Does WWE need Jack Swagger to be their new Kurt Angle?

I demand a Jurt Swangle chat at EVERY Smackdown show from now on!

I have noticed this since the start of his career. I called that sooner or later he would begin to use the Ankle Lock as a finish. The guy defineatly has the ability but sadly he just can't cut a promo to save his soul live and in front of the crowd. He always seem like he really lets the fan get to him which is only going to effect him negetively.
No I don't think he is Kurt Angle 2.0 just because he does the ankle lock doesnt mean he is the next Kurt Angle. If you want to say Jack Swagger is Kurt Angle 2.0. Then you should say that Kurt Angle is a Ken Shamrock 2.0 because as I recall didn't Shamrock used the ankle locked before Angle anyway.
No I don't think he is Kurt Angle 2.0 just because he does the ankle lock doesnt mean he is the next Kurt Angle. If you want to say Jack Swagger is Kurt Angle 2.0. Then you should say that Kurt Angle is a Ken Shamrock 2.0 because as I recall didn't Shamrock used the ankle locked before Angle anyway.
It's not just the move but th whole gimmik. It's the similar cocky american hero who HAS to remind you he is an american hero. If Swagger was just anotehr guy using the Ankle Lock no one would make the comprson but it's almost impossible not to see at least some resemblance.
Jack Swagger is not the next Kurt Angle.Jack Swagger is the first Jack Swagger.I say this because I'm a smart ass,but I really mean it.Jack Swagger is an arrogant collegiate wrestler with a lot of accomplishments that he won't let you forget about. Kurt Angle only ever pushed that one accomplishment; the '96 Olympics.He wasn't an American Hero,he was an Olympic Hero.He went out of his way to prove he was better than everyone else('member Sexy Kurt?).He went after HHH's wife numerous times,and succeeded a time or two.Kurt Angle was over the top,overly excited,and was dangerous in the ring and could be a goof when he wanted.

Swaggie USED to be over stimulated,until he won the title.Then he mellowed out and is now trying to show us how dangerous he can be with his amateur wrestling background.
He's not very entertaining on the mic,and he has a long way to go before I'll even believe him as champion.
Jack Swagger is not the next Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle is something special, that will not be found in this guy. Simply put, no. I think WWE is trying to push him too much as the next Kurt Angle, but it won't happen. Just looking back, there aren't nearly as many tools as there was back during Angle's first push. Swagger has the tools to be good, but not Kurt Angle great.

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