Is TNA trying Too Hard to Bash WWE?

1st off the 3-3-11 video was totally different than the 2-21-11 ones only thing similar was the 3-3-11 at the end of it. The video shown was just like the ones they always use for his return all the way back to his "97" Starcade one in WCW. One person said it was basically the same one they've used for 4 years for his return just cut out the part showing his face. Also keep in mind Sting return videos have been using rain and a man in a long black cape since the 90's so was WWE copying Sting? As for a promo where he came out talking about other offers I have no clue what you're talking about. Unless you are talking about something that people read in spoilers there was no-one come out after the video and gave a promo.

You can say that, but that was the first night I happened to watch TNA in weeks and EVERYONE that saw that clip from the very moment it came out was like WTF!!!, & the ending just solidified the joke. Vince would never had went thru the trouble of coping a Sting promo from the 1990's.

But you know what I would love to see Vince do..

Bring in Fake Sting on 3/3/11 to WWE, and make him bigger then the actual Sting lol. Just to tell TNA to go screw themselves.
You can say that, but that was the first night I happened to watch TNA in weeks and EVERYONE that saw that clip from the very moment it came out was like WTF!!!, & the ending just solidified the joke. Vince would never had went thru the trouble of coping a Sting promo from the 1990's.

But you know what I would love to see Vince do..

Bring in Fake Sting on 3/3/11 to WWE, and make him bigger then the actual Sting lol. Just to tell TNA to go screw themselves.

You know he could do it, but i don't think he would. If he does it he will piss off alot of Sting fans in the process and will pass for a bigger douchebag than he is to those same fans. Even so Sting would sue his ass off because correct me if i'm wrong but i guess its illegal to use the likeness of someone without their consent.
Not at all ilapierre. All I am saying is that TNA is trying too much to bash WWE. That is all. You can take the situation and look at it from all sides all you want.

If you really feel that TNA's business model is to poke and jab the WWE by either copying or making fun of them in order for the WWE to improve the overall state of wrestling...well...I just do not agree with that view point. I do think it's a delusional statement. If my words cut too deep and you feel the need to ragetype 3 paragraphs of passive-aggressive sarcasm, then maybe you should venture elsewhere...maybe somewhere more PG.

I think it is bad business if one company mimics the other. But as you had said in your sour senile rant up there we just don't know what TNA management is thinking. Honestly, if they came out with a report and stated that their model is to poke and jab the WWE for the reasons you first I would be surprised. Then I would be even more surprised because that is a reasonable explanation for why they continue to poke/copy the WWE. I would be surprised because it made sense, which is lacking in the majority of TNA.

If they are going to continue then they need to change it up. WCW and WWE went back and forth on mocking and poking eachother. TNA as a whole needs to level up if they want recognition from the WWE. It's all about attention and to me...TNA is doing it wrong.
I'm not a big fan of companies bashing their competition, it really just makes them look minor league in comparison when they do it. Really it would be wise for TNA to completely ignore anything the WWE does or has done in any way, shape or form. TNA might be trying to be funny or witty but they really just come off as the ugly girl jealous of the prom queen.

It doesn't even matter how factual their comments may be, its just not a smart thing to do and really accomplishes nothing.
They are following the WWF plan when they where losing week in and week out to WCW. Remember all the shots they took at WCW even having DX show up at a WCW event. They are going with a more mature product then WWE like WWF did to get over WCW..

The only problem is that TNA doesn't have what WWF did and that's a Mick Foley. He worked his behind off and gave everything he had and was rewarded with the championship which the fans wanted to see. The biggest mistake Bishoff made was when he announced on WCW that Foley was going to win the championship and people changed the channel wanting to see it.

Right now TNA has old WWE rejects and few of their own "characters" that they can build around, there are no young Foley, Rock, Austin in TNA right now that people can get behind just what they picked off from WWE. Until they go live every week and start building their own stars people won't care and tehy can bash wwe all they want but it won't matter.
They are following the WWF plan when they where losing week in and week out to WCW.

Eventually, WWE got it right and wound up conquering their money-laden enemy. I still think that most folks don't realize what an incredible achievement that was, given that WCW's sole goal was to put WWE out of business ......and they had the capital behind them to do it.

Early in the war, though, do you remember Gorilla Monsoon announcing that Razor Ramon and Diesel were appearing on RAW? When they finally got to the segment, two fakes came out.

I was embarrassed for WWE; I really was. I felt as if they were telling the public that they were losing the war to WCW and had to come up with a cheap trick to garner attention. It's as if WWE was sending the message that if the public wants to see the real Razor and Diesel, they have to change the channel.

Well, this is what it feels as if TNA is doing now; proclaiming their inferiority to WWE. It seems as if they're bowing down in reverence and letting the public know that they're a bunch of WWE wanna-bes. It cheapens TNA and it's not necessary.

TNA should worry about carving out their own niche....and avoid any references to their competition. They were doing a nice job of it until that ridiculous Monday night head-to-head disaster......and it didn't work; in fact, it failed miserably and TNA was sent back to Thursday night with their tails between their legs.

Now that they're back where they belong, they should concentrate on their own product and stop worrying about WWE. When Hogan and Bischoff's contracts run out.....don't renew them (in other words, don't spend big money to achieve minimal results). Just be happy being the "other" wrestling company and succeed (or fail) on your own.
Who cares if they took a jab at WWE. Let them if they want to. They could mention WWE all day on their programming and nothing would happen.

People will always watch TNA no matter what. It's not the end of the wrestling world.
Who cares if they took a jab at WWE. Let them if they want to. They could mention WWE all day on their programming and nothing would happen.

People will always watch TNA no matter what. It's not the end of the wrestling world.


Fans who watch the program tend to find that kind of thing funny, anyway, and from what I can tell the only folks who find it "offensive" are the über smarks here and on the internet who get butt hurt because someone took a swipe at the Monopoly Man and his awfully boring show. Get over it.
Getting at the WWE was and always will be TNA's main goal. It was originally Jarrett getting back at McMahon, but now it's Dixie, Bischoff, Hogan, and Jarrett trying to get WWE's attention. This goes back. From the early TNA PPV ads to their miserably failed attempt on competing against RAW last year, this has always been their objective. But what they don't realize, is that making Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson bigger stars than their original talent, actually makes WWE look good. It's almost like WWE invading TNA, but with TNA's approval.

And many times have they come so close to getting sued by the WWE. Hardcore Justice was a futile PPV, as well as a cheap way at trying to get at the WWE. At this time and maybe forever, TNA will always be looked at as the small army throwing rocks at a tank. I'm no WWE fan, but that's just the obvious truth at this point between the two.

Fans who watch the program tend to find that kind of thing funny, anyway, and from what I can tell the only folks who find it "offensive" are the über smarks here and on the internet who get butt hurt because someone took a swipe at the Monopoly Man and his awfully boring show. Get over it.

I don't think anyone finds it "offensive". All I see on this board, are people who WANT to like TNA, and WANT them to stop taking shots at the WWE and worry about making their product better.

The frustrating thing to me, and most fans is the POTENTIAL that TNA has. People are rooting for TNA. People want to see TNA actually reach their potential. Honestly, it seems like the people on this board who are "butt hurt" care more about TNA than the people who run the company.

As a wrestling fan, this is not about TNA vs. WWE. This is about me, as a fan, wanting to see some good wrestling. I think I can speak for most people on this board, when I say that. We ALL want TNA to succeed.

When TNA first started, it was exciting, it was NEW, it was different. What hurts TNA is their constant need to compete with the WWE. No one compares TNA to the WWE more than TNA. Bischoff, Hogan, Dixie, Jarrett...they don't get it!! Fans DO NOT want to see TNA compete with the WWE. They want an alternative to the WWE.

If I want to watch "sports entertainment", I'll watch the guys who invented it. I don't need to watch TNA for ridiculous nonsensical storylines, and poor writing. If I want to see that, I'll watch Smackdown! Fans want the original TNA. They want the X Division, they want new stars that you would never see in the WWE, they want a good tag team division, they want Knockouts who can actually wrestle and don't all look like supermodels.

It's been said in another thread...TNA needs to BE TNA. AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Kazarian, Beer Money....those guys may not be household names. They might not have the "name recognition" that Jeff Hardy has. BUT they are the guys who got TNA to where they are now.

You think you can't build a company without bringing in HUGE stars?
You absolutely can. TNA already has. Every bit of success that TNA has today, is because of the "no name" talent that has been on their roster from day one.

The internet used to be buzzing with talk of the early X Division matches. Now, all the IWC talks about is TNA vs. WWE.

If you don't like the comparisions, then take issue with the people who started it in the first place - Hogan and Bischoff. 1-4-10. "Watch out Vince" and all that nonsense. Hogan and Bischoff believe their own hype. They are in over their heads, and instead of doing the right thing for the business, and getting people who actually know what they are talking about to help them steer this company in the right direction - they are doing exactly what McMahon has done for years. They are saying "We don't care what the fans want...we're going to do what we want to do".

TNA used to be all about the fans. They were proud to be an alternative to the WWE. They were ok with saying "Hey...we're not like the WWE. We're a wrestling company." And they meant it. Now, it's "Hey...we're not like the WWE. We hate them. BUT we're trying to be exactly like them". The hypocrisy of the people who run TNA is like the X division...No Limits.

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