Fucking Hostile
I really can't believe that I am about to say this but, I would certainly not be opposed to a Bully Ray world title reign.
If you had asked me that same question a year ago I would have laughed at you. That just goes to show how much Bully Ray has come in the last year. His mic work has become outstanding, his match quality has even improved he had a classic match with AJ on PPV and he has has some really solid TV matches lately.
Best of all though, he is a true heel and possibly, barring Punk, the best heel in the business today. He is cowardly at times but also intimidating when he needs to be, he cheats to win but still retains credibility, he runs his mouth and he just generally makes me dislike him (in a good way). The same cant be said for most heels these days, I dont dislike guys like Del Rio or Miz, they can be annoying at times but I don't hate them. Bully Ray makes me hate him and he makes me want to see him get puched right in the face, which means he is doing his job very well.
If you had asked me that same question a year ago I would have laughed at you. That just goes to show how much Bully Ray has come in the last year. His mic work has become outstanding, his match quality has even improved he had a classic match with AJ on PPV and he has has some really solid TV matches lately.
Best of all though, he is a true heel and possibly, barring Punk, the best heel in the business today. He is cowardly at times but also intimidating when he needs to be, he cheats to win but still retains credibility, he runs his mouth and he just generally makes me dislike him (in a good way). The same cant be said for most heels these days, I dont dislike guys like Del Rio or Miz, they can be annoying at times but I don't hate them. Bully Ray makes me hate him and he makes me want to see him get puched right in the face, which means he is doing his job very well.