go to the WWE?! to guarantee lose to someone who is just as old and a has been as he is? and then what? it's not like he would have anything else to do in WWE. OR he could return to TNA where he can ..well you will see on Thursday.

I don't think it really matters the quality of the video, but the purpose and what it's all about. anyone can say that the WWE videos were not Sting, but clearly there were a lot of people who thought it was and wanted it to be. but it wasn't. TNA has a video, teasing someone many believe to be Sting. call me crazy, but TNA delivers Sting, WWE does not. TNA wins this round. ..of course WWE fans are going to disagree, no doubt.
First off Rayne it's clear how much of a life you have by how quickly you went and found my posts. You must have been obsessing about it all day. Second, i was sarcastically making fun of the fact that i'm the guy who writes the run on sentences. I was poking fun at myself, trying not to take myself as seriously as a WWE smark hiding behind false pretenses. I was not trying to pretend it wasn't me.

As for examples, all you have to do is go read 85 percent of the posts in this thread or in any thread for that matter. I don't need to go copy and paste shit, quote it, or whatever. I don't feel i need to offer such obvious proof in this thread (the pudding). If it was one post in a thousand i'd go and grab it for you. But, seriously, offering up examples of such bias would be like me asking you to go find me some evidence that more wrestling fans watch WWE RAW than any other wrestling program. It's a plain as day fact staring you right in the face.

Yah you're right i'm wasting time sleeping by arguing on a wrestling forum. I'm not holier than you, i just believe it's better to stand up against repetitive garbage than it is to sit around complaining about the same company and it's backstage, off screen personnel for months on end. If you don't like it, quit watching. I don't like this place, i quit coming here but i always come back to get my point across. Wrestling fans ruin it for other wrestling fans with such negativity. They think they know the business inside and out, they think they know the people in charge because they sometimes appear on screen, and they think they know how to be successful since they're such big fans. It's delusional really, to act like you know everything about a company when all you know is your wrestlezone news and the 2 hour program you watch which only includes entertainers and does not include backstage business people.

Rayne, why the hell would i lie about what i do for a living? Why is this such a big thing to you? Why does it bother you so much? Why do you believe i'd come on here and say that? Why would i make up something so stupid? I could have said i was a rocket scientist or that i was Eric Bischoff or Mark Madden in disguise or a university professor. I write for a living, i've been doing it since 1999. My job is to wind the public up. It doesn't matter if it's true of false, as long as i say shit that gets people to respond then i'm doing my job right. I've wound a number of you up on here tonight. I get all sorts of hate mail because i do my job right. When i started out, i was pretty naive and sounded like a lot of you guys on here. I was on wrestlezone reading shit back in 1998 and getting wound up and negative about wrestling. Back when i started out i tried to say shit that people could agree with and a lot of people sent me positive feedback but i got fired. Rarely had a negative remark thrown my way. The more i started understanding the business, the more successful i got and the more i understood nothing is the way it seems and there's so many ways you can spin anything. I went back to university, wrote part time, got two degrees, and over the past three years i've been writing and also editing my run on sentences written out in my rough copies. Don't know why i have to defend myself to you, don't even know why i bother. Not gonna sit here though and be talked down to by a condescending little punk winking at me in a wrestling forum.

Complaining about people complaining is the only complaining that should be done on this site. It's so annoying, it's so useless. Maybe it's not some kind of noble quest like i think it is, but whatever. It's a whole lot more original than coming on here and regurgitating the same old anti TNA garbage like the majority of you jaded ass clowns.
Hmm... I think the very subject of this thread was designed to get a response which it most certainly has.

Whether anyone can verify the veracity of the article on WZ as being accurately a TNA or WWE crew of fans is fairly irrelevant for reasons mentioned by others on here: it reflects the views of wrestling fans. A number of people have mentioned that:

1. Many of the people bashing the current TNA product are not doing so because they want them to fail. They do it because they want them to succeed, and don't believe anything happening on TNA TV is helping them in that endeavor. The old WCW names we keep hearing in these threads aren't TNA and never have been. They're simply using old, ineffective tactics that are making it harder to appreciate the show.

2. Threads like these are a forum to express what any wrestling fan feels. No WWE, WCW, ECW, or TNA mark or any variation has any more right to speak on a subject then anyone else. Many of us can agree that wrestling works best when there is competition. WWE/WCW/ECW gave us years of competition that kept us watching and elevated each program to some degree. WWE's product has suffered from lack of what it perceives as competition, and TNA isn't providing enough actual competition to matter.

Does that mean we should all text Dixie Carter, hit her with expletives and mention how badly this decision of copying the WWE blatantly again is hurting our interest in the product? Not for me to say. The decision has hurt how many people perceive TNA, which in my view they should be concerned about. But even that's just an opinion.
First off Rayne it's clear how much of a life you have by how quickly you went and found my posts. You must have been obsessing about it all day. Second, i was sarcastically making fun of the fact that i'm the guy who writes the run on sentences. I was poking fun at myself, trying not to take myself as seriously as a WWE smark hiding behind false pretenses. I was not trying to pretend it wasn't me.
Forum search. Click your name, "search all posts by this user" is a choice, and you only have about 160 or so. Took me about five minutes. The fact that I was able to respond so quickly is a measure of how easy it was to find the posts.

I grasp the point that you were trying to be sarcastic. In light of me providing examples, I don't think it was a very successful attempt.
ilapierre said:
As for examples, all you have to do is go read 85 percent of the posts in this thread or in any thread for that matter. I don't need to go copy and paste shit, quote it, or whatever. I don't feel i need to offer such obvious proof in this thread (the pudding). If it was one post in a thousand i'd go and grab it for you. But, seriously, offering up examples of such bias would be like me asking you to go find me some evidence that more wrestling fans watch WWE RAW than any other wrestling program. It's a plain as day fact staring you right in the face.
I'm not doing research to prove your point for you. I'm busy trying to prove my own arguments. If I wanted to talk to myself, I wouldn't be on a message board. I am trying to get YOU to support your opinion with statements beyond "my position is obvious, go look."
ilapierre said:
Yah you're right i'm wasting time sleeping by arguing on a wrestling forum. I'm not holier than you, i just believe it's better to stand up against repetitive garbage than it is tosit around complaining about the same company for months on end. If you don't like it, quit watching. I don't like this place, i quit coming here but i always come back to get my point across. Wrestling fans ruin it for other wrestling fans with such negativity.
So you're not better then me, you just think it's better to argue in your way. How am I supposed to compete against such ironclad logic?
ilapierre said:
Rayne, why the hell would i lie about what i do for a living? Why is this such a big thing to you? Why does it bother you so much? Why do you believe i'd come on here and say that? Why would i make something so stupid up? I could have said i was a rocket scientist or that i was Eric Bischoff or Mark Madden in disguise or a university professor. I write for a living, i've been doing it since 1999. My job is to wind the public up. It doesn't matter if it's true of false, as long as i say shit that gets people to respond then i'm doing my job right. I've wound a number of you up on here tonight. I get all sorts of hate mail because i do my job right. When i started out, i was never naive and sounded like a lot of you guys on here. I was on wrestlezone reading shit back in 1998 and getting wound up and negative about wrestling. Back when i started out i tried to say shit that people could agree with and a lot of people sent me positive feedback but i got fired. Rarely had a negative remark thrown my way. The more i started understanding the business, the more successful i got and the more i understood nothing is the way it seems and there's so many ways you can spin anything. I went back to university, wrote part time, got two degrees, and over the past three years i've been writing and also editing my run on sentences written out in my rough copies. Don't know why i have to defend myself to you, don't even know why i bother. Not gonna sit here though and be talked down to by a condescending little punk winking at me in a wrestling forum
So first you're a journalist. Then, I ask you about it, and you aren't. Then, I confront you with the fact that you've twice told people on the boards that you are, and suddenly, now you're a journalist again. Why the hell would you lie about it? I dunno, you tell me. I don't know you well enough to guess your motives.

The reason why I bring it up was because I remember that first post of "oh I'm a journalist so I know this", and I called you on your bullshit then. I remembered such a flagrant display of bullshit that when you posted here, with this particular brand of "I know what you're really thinking" bullshit, I remembered said prior bullshit and thought I'd bring it up again.

Why do I keep bringing it up? Because this kind of back and forth "yes I am no I'm not" bullshit is indicative of your entire posting style. You'll say anything regardless of if it's factual, and when you get called on your bullshit, act as if the person calling you on it is the person who's acting out of line. You aren't any kind of journalist; at best, you've got your own blog and have had a couple of 'letters to the editor' published. As I said last time, you do not have the habits that journalists are trained into.

Trying to troll on the internet does not make you a journalist, and flagrantly lying to wind people up isn't some kind of difficult task. If you want to challenge yourself, why not construct a detailed summary of your opinion with information to support your arguments? Or is this me being a little too "wound up" for you? ;)

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