First off Rayne it's clear how much of a life you have by how quickly you went and found my posts. You must have been obsessing about it all day. Second, i was sarcastically making fun of the fact that i'm the guy who writes the run on sentences. I was poking fun at myself, trying not to take myself as seriously as a WWE smark hiding behind false pretenses. I was not trying to pretend it wasn't me.
Forum search. Click your name, "search all posts by this user" is a choice, and you only have about 160 or so. Took me about five minutes. The fact that I was able to respond so quickly is a measure of how easy it was to find the posts.
I grasp the point that you were trying to be sarcastic. In light of me providing examples, I don't think it was a very successful attempt.
ilapierre said:
As for examples, all you have to do is go read 85 percent of the posts in this thread or in any thread for that matter. I don't need to go copy and paste shit, quote it, or whatever. I don't feel i need to offer such obvious proof in this thread (the pudding). If it was one post in a thousand i'd go and grab it for you. But, seriously, offering up examples of such bias would be like me asking you to go find me some evidence that more wrestling fans watch WWE RAW than any other wrestling program. It's a plain as day fact staring you right in the face.
I'm not doing research to prove your point for you. I'm busy trying to prove my own arguments. If I wanted to talk to myself, I wouldn't be on a message board. I am trying to get YOU to support your opinion with statements beyond "my position is obvious, go look."
ilapierre said:
Yah you're right i'm wasting time sleeping by arguing on a wrestling forum. I'm not holier than you, i just believe it's better to stand up against repetitive garbage than it is tosit around complaining about the same company for months on end. If you don't like it, quit watching. I don't like this place, i quit coming here but i always come back to get my point across. Wrestling fans ruin it for other wrestling fans with such negativity.
So you're not better then me, you just think it's better to argue in your way. How am I supposed to compete against such ironclad logic?
ilapierre said:
Rayne, why the hell would i lie about what i do for a living? Why is this such a big thing to you? Why does it bother you so much? Why do you believe i'd come on here and say that? Why would i make something so stupid up? I could have said i was a rocket scientist or that i was Eric Bischoff or Mark Madden in disguise or a university professor. I write for a living, i've been doing it since 1999. My job is to wind the public up. It doesn't matter if it's true of false, as long as i say shit that gets people to respond then i'm doing my job right. I've wound a number of you up on here tonight. I get all sorts of hate mail because i do my job right. When i started out, i was never naive and sounded like a lot of you guys on here. I was on wrestlezone reading shit back in 1998 and getting wound up and negative about wrestling. Back when i started out i tried to say shit that people could agree with and a lot of people sent me positive feedback but i got fired. Rarely had a negative remark thrown my way. The more i started understanding the business, the more successful i got and the more i understood nothing is the way it seems and there's so many ways you can spin anything. I went back to university, wrote part time, got two degrees, and over the past three years i've been writing and also editing my run on sentences written out in my rough copies. Don't know why i have to defend myself to you, don't even know why i bother. Not gonna sit here though and be talked down to by a condescending little punk winking at me in a wrestling forum
So first you're a journalist. Then, I ask you about it, and you aren't. Then, I confront you with the fact that you've twice told people on the boards that you are, and suddenly, now you're a journalist again. Why the hell would you lie about it? I dunno, you tell me. I don't know you well enough to guess your motives.
The reason why I bring it up was because I remember that first post of "oh I'm a journalist so I know this", and I called you on your bullshit then. I remembered such a flagrant display of bullshit that when you posted here, with this particular brand of "I know what you're really thinking" bullshit, I remembered said prior bullshit and thought I'd bring it up again.
Why do I keep bringing it up? Because this kind of back and forth "yes I am no I'm not" bullshit is indicative of your entire posting style. You'll say anything regardless of if it's factual, and when you get called on your bullshit, act as if the person calling you on it is the person who's acting out of line. You aren't any kind of journalist; at best, you've got your own blog and have had a couple of 'letters to the editor' published. As I said last time, you do not have the habits that journalists are trained into.
Trying to troll on the internet does not make you a journalist, and flagrantly lying to wind people up isn't some kind of difficult task. If you want to challenge yourself, why not construct a detailed summary of your opinion with information to support your arguments? Or is this me being a little too "wound up" for you?