Jack Swagger, the future of the WWE

Swagger has impressed me so far, largely due to the fact that he has managed to be a heel, but still have a fairly patriotic kind of gimmick, something that is hard to acheive and rarely seen.

That being said, a large part of it is due to him having the world's most punchable face. Seriously, even Mother Teresa would have hard job not to want to punch him in his big cheesy grin.

He has beaten pretty much everyone that is a legitimate contender to the ECW crown at the moment, except Mark Henry, although I think a win against Miz or Morrison before his championship match would have helped him immensely. The fact he had to beat Ortiz was a bit of a joke, but I guarantee you that it would have been Bourne in that match if he wasn't injured, and as he has already competed for the championship, it would be a more legitimate contender eliminator.

I think they need to keep the title on Swagger for the forseeable future, and then have him move to the top of the midcard on one of the other two shows. By top of the midcard, I mean those above the US and IC titles, but who only get championship shots in things like Elimination chambers and scrambles.

Either that, or they need to bring some of the other next big things onto ECW like Kennedy, Kendrick and MVP to fued with him at a higher level. For the meantime, I see a fued against Hardy until Bourne returns, taking him through to a fued with Dreamer as part of the retirement angle.
Swagger will get upset by Tommy Dreamer at Wrestlemania, and soon after, get drafted to either RAW or SD. Depending on whoever else gets moved around in the draft, I see Swagger as the champion on smackdown in the next 8 months to a year. I think HHH will end up back on RAW, both Hardys will goto smackdown, as well as CM PUNK, Kennedy, JBL, Mysterio and perhaps even Jericho. Raw should end up with HHH, Edge, Big Show as well as The Miz and Morrison. Umaga, MVP, Kane, and Knox may be good suitors for ECW. For an ECW face, either Ron Killings or Ricky Ortiz(if he wasn't such a meat-head with limited talent) I feel they dropped the ball with Knox the first time he was in ECW, and a return with a title run could very well make him a top heel in the company. I also predict that Paul Burchill, Dirk Ziggler, Marc Henry and Finlay may all be unemployed by the WWE by summerslam, due to the fact that these guys are NOT very entertaining. Santino as ECW champion could be interesting as well, I would LOVE to see a Dreamer(as ECW gm) vs Santino(champion-top heal) fued.
What is the big deal about this guy? Yes, he is a solid talent. Matt Hardy dopped that title to him way to early. There was no real build to that title loss at all. It served as a bit of a shock, but there could have been more to it had they planned it out. Swagger seemingly has all the tools even the entrance music to be a successful star, but why the rush?

Someone on here said champion on SD in 8 months. Are kidding me? He is still a work, and I would much rather see him create a legacy, not foce it down my throat. His lisp alone should keep him out of the main event scene, until he learns to control it. Again he is a solid talent, and I'm glad he is on ECW. They treat that world title as trash anyhow, so I can see the logic behind him having the title right now. The question now is. How long will Matt feud for that title, and stay in ECW?

Matt could easily be called up to SD, or RAW in a trade or match clause. What "face" on ECW would draw like Hardy, or come close to? Perhaps Evan Bourne when he is back? I doubt it. DJ Gabriel is possible, but not likely. Dreamer makes the most sense, and I could see him using the "retiring" angle. Dreamer winning the ECW world title, and then retiring as ECW world champion would be monumental. that way their can be a tournament for the ECW world title. ECW owes a ton to Dreamer, and since it truly isn't ECW anymore they should let the man retire with the original ECW title. Also he should become part owner (storyline wise) of the ECW brand. Maybe even GM.

If this is where Swagger's career is going, then I'm ok with that. Being known for retiring Dreamer would help get him over. Then, possibly in the ECW title tournament he comes out the victor. Thats what ECW used to be about. It used to be about crossings the lines between right, and wrong just to see how much you had to give to the fans. Dreamer having to hand the title back to the man who he won it off of in a real match would be crazy. I could see Dreamer coming out of retirement, using his power part owner/GM and make an impromptu match with tommy winning the title back again. That was the type of thing that could happen in ECW back in the good ol' days.
Aside from his cheese factor and a boring outfit that doesn't make him very distinctive from a local jobber, I like the dude's moveset. It's cool that he uses one of his mentor's finishers -- the doctor bomb. Or, at least a variation of it. He has the charisma to be a huge potential star in the future. I can see that. But, for now, he still needs a lot of work polishing up. I personally don't think the ECW title should be around his waist right now. He should've gotten more development and build first. He should've been involved in a lengthy feud for months, before even getting a shot at a title. I'm not a fan of fresh wrestlers getting early title wins (ex. CM Punk, Carlito, Christian, etc). It just makes the title look too easy to grab, despite its worth to the IWC. Anyways, I'll have to see what more he can bring to the table for ECW and the title for me to be impressed by him. Additionally, his undefeated singles streak can definitely make him look better than past holders.
Now that Matt Hardy is a heel Jack Swagger needs a good face to feud with. Who better than Rob Van Dam. I think that RVD will make a good feud with Swagger and bring some prestige to the ECW World Title. I hope RVD's Royal Rumble entry and the response from the fans shows Vince how much he needs him.
Now that Matt Hardy is a heel Jack Swagger needs a good face to feud with. Who better than Rob Van Dam. I think that RVD will make a good feud with Swagger and bring some prestige to the ECW World Title. I hope RVD's Royal Rumble entry and the response from the fans shows Vince how much he needs him.

While I fully admit the return of Rob Van Dam is something that could be much needed, it was merely a one night return in my assumption. The Rumble took place in Detroit, and Van Dam is from Battle Creek. I'm sure that's the only reason he was even in it.

Swagger's next logical feud is likely going to be with Finlay, leading them into WrestleMania. Do I think that's the right choice? No. But do I firmly believe that's the only choice (outside of Ricky Ortiz) that they have? Yes.

The Miz & John Morrison could come in second, and I'm assuming they're saving the Tommy Dreamer match for later down the road, albeit a Mania match with Dreamer/Swagger isn't out of the question and could be huge. (by E.C.W. standards)
I hope with all of my heart that they wont let Swagger feud with Henry, Finlay or Ortiz but then again thats the only competition Swagger has. DJ Gabriel still hasnt build enough momentum to feud against Swagger and if they did let these two feud that would be a grave mistake.

From my personal perspective i think the best thing right now would be that either

1. All the superstars of the ECW roster try to take a shot against Swagger, but that almost never happens when a heel is a champion.

2. They let either The Miz or Morrison feud with Swagger or maybe even both. This would make everything more interesting and it would cause M&M to finaly break up. But then again since all of them are a heel, someone would need to turn face. And who better than John Morrison?

This could be the perfect chance to turn Morrison into a face. By letting him win the ECW title the Miz would be trying to beat him and Swagger too. And then Swagger should regain the title feud to with Dreamer and afterwards they should send Dreamer and Swagger to either Wrestlemania or One Night Stand.
Wow, today was the first ever time i Saw the Swagger. And i can say I am deeply Impressed. He shows alot of talent and is Somebody worthy of the ECW championship. He had a great match against Hardy today and moved almost like a veteran in that match. Ofcourse there is room for improvement as with any rookie but he is the standout Of all the Rookies. when i first heard people talking about him, I thought oh wow here we go, another one... but this guy I can see going along way If the WWE treat him right.

I agree with the fact he is part of the future of the WWE, he might not be as good as the Rock or Austin but will end up at least as popular as someone like Batista seeing he is far better then batista. Lets just hope something comes up for him soon So he isnt stuck fueding with the same people.
I'm very impressed with Jack as champion. He's done everything right thus far. But a potential problem is rising. He has no challengers! That is not good at all. Swagger can have a short feud with Finlay, but he'll need something bigger to get on the Wrestlemania card. I suggest they move Rey Mysterio to ECW to face Swagger for the title at wrestlemania. That would probably be a pretty good match. It'd get both the casual fans (Rey) and the smart fans (Swagger) excited for the match. Swagger would win in the end of course.
The day RVD and Sabu official left ECW, I swore I would never watch McMahon's version of ECW again. Three weeks ago I was flipping through the channels on a Tuesday night and I came across ECW- Jack Swagger vs. whoever. I planned to continue channel surfing but I was hooked immediately. Swagger was so fresh and interesting to me, I had to watch. And then I found myself watching the following week...and again the next week. I still don't watch the full hour with interest, but I watch Swagger's segments intently.

This guy is the total package. He has a great look, great wrestling skill, a ton of charisma and is decent on the mic (the lisp is even somewhat endearing). This guy has the "it" factor. He has elements of some very talented wrestlers: I can best describe Swagger as a cross between Randy Orton and Bryan Danielson, with maybe a hint of John Morrison. Crazy combo, but that's what I take from him. I can officially say that I am a fan and I can't wait to see what the future holds for Jack Swagger.
Honestly, I do not know enough about Swagger to make a good decision. I do feel that he is not good enough to be a world champion yet. But then, I dont even consider the ECW title as a world title, its more upper-mid card title. If he can stay healthy and work on his skills he could have a future. But, then again I could be wrong on that. I never thought Cena was much of a wrestler, since he does the same 3 or 4 moves all the time, but he has cheaped his way to a few world titles.
i agree jack swagger aint shit, theres no way that he deserves the ecw title. even if it is just a prop.
give it to dreamer an let him bring back sum of the prestige an value.

i guess its all about how far up vinces rectum ur willing to go.
I've quickly become a fan of Jack Swagger, and I was impressed with his time on TV tonight. He didn't appear in a match, and didn't get involved in any physicality until the end of the show.

The opening segment was gold, and added to his character well. The rest of the show, for him, was a bit slow, but it gave him TV time, which is what any champion needs to either be a good heel, or a good face. The closing segment of the show was amazing in my eyes. It strengthened his role as a heel with him telling Finlay he's as bad in the ring, as he is as a father. It shocked me, but impressed me at the same time. I'm not sold on Finlay being a title contender, but I can't help but think this will be great for Swagger. He won't drop the title yet (hopefully), but he can finally suffer his first loss, and then bounce back as the angry heel, and go on a tear until a credible face develops (or returns...), and then he can move on to bigger things on RAW or Smackdown.
I honestly dislike Jack Swagger, even his name is cliche.
Everything about this guy is a walking sterotype.
He is a fresh-faced, arrogant, amateur wrestler.

Kurt Angle
Shelton Benjamin
Charlie Haas
Bobby Lashley
The Steiners

He's too sterotypical
I honestly dislike Jack Swagger, even his name is cliche.
Everything about this guy is a walking sterotype.
He is a fresh-faced, arrogant, amateur wrestler.

Kurt Angle
Shelton Benjamin
Charlie Haas
Bobby Lashley
The Steiners

He's too sterotypical

Stereotypical, yes. But, every one of these wrestlers you named has achieved gold, and a credible career, outside of Charlie Haas.

Kurt Angle is arguably on of the best wrestlers in the business today, and has done well with every belt that he's held, every championship he has chased, and every feud he has worked.

Shleton Benjamin has held an assortment of titles, and is a credible heel on Smackdown. He seems to be in line for a push, and could do well as a low main-eventer.

Bobby Lashley could've done so much more in the WWE, but moved on to what he felt was a bigger, better career for him. He held the ECW title, and probably would've held any other title that he wanted, if he took the chance at staying in the WWE.

The Steiners were an excellent tag team. They're one of the best of their era, and held great feuds with every tag team they faced. Scott Steiner went on to the bigger singles career, but Rick wasn't too shabby in the ring himself. I'm not personally a fan of "Big Poppa Pump", but he was definitely a favorite of mine as a member of the tag team.
I'll give you that, but it's not my point or even my thought process.

My thought process is there is that few of this gimmick get over with the crowd.

It's just washed up and I'm sick of seeing it
Swagger being an amateur wrestler is a great asset to him. It gives him a great set of basics to draw from that sets him apart from so many of his colleagues. All of those guys you mentioned are indeed amateurs and one of them is currently a flop. Angle may be the best in the world today, Shelton has so much potential it's hard to believe, Lashley was pushed to the moon and the Steiners are in the debate for best tag team of all time. Swagger's name is great. How cocky does that name sounds? Jack Swagger. Perfect. Throw the leather jacket on and the hair the way he is and he's just so easy to hate. The key thing is though he's easy to hate and has the in ring ability to back it up. A heel that can wrestle. What an idea!
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I'll give you that, but it's not my point or even my thought process.

My thought process is there is that few of this gimmick get over with the crowd.

It's just washed up and I'm sick of seeing it

My point is that it works, and they're sticking with it. If he can do well with the ECW belt, and then move on to the bigger, better things that most of us see him achieving, I'm pretty sure his gimmick will change a little. He'll always be the fresh-faced amateur wrestler, and he'll always have the "Swagger", but his mic skills will continue to improve (the lisp doesn't bother me personally), and his repertoire will grow with the more guys he's put up against. He'll learn how to work a feud with guys like Finlay and Dreamer around him, and he'll learn more when he gets to the big time.

Even if he doesn't get a wider offense, I don't mind the mat wrestling. I'd like to see his matches stay a little old school, and more wrestling-based than entertainment-based. It just might be crazy enough to work...
My point is that it works, and they're sticking with it. If he can do well with the ECW belt, and then move on to the bigger, better things that most of us see him achieving, I'm pretty sure his gimmick will change a little. He'll always be the fresh-faced amateur wrestler, and he'll always have the "Swagger", but his mic skills will continue to improve (the lisp doesn't bother me personally), and his repertoire will grow with the more guys he's put up against. He'll learn how to work a feud with guys like Finlay and Dreamer around him, and he'll learn more when he gets to the big time.

Even if he doesn't get a wider offense, I don't mind the mat wrestling. I'd like to see his matches stay a little old school, and more wrestling-based than entertainment-based. It just might be crazy enough to work...

I honestly dislike Jack Swagger, even his name is cliche.

Oh realy?, then where have you heard such a name before?

Everything about this guy is a walking sterotype.
He is a fresh-faced, arrogant, amateur wrestler.

No he's not a walking stereotype. Most rookies cant even make a crowd intrested in them but Swagger did that in a short period of time. And even though he has a slight problem with his lisp, the guy is silver on the mic.

Kurt Angle

You may well be right about this comparison.

Shelton Benjamin

Oh you mean the gold in the ring but shit on the mic standard?

Charlie Haas

Huh?? comparing Jack Swagger a champion to some clown that is copying other gimmicks for a comic relief?

Bobby Lashley

Meh, was pushed way too fast

The Steiners

Boring. That is all.

He's too sterotypical

Nah not realy, you just haven't looked good at Swagger.
Kid Chameleon said:
agree jack swagger aint shit, theres no way that he deserves the ecw title. even if it is just a prop.
He's young, athletic, and a great wrestler. That's far better than anything else ECW has. I guess you're going to suggest to give the ECW title to some old jobber?

give it to dreamer an let him bring back sum of the prestige an value.
Oh Snap! You did suggest they give the title to some washed up jobber. If you knew anything about wrestling you'd know that giving a supposed world title to a guy that loses 90% of his matches is just ignorant. Jack Swagger is going to do more for the ECW title than any other wrestler in recent years has. He's just that damn talented.

i guess its all about how far up vinces rectum ur willing to go.
I guess being a great athlete with a great look and really good wrestling skills means nothing? I'm convinced you're just a Delusional Matt Hardy fan.
It's far too early to declare Jack Swagger the future of the WWE. I for one think the guy is enjoyable, but I don't see anything in him that screams, holy shit, this guy is going to be world championship material in the next few years. There are plenty of other guys on the roster that appear to have more talent and charisma then this guy has.

Swagger has pure power, and that background which is awesome, but he lacks the intenstity of a guy like Brock Lesnar or Kurt Angle. Usually guys that thrive with that technical background have somethign much more to them. As I said, Angle, Lesnar, Benoit, all had that intensity, I dare say, Rage inside of the ring that propelled you to watch them. Swagger doesn't have that yet. swagger has some sweet power, but how much will that power help him outside the realm of ECW. There are no true power guys in ECW outside of Mark Henry, and beating up on guys of similar size or smaller works well right now, but if he makes the jump, those power moves might not mean shit if he cant lift a big show or Khali.

I'm indifferent towards swagger at this poitn. He's good for what he is, the guy holding the glorified OCW championship for the WWE. He's young, which is a plus, he's got the ability, whcih is a plus. He needs way too much more time before anyone can say anything definitive about him. Guys like Morrison, Miz, Punk, Kingston and the like already have more going for them then Swagger does, and he's going to have to leap frog that group.
It's far too early to declare Jack Swagger the future of the WWE. I for one think the guy is enjoyable, but I don't see anything in him that screams, holy shit, this guy is going to be world championship material in the next few years. There are plenty of other guys on the roster that appear to have more talent and charisma then this guy has.

Swagger has pure power, and that background which is awesome, but he lacks the intenstity of a guy like Brock Lesnar or Kurt Angle. Usually guys that thrive with that technical background have somethign much more to them. As I said, Angle, Lesnar, Benoit, all had that intensity, I dare say, Rage inside of the ring that propelled you to watch them. Swagger doesn't have that yet. swagger has some sweet power, but how much will that power help him outside the realm of ECW. There are no true power guys in ECW outside of Mark Henry, and beating up on guys of similar size or smaller works well right now, but if he makes the jump, those power moves might not mean shit if he cant lift a big show or Khali.

I'm indifferent towards swagger at this poitn. He's good for what he is, the guy holding the glorified OCW championship for the WWE. He's young, which is a plus, he's got the ability, whcih is a plus. He needs way too much more time before anyone can say anything definitive about him. Guys like Morrison, Miz, Punk, Kingston and the like already have more going for them then Swagger does, and he's going to have to leap frog that group.
I say it's way too early to say that Swagger is the future of the WWE. Sure he has the power game but just like Shockmaster said how much of that power will help him if he has to lift guys like Big Show or Khali. He needs a little more of a technical style with some intensity added to it cause the greatest technical wrestlers like Angle & Benoit all had the intensity & it helped them big time. He will also have to do much more to be considered one of the top young guys like Morrison, Kofi, Miz & Punk.
Oh realy?, then where have you heard such a name before?

Have you ever heard of the word?
His last name is Swagger
He is confident.
I refer to that as a cliche.

No he's not a walking stereotype. Most rookies cant even make a crowd intrested in them but Swagger did that in a short period of time. And even though he has a slight problem with his lisp, the guy is silver on the mic.

Take an English class Commander Smart.
Sterotype. Commonly used. Overused
His Gimmick is OVERUSED.
God damn.

You may well be right about this comparison.

Not saying he is Kurt Angle, saying he has the same gimmick

Oh you mean the gold in the ring but shit on the mic standard?

Again, same gimmick.

Huh?? comparing Jack Swagger a champion to some clown that is copying other gimmicks for a comic relief?

Once again, same gimmick. At least when Haas started out

Meh, was pushed way too fast

One more time, same gimmick to start.
And another little added pwn. Swaggers getting pushed pretty fast huh?

Boring. That is all.


OVERALL, If you're going to try and own me here, try and understand what the fuck I'm saying

Nah not realy, you just haven't looked good at Swagger.

Yeah, you're right. What the hell am I doing here? I'm not a wrestling fan! I dont know anything about wrestling!


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