Does Kurt Angle Seem a bit Ungrateful to WWE

Kurt Angle is a hypocrite. Doesn't mean I won't like him in T.N.A., but it does mean that he is only running his mouth because he doesn't intend on returning to the W.W.E.

Infact, I guarantee you if.. or when.. T.N.A. 'bellies up' watch and see if Kurt Angle doesn't retract every negative thing he said about W.W.E., and suddenly turns to bitch and moan about T.N.A.

I have to agree with you there mate. When TNA does go out of business, Kurt Angle will have nowhere to go. He is too old and injured to go into UFC/MMA. He would get killed over there. And I doubt the WWE are going to take him back, because he would be useless because of his medical problems, and his attitude problems.

He runs his mouth so much about how TNA is so much better than the WWE, but if TNA IS better than the WWE, then why aren't the top, meaningful guys in the WWE jumping ship to TNA? I hardly call Christy Hemme, Tomko, Christian, Booker T, Gail Kim or Kurt Angle top superstars in terms of the WWE.

I guess you could argue for Booker T, as he was involved in a few major storylines.

So all in all, Angle is ungrateful to the WWE, because he thinks he is king of the wrestling business. Got some news for ya Kurt, you're done.
Lets completely forget about the fact that Angle played sick to get outta working for them, then lied blatantly to them about saying he'd be back, only to go to the other company and stab the W.W.E. in the back for everything they did for him.

Oh I'm sorry, I forgot that when a qualified doctor tells you that you risk ending up paralised or worse, it should be ignored as mis-information.

Angles own reasons for leaving:

The doctors advised him he needed time off. Angle asked McMahon for it but was declined. Angle then decided to leave WWE so he asked McMahon for his release so he could recouperate. Release granted, TNA offer Angle a deal, why shouldn't he accept?

He can have the time to recouperate with TNA so can still earn his money without the risk of his health. (he IS entitled to take care of his family isn't he?)

WWE wasn't interested in Angles health, they were only interested in the money they could make off him. So what is the difference when Angle looks to take care of HIS money situation.

There is a hell of a lot of double standards on this thread, but then again, most of the posters are WWE marks so I expect it.

I'd be pissed too if my employer was half killing me. I'd do what I had to do to get out of it.
And if any of you lot claim that you wouldn't lie if you had to, to get away from an employer who is half killing you to go to one who will take care of you PLUS pay you more, then your a goddamn fucking lier.
Kurt definitely has been showing a lot of negativity towards the WWE any chance that he gets lately. I understand that he is PRO TNA all the way but I know that it wasn't that bad for him during all of his WWE years. The man had some great classic matches that defined his career over there. He may have gone through some b.s. Behind the curtain but he does seem really bitter about something. Who knows....

*I decided to read some of the many responses and I do remember hearing about the WWE not really taking care of him when his injuries were acting up. I would be bitter and defiant to my former employer as well.
Kurt Angle needs to realize who really put him on the pro wrestling map and made one of the best wrester ever. He acts like TNA made him who he is today. If it wasen't for the WWE would we have gave a damn about him in TNA like we do now, I doubt that. For people saying that he is way better than Triple H and Shawn Micheals( which is 2nd to Ric Flair as one of the best performing wrestlers of all time), if it wasen't for his historic matches with Micheals and his big time fude with Triple H earlier in his carrier would we even look at him as one of the best now NO!
Kurt Angle needs to realize who really put him on the pro wrestling map and made one of the best wrester ever. He acts like TNA made him who he is today. If it wasen't for the WWE would we have gave a damn about him in TNA like we do now, I doubt that. For people saying that he is way better than Triple H and Shawn Micheals( which is 2nd to Ric Flair as one of the best performing wrestlers of all time), if it wasen't for his historic matches with Micheals and his big time fude with Triple H earlier in his carrier would we even look at him as one of the best now NO!

Yeah, because we only want to throw out the fact that his matches with Benoit, Jericho, Rock and the Undertaker were much better then his feud with Triple H in 2000. Or the fact that his feud with Austin, Benoit, and Edge were also much better then his feud with Triple H.

This is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read to be honest. To say that Kurt Angle's career was built around his matches with the Kliq is just dumb. Just throw out any match with Brock, Undertaker, Rock, Austin, Benoit, John Cena, etc. etc...
Lol, well ulimately wrestling is a job. And just like any everyday person working a job, Kurt chose to go with the better one for him. What is wrong with that?

I understand both sides of the argument yet I side with Angle due to the hypocracy of WWE and its fans on the matter.
Its OK for WWE to rip on Angle about the situation. A guy who gave 110% for the company (noboday can argue that). Yet when Angle rips WWE, hes tarnished as the ungrateful one!
Then we have the WWE marks constantly putting down TNA and saying WWE take no notice of them, TNA are no threat to them...
So why was WWE pissed at him joining then? Why are the fans bothered if it doesn't matter?
Its one or the other guys.

Also look at the double standards when it comes to WWE's own top guys.
Triple H was given his major break by WCW before he jumped over to WWE. When at WWE he ripped on WCW on a weekly basis as part of DX, yet that was OK?
Nobody thinks thats ungrateful?
Well neither do I, yet its no different from the Angle situation. Apart from the fact that Angle has the odd dig at WWE for not looking after him (which is true), but HHH went for all out war on WCW as a token of his gratitude.

Angle was offered more money for less work and top place ion a company who takes care of him. How many of you would not do the same?
Again, what is the problem with you people? Your ripping on a guy on behalf of a BILLIONAIRE and a cut throat company who has took away hundreds of peoples livelyhoods while getting to the top. A company and a man that has single handedly destroyed the indipendant wrestling indusrty in America. A man that double crossed how many people over the years.

Its nice when these people get a taste of their own medicine every now and then.
Indeed it is funny especially when the same people that are so anti-WWE for the Benoit situation are applauding WWE's decision to refuse Kurt a lighter schedule to A)Heal his injuries (neck) and B)To go into rehab because of his painkiller addiction. The simple fact is if Kurt had not left there is a good possibility that he could have ended up in a similar situation to Benoit. People should read or listen to some of Kurts interviews on this rather than making assumptions about a topic they know nothing about. Kurt doesn't come across as ungrateful one bit if you listen to the interviews, most of his criticisms are valid and related to the matter of him not been allowed to work a light schedule, and miss house shows.
Also look at the double standards when it comes to WWE's own top guys.
Triple H was given his major break by WCW before he jumped over to WWE. When at WWE he ripped on WCW on a weekly basis as part of DX, yet that was OK?
Nobody thinks thats ungrateful?
Well neither do I, yet its no different from the Angle situation. Apart from the fact that Angle has the odd dig at WWE for not looking after him (which is true), but HHH went for all out war on WCW as a token of his gratitude.

Wait...did I miss something? You consider Terra Rizing to be his big break? Seriously? Being a lower mid carder who jumps ship, and continues to be a lower mid carder until given his chance in the other company is hardly comparable to Kurt Angle, who was made one of the biggest Superstars the WWE had, before jumping ship. HHH was a schmuck in WCW, and the WWF/E made him the star he is. Kurt Angle was already a star when he left WWE for TNA. Why should HHH be grateful for WCW? They made him a jobber. Why should Angle be grateful for WWE? Because they made him their multiple time champion. If not for the WWE, TNA would not have had any interest in Angle, and he wouldn't be getting paid what he is. If not for WCW, HHH would have been...well...still HHH. Considering most people couldn't even tell you HHH was ever in WCW, WCW's impact on his WWF/E career is negligible. Completely the opposite of TNA, who signed a high priced free agent, who was already a household name.
Wait...did I miss something? You consider Terra Rizing to be his big break?.
Yes I do. He was working for the biggest promotion in the world at that time. He was getting TV time. He was known by the fans who followed the WCW product (which at the time amounted to MILLIONS and MILLIONS).
It was his first shot at a "proper" company therefore, irrespective of his status or position on the card, it was his big break.
Look at that new skinny guy on ECW at the moment who has just won his contract (don't really watch WWE anymore so don't know his name). He has debuted and gone months without even ONE win yet you would still consider that this is his big break is it not? Whats the difference clever dick?

Yes "seriously," I never noticed a "only joking" comment on my last post... seriusly, whats wrong with you people always trying to argue?

Considering most people couldn't even tell you HHH was ever in WCW, WCW's impact on his WWF/E career is negligible. Completely the opposite of TNA, who signed a high priced free agent, who was already a household name.

Considering most people couldn't even tell you AJ Styles first started in WCW, it doesn't take anything away from the fact it was WCW who gave him his first break in a mainstream company...
Again, whats the difference?
Be it a major push or carreer as a jobber, the fact is a break is a break.
There is a difference between getting your break, and being a true superstar. You could say the Atlanta Falcons gave Brett Favre his big break too...but, Favre didn't become Favre until he got to Green Bay. Atlanta can't take credit for turning Favre into one the greatest QBs in NFL history, just like Eric Bischoff can't take credit for Triple H. Vince McMahon however, CAN take credit for turning Kurt Angle into the superstar he is. TNA is just living off of the reputation Angle made in the WWE.

Just because you start out somewhere, doesn't mean they made you a star. Paul Levesque was not a star when he left WCW for WWF. Kevin Nash wasn't recognizable to most people as Oz, or Vinnie Vegas, two worthless gimmicks, so WCW can't take credit for the success of the Diesel character...It was the success of Diesel that allowed the Kevin Nash of the nWo, not his former (lack of) success as Vinnie Vegas. He was average at best in WCW, then the WWE made him a top level star, then WCW resigned him as that star. I can play the Who made Who game longer, if you want...Wrestling is filled with stories of guys getting their start somewhere, and then getting famous somewhere else. Triple H is that guy. Kurt Angle is not that guy. Kurt Angle got his start in the WWE, and got famous in the WWE.

Kurt Angle was elevated to the highest position within the company while a member of the WWE. He was given the World title multiple times, unlike the enormous success of Terra Rizing. I am sorry, but you are wrong. There is a vast difference between taking a wrestler and turning him into a superstar and just signing a wrestler that is already a superstar. Perhaps if you were focusing on someone like Christian, who, while in the WWE was never able to get past mid-card status, and then got elevated to main event level in TNA, I could see your point. But, Kurt Angle was as big a name in wrestling as it got in the WWE, and he should thank his lucky stars every day that he went to the WWE first, and got made, and got paid.
I think kurt takes it too far with his WWE bashing. Granted he'd be a big deal even without wwe given the gold medal and all, but they really made him a star. Had he never been tehre, he'd never dominate tna the way he does now. I understand that TNA pays him now and is basically his competition, but there's no need to run him into the ground. If TNA folds and he still wants to wrestle, where does he go? He might get back into wwe, but i can't imagine vince's ego would let him be a main eventer for that long.

Yeah completley agree last night at the House Show in Liverpool for TNA he came out and did a promo and went on how Vince McMahon can kiss his arse and to be fair, why say that for a company that made you in the wrestling business (not amateur wrestling)
Hmm I don't know. It's a tough one to side on either side of because to be perfectly honest none of us know the whole story. I mean, on the surface Angle doesn't seem to be grateful to the WWE and what it did for him. But at the same time Angle is definitely great enough to have made it somewhere else if he hadn't been in the WWE. It's the same argument with The Rock really. Should he have to keep mentioning the WWE and returning etc etc? In normal jobs people have once they leave, they move on.

But also, maybe Angle has a right to be ungrateful. There maybe something that is being kept quiet from the public ad is personal between Angle and McMahon. We can't jump to conclusions that Angle is being ungrateful until we know every part of the story which seems incredibly unlikely will ever come out.
Hmm I don't know. It's a tough one to side on either side of because to be perfectly honest none of us know the whole story. I mean, on the surface Angle doesn't seem to be grateful to the WWE and what it did for him. But at the same time Angle is definitely great enough to have made it somewhere else if he hadn't been in the WWE. It's the same argument with The Rock really. Should he have to keep mentioning the WWE and returning etc etc? In normal jobs people have once they leave, they move on.

But also, maybe Angle has a right to be ungrateful. There maybe something that is being kept quiet from the public ad is personal between Angle and McMahon. We can't jump to conclusions that Angle is being ungrateful until we know every part of the story which seems incredibly unlikely will ever come out.

From interviews ive seen and im not denying there may be two sides to every story, from what i hear is Angle was too beat up to carry on wrestling the wwes schedule. Now i know there maybe things we dont know about but you have to think, disregarding that point Angle was made in his sports entertainment style wrestling in the wwe and he owes a lot to Vince McMahon for building to his level today. He may not want to work for wwe anymore but doesnt mean trash wwe just to make TNA like you more! There needs to be a level of respect and him doing all that does show he doesnt have respect
Yeah completley agree last night at the House Show in Liverpool for TNA he came out and did a promo and went on how Vince McMahon can kiss his arse and to be fair, why say that for a company that made you in the wrestling business (not amateur wrestling)

Deoends how you look at it.

Last time Vince was here, he was getting cheered by the UK fans when he came out.

If Angle was trying to act heelish, it might be a good idea to bash his former master who got a pop thde last few times he has been here
Deoends how you look at it.

Last time Vince was here, he was getting cheered by the UK fans when he came out.

If Angle was trying to act heelish, it might be a good idea to bash his former master who got a pop thde last few times he has been here

Angle did a face promo and got a huge reaction when he said that, its very cheap and very ungrateful whatever way you look on it. He shits on the guy who made him in the wrestling world, thats shooting and disrespectful whatever you look at it!
Kurt should be a professional and not bury the WWE every chance he gets. Who made him rich? The WWE did. Who made him famous? The WWE did (no one watches Olympic wrestling). The man was doing local piza commercials before the WWE. It's ok if Kurt hates the WWE, but keep it to yourself, Kurt. Be a pro. I see kurt turning into the "Superstar Billy Graham" of his day. Like the Superstar, he will say terrible things about the WWE and Vince, then in 10 years time, he will be saying "I'm sorry" and praising Vince and the WWE. Especially when he needs a dozen surgeries once he is totally broken down and wants Vince to foot the bill.
Kurt is playing the role he was brought in for; 'the guy who left the big time for greener pastures' or whatever the hell they want to call it. Now, he does seem to be going over the top in a lot of his interviews to the press, but i'm fairly certain he will never return to the WWE, since at the rate he is going he will put himself out of the game due to injuries.
Does it really matter what he's said, he isn't going back to WWE again. And as far as MMA goes in his future, I seriously doubt his body is going to be anywhere near capable of doing it for the rest of his life. I've always heard that throughout his career he's always had some sorts of nagging injuries and has had a few broken necks (I could be wrong?). Although, he has always told a half truth about him winning the gold medal with a broken neck, as it was only hurting him at the time, not completely broken. He basically left WWE because they feared he might end up killing himself. He'll probably be pursuing an acting career if and/or when TNA goes out of business, he's always said that he's going to do that when he retires from wrestling.
I think Angle is just doing what TNA wants him to do, I think he is being professional, he's doing his job, nothing more. I don't think it is a personal vendetta against WWE or Vince, or anyting. From my understanding when it came time to resign his contract WWE said "Look pal, you've been running hard for a while now, we think you should take a break and then come back and see us, we have a contact waiting and it will be here but you need a break for health reasons" I heard stories that he was taking mass amounts of pain killers because his neck is too fucked up. I think it is all business though. I think TNA reps are saying " Look Kurt, we want you to really bad mouth them, just talk trash and tell people horror storries of WWE or something." I can almost hear Cornett saying these words. I think since he is the biggest aquisition from WWE they want him saying that TNA is so much better but we all know the truth. I like Angle, I think it was a two way street as far as who made him, I think he made the product which was himself, and WWE packaged it and sold it well.

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