Does Kurt Angle Seem a bit Ungrateful to WWE

What exactly Kurt Angle supposed to do with regards to the WWE? He is trying to make his company better, he's not going to have ever loving praise for the WWE. Why give the WWE more free positive press, it makes no sense. Of course he's going to bash the WWE, it would be stupid for him not too. He is the face of TNA, and it makes zero sense to praise the WWE. John Cena routinely bashes TNA, yet no one says anything about him in a negative fashion.

And please, to call Kurt Angle a bad human being, yet defend guys like Triple H and Shawn Michaels is pure revisionist history. Get off the paying your dues crap, the guys played politics and ran all of their man adversaries out of the WWE. Seriously, check the background of the guys your defending before you put them on a high pedestal. When vince McMahon told Kurt Angle that his Gold Medals don't mean shit, that shows how out of it Vince McMahon is. That Gold Medal carries more weight then a spinner belt any day of the week. And Shawn Michaels is soft, he bitches when guys rough him up. Kevin Kelly has even said that the guy is soft. He's a damn good perfomer, but he bitches and holds people back if they go to stiff on him, this is nothing new.
I listened to the interview and he's said nothing that either isn't true, or anything that hasn't been said by people before. He wasn't angry in the interview, I wouldn't even say bitter, the interviewer asked him about WWE and he answered truthfully. If Angle had stayed with WWE theres a good chance he could of fliped out like Benoit did.

He's hardly attacking WWE, His main criticisms of WWE are 1)That HHH and HBK have too much of a say in running the company and 2)That WWE and Vince expects too much of there wrestlers. So what? I hear these arguments on this forum every day by the very people who are saying Angle is bitter, and he's out of order for saying this. Maybe he's just been objective and looking at the situation in the WWE honestly and how he see's it.

As for Kurt not wanting to go back to WWE he says in the interview the only way he would go back to WWE was on a aprt time schedule if TNA fold, which it won't. Certainly not before Angle is way past his best. Anlge isn't been ungrateful he's been truthful, just like when a WWE superstar knocks TNA on a weekly basis in an interview. Angle off his high horse? The only person in wrestling at the moment on there high horse is HHH at least Angle puts over young talent. I mean cmmon HHH hasn't got a clue what he's talking about, angle says in that interview that HHH mentioned to him a couple of years back that Batista was going to be the future of WWE!

The full interview is here for anyone who hasn't listened, it's a decent interview actualy-
People are blowing this way out of porportion. He said that HHH has to much say in things. WOW thats a shock like no one has said that. He said that HBK does to much politicing, who would have ever thought that. Cmon this is the WWE were talking about Kurt Angle tells them to kiss his ass that is nuthin compared to what other guys have done. Look at guys like Bret, he knocked Vince out and still managed to meet with him again. Sammartino and Billy Graham tried to ruin his company. Vince has made peace with Billy and has done everything he could to get Bruno to do some kind of DVD. The WWE is full of forgivness. And the WWE also realizes that Kurt has made alot of money for them and still could, they realize that he cant still give younger guys matches that HHH and HBK could only dream of. The WWE still knows hes the best pure wrestler on the world today and would hire him back right away. And Kurt does not need the WWE, he could go over to Japan where he would be treated like a god work half as much and still make a ton of money. He could work the indies or try his hand in MMA.
I think Kurt Angle has legitimate gripes with Vince McMahon and the WWE. Look at what they did to him his last few months with the company:

First, they have him lose the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania to charity case Rey Mysterio. Watch that match again, though. Angle was the most cheered performer in that match. He was way over, even booked as the heel.

Then the whole "new" ECW forms and Kurt gets sent to the "C" show. On top of all that, they stick him in a lackluster feud with Randy Orton. I cannot bring myself to watch those matches again, there was no momentum. Horrible feud.

Couple that with the touring schedule, and wear and tear on his body. Of course, every wrestler goes through this, blah blah blah. But he went to Vince and asked him for a lighter schedule, like Undertaker has had for the past 4 years or so. Of course, he got turned down.

Is that any decent way to treat an Olympic gold medalist, a guy who has held nearly every title in your company, and given you some of the greatest matches and feuds, not only in your company, but ever?

There are those that say Angle was addicted to painkillers and was having drug problems. This should have been more incentive for Vince to lighten his schedule. If you think one of your top stars is gonna blow up at any minute, get him some help, or give him time to help himself.

All these factors: losing the title even while being way over, getting degraded to the "C" show and thrust into a boring feud with Orton, the schedule (and time away from his family), not having time to deal with your body and your drug problems, even having asked for it....all these factors give Angle reason to tell Vince to "kiss his ass".

Of course, any wrestler goes through these types of problems, they go with the business. But HHH and HBK never complain about their spots in the company, etc. Of course, if Kurt Angle ever decides or is forced to go back to work for the WWE, he should be welcomed back. They owe him.
They Owe him? they owe him what? I guess you forgot that Angle came into the WWF/E in Late 1999 and by 2000 was one of the Top Heels by then. He also won the WWE Title, IC Title/European Title,Tag Titles,King Of The Ring,WCW Title,WCW US Title,and World Heavyweight Title. The only thing you are looking at is his last year before he left in September of 2006.
But he went to Vince and asked him for a lighter schedule, like Undertaker has had for the past 4 years or so. Of course, he got turned down.

That is only what Kurt Angle himself has told us all.

I respect the hell out of Angle as an athlete and a wrestler...but the last few years he has lost a lot of my respect as a person.

If he had problems w/ WWE and/or Vince...then fine, leave. But when he leaves and then talks so much shit about them for months and even over a year, he just sounds bitter and like a whiner.

And didn't he complain about Triple H and all of his political power backstage in WWE.....yet, isn't Kurt doing the EXACT same thing over in TNA?
WWE made kurt angle, not the other way around! they were there before him and they will be there long after him. WWE doesn't owe him anything, he owes them for everything!
Kurt Angle is one of my favourite wrestlers ever and I don't think he deserves half the stuff he gets hit with, sometimes because people are feeling malicious, sometimes because people are just assuming a hell of a lot. However, yes, Kurt Angle has been very ungrateful to the WWE. There's not questioning that. I do think he left on quite bitter terms though, and may have good reasoning to be ungrateful, as has been mentioned. There's no denying that the WWE made him the star he is today, but if they did treat him badly, as it seems they did - on and off camera - he's probably within his rights to bash his former employers a bit, no?
Kurt angle owes the WWE NOTHING!!!!! They wanted him he went there cause the money was there. The WWE didn't make Kurt Angle Angle made angle by winning the Olympics plain and simple. He owes them the credit of making him look like a jackass on TV thats it.
Yeah but look, you have plenty of other superstars who have left the company, and they dont constantly bash the Wwe. They may say something about it the first time, but later on they just thank Wwe for the run, and thats the end of it. I don't care if he bashes people, but he should at least thank the company for the start.
Kurt angle owes the WWE NOTHING!!!!! They wanted him he went there cause the money was there. The WWE didn't make Kurt Angle Angle made angle by winning the Olympics plain and simple. He owes them the credit of making him look like a jackass on TV thats it.

While I agree that Angle technically doesn't owe the WWE anything, I'd disagree that Angle made Angle. I'm just going to name all the American olympic gold medallists I can: Kurt Angle. The point I'm trying to make is, without the WWE, Kurt Angle would probably just be some half-forgotten footnote in history that I'd have to go onto Wikipedia just to know about. Therefore, the WWE made Angle the star and the wrestler he is today. Does he owe them anything for that? No. Is he allowed to bash them? It makes him look like a bit of a dick, but yes. Without the WWE, would Kurt Angle be anything like the Kurt Angle we have today? Hell no.
I don't think he's ungrateful, he has that boss mentality and he feels like he can't reach a higher level than he already has there.

Guys like HHH, HBK and Taker aren't giving up their spots so why not go to TNA and become their main guy?

A lot of guys on his level left around the a year's period, him, RVD, Jericho, Big Show, Booker, so there must be something more to it.
I like so many others wonder what is going through his head. His stardom is because of the WWE. Yes he got the medal on his own but he should never burn your bridges. After all there maybe a time when he is let go with TNA.
if he was treated like he says he was treated then more power to him. i have had jobs where i was held back and given the shaft and i quick and told them to..this is my first post i dunno how PG i have to be. but if what is said is true about trips and HBK and vince, i don't blame him a lick.
He turned down the WWE the first time they offered him a spot, and still they hired him. He asked to be let out of his contract because his drug infested body was destroyed, and then bolted to another company, from which he constantly bashes the WWE and Vince.

Kurt is a great performer, but he is ungrateful. After he won the Olympics, he was famous for about 24 microseconds, and we'd be saying "Kurt who?" now if it wasn't for the WWE. It is bad enough he left the way he did, and it's even worse that he now bashes the WWE.

When Jeff Jarrett becomes the next Eric Bishoff, blowing Vince in the back office for a job, it will be interesting to see what happens to Kurt. Or, with the way he looks, he might be the next wrestler found dead in a hotel from an O/D.

That would be a shame. But, he is acting like a total asshole.
This would be ok if Kurt wasn't an accomplished star and TNA was on par with WWE. Then he could have gone to TNA and bashed WWE all he wanted. Austin did the same when he was fired by WCW and cut awesome promos on ECW bashing them which got him noticed by WWE and made him a huge star. Whether Kurt would like to admit it or not WWE treated him very well, made him a huge star and made him a tonne of money, so in my opinion it's not cool that he's now bashing WWE.

A wise wrestler would move on and continue to do what he loves best in a different company and not say a bad word about his former has been prooved time and time again in the wrestling world, you never know what's right around the corner and one day Angle might be finding himself wanting to work for WWE again.

All that aside Kurt Angle has always been one of my all time favs and I actually prefer his role in TNA instead of him jumping from brand to brand in WWE to suit Mr H's needs.
In a way Kurt is ungrateful. He had what some would consider one of the best first years a newcomer can have in the WWE. He held the European and IC titles t the same time, won the King of the Ring Tourniment and won the WWE Title from the Rock 4 months later and held it for 4 months after that!

Of course Angle would have gained more if HHH hadn't been so jealous, but Angle was also involved in 2 Wrestlemania Main Events, how many wrestlers can say they've done that! Trips hated having Angle on the same brand as him, hence being put on ECW.

I can see Randy Orton being the next to leave because of HHH.
Triple H and Shawn Michaels are both notorious for their politics while Kurt wasn't really involved with that game. I do most definitely believe he was held down for the pure fact that he wasn't involved with politics and that there were several other wrestlers jealous of his abilities. Who wouldn't be jealous of him? If you're Triple H and you're already popular and establishing yourself as the face of the business, you're going to keep your eye on that one guy who has it all and is a better performer than you.

Are you kidding me?, im not defending bs politics but Kurt angle was hardly a saint, he politicked to get on smackdown and win the world title, politicked to get a push at the ecw title which was gonne be his but he tore his goin literally, you cant say angle didnt play the game like the rest of the locker room the only guys that dont are talented wrestlers that are being held back i.e benjamin or venis, the reason why angle left because he didnt get his way to carry ecw, so he left to tna to carry that company, the dude is a damn good wrestler but by no means a saint.

Remember, he's only trying to help sell the product that he is currently a part of
by non sensicle interviews that say tna is better then the wwe, i remember one rant where he was quoted for saying that tna is beating smackdown, jeeez the guy needs to grow up and stop bashin vince, i know the wwe isnt fun for alot of guys who got worked to the bone but seriously you cant say that he was treated badly, he was one of the wwe's top wrestlers literally ran most of the year attacking cena for the wwe title, the company trained and built again, they made him a house hold name so in regards to bashing it makes him and tna look stupid especially with his d.u.i whilst holding a world title which if he was in the wwe he would of dropped to help save the company and teach him a lesson.
In a way Kurt is ungrateful. He had what some would consider one of the best first years a newcomer can have in the WWE. He held the European and IC titles t the same time, won the King of the Ring Tourniment and won the WWE Title from the Rock 4 months later and held it for 4 months after that!

Of course Angle would have gained more if HHH hadn't been so jealous, but Angle was also involved in 2 Wrestlemania Main Events, how many wrestlers can say they've done that! Trips hated having Angle on the same brand as him, hence being put on ECW.

I can see Randy Orton being the next to leave because of HHH.

Randy Orton is where he is today because HHH handpicked kayfabe and in real life to be part of evolution and the long term plans were to have batista and orton eventual become champs which they both did multiple times. I'm a huge orton fan but he doesnt have the same charisma that most champs have and HHH was a big part of his push to where hes at today. HHH politicked for orton to beat cena for the title which unfortunately didnt happen due to the injury. I REALLY doubt orton will go to tna because of HHH.
I wouldn't say that Kurt is ungrateful, but he definetely takes the WWE bashing a little too far. I mean he makes WWE sound absolutely horrible, but it really isn't that bad. Yeah you are on the road all the time, yeah you take a physical beating, but it is your job, and when you are a star the level of Angle, you get paid very good for your job. You want to know why TNA is better to "work" for to Kurt, because he is at the same point in his career as all the other former WWE guys in TNA, excluding Christian. He has already done everything he could do in WWE, was financially found, thanks to WWE, TNA is like a retirement home for former WWE wrestlers, a retirement home that pays you decent money. Basically guys like Angle, Nash, ect. have taken a smaller workload, for a smaller amount of money, all they are doing is getting closer to there retirement, padding there pensions. Samoa Joe said it best during his rant, he meant every word he said.

Okay after the rant, all I am saying is Angle does go over the top when it comes to bashing WWE, the only TNA seems better is because its not on the same level as teh WWE.
Kurt Angle is a ungrateful piece of trash, there as a reason why he was released. Kurt felt he was too good for ECW and kept on crying about his role in WWE. I also keep on hearing how he is going to wrestle Randy Couture, Angle would not make it in the MMA. Guys like Frank Mur or Randy Coture would take him out so fast. They call it MMA for a reason, it means you have more than one way of beating your opponents. All Angle has is a wrestling background.
Oh Boy, this is going to be fun...

Kurt Angle is a ungrateful piece of trash, there as a reason why he was released. .

Like backstage politics keeping him held down, like wanting to have a lighter work schedule like said politickers had. Like wanting to have some influence since he was a proven main eventer that missed all of three months with injury in 6 years with the company, or the simply reason for his release, he asked for it and McMahon marks simply can't get over the fact that someone wanted to leave the WWE.

Kurt felt he was too good for ECW and kept on crying about his role in WWE. .

Only because he was a proven draw on Raw, getting bigger pops then the champion, was out popping both Cena and Mysterio, the two most over babyfaces in the company. He was a threat to said politician, and he attempted to bury him, so of course he was upset with that. Why wouldn't said Politician go to ECW and make it such a great company if he was so wonderful???

I also keep on hearing how he is going to wrestle Randy Couture, Angle would not make it in the MMA. Guys like Frank Mur or Randy Coture would take him out so fast. They call it MMA for a reason, it means you have more than one way of beating your opponents. All Angle has is a wrestling background.

You do realize that Kurt Angle is a gold medal Olympian. Not just an athlete, but best in the world at what he did. If Kurt trained just as hard as those guys, he would probably dominate MMA. Bar Room Fighters are a dime a dozen, but Gold Medalist are a rare gem.
Kurt Angle doesn't have the guts to get in the octagon, he hasn't backed up one word yet on his coming to MMA. Think about it Couture took out Tim Sylvia and is considered one of the best. Chuck Liddell siad it best when he bashed Angle. Angle needs to put up or shut up about MMA. In the MMA you need more than just wrestling to make it big, Kurt will have to learn some sort of martial art. The guys does have the heart and pride to learn but he honestly will never go to MMA.
One of the things that I noticed he said which I know was not true is that if not for the wwe he could have done other stuff instead like go into mma because mma was offering him more money. Blaming the wwe for is mma miss out. MMA wasn't big enough back then when he joined wwf so there is no way they could have offered him a higher offer than wwe. And he choose wwf over MMA. Nobody forced him to do it.
I think Kurt has gone a bit far but its understandable. But what puzzles me is that WWE did give him a chance to take time off, but he chose not to, or so I heard? I think that was the main problem, its not like other true sports where there are breaks, but WWE is year round, right?

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