Does Kurt Angle Seem a bit Ungrateful to WWE

WWE makes Kurt a heel most of the time, and he doesn't have to put up with the trash talk some of the fans shout out at ringside in WWE. The only time I though Kurt was a good entertainer in WWE was the Kurt vs Cena stuff.
The problem is not that kurt bashes the wwe, it's that he does it all the time like a girl that can't get over her ex. It's one thing to defend the product but it's gotten to the point where kurt puts more effort into bashing the wwe than put over tna. As far as him saying that tna is beating smackdown,

Smackdown avg 2.4 - TNA avg 1.0

That doesn't exactly look like they're winning hell they barely beat ecw. The bottom line is he just needs to shut up and wrestle because TNA has a long way to go before they can take on the wwf/e :undertaker2:
He sure does, He is a 5 time champion. He complains about politics but that is more World title's than HBK. I wouldn't be surprised if TNA is telling him to bash WWE at every turn because they need the attention
I love it when guys like Angle and RVD stand up against WWE. WWE is no more superior than TNA or Japan in my eyes. I'm tired of the WWE marks thinking they are better than everyone else.
I love it when guys like Angle and RVD stand up against WWE. WWE is no more superior than TNA or Japan in my eyes. I'm tired of the WWE marks thinking they are better than everyone else.

how can you say that kurt is standing up against the wwe? Kurt Angle went on about not liking politics in the wwe, Jeff Jarrett wants this man to lead tna in a media direction like films and stuff, all i have to say is tna is in big trouble, the guy fabricates things too much, he basically rips the wwe but does the exact same thing in tna, and as far as im concerned i fear for his mental safety
i wrote about this because it was something i laughed at what angle said i shall quote it

One thing I don’t like is politics in wrestling. You’re going to have that, but here, if there are any, it’s very little. I’m the top guy and I’m not stopping anyone from coming up and taking my place. I want somebody to come up and take my place. In WWE it’s the opposite,” said Angle. “Everybody is trying to keep everybody else down

now correct me if im wrong but didnt angle start getting mad at wwe because they asked him to put over younger stars???

so in a way he is lying to wrestling fans or being told what to say by tna to make them look 'better'

when in all truth angle couldnt handle putting over younger guys but now he is with tna and relising he has nowhere else to go, now he changing what he used to say

thats my point to this and im sticking with what i think and thats kurt angle is a complete idiot
I love it when guys like Angle and RVD stand up against WWE. WWE is no more superior than TNA or Japan in my eyes. I'm tired of the WWE marks thinking they are better than everyone else.

How can you not say the W.W.E. is the far superior company? T.N.A. has been around for 6 years, last time I checked W.W.E. has been around well over triple that. W.W.E. is a multi-BILLION dollar company that has branched out into movies, music & even the stock-market, while T.N.A. is just starting to branch out of Florida & Tennessee.

Kurt Angle was a former great in the W.W.E. that lied to them to get out of a contract, hes not better than anyone else who b*tches and complains about the W.W.E. Hes ungrateful because that company made him who he is, and he has the nerve to think he was anything before that.

All he was prehand was just some guy who won a Gold medal, news flash, hes NOT the only american Gold medal winner so its not like its unique. And T.N.A. fans love Kurt Angle because of everything he became in the W.W.E., not the Olympics.

As far as Japan goes, I don't know much about them or their federation but I do know their fans are far superior and enjoy classic, good-quality wrestling. T.N.A. might rival W.W.E. by their talent, but Japan owns both companies in regards to in-ring wrestling quality.
Shortly after Angle joined TNA he said in an interview aired on iMPACT! that Vince McMahon told him to his face when he first signed with WWE that his Olympic gold medal "Didn't mean shit". Only Kurt Angle knows what experiences and circumstances he faced in the WWE, we the fans don't, and can't, know all of the details of his time there. Granted, Angle does, in my opinion, seem like an extemely competetive hot head, and the fact remains that WWE is still the big dance for pro wrestling. But I'm glad to hear his insulting comments, just as I'm glad to see TNA succeed, because monopoly of any industry by one all powerful entity is NEVER a good thing. Over the years, Vince's ego, fueled by his monopoly of pro wrestling, has been blatantly obvious in the way WWE tries to cram characters and storylines down the fans throats. Why? Because without any alternatives, the fans have no choice but to accept whatever nonsense WWE is putting on, and Vince knows it! At least now, with TNA on the rise, wrestling fans have a choice. I personally hope TNA rises up and kicks WWE's ass off! :007:

TNA can take over but they gotta do everything perfectly, but when they take 1 step forward, they keep taking 1-2 steps back. But hey, what about all the times the suits at stamford being ungrateful to a lot of their wrestlers? Hogan for example. After what all he's done for them & in 96 they mock him with the huckster. He got back at them calling them a XXX porn channel & they still took him back in 2002 even though a lotta fans & other wrestlers didn't want him back. And i'm not a Hogan fan...or worse, a Hogan myopian.
They coulda had Angle do a light schedule like they did with Hogan if they wanted to. Let some other wrestlers get their shine while Angle rests some. In the 80's & 90's Hogan was never on Superstars or Wrestling Challenge. He only showed up on SNME or the PPV's. Angle didn't wanna end up dead like Eddie for wrestling too much. Like the Rock, there's nothing else for Angle 2 do there. He won titles a lot. I'm tired of Angle but i'm glad he gave them a dose of their own medicine.:)
I love it when guys like Angle and RVD stand up against WWE. WWE is no more superior than TNA or Japan in my eyes. I'm tired of the WWE marks thinking they are better than everyone else.

Umm what? WWE not as superior than TNA or Japan for that matter? do you know that lies make baby Jesus cry! How can you say something so absurd? as stated above WWE is a multi billion dollar company they have the best talent in wrestling today and also the largest roster, the titles are as evenly balanced out as they can possibly be (they could try a bit harder I know) and there worldwide where as TNA isn't WWE is far superior to TNA and I doubt TNA will get up to the level WWE is at today because WWE will eventually by them out.
Well, I think Kurt has a right to b!tch about the WWE because Vince is known for screwing over alot of those wrestlers. Vince doesn't give a damn about anything. All he wants is to keep the ratings up and his wallet fat....that's it.

The Rock did the right thing...........get the hell out while the gettin is still good.
I am soo sick and tired of kurt bad mouthing the WWE. My feeling is..GET OVER IT KURT. you are making more money and working less dates...why do you sound sooo bitter. This is a better situation for you. WWE sux but so does TNA. Why doesnt kurt worry about his own house. Stupid gimmicks, bad booking and under utilizing their own talent
All due respect to the Wrestling Machine but why would i want to listen to his views after he stated that he was leaving WWE to recover from neck problems he's had over the years and is then seen wrestling for the competition two weeks later? Being demoted to ECW as well as the work schedule affecting his family life is obviously why Kurt left, and the only reason we hear about every other week is probably because TNA encourage it. If they're going to get WWE guys in trouble, turn up at fan events and try to fly a plane over Mania 24, why wouldn't they encourage ex-WWE talent to slag off their previous employer? Why do we never hear Team 3D or Booker T complaining about WWE when Nash and Angle never shut up about it? Christian Cage never got a decent main event run in WWE yet i've never seen a single article or web post of his talking about how terrible it was working for Vince, so what's the deal?
I personally think that Kurt Angle just has sour grapes. WWE made him a star in professional wrestling. Granted he earned his way up, and had all the tools to be successful. But WWE booked him good, and presented the platform on which he would use to become a household name. I think Kurt seems more than a bit ungrateful. He's VERY ungrateful. I can understand him being angry over Vince not letting him get some time off to recover, but WWE was plagued with injuries when he wanted the time off. The man basically lied to the WWE, making them think he would come back, so that he could leave and have a reduced schedule in TNA. More power to the guy. But it is totally unnecessary to rag on WWE because of his own personal problems. I think he needs to get over it and consentrate on making TNA a successful company, instead of wasting his time taking pot shots at WWE.
I think Kurt Angle has lost a lot of respect for the WWE which is just not right considering they gave him the time to become as he as he did in the wrestling world because he was no where near great in the WWE when he first came yeah he had a wrestling back ground.

WWE made Kurt Angle a huge household name which I am sure he wil forever be. I hope one day we will see him back in the WWE?
I think Kurt Angle has lost a lot of respect for the WWE which is just not right considering they gave him the time to become as he as he did in the wrestling world because he was no where near great in the WWE when he first came yeah he had a wrestling back ground.

WWE made Kurt Angle a huge household name which I am sure he wil forever be. I hope one day we will see him back in the WWE?

Are you guys serious? Angle is the best wrestler in pro wrestling today. WWE has a tendacy to stick with the same 3 people for top guys . In all reality 1 out of 3 of them are actually good. How can you say hhh(a man who wouldn't be shyt without his ****e of a wife)deserves to be champ or in the main event when you can do so much with angle.And angle is 100x better than him. Instead we got john cena making this man submit to a horribly done move. Hbk couldn't hang with angle. Dude was bytching angle is to rough with him and might actually injury him.(str8 p**sy). Angle isn't wwe material and thats whats burns him .wwe material is batista , cena , hhh. wwe like big muscular men who have no wrestling skills and know how kiss ass when times comes. How can you fire this man for a issue Jeff Hardy , orton , master amoung other has had but i don't hear orton in rehab . I see him with a title same with one of the crappiest wrestler of all time jeff hardy.( and it was drinking that got this moron suspended this time) And don't tell me how dedicated to the business hhh is cuz if you notice he wouldn't of been no where near 12x champ before he met his **** most he would of been 4x champ at most. (undertaker is the only one other than edge and orton out of the main eventer that are good and worked hard to get where their at.)
All due respect to the Wrestling Machine but why would i want to listen to his views after he stated that he was leaving WWE to recover from neck problems he's had over the years and is then seen wrestling for the competition two weeks later? Being demoted to ECW as well as the work schedule affecting his family life is obviously why Kurt left, and the only reason we hear about every other week is probably because TNA encourage it. If they're going to get WWE guys in trouble, turn up at fan events and try to fly a plane over Mania 24, why wouldn't they encourage ex-WWE talent to slag off their previous employer? Why do we never hear Team 3D or Booker T complaining about WWE when Nash and Angle never shut up about it? Christian Cage never got a decent main event run in WWE yet i've never seen a single article or web post of his talking about how terrible it was working for Vince, so what's the deal?

Damn look ok he went to TNA cuz he has a lighter schedule. He can now take breaks from his work to rest . WWE schedule is awful . Booker already said what made him leave . He said like rvd and others HHH is a cockface. His ego was why he beat booker at SS. it was supose to be jerry lawyler and him not hhh.
i to get tired of hearing crap from Angle and Nash. the WWE made these guys who they are today. yes Angle was an olympic gold medalist but he wouldnt be nearly as famous as he is today. being a gold medalist only gives you your 15 minutes of fame and that is all.

who cares about your vigorous work schedule!!!! what about the truck drivers who are on the road for weeks at a time? or the soldiers in Iraq? or the underpaid Teachers and Police Officers? there are far more worse jobs out there than being a wrestler.

yes you might of needed time off for your injuries to heal but the way you did it was cowardness IMO. why lie to them saying you'll be back when you know you're not. atleast Vince had the balls to tell you to your face that you wouldnt get the time of then and there.

Nash is a has-been and needs to go and help out his friend Scott Hall. Nash has no business in the ring anymore. its almost like watching the Great Khali trying to wrestle.
Are you guys serious? Angle is the best wrestler in pro wrestling today. WWE has a tendacy to stick with the same 3 people for top guys . In all reality 1 out of 3 of them are actually good. How can you say hhh(a man who wouldn't be shyt without his ****e of a wife)deserves to be champ or in the main event when you can do so much with angle.And angle is 100x better than him. Instead we got john cena making this man submit to a horribly done move.

Hbk couldn't hang with angle. Dude was bytching angle is to rough with him and might actually injury him.(str8 p**sy). Angle isn't wwe material and thats whats burns him .wwe material is batista , cena , hhh. wwe like big muscular men who have no wrestling skills and know how kiss ass when times comes. How can you fire this man for a issue Jeff Hardy , orton , master amoung other has had but i don't hear orton in rehab . I see him with a title same with one of the crappiest wrestler of all time jeff hardy.( and it was drinking that got this moron suspended this time) And don't tell me how dedicated to the business hhh is cuz if you notice he wouldn't of been no where near 12x champ before he met his **** most he would of been 4x champ at most. (undertaker is the only one other than edge and orton out of the main eventer that are good and worked hard to get where their at.)

First of all, Triple-H was a main eventer long before he got involved with Stephanie (They dated back in 2001-2002 before they got married and Trips became Champ for the first time in 2000.) I detest how some posters could be so ignorant about Triple-H's backstory and make such bullshit about him...yes he did get more titles because of his influence youre not wrong about that...but he was a maon eventer before.

Getting back to the topic at hand...Kurt Angle, Goldberg and Nash are all the same. They are bitter towards a former employer because things did not work as they thought it would. Honest to God though, if Kurt had stayed with WWE, this is what would have happened. He would be wrestling a match and in the middle of the match, he would have died. Why do i say this? Because you all remember at the time Kurt was on painkillers and taking enough of those can cause anyone to suffer.

You have obviously never seen an HBK match in your life or you would not say something so ignorant. Face Facts! HBk is one of the greatest performers to be in WWE in a long time. Hes contsnalt pulling great matches out of his ass and entertaining the crowd to no end. So you say no one in WWE can perform? I guess Or MVP or Mr. Kennedy or Edge....or did mention Taker so you do know some stuff...but you quickly forget that the attitude era which was a few years back had some good entertainers who werent the best wrestlers (Rock, Austin, Foley sound familiar?) Rob Van dam also enjoyed his time (He has not said ONE BAD WORD about Vince or WWE). he would have been a multiple time champ had he not fucked it up by doing marijuana.

WWE is in a rebuilding process right now. While you are right about big men dominating because Vince has a weird obsession with them, the fact remains that things are slowly changing. Orton was given an opportunity (he did have only 2 strikes)....and now hes behaving. Almost everyone on the roster is behaving. And yes I will give u that crap about how HHH is one of the hardest workers on the roster. He has also put over many ppl.
1. Batista
2. Orton
3. Benoit
4. Hardy
to name a few
I am by no means a Kurt Angle hater...Im justa fan who doesnt worship and kiss the mans ass like many others.
Yeah, Kurt seems to be taking the bashing a little bit too far. In every interview he gets on his snobby 'i'm the man' trip, slams the WWE product, then makes some outlandish comment about TNA like 'impact will beat raw in the ratings within a year' or something along those lines. Kurt would not be the entertainer he currently is, without those years in WWE where he learned the craft and earned his real star power. He is the top man in TNA, but then anyone can bust out the 'big fish in a small pond' metaphor.
Kurt is a hypocrite........from one of his interviews bashing the WWE he said he was tired of wrestlings guys like Cena and Batista. but recently hes been saying that having a guy like Lashley coming over to TNA will help.

oh wait a minute Kurt i thought you were tired of wrestlings guys that are typical WWE material.(big)

thats right cause it'll benefit you and the company you work for right.

this kind of crap is what keeps me from watching TNA. all the WWE bashing and what not.
I don't understand some of you people..?
Kurt Angle was totally burned out, he was borderline addicted to pain killers, the doctors were telling him he was at risk of ending up in a wheelchair, yet McMahon refused to give him time off.
Undertaker was given time off when he needed it, yet he wasn't nearly as hurt as Angle.

WWE are the hypocrites here, they like to boast publicly how they are so strict with their wellness policy and treat ALL their wrestlers right, yet they tried to run Angle into the ground.
Lets not forget, Angle had no intention of leaving when he asked for time off, it was only when he was refused it that he decided to go.

I'd love to hear what the conversation would be if one of you guys were told you could be paralised or worse, then your employer told you to carry on as you are. What when your sick? Do you have time off work? Hell yeah, does your employer make you still come into work? Hell NO.

Then again, I'd have to question if some of you are even in work. Some of you sound like you must still be in school to be that ignorant of a mans health.

Kurt has every right to be pissed at WWE for the way they have allowed him to be made the villain in all of this. Screw WWE, screw McMahon, screw the SMARKS...

I don't understand some of you people..?
Kurt Angle was totally burned out, he was borderline addicted to pain killers, the doctors were telling him he was at risk of ending up in a wheelchair, yet McMahon refused to give him time off.

Yet this is why the W.W.E. WILLINGLY released Kurt Angle out of his contract, instead of kept him in it. Angle could've easily said he wasn't going to compete and sat out. W.W.E. couldn't force him to do anything, especially if his body was as hurt as you claim and it likely was.

However, Kurt Angle must not have been TOO badly hurt, to show up on T.N.A.'s door-step looking for scraps a mere couple of weeks after he was released outta contract.

Lets not forget, Angle had no intention of leaving when he asked for time off, it was only when he was refused it that he decided to go.

Once again, Angle was LET OUT OF HIS CONTRACT! You don't just up and decide one day.. "I refuse to work for you, my contract is over with you." Shit don't work that way, son. You signed on the dotted line to work your ass to the bone until that contract agreement is up.

The only way you get out of that contract is by breaking it and being sued, or by your employer releasing you from it.

So since Angle's bank account doesn't seem to be smaller (outside of less money from T.N.A.) from the looks of it, it seems like Angle played W.W.E. for a fool and gave them the whole issue of being on his death bed.. then bam, they felt sorry for the guy, let him go.. and he screws them by signing with T.N.A. before a month later.

Kurt has every right to be pissed at WWE for the way they have allowed him to be made the villain in all of this. Screw WWE, screw McMahon, screw the SMARKS...


Uhm yeah.. Angle had every right to be upset at the W.W.E. for making him one of wrestling's biggest names. Oh no, forbid that they'd ever do such a thing.

Lets completely forget about the fact that Angle played sick to get outta working for them, then lied blatantly to them about saying he'd be back, only to go to the other company and stab the W.W.E. in the back for everything they did for him.

You know what, Angle jumped ship.. because he realized what everyone else is coming to understand. Angle is aging, and the W.W.E. wouldn't of kept him in the Main stream spotlight. Which is why he was slated to be the big name on the 3rd brand. Angle hated NOT having the spotlight, so he jumped ship to a company that he KNEW would build everything around him, because their biggest star outside of that.. was an indy worker, and a former W.W.E. midcarder.
And chances are, the entire TNA plan was in motion far before he was released. Lets be serious here. Lawyers, and contracts dont work like that, not that fast. Angle was APPEARING on TNA not but mere weeks after his release. If you belive that this wasnt in motion for the second he was drafted by ECW, then I have some swampland in Utah I wanna sell you. So I dont buy the whole Angle is excused to say crazy shit becuase he was so mistreated, not for a second. He mistreated the WWE just as much as they mistreated him.
I have been reading that many claim the WWE made Kurt Angle but that's not fully correct. He made himself as an Amateur Wrestler who later won a gold medal. The WWE gave him the opportunity he needed to make himself a household name but I completely disagree and frankly am annoyed with those who claim the WWE made him. Kurt Angle is far too outspoken in regards to the WWE but in many ways I fully support his claims.
I have been reading that many claim the WWE made Kurt Angle but that's not fully correct. He made himself as an Amateur Wrestler who later won a gold medal. The WWE gave him the opportunity he needed to make himself a household name

You contridicted yourself. Does that NOT mean that they in-turn, infact made Kurt Angle who he is today?

Amateur Gold Medalist or not.. Kurt Angle was unknown to 80% or more of the Pro Wrestling universe and until the W.W.F. MADE him.. he wasn't anything more than 1 step above Mark Henry, with a medal instead of scratching out.

but I completely disagree and frankly am annoyed with those who claim the WWE made him. Kurt Angle is far too outspoken in regards to the WWE but in many ways I fully support his claims.

Kurt Angle is a hypocrite. Doesn't mean I won't like him in T.N.A., but it does mean that he is only running his mouth because he doesn't intend on returning to the W.W.E.

Infact, I guarantee you if.. or when.. T.N.A. 'bellies up' watch and see if Kurt Angle doesn't retract every negative thing he said about W.W.E., and suddenly turns to bitch and moan about T.N.A.

All Angle is doing, is supporting his own career. Practically nothing he says holds truth, its all just useless words filled in an interview, to boast his current company over his former company.

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