I Am Sick of TNA Bashing!

Dude, that is what the internet is for. It is for compaining about things and porn. Deal with it. There are always gonna be haters even if the product is amazing. Unfortunately, Impact is not amazing so it has a little bit more...
i hate to say it but TNA is 100x better than wwe right now.

trust me, i watch TNA Impact, but i cant say it's 100x better than WWE. i would take Punk over the TNA Main eventers right now and Jericho too, now that's not a huge insult because i do like Roode, though, they need to book him better than this, but TNA does have their pros and cons, i like how they actually showcase the tag champs (unlike WWE) and i do like Storm's potential and Ray's too, now like i said, i think Punk is better than both though. my one BIG con with TNA though is the TV title, do something with it.

i think WWE is better, but TNA is good too and could get better.
TNA leave themselves open for many a bashing.

How anybody can honestly and soberly say TNA are currently doing better storylines than WWE??? nO.
Hulk Hogan coaching a non wrestler in a feud against a guy that nobody outside of TNA has ever heard of is more compellnig than Kane making Cena embrace the hatem, with the extra layers of Kane/Eve and Cena/Ryder. Wrong, WWE wins

Bobby Roode obviously using Bully Ray in a boring already done feud with Storm and Drig Hardy. Hmm I think Jericho returning and making his intentions clear to take Punk and his title is much better viewing. 2-0 WWE

AJ Styles having another old friend turn on him, and predictably beat him on ppv? Think id rather watch the predictable 20-0 Takr vs HHH storyline with HBK thrown in for hgood measure. 3-0

Methinks R-Truth is much more entertaining than Eric Young

Christ I could go on. TNA using the veterans is one thing, having them in all of their main event storylines and burying the younger talent is dumb. Jericho is back to elevate Punk. Hogan is burying Gunner and Garrett Bischoff by being in the angle.

Styles and Daniels and Kaz should not be feudiong each other, they should be getting elevated by the Kennedys and RVD's and Bully Rays and Angles.

The only time Sting oR fLAIR SHOULD BE WRESTLNIG IS HAVING THEIR SHOULDERS PINNED TO ELEVATE A guy on the brink of the main event.

TNA crowds are pathetic, they get bigger crowds in WEmbley, yet they havr to give away tickets./ The Impact Zone is a shithole and fits bugger all people. TNA need to go big areans, big tv production, stop copying WWE and stop using old washed up wankers in main event storylines unless they are elevating talent
The only time Sting oR fLAIR SHOULD BE WRESTLNIG IS HAVING THEIR SHOULDERS PINNED TO ELEVATE A guy on the brink of the main event.

TNA crowds are pathetic, they get bigger crowds in WEmbley, yet they havr to give away tickets./ The Impact Zone is a shithole and fits bugger all people. TNA need to go big areans, big tv production, stop copying WWE and stop using old washed up wankers in main event storylines unless they are elevating talent

Guessing you haven't been watching much IW lately? Sure TNA have been guilty of neglecting young talent for veterans in the past, but not at all any more.

Sting hasn't been in the world title picture since August last year, and more than likely never will be again. Since his Hogan feud, Sting has been an excellent on screen authority figure, only wrestling the odd tag match on Impact. Hogan and Flair haven't wrestled since BFG/just before BFG respectively - and both were against Sting, so no burial of young talent. Angle, RVD and Anderson have all been phased out more recently (I know Anderson aint a vet, but he isn't exactly over).

It's all about balance, because what you have to remember is that your average wrestling crowd (ie non dirty smarks) want to see the veterans and big names go at it. Can't blame TNA for giving fans what they want. It's about moderation.
WWE marks hate TNA because WWE marks know that TNA is the future. TNA is growing really fast and soon they will be on WWE's level. WWE marks are ignorant. The fact is Vince McMahon has created an entire generation moronic brainwahsed WWE fans who will support WWE no matter what.
Look who the WWE Champion is. A guy named CM Punk who bashes the company on every ocassion. Don't care if he is in character or not. Did Steve Austin bashed the company when he was the top guy ? I know its all manipualted by Vince to cater to the IWC but many dumbass fans think Punk is always speaking the "Truth".

There is also a bandwagon who hate Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff without even knowing why they hate them.They just.....hate them for no fucking reason. Hulk Hogan just made 1 or 2 appearances in 5-6 months yet some dumbasses are still talking about Hogan hogging the spotlight. Eric Bischoff is doing nothing other than improving TNA. Look how TNA production value has increased.Its because of Eric Bischoff.He was the one who made WCW the top company for many years.

TNA has better talent,TNA has better storylines and TNA has better champions. They don't waste their time by having Natalya fart or a fat guy dancing. TNA is Pro-Wrestling.

WWE fanboys are ignorant dumbasses.

I don't mainly bash WWE or TNA since I watch both but some WWE fans act like WWE is their company etc and they need to bash TNA for no reason. Screw WWE fanboys. This does not include unbiased WWE fans who are a fan of "Pro-Wrestling" not just a company.
TNA leave themselves open for many a bashing.

How anybody can honestly and soberly say TNA are currently doing better storylines than WWE??? nO.
Hulk Hogan coaching a non wrestler in a feud against a guy that nobody outside of TNA has ever heard of is more compellnig than Kane making Cena embrace the hatem, with the extra layers of Kane/Eve and Cena/Ryder. Wrong, WWE wins

Bobby Roode obviously using Bully Ray in a boring already done feud with Storm and Drig Hardy. Hmm I think Jericho returning and making his intentions clear to take Punk and his title is much better viewing. 2-0 WWE

AJ Styles having another old friend turn on him, and predictably beat him on ppv? Think id rather watch the predictable 20-0 Takr vs HHH storyline with HBK thrown in for hgood measure. 3-0

Methinks R-Truth is much more entertaining than Eric Young

Christ I could go on. TNA using the veterans is one thing, having them in all of their main event storylines and burying the younger talent is dumb. Jericho is back to elevate Punk. Hogan is burying Gunner and Garrett Bischoff by being in the angle.

Styles and Daniels and Kaz should not be feudiong each other, they should be getting elevated by the Kennedys and RVD's and Bully Rays and Angles.

The only time Sting oR fLAIR SHOULD BE WRESTLNIG IS HAVING THEIR SHOULDERS PINNED TO ELEVATE A guy on the brink of the main event.

TNA crowds are pathetic, they get bigger crowds in WEmbley, yet they havr to give away tickets./ The Impact Zone is a shithole and fits bugger all people. TNA need to go big areans, big tv production, stop copying WWE and stop using old washed up wankers in main event storylines unless they are elevating talent

I tottaly agree with you 100%! Enough with the bashing though. Look TNA will never ever be on the level that the WWE is on. It's entire show seems to be story lines from the past copying everything that ethier WWE did or is doing currently and what WCW did. TNA's PPV's are boaring. The only decent epsodes of Impact I ever seen was the last two from Wembley. What made me fire up my computer and go to an Illegal site to watch Against all odds, ANd it was a huge let down. Thank god I didnt pay for that garbage. I know Im bashing TNA sorry haha I just thinnk the people in charge there are honest to god retarted
TNA destined for greatness?!? Oh now come on. I'm actually a fan. But Tna drones have been saying this since the day they did weekly PPV's. They are in the same spot they were 5, even 7 years ago. They are losing money. They are hiring older wrestlers. They are stagnating in the ratings. Now to those who say ratings don't matter...I'm going to burst your bubble and say...they do to a very important group, and that's advertisers and TV network executives. They matter to them.

As for the uk argument...you know the UK gave us people like the spice girls...so they aren't exactly the gauge on what's popular and what's not.

Anyway. The point I'm trying to make is TNA should just worry about being TNA. They can never ever compete with the wwe. It's the truth. They can put on a better show every single week and it won't matter. WWE has brand recognition, Crazy levels of corporate backings and a healthy financial history (ie still turning a profit despite the GFC) Tna has none of that. They have the backing of an oil tycoon and they are still losing money...

TNA should just appeal to its market. Not try compete with wwe. The more they do that...the more they will fail.
I think that TNA has made good progress over the past several months. The overall product is far superior than it's been in a very, very long time in my opinion.

However, you say you're tired of people bashing TNA yet half of your post is made up of rants on how much you dislike WWE and a number of wrestlers on their roster. While you're most definitely entitled to your opinion on WWE, all the ranting just makes you come off like a total fool that put absolutely no thought into what sort of message you were trying to get across.

If people dislike something that's going on and is put in front of them on television, they have every right to voice that dislike however often they feel like it. That's part of what's so cool about living in a democracy and having free will: to be able to say what you think and think what you want. Ranting and raving just because there are others that don't have the same warm and fuzzy feelings towards your favorite wrestling company that you do doesn't render anyone's opinion moot. If anything, it just makes you come off as very immature.

As for all the TNA is destined for greatness & TNA is the future talk, only time can tell. I can tell you that I've heard those same lines repeated over and over and over countless times over the past 3 years and it hasn't come to fruition. I think it's possible that it could, but only time will tell. TNA seems to be moving in the right direction so far but please, let's not try to pretend that TNA hasn't shoved out some absolutely atrocious stuff over the past several years.
What you wrote is a novel idea, but it's not fair at all.

While I agree that mindless bashing is silly, and I do agree that many choose to dislike a company for pretty much no reason, you didn't back it up as strongly as you should. Case and point, you included "stories are too convoluted" as something you aren't allowed to dislike in regards to TNA. Really? Storylines are the basis of the television product.
Well yes, I think it's a wrong claim. Are you explaining why it's convoluted? Are you giving a reason for it? Or are you just saying it for the sake of saying it? It's not that hard to say Sting shouldn't have been involved in the main event of Against All Odds because there was already four main event guys in the match. See? I gave a reason.
I'd think if a story lacks sense to someone, they have every reason to dislike it. For instance, I think the Cena/Kane story peaked 2 weeks ago so the last two shows have actually made it worse, not better.

Having watched the show, I am entitled to that belief. The same applies to TNA. While I like Roode as champion, I think the story hasn't been told well and the main thing is that Storm has been booked as an afterthought to Roode when he should be his main adversary. Again, watching every week I believe I'm entitled to that.

The difference between me and a "basher" though is that I'm watching every wrestling show with an open mind and I'm not watching as someone who feels the represents the fanbase of one particular company. It's those people who are watching FOR flaws so that they can say things about the show to put it down. Those people get quite annoying and are certainly a hinderance to being a member of internet wrestling boards. However, fans that watch a lot of wrestling with an open mind and find positives and negatives in each show based on their preferences? Those people are absolutely entitled to debate about things. Going back to my examples, if people like the Cena/Kane stuff, they could debate me and that's fine. Same with the Roode stuff. Informed debate is why we are here, shameless bashing and blind defense is not. If those things went away, this place would be a lot easier to swallow. I don't expect that to happen, but it would be nice.

Still, I maintain that everyone is entitled to an opinion based on what they see on TV. I just hope that people who want to have those opinions form them not out of predisposition but out of forming it from a clear mind.
That's a reason too. You misunderstood me. Look around and you'll see the kind of posts I mean. They're the ones that usually kick off with the eternally cliched "I used to love TNA..." What I'm saying is that if you're gonna say something, make it constructive.

TNA really lost me about 6 months ago, I just could not STAND the booking and the stipulations and how everything is crammed in to a 2 hour window.

Here's the kind that I'm talking about. Crammed into two hours? Really? Well what else are they gonna do? It's only program they have! They have PPV's to sell, you know?

This Thursday, I will give it another chance, in light of Vince Russo being gone, I like the talent roster but that alone is not enough, if the writing and logic is terrible.
What's so terrible about the writing and booking? Why do people have to be so goddamned vague about this?

i hate to say it but TNA is 100x better than wwe right now.
That's an exaggeration. Quality-wise, I'd say it matches Smackdown most of the time. Raw's a drag with Cena and Kane being the point of interest and not much else is given enough focus.


Lets take the example of raw this past monday.
They only had 2 matches by the 10:30pm mark, than started cramming short matches in and these people thought it was the best raw of the year!!!
The funny part was that it pretty much was. Raw has been low on wrestling and them putting extra focus on the stories really made the episode seem more interesting.

TNA leave themselves open for many a bashing.

How anybody can honestly and soberly say TNA are currently doing better storylines than WWE??? nO.
Umm... People who enjoy it more than WWE, maybe?

Hulk Hogan coaching a non wrestler in a feud against a guy that nobody outside of TNA has ever heard of is more compellnig than Kane making Cena embrace the hatem, with the extra layers of Kane/Eve and Cena/Ryder. Wrong, WWE wins
Right. You're comparing a midcard feud from TNA to the main event of Raw? You fail math, buddy. And this discussion with that blissful misfire.

Bobby Roode obviously using Bully Ray in a boring already done feud with Storm and Drig Hardy. Hmm I think Jericho returning and making his intentions clear to take Punk and his title is much better viewing. 2-0 WWE
Who the hell is "Drig" Hardy? I'd say you're right, but before Jericho said anything, he was just waisting TV time for 3 weeks. Not to mention how you missed a... Well a bunch of points regarding the 4 Way from Against All Odd's. Again, your lack of explanations and biased opinion make you look weak.

AJ Styles having another old friend turn on him, and predictably beat him on ppv? Think id rather watch the predictable 20-0 Takr vs HHH storyline with HBK thrown in for hgood measure. 3-0
Now you're comparing the Streak to another midcard feud. Are you gonna make sense any time soon?

Methinks R-Truth is much more entertaining than Eric Young

R-Truth is an upper-midcard guy who's on every week. Eric Young is a comedic lowercard guy who's on sporadically. Your comparisons SUCK.

Christ I could go on.
What for? So you can compare Randy Orton to Zema Ion?
TNA using the veterans is one thing, having them in all of their main event storylines and burying the younger talent is dumb.
When was that? 2007? Funny. Could've sworn Storm, Roode and Hardy were still below 40. But then again, I look for entertainment. Not age.
Jericho is back to elevate Punk.
Far as I'm concerned, Punk is far above Jericho at this point.
Hogan is burying Gunner and Garrett Bischoff by being in the angle.
I thought you said they were lower guys.

Styles and Daniels and Kaz should not be feudiong each other, they should be getting elevated by the Kennedys and RVD's and Bully Rays and Angles.
3 of those 4 have been off TV for months. Way to go.
The only time Sting oR fLAIR SHOULD BE WRESTLNIG IS HAVING THEIR SHOULDERS PINNED TO ELEVATE A guy on the brink of the main event.

Or to replace a guy that couldn't attend a tour to satisfy the fans. But it's not like the London fan's didn't adore Sting the last weeks or something.

TNA crowds are pathetic, they get bigger crowds in WEmbley, yet they havr to give away tickets./ The Impact Zone is a shithole and fits bugger all people. TNA need to go big areans, big tv production, stop copying WWE and stop using old washed up wankers in main event storylines unless they are elevating talent
Do you know the meaning of contractual obligations? How about business ethics? Economic investments? By the way who the fuck cares about the size of the crowd? When did that equal quality?

WWE marks hate TNA because WWE marks know that TNA is the future. TNA is growing really fast and soon they will be on WWE's level. WWE marks are ignorant. The fact is Vince McMahon has created an entire generation moronic brainwahsed WWE fans who will support WWE no matter what.
Look who the WWE Champion is. A guy named CM Punk who bashes the company on every ocassion. Don't care if he is in character or not. Did Steve Austin bashed the company when he was the top guy ? I know its all manipualted by Vince to cater to the IWC but many dumbass fans think Punk is always speaking the "Truth".

There is also a bandwagon who hate Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff without even knowing why they hate them.They just.....hate them for no fucking reason. Hulk Hogan just made 1 or 2 appearances in 5-6 months yet some dumbasses are still talking about Hogan hogging the spotlight. Eric Bischoff is doing nothing other than improving TNA. Look how TNA production value has increased.Its because of Eric Bischoff.He was the one who made WCW the top company for many years.

TNA has better talent,TNA has better storylines and TNA has better champions. They don't waste their time by having Natalya fart or a fat guy dancing. TNA is Pro-Wrestling.

WWE fanboys are ignorant dumbasses.

I don't mainly bash WWE or TNA since I watch both but some WWE fans act like WWE is their company etc and they need to bash TNA for no reason. Screw WWE fanboys. This does not include unbiased WWE fans who are a fan of "Pro-Wrestling" not just a company.
TNA destined for greatness?!? Oh now come on. I'm actually a fan. But Tna drones have been saying this since the day they did weekly PPV's. They are in the same spot they were 5, even 7 years ago. They are losing money. They are hiring older wrestlers. They are stagnating in the ratings. Now to those who say ratings don't matter...I'm going to burst your bubble and say...they do to a very important group, and that's advertisers and TV network executives. They matter to them.
They're in the same place since 5 years ago? When the hell did they tape Impact in 2007?

As for the uk argument...you know the UK gave us people like the spice girls...so they aren't exactly the gauge on what's popular and what's not.

Ummm... Wow, that's just wrong. The Spice Girls where huge in the 90's. But I'll let the Brit's kill you instead...
Anyway. The point I'm trying to make is TNA should just worry about being TNA. They can never ever compete with the wwe. It's the truth. They can put on a better show every single week and it won't matter. WWE has brand recognition, Crazy levels of corporate backings and a healthy financial history (ie still turning a profit despite the GFC) Tna has none of that. They have the backing of an oil tycoon and they are still losing money...
Here's the funny thing. Unless TNA changes from wrestling to a totally different sport, no one will shut the fuck up about how "they are trying to be like WWE". Because they both offer the same product. PRO WRESTLING.

TNA should just appeal to its market. Not try compete with wwe. The more they do that...the more they will fail.
Right. Keep talking about about that. Because Impact airs when Raw airs. Xplosion airs when Smackdown airs. TNA PPV's air when WWE PPV's air.
While I enjoy TNA far more than WWE, you pretty much are bashing WWE like those who bash TNA. Right now CM Punk has become a household name with his gimmick, going so far as being mentioned on ESPN. I hear where you're coming from but look at it from this point of view: both promotions have something that appeals to a diverse group or demographic. WWE has John Cena to appeal to kids, Punk for the older fans, Punk and Daniel Bryan for indie fans, HHH, Taker, and Kane for folks who followed the Attitude Era. Right now TNA might be going through their own "Attitude Era" with the KO division, edgy characters like Bully Ray, pure technical and mat wrestling in the X division and mainstays like AJ, Joe, and Kaz. I won't all out say "fuck WWE" just for the sake of giving props to TNA, mainly due to me being a fan of the E once upon a time. But you're (OP) are being a hypocrite in your rant against WWE. If you hate it, that's how you feel, and you're entitled to your opinion. But don't find fault either; make a more logical argument.
I'm sick of TNA bashing as well, but you don't have to act like a complete tool about it. You sound a lot like the idiots who shit on it with such well thought out arguments such as "WWE does tribute to the troops and make a wish stuff, TNA doesn't, WWE is the bestest wrestling program. Oh and their pyro is better"

Just ... shut the fuck up, quote their posts, act like a mark and shit on the WWE like I do. No need for threads. They won't stop so you might as well make the best of it. Piss them the hell off.

Austin Aries > CM Junk

See? I can already hear JJYanks typing another book as a response. Get 'em JJ! Woo hoo!
Alright I am going to throw in my 2 cents here. Not only am I WWE Fan (always have been,always will be) but I have watched TNA since they Debuted Impact on Fox Sports in 2004. That being said TNA leaves their door wide open for critcism and rightfully so with the decesions they have made since their exsistence began. The OP here basically just posted an Anti-WWE Thread and saying Bully Ray is the Best Worker in the Business today. Come on,Really?

TNA's best period to me was Late 2005 to about mid-late 2009. When Hogan/Bischoff got there things started a turn and not for the better. They started bringing in all their Friends,tryed to compete with RAW & ran back to Thursdays with their tails tucked,de-pushed AJ Styles & Samoa Joe,raped the X-Divison turning it into WCW Crusierweight Division 2.0,tryed to suck the last little bit out of ECW,etc.

Right now they have some pieces in place like Roode being Champion (even though I hate the way they have been Booking him),Storm getting a Push,Bully Ray being their Best Heel,ridding themselves of Vince Russo,the last couple Impacts were decent for a change just to name a couple things.

They still have a lot of work to do and we'll see if they turn things around.
I'm sick of TNA bashing as well, but you don't have to act like a complete tool about it. You sound a lot like the idiots who shit on it with such well thought out arguments such as "WWE does tribute to the troops and make a wish stuff, TNA doesn't, WWE is the bestest wrestling program. Oh and their pyro is better"

Just ... shut the fuck up, quote their posts, act like a mark and shit on the WWE like I do. No need for threads. They won't stop so you might as well make the best of it. Piss them the hell off.

Austin Aries > CM Junk

See? I can already hear JJYanks typing another book as a response. Get 'em JJ! Woo hoo!

Why does it always come back to me?

I actually had your back in this one!

That said, you and I both know that you're hardly one to be part of this thread. After all, you do go on anti-WWE tirades based on an ingrained bias right?

KJ and I have agreed that watching a program and deciding which parts you like and which parts you don't like is perfectly fine. Formulating an opinion is the basis of being a fan of anything. For instance, I'm a Yankee fan but I'm perfectly entitled to think that Brett Gardner needs to get smarter when running the bases. He has the tools to run well but at this point he's not very smart about it. I'm a fan, but I'm allowed to dislike something about the team (product) that I like.

For whatever reason, wrestling fans think you have to be on one team or the other. You don't. That said, you can like and dislike things about each product you watch. If you do so in a reasonable manner, I think that opinion is acceptable. It's the ones that come from an unfair place that really do nothing more than make mods jobs more difficult and give us some laughs.
I want to thank everybody for replying to my initial post, which I admit was made during a fit of passion. The fact of the matter is, above any WWE vs. TNA argument, I am passionate about Pro Wrestling. I consider myself an outsider to the IWC, I think this post was the first one here where I was allowed to start my own thread.

I def. concede the argument that it is senseless and hypocritical to post a complaint about TNA bashing only to bash WWE. However, from a slightly outsiders perspective, it has been mind boggling to me over the past 2 years how there is not more love for TNA and more disgust with WWE in general. I am thrilled to see how many people responded to the thread and how many appreciated or sympathized with at least some of my points.

Every year around this time, I get stoked for Wrestlemania, and my love for wrestling is amplified in general. It seems, however, that year after year WWE does almost everything it can to convince me to not buy the WM ppv., which I always end up getting anyway. It is frustrating that a company with all the resources in the world continues to push out mostly crap, while an underdog promotion with 1/10 of the resources pushes out mostly quality and recieves little to no street cred for it.

I think the biggest positive I take from this thread is the amount of discourse it was able to incite. Something tells me if I were to have posted this a couple of years ago, it may have fallen on more deaf ears, or generated more overwhelming detraction. I take this as a positive for TNA's reputation and momentum, but perhaps I am being naively optimistic.

At the end of the day, I want to believe in Hogan and Bischoff, so I do. I miss the heydays of WCW, when pro wrestling on all brands was EXCELLENT. It pains me that such a beautiful art form and vehicle for social commentary gets resigned to the basement of popular culture. From 1996-2000, there was nothing in live entertainment more compelling and exciting.

it's like i said, i like Bully Ray, i really do. his name may suck, but he is a great worker and has shined as a singles star, but he's not the best worker in the business in my book, it's still Punk. Punk has shown the ability to put on 5 star matches.
Look who the WWE Champion is. A guy named CM Punk who bashes the company on every ocassion. Don't care if he is in character or not.
yeah, but at least he's a real character, i dont know why people want a typical face that always is the company guy. why cant the face be a rebel who trashes management???? i love watching CM Punk insult people as that's who he is, a guy who talks the talk, as well as walk the walk. in my book, he's the best champion. i like Bobby, dont get me wrong, but i think Punk's better, though Roode isnt bad.
TNA has better talent,TNA has better storylines and TNA has better champions.
TNA has better talent, that's arguable, though i admit they have talent. As for TNA has better Champions, THAT is where you lose me. CM Punk is slightly better than Roode, Roode is better than Bryan (mainly due to mic work), the TNA Tag Champs are better than WWE's no doubt there, the Diva's champion is arguable, Beth is a great in ring performer too and Kharma could soon be her next challenger. Cody Rhodes is a great IC Champ and same with Aries and the X-Division champ, BUT TNA loses BADLY though with the TV title and US title. i take Swagger over Robbie E.
Wow, did was this thread started by someone who read Sean Penn's stupid ranting about colonization and thought "I could do a bit of hypocritical ranting myself"? Seriously, moaning about bashing, then bashing...Then, following it up with statements like "Bully Ray is the best worker in the world"....I thought the world looked down on net "Trolls" now?

Firstly you're not an outsider to the IWC, you're looking at wrestling online, you're part of us. We're a collective like the Borg, except we assimilate stupid ass people who say stupid ass stuff too.

If the WWE puts out crap the entire year and you still buy Wrestlemania then, you're a twat. A serious twat. You buy something that you think is crap because it's wrestling...that's an issue you need to resolve....or perhaps give WWE credit because they do a good enough marketing job to suck in dumbasses.

TNA gets praised when it does good stuff, gets bashed when it does bad stuff. WWE gets the same treatment. Wrestling fans moan, it's what we're best at. If you feel ranty because of it, that's sad.

As for the champions comparison? Punk over Roode (both character and in-ring which is a shame as Roode has main event potential). Bryan over Roode (they're both the same type of character but at least Bryan's doing more with what he's given). Magnua & Joe kick Eprimo's asses in every department that matters to me. Gail Kim=Beth Phoenix (both are capable of having good matches/characters...both are being let down by the bookers on both fronts). And Swagger/Cody Rhodes are better then Robbie E (although I like E's gimmick). As for the X Div? There's nothing to compare it to in WWE and, for the smaller guys, that's a good thing!

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