*NEW* X Division Champion is FAKE Suicide, Austin Aries; Cashing in to Face Bully Ray


Mid-Card Championship Winner

in the X Division championship match Suicide beat Chris Sabin and Kenny King to become the new X Division champion.
after the match Hulk Hogan came walking out with someone new who looked hurt. Hogan went on to say that this is TJ Perkins, and he has been behind the mask of Suicide. but that earlier TJ Perkins was jumped and the Suicide suit was stolen by someone. Hogan said this fake Suicide had until the end of the night to reveal who he was.
at the end of the show fake Suicide was in the ring, along with Hulk Hogan and TNA world heavyweight champion Bully Ray. fake Suicide unmasked to be.. Austin Aries!
Austin Aries said he's the man who cashed this in (X Division title) and won the world heavyweight championship, and he's the man who's going to do it again!

Austin Aries vs Bully Ray at Destination X (Impact Wrestling).

is Austin Aries a better choice than say Chris Sabin? or Kenny King?
what are your thoughts that TJ Perkins was revealed as the guy behind Suicide?
what happens to the Suicide character now?

I like Aries better than Sabin (or King) to face Bully. I wouldn't think Sabin had any chance at beating Bully. not with Aces and Eights story line running the show. but I think Aries has a better chance at winning the title.

IF Aries is able to beat Bully for the world heavyweight championship, what happens to Aries in the Bound For Glory series?

I didn't really care for the reveal of TJ Perkins. but I don't know what to think going forward. can he go back to being the Suicide character with everyone knowing "TJ Perkins" is Suicide?

what are your thoughts on TNA spoiling who won the X Division championship? this week before Impact Wrestling even aired there was a youtube video at impactwrestling.com showing Suicide winning the X Division championship, and that the coming show Suicide would be revealed.
I agree, Aires is a betetr chance of victory. Though how it all fits into the story with the winner of BFG to face the champ etc is anyones guess.
It may go down the road that Aires gets stripped of the belt as he was not offically supposed to be in the match?
For once, I have to admit that this twist has really annoyed me.

Why? I cannot see a satisfactory conclusion to this storyline.

As was established by H2, Suicide is not Austin Aries - he should not be the X-Division Champion and (by definition) he should not be able to trade the X Belt for a World Title Belt. Should Hogan reverse the decision though, then why bother in the first place?

However, should A Double be allowed to hold onto and cash in the X Belt - what about the BFG Series? Surely it is a rule of the tournament that it's competitors are exempt from title shots as that is the prize of winning the bloody thing? Next, throw in that the logical implication is that Aries WON'T WIN due to the ramifications to the series - what does that do to Aries in the long haul of the series?

Maybe this is a (delayed) punishment for Aries in that he withdraws from the BFG Series to cash in the XBelt and then loses at Destination X, but why let him in at all - he could easily have lost his qualifier to EY or another member of the roster (eg Crimson).

This is the first truly baffling storyline I have seen in TNA in quite some time and I really hope that there is some way that it can be turned around from what (currently) looks like a terrible idea.
I avoid spoilers but saw the tease TNA aired for last nights episode. The whole time leading up to it I've been trying to figure out who it could have been. I was pleasantly shocked to see Aries. Last year when Aries got his title shot and won, he looked like the 2nd most dominant person on the roster, next to Roode. Everything led up to him having this chance. This year Sabin just returned and was able to win the title quickly. It would have had better value if he had more time to present himself as a legit threat to Bully. With Aries now being that guy, it almost sends Aries back to that level he was at this time last year. Not to mention the fact that Aries has beaten Bully before.

Just imagine if Aries defeats Bully for the title and goes on to face AJ at Bound For Glory! AJ Styles vs Austin Aries for the world heavyweight title at bound for glory!!!!!!!! That would also clear the path for the heavily rumored Bully vs Hogan match at BFG. And even Sabin can now dominant the X Division scene and build towards a future possible world title match. I trust TNA and they have proven that they know what they are doing at least in my eyes.

As for the BFG series, it'll be nice if Sabin earns Aries spot through a qualifier match

If I was deciding the next couple title reigns it would be, Aries at Des X, AJ at BFG, James Storm at Slammiversary, and, Matt Morgan at BFG '14
Loved it. I love Austin Aries as well, but I don't think he'll necessarily get a shot at Bully at Destination X...at least, I wouldn't have him fight Bully. I would use this story line as a way to get Chris Sabin over HUGE. I'd like to play armchair booker for a minute, and explain how I would book this angle:

Have Hogan decide that the only way to settle this "unexpected" turn of events is to have a one-on-one X Division match between Aries & Sabin (yeah, yeah...they need to get rid of this tripl3threat crap anyway). Not only would Aries have to put the X Division title up for grabs, but also his spot in the BFG Tournament. I wouldn't necessarily put Sabin in the tournament if he won (getting Aries' spot), but that could be a nice touch as well. Easy outcome to this, Sabin beats Aries cleanly and goes onto fight Bully Ray. Aries is not only no longer XD Champ, but also out of the BFG Series (maybe that spot's given to whomever Aries beat in his qualifying match? I don't remember who it was. It's probably better if Aries is just out of the Tournament anyway).

At Destination X, Bully tells Aces & Eights to stay away from the ring, because he's going to "make an example" out of Sabin (or something like that) and wants to do it all alone. The rest of A&8s could even beg and plead with Bully not to do that, and Bully could tell them that he'll kick them out of the group if they interfere. Then, right after Sabin hits the "Hail Sabin" driver (or whatever his finisher is now) Aries gets Sabin DQed, dressed as a member of A&8s (wearing one of the old masks). Of course, Bully thinks it was one of his guys, Hogan wants A&8s blood even more, then it's later revealed (maybe the next week, maybe a whole month later) that it was of course Aries that did it.

Huge feud for Aries & Sabin, and eventually Hogan agrees to put Sabin into the BFG series (I'm talking like mid to late August by this point, maybe even early Sep). Sabin has to catch up on points big-time, and wins every one of his BFG matches (mostly by submission...he can call it the "Sabission" or something stupid like that). Finals for the BFG tournament are AJ & Sabin, Sabin loses to AJ. AJ goes on to face Bully at BFG. Maybe Sabin getting in the BFG Tournament is taking it a bit too far, but you get the idea. It might work out better to keep both Sabin and Aries out of the tournament so they can have their feud culminate at BFG in a one-on-one match (with some type of XD twist). I guess I haven't thought it out past that, but I'd like to see iMPACT do something like this. Either way, I hope they've got some big plans for Sabin.
I think Aries has the right to face Bully.
it's never been known who was behind the mask of Suicide. it's just Suicide the character. it was never TJ "Suicide" Perkins. in this particular match it just happened to be Austin Aries behind the mask, even if he wasn't who was supposed to be behind the mask. Suicide won the match. I don't think it matters who ended up being behind the mask of Suicide. it could have been anyone.

could Austin Aries end up being part of MEM? it could tie in MEM against Aces and Eights. although I don't know if I believe Aries is family to Sting and these members of MEM.
I feel that TNA has done something stupid, and as a fan, I feel jipped. The X-Division title cash in was being used to bring guys to the next level last year when Aries was Champion for months before. This year, its viewed as well as the Money in the Bank back when Edge won it from Mr. Kennedy one on one. They had the perfect opportunity to boost Kenny King or Chris Sabin to the main event the way it was laid out before, but TNA just made up nonsense to randomly put AA in the title mix. Is Russo still in TNA because his name is all over it.
Plot hole aside, I loved the twist. It saved Sabin from either a loss to Bully or remaining as the TNA Champion which would've been seen as moronic by some.

Fact is, this makes thing a bit more interesting. I can see Aries beating Bully (somehow) and ending up facing AJ at BFG in a DREAM match. This will also set up Hogan vs Bully which I'd also love to see.

Or, Bully can beat Aries and we'll get AJ vs Bully. Where does Aries go from there? Beats me. The X-Division will be up for grabs and Sabin will reclaim it in glorious fashion at Bound for Glory. Sabin's all good.

I don't know where TNA's going with this so I won't speculate much.

About the issue of whether Aries should be Champion - logically, it shouldn't be. Yes, no one knows who Suicide is, but if you wanna get real technical here, Hogan does and Dixie does because he had to sign a contract and I doubt he signed it wearing the mask. Somebody knows that TJ is Suicide.

Both points can be defended. One - Aries gets to keep the belt because he was under the mask and he won fair and square. Two - Aries can't keep the belt because he wasn't the man under the mask that usually is. So the whole problem (or solution) comes from the mask. It's a very rare occasion in wrestling, probably something they're not prepared for, so I can be lenient in believing it.

Plus, if Hogan takes the belt off Aries, what's stopping him from taking it off Bully Ray?

Either way, I thought it was well done overall, it was interesting and it was really different from what we usually see. Also, I'm glad TNA is not burying Aries. I was really afraid they'd take a shit on him after the Hemme incident but he's back where he belongs now.
Whether Aries is officially X Division Champion or will get the chance to cash in is still in question. Nothing has been set is stone.

My believe it will lead to a 3 Way at Destination X with Sabin getting getting a shot too. Either that or Austin turns face because of this and the MEM draft him. Though I doubt they'll turn Aries face after he screwed Chris Sabin.
I actually think that might be a great storyline. Since AJ is really staying out of the TNA/A* story he is fine face Aries. Bully can be pissed Hogan screwed him by alowing this match to happen. Since A8 is dying now Bully going over Hogan might give them a little more life than him losing to AJ
I avoid spoilers but saw the tease TNA aired for last nights episode. The whole time leading up to it I've been trying to figure out who it could have been. I was pleasantly shocked to see Aries. Last year when Aries got his title shot and won, he looked like the 2nd most dominant person on the roster, next to Roode. Everything led up to him having this chance. This year Sabin just returned and was able to win the title quickly. It would have had better value if he had more time to present himself as a legit threat to Bully. With Aries now being that guy, it almost sends Aries back to that level he was at this time last year. Not to mention the fact that Aries has beaten Bully before.

Just imagine if Aries defeats Bully for the title and goes on to face AJ at Bound For Glory! AJ Styles vs Austin Aries for the world heavyweight title at bound for glory!!!!!!!! That would also clear the path for the heavily rumored Bully vs Hogan match at BFG. And even Sabin can now dominant the X Division scene and build towards a future possible world title match. I trust TNA and they have proven that they know what they are doing at least in my eyes.

As for the BFG series, it'll be nice if Sabin earns Aries spot through a qualifier match

If I was deciding the next couple title reigns it would be, Aries at Des X, AJ at BFG, James Storm at Slammiversary, and, Matt Morgan at BFG '14
the difference with either Sabin or King this year compared to Austin last year, is Austin last year dominated the X Division for a long time period and then had matches with main event guys like Bully and Samoa Joe. he wasn't just thrown from the X Division into a world heavyweight title shot.
Sabin (and King too) are talented, but right now IMO are nowhere near ready to be thrown into a world heavyweight title match.

TNA created this stipulation last year where the X Division champion could cash in to get a title shot a Destination X, IMO to add a non cruiser weight wrestling match at a big PPV in order to make the overall PPV better.

I think Sabin has potential, but I think it would be better to build him up through either the mid card or against main event level guys before there is any thought of future world title shots. something like the BFG series could help.
I'm mixed on it.

On one hand, Austin Aries against Bully Ray is, frankly, the bigger draw. As much as I like Sabin, Aries is probably the better overall wrestler. Also, even though he's not nearly as hot now as he was last year, Aries is still hotter than Sabin has ever been in TNA.

A big downside, for me, is that is there's a plot hole the size of Lake Superior in it. I'm used to wrestling storylines defying logic but there's illogical and then there's cosmic level absurdity. Off the top of my head, someone dressing up in the Suicide outfit, taking Suicide's spot and winning the title as Suicide is somewhat along the lines of someone doing the same thing in WWE to the MITB briefcase holder, namely taking him out and masquerading as him before cashing in the briefcase. It'd be even more absurd really, given that Suicide is at least covered from head to toe, but it still leaves a huge plot hole in the middle of it. As Aries isn't Suicide and therefore wasn't scheduled to be in the match, he has no claim on the title. It also obliterates whatever sort of momentum Sabin has had for the past few months.

That being said, I still don't see Aries winning against Bully Ray. With Aries also in the BFG Series, I'd say that the chance of him winning the series is even less likely.
It'd be even more absurd really, given that Suicide is at least covered from head to toe, but it still leaves a huge plot hole in the middle of it. As Aries isn't Suicide and therefore wasn't scheduled to be in the match, he has no claim on the title.

Hmm I wouldn't quite call it a plot hole yet. Hogan will probably address this issue next week, either by putting Aries in a match with Sabin and/or Perkins to decide a winner, or simply deciding that Aries is much more likely to win the title from Bully than Sabin (which he is of course) and so begrudgingly letting him have the cash-in.

Another option, Hogan may force Aries to give up his Series position (to Sabin maybe?).

Anyway I loved the reveal, genuinely Aries did not even cross my mind, I had it in my head that it was Alex Shelley for some reason as he was the only guy I could think of who matched the height. I guess I considered Aries too high up on the roster to even take part in this. When the voice slowly changed and Aries' tone came through it sent a chill down my spine! :lmao:

What's great about this is that it creates so many options. I am now in doubt as to Bully still holding the title at BFG (since everyone's touting Bully vs Hogan) and Aries could well be the one to beat Bully just like he did Roode. That doubt would not have been placed in my mind if Sabin was cashing in. Me not knowing what they will go with, makes it so interesting to me as a fan!
I don't see a plot hole at all.
prior to Hogan bringing out TJ Perkins and saying TJ Perkins was Suicide before, nobody knew who was behind the mask of Suicide. for all the viewing audience knew it's been Austin Aries behind the mask all along.
now sure people knew because they were able to read on the internet who was playing what role, but that's the same as actor X playing a role in a TV show. they don't come out on the show and say this character is actor X.
Impact Wrestling is a TV show, and Suicide is a character. that character could be played by anyone.

Austin Aries won the X Division title playing the character of Suicide. for that match Austin Aries WAS Suicide. HE (Aries) wrestled in the match and won. so basically it's going to be Bully Ray defending his world heavyweight title against Suicide, except this Suicide we know is Austin Aries. so now there is no reason for Aries to wear the Suicide suit for this match.

I thought it would have been interesting to see Austin Aries with his own Suicide suit, as well as TJ Perkins in his Suicide suit. you could have had 2 Suicide characters.
I thought the storyline was very creative, original, and a good use of talent. Austin Aries looked awesome from this I believe. The Suicide character defiantly needs to go or at the very least have another element added to it. How about a black and white suit with a torn up mask showing bits of TJ and having his hair hang out a little bit.

Aries and Bully Ray is a bit of a better sell as in Aries has beat Bully and been a former World Champion. Sabin would have put on a interesting, more of an underdog sympathy story from the crowd I believe though. The crowd knows Aries is capable and may be hot for a win. I sure am when you think of the potential...

So obviously the ratings in TNA are no better than average lately, maybe you should take the belt off Bully Ray. You did blow the James Storm/Bobby Roode angle last year because it was too obvious. So if Austin Aries defeated Bully Ray... it would shake things up and defiantly make a more unpredictable BFG Series.

Though AJ Styles should still be the victor and we can be delivered the MOST AMAZING MATCH POSSIBLE IN THE WORLD... AJ Styles Vs Austin Aries for the World Title, main eventing Bound for Glory. Why would you pass that up for a heel champion that quite frankly hasn't been a mega draw? The more you keep putting these past stars over the amazing TNA originals, the more the TNA Originals look like their lesser than the past stars.
The legitimacy of the industry was lost with this plot line. You can't just dress yourself up as someone else, and take place in title matches. After the match hogan should have clearly stated that you can not do that, title then goes back to Sabin. There are rules to wrestling, even if their not written in stone, everyone who likes this sh#t remotely knows them. Makes no sense to let Aries just keep the belt, and or use it in contention for a heavyweight title shot.

So... can Austin Aries put on a wig tonight, fool everyone with his robust female disguise and win a number one contender spot for the knockouts championship??

I like Austin Aries, don't get me wrong, dubs a kicks a. But come on, Sabin has been around the block, it's not his first day in the ring. He deserves some sort of title shot and if not, he should be main eventing in the near future.
Sting should hang up his t shirt, go to wwe, and then guys like Sabin could headline.

The legitimacy of the industry was lost with this plot line. You can't just dress yourself up as someone else, and take place in title matches.

Does ANYONE remember when Dean Malenko dressed up like Ciclope in WCW and won a battle royale just to get his hands on Chris Jericho and the Cruiserweight title match?!

Enjoy... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENT6asElNiM

Anyway, this isn't a loss on the legitimacy of the industry. We're talking the same company that made Pac-Man Jones a non-wrestling Tag Team champion and is currently pushing a 65 yard old man with severe back problems as the top face.

Aries dressing up Sabin is no different than Jeff Jarrett dressing up as Doink, The Undertaker dressing up as Kane, Kane dressing up as The Undertaker, CM Punk dressing up as Jeff Hardy or whatever else. I think it's a good way to A. keep the X-division title in the limelight, B. give a new push and feud for both Chris Sabin and Austin Aries, and C. be a storyline we haven't seen yet in TNA (At least not one I've seen...if it has let me know)
They've already had a match together and it was pretty good, so yeah i can say i'm looking forward to it. As for Suicide now that they have showed his face, i'm guessing the gimmick is now dead. Well for now it is maybe they'll bring him back later on and say he's a different guy.
The legitimacy of the industry was lost with this plot line. You can't just dress yourself up as someone else, and take place in title matches. After the match hogan should have clearly stated that you can not do that, title then goes back to Sabin. There are rules to wrestling, even if their not written in stone, everyone who likes this sh#t remotely knows them. Makes no sense to let Aries just keep the belt, and or use it in contention for a heavyweight title shot.

So... can Austin Aries put on a wig tonight, fool everyone with his robust female disguise and win a number one contender spot for the knockouts championship??

I like Austin Aries, don't get me wrong, dubs a kicks a. But come on, Sabin has been around the block, it's not his first day in the ring. He deserves some sort of title shot and if not, he should be main eventing in the near future.
Sting should hang up his t shirt, go to wwe, and then guys like Sabin could headline.


I remember Kofi Kingston getting laid out seconds before he entered the Elimination Chamber match and someone else took his place. I believe it was Edge. Edge took him the fuck out and got in the cage instead. Did that hurt THE BUSINESS? No.

Dean Malenko kicked Jericho's ass by dressing up as another wrestler. It resulted in a bonerific pop from the crowd. Did that hurt the business? No. Did that hurt Malenko? No. Did the fans love it? Hell yeah.

You're overestimating TNA, pal. They hardly have enough exposure to de-legitimize the business with one single move. That job belongs to the WWE. They've been doing it for a decade.
Anyway, this isn't a loss on the legitimacy of the industry. We're talking the same company that made Pac-Man Jones a non-wrestling Tag Team champion and is currently pushing a 65 yard old man with severe back problems as the top face.

How about WWe Champion CM Punk vs 67 year old Vince McMahon or the same WWe Champion CM Punk vs 62 year old Jerry 'The King' Lawler. These are matches that actually happened and both sexagenarians gave the (kayfabe) top guy in wrestling's a run for his money... in fact, Punk couldn't even manage a win over the non-wrestler VKM.

Thus far, the only suggestion of Hogan getting back in the ring is in the dirtsheets and on forums. So, kayfabe, Hogan is still the non-wrestling GM which is NOT the top face position. The top faces on TNA are Jeff Hardy and the MEM...

Pac-Man, really? Jones was 6 years ago! Why not throw in Micky Rourke knocking out Y2J at Mania... it's 2 years more current!

TNA has gone a long way in recent times to removing the face palm element and while I have my reservations about this particular plot, I still don't see why posters have to do the old favorite and take a pop at a company trying to improve by pushing the guys doing the best work and removing plot hole storylines.

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