Report: Bully Ray Leaving TNA


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According to this article on the front page: is claiming that former two-time TNA World Heavyweight Champion Bully Ray has finished up with the company. His contract expires soon – if it hasn’t already – and TNA was unwilling to give him the kind of deal he was hoping for. Insider’s report states that Bully told the locker room he wasn’t planning on signing a new deal with the company, and that his performance at a recent live event would be his last.

Bully Ray and Devon will be inducted into the TNA Hall of Famer at this year’s Bound for Glory PPV in Japan. Along with being a former world champion and a 3-time tag champion, he has become one of the key main event stars on television over the last few years, and was reportedly a major locker room leader backstage.

Wrestlezone will update this situation as more information becomes available.


Bully is leaving TNA because they didn't offer him enough money.

IF true that sucks. He's become such a good main event guy since being in TNA. They've handled him well for the most part.

God, the hits just keep coming. :(

This guy has been absolutely instrumental to the TNA brand these last two or three years, and if you put much stock at all into dirt sheets, he's been a vocal leader for the brand itself like few others. Not to mention the "captain" in the locker room.

This one won't be easy to get over at all. Especially when you combine his loss in succession with all the others — Styles, Sting and eventually Kurt Angle as well. That's a whole lot of loss out the door, regardless of the reason why ($). At the end of the day, this guy has been at the forefront of every major TNA angle, and at the forefront of the main event scene for the last two years, whether you loved or hated the angles themselves. Good luck getting someone in place right away who can elicit the same response Bully Ray has been able to.
Far be it from me to say anything apocalyptic about TNA, but wow that one hurts. A little strange to hype the whole Dixie through a table storyline, have it finally happen (regardless of the differing opinions about it), just to have the guy who does it walk out the door (granted, weeks later in terms of TV time).

That's a whole lot of main event guys out the door in a very short period of time. Combined with no TV home in the near future (potentially), no physical home, financial troubles, and the imminent departure of other guys, you can't help but feel that the end is near. That's a whole lot of obstacles to overcome :(

And if they allow this departure, as well as all the other to occur, claiming financial shortcomings to be the reason, and go out and try to sign Chael Sonnen, I think I'll be done once and for all with the company.
could this be still negotiating on the part of Bully?

maybe he can see everything he is involved in/has been involved in and wants to be paid accordingly.

Bully/Devon as soon to be inducted into the HOF, so what does TNA do without Bully? what about Devon?

I've also read that lately Bully has had a lot of pull backstage in TNA.

what other options are there? obviously there is WWE, but how would he be used if he went back there? I can't imagine he would have the same type of backstage pull as he has right now in TNA.
Just got through reading about this. Wow was my initial thought. I'm trying to stay positive that TNA will get another TV deal, but if Bully is really leaving then it's a blow they probably won't recover from. I hate news like this as its not reassuring. I'm wondering what the next blow is gonna be.
I have wanted to give TNA the benefit of the doubt, hoping they can turn things around, but this would be the final nail in the coffin for me. Bully Ray was one of the few reasons left for me to tune in and if he leaves then I can't imagine I will watch the product anymore.
I was shocked to hear this, but with Bully coming to the end of his contract and TNA still doesn't have a full time home yet on TV I think Bully was thinking get out while he still could. I know he has been used as a main eventer but what happens if TNA does go out of bussiness and evryone is realeased from there contracts. Then the whole Roser will be on the open market with not many big pormotions that have many spots. And with all the young guys with backstage with up side where would Bully end up? WWE? Maybe but there making budget cuts too so he prob won't get his money that he wants there either. If they are even interested in him. So in my opinion I think it was a smart move by Bully. Who knows he might end up in WWE and being in the main event scene with guys like John Cena and Brock Lesnar. It helps him alot that is good at being both a heel and a face.
The Dudleys/3D are still and always will be a marketable tag team, but I somehow doubt Bubba/Bully as a singles competitor will translate well to any other organization. It never really seemed to fit even in TNA, at least not in my view. With that said, hopefully D-Von will be behind him and they can continue performing as some incarnation of the Dudley Boyz in some organization.

It seems like the marketable names in the organization are jumping ship before it hits the iceberg, so to speak, which means its likely at least a few people in the organization can see the iceberg coming.
Maybe GFW. Or Shit, he would be VERY odd, but a standout, in ROH. Though my guess is if TNA couldnt pay him, ROH damn sure cant.

Shame in this day and age, he would be utterly wasted in WWE.
Massive loss in my eyes. The guy had his own style in the ring, and was very much a brawler type. Not many of those left today that can pull it off on a week to week basis.

I hope they can come to some sort of a deal, but if the dreaded curtain comes down on this fine TNA run, I salute you Bully. You were absolutely amazing for the last six or seven years, and provided many loyal followers a great time. All the best for him in the future.
Though my guess is if TNA couldnt pay him, ROH damn sure cant.

AJ Styles. Kazarian. Daniels. And soon, Matt Sydal/Evan Bourne. As Meltzer and Mike Johnson have said numerous times, ROH can pay anyone so long as they can convince Sinclair they're a benefit to the promotion. Styles, Daniels, Kaz and Sydal are all big benefits, Ray? Not exactly what you picture when you think ROH.

If hes leaving TNA then it's another hit for them. Could be a sign that things aren't going well - isn't he supposed to have some creative input backstage along with the likes of Tommy Dreamer? Rays also been one of the big pro-TNA guys, even saying things are going well when they very clearly aren't. He could probably go back to WWE or focus on his wrestling school. Ray would be a great heavyweight in NJPW if they could find space. Hell, hes been working the indies lately and seemingly enjoying, maybe like AJ Styles has, Ray is going to further prove you don't need TNA to make money anymore. It's interesting at the very least.
The reality is that for all his "pull" and being a top worker in TNA, it hasn't saved the company or done that much for them. At this stage of his career either the AJ like route of taking Indy bookings, Japan etc or a return to WWE are much more financially appealing. He probably knows he's not going to be used by Vince as much more than a Dudleyz v Hardyz v Usos type feud (one way to get the Usos into that bracket) but at this point, with the business as a whole as it is it's probably better to make as much out of it as you can than try to change it/save it.

From a WWE perspective it makes sense, the Dudz are a major part of the Network's content and the Outlaws proved the formula works...if they get Matt and Jeff back too then it's easily viable.

From TNA's point of view, this is the rub when you start lowballing talent... once you lowball one, you have to carry on and watch as the ones you wanted to keep start walking out the door as well as the "luxury talent" like Angle and Sting. There's still hope, at best for TNA it could be a tactic to negotiate with Spike (LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!) type thing... Spike relent, give a deal and THEN they offer Bully more...

What's best for Bully...a last run in the WWE, cement the Dudz HOF place and perhaps get one shot at a singles match/feud/payoff there against someone like Bray Wyatt. Gotta be better than taking low money to be contracted to a sinking company...sorry but it's true...
Bully Ray is 43, with a body of about 83. A few years ago, D-Von mentioned that Bully/Bubba had a hard time making trips to go to shows. To do the WWE route now is beyond insanity unless he gets and RVD/Jericho-type deal, and even then that is questionable at best. More then likely I see him retiring to his school to train the next generation. I just do not see his body taking the abuse anymore.

Sure, it is a loss for TNA. Devastating? Time will tell. They have enough good athletes back there that can make up for it. Problem is do they have the platform necessary?
Not great news for TNA given the recent cuts to the roster. They seem to be hitting reset and getting rid of all the "big" names. I doubt Angle and Hardy see out the year. It's a risky move because there should be a good balance on the roster.

As for Ray, I'm guessing he can just work indies and his wrestling school. There will always be a place for him and he can put someone through a table for the next 20 years.
If Bully Ray is in fact leaving TNA then it begs the question of where Bully Ray will end up? Perhaps in Global Force Wrestling working for Jarrett or somehow Bully Ray ends up back in the WWE if you can imagine that but then how about Devon?
has Bully even done indy type shows?
I saw someone else on another site talking about Bully. seeing how him and Devon are such a popular well known tag team (Dudley Boys) they could probably do indy or Japan and make more money than they did in TNA?

if Bully's contract is up, what about Devon? since Devon has come back for the HOF thing, and been wrestling, he would be under contract right? maybe his contract would be for the same time frame as Bully? or without Bully TNA could just release Devon.

I haven't seen confirmation from Bully that his contract is done.

Dixie earlier did the ice bucket challenge, and she sent the challenge out to Bully, as well as Devon and Dreamer.
Maybe GFW. Or Shit, he would be VERY odd, but a standout, in ROH. Though my guess is if TNA couldnt pay him, ROH damn sure cant.

Shame in this day and age, he would be utterly wasted in WWE.

It would be very interesting to see Bully in ROH, but I think he'd be a good fit for the company. He'd do really well there.

I would assume he's hoping WWE will sign him if he ends up leaving TNA, but I'm not sure if they would. Perhaps if Devon came too as a last run for the Dudley Boyz, but Bully sure as hell wouldn't get the spot that he has in TNA. He'd never be near the main event in the 'E.

This is a big blow for TNA as Bully's one of their "leaders" in the locker room. I could see this just being him playing hard ball, but I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up as another key player leaving TNA, leading them closer to the abyss.
Well if TNA does lose Bully Ray, they will lose a locker room leader but also Bully Ray ever since he has stepped foot into TNA he has pretty much done it all in his TNA career so what more is there left for him to do honestly? Multiple-time TNA Tag Team Champion but also a Tag Team Champion in ECW and in WWE but also a 2-time TNA World Heavyweight Champion I mean the man is going into the TNA Hall of Fame anyways so if he is leaving the company then all you can really say is good luck to him wherever he ends up next

Most likely ROH or GFW, but if he does end up back in WWE I wonder if he will still have his Bully Ray gimmick? Or if Devon leaves with Bully Ray and they end up back in WWE together then The Dudley Boyz going back to the WWE for one last run does actually make plausible sense
Their biggest loss so far. Bigger than Sabin, bigger than Styles, bigger than Sting. He is one guy that was a huge part in almost every major thing they did in the past few years, and he didn't disappoint. Face, heel, singles, tag team, in-ring, promos, anything and anywhere- Bully Ray could fit in. They might be thinking "how much worse can our condition possibly be?" but his absence will hurt them big time in the long run... especially because they don't have a perfect substitute. Aries is these, but he will take some more time. And time is something that TNA is short of.
No one ever has a "perfect" replacement. The issue isn't over perfection. It's over adequate. They just don't have an adequate replacement who is going to give you all the avenues and bases Bully covers, combined with the backstage leadership presence.
Personally, I think the loss of Bully Ray, if it happens, would be one of the, if not the, biggest losses of the last year or so. And that includes the imminent departure of Kurt Angle. Think about it, while someone like Angle or Sting might have a greater history in the business and a more impressive CV, Bully Ray has been front and center in all of the major angles and storylines (good and bad, frequently bad ;) ). Who was the most vocal opponent to Dixie, and who put her through the table? Who was the leader of Aces and Eights (good times, good times)? Who became involved with Brooke Hogan? Who is about to be inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame (which incidentally, if Angle leaves as anticipated, and if Bully leaves which likely puts Devon out of work, will only be comprised of former talent no longer affiliated with the company). Angle, Sting, guys like this had pretty much run their course as active wrestlers in TNA. Bully Ray had really become the go to guy for an extended period of time. His loss will hurt badly.

Having said all of this, I'm not sure he's going anywhere. Possibly a bargaining tactic or knowing TNA's history, probably all part of an angle. I see his options in terms of going elsewhere to be pretty limited, unless he simply retires and runs his wrestling school. But if he does in fact depart, the apocalypse may in fact be near.
That is exactly why TNA is going under or why they will go under sooner or later because of all the stars they are losing and now with TNA potentially losing Bully Ray, it is now just the beginning of the end when you really think about it but at the same time Bully Ray he has pretty much done it all in TNA

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