Jack Swagger, the future of the WWE

The time is now guys. Come one, come all, its time for ECW to officially become Jack Swaggers show, as he takes the ECW title off of Matt Hardy next week. I belive this for a number of reasons

there is no reason not to. You dont build someone up like this, just to loose to Hardy. what benefit does that pay anyone?? Swaggers rise is ended, and it does nothing at all to elevate Matty. Matt is one of the most over faces in the whole E, and if Jack Swagger beats him, especially by unsavory means, he wil gain mega heat. PULL THE TRIGGER

Hardy has feuded with them all. Finlay got a shot, all the heels have had a shot, and we had to suffer through a laborious feud with Mizark Henry. He has nothing left on the brand, since WWE is so dead set on pushing miz and Morrison as a tag team. Swagger can feud with faces, and a returning Evan Bourne.

Lets continue to build the star. as has been stated over and over here in this thread, the guy has every concievable tool to be HUGE in this buisness. Why stop the build now??? Elevate him to a level were he can be on PPV, and lets keep grooming him for a draft spot to one of the big two this summer.

Lets get this title on the next big star. Lets get this title on Jack Swagger. Teusday, it shall be so kiddies
The time is now guys. Come one, come all, its time for ECW to officially become Jack Swaggers show, as he takes the ECW title off of Matt Hardy next week. I belive this for a number of reasons

NorCal, please note that I am a fan of Jack Swagger and I want what's best for him, and therefore I disagree with this post. Swagger only joined the ECW roster a few months ago and needs to develop further before he can win the ECW Championship. The ECW Title is used for guys who are in the upper mid-carder, and Jack simply isn't at that level in his career.

there is no reason not to. You dont build someone up like this, just to loose to Hardy. what benefit does that pay anyone?? Swaggers rise is ended, and it does nothing at all to elevate Matty. Matt is one of the most over faces in the whole E, and if Jack Swagger beats him, especially by unsavory means, he wil gain mega heat. PULL THE TRIGGER

Actually if Jack dominants most of the match but Hardy wins via Twist of Fate out of nowhere, it benefits both superstars. It makes Swagger look strong and it makes Hardy retain his title at the same time. If Matt Hardy loses the title now, where does he go from here on ECW? He's done it all. Swagger's biggest victories have been against Finlay and Tommy Dreamer. He obviously isn't ready to be the face of an entire show. The slower the push, the better it will be for him.

Hardy has feuded with them all. Finlay got a shot, all the heels have had a shot, and we had to suffer through a laborious feud with Mizark Henry. He has nothing left on the brand, since WWE is so dead set on pushing miz and Morrison as a tag team. Swagger can feud with faces, and a returning Evan Bourne.

:lmao: Mizark. I love it!

See, but who would Swagger feud with over the belt? He's already faced Dreamer, Finlay and is about to wrestle Matt Hardy. And I'm not even sure when Evan Bourne is set to return. Plus, Matt Hardy is somebody who has accomplished enough to carry ECW on his shoulders. Swagger's career highlight so far is beating Finlay on ECW.

Lets continue to build the star. as has been stated over and over here in this thread, the guy has every concievable tool to be HUGE in this buisness. Why stop the build now??? Elevate him to a level were he can be on PPV, and lets keep grooming him for a draft spot to one of the big two this summer.

Yes, he has potential to be a star in the making. But why rush his push so soon? Slow and steady pushes have been proven to be the better option. See Batista and John Cena for examples. The build doesn't have to stop, and it doesn't have to consist of an early reign as the ECW Champion. He should be drafted to Raw sometime this year so he can win the Intercontinental Title. After that, have him tag team with somebody of similar potential so they hopefully become as successful as the Miz and John Morrison, then have him win the ECW Title right before winning a proper World Title.

Patience NorCal. Moving slow and steady will benefit him in the long run. You don't want to waste an early push on somebody who will improve in the future.
I don't see Swagger winning the title or at least clean, they need to somehow push the guy as a heel competitor, so if he wins clean... nothing will make sense because Hardy will only got a rematch, if he wins by DQ then they will have another match and at least fill up until Wrestlemania.

After Wrestlemania I don't see anyone that could feud with Swagger after Hardy, until at least the draft, only if someone else appears with enough talent to do it, the only person in the WWE I could see going to ECW right now and be a good opponent to Swagger is Kofi, he is doing nothing right now at RAW, he could go back and then at June being transfered again but to SmackDown! or something, and Swagger would receive another possible opponent.

Other thing that could happen is Kozlov interfering in the match and costing a DQ to Matt Hardy, and making it a Triple Threat at No Way Out, and Kozlov could beat Hardy without Swagger losing his streak... apparently they forgot all about Kozlov and Hardy match at Armaggedon and I just don't know why...
I agree with Norcal have Swagger team with Ziggler for the tag titles then swagger can turn on ZIggler and feud for #1 cotendership, that will elevate them so much that they are then ready to become main event.

BUT if swagger were to win the ECW title he should have a short reign as to make him want to have a longer solid reign giving him something to do until drafted.Giving someone a quick push might make swagger leave sooner thinking that he's doomed to be stuck on ECW and then go to TNA and become the best wrestler on the frontline or M.E.M. if they wanted him to go that route.
I have been a fan and supporter of Jack Swagger since his debut and I say he is the future and should win the ECW title. Matt has held the title long enough and face all that could be faced and should lose to Swagger to make ECW a little less boring and to help put over Jack. I think Swagger is very soild in the ring, has decent mic skills, and charisma and the skill to make people hate. I am against putting titles on young guys to early but the ECW title really doesn't mean shit and I think it will benefit Swagger. Let him hold the ECW title til the draft and dominate ECW(while crossing brands and dominating as well)Then like Lashley have him drafted to Raw or Smackdown get stripped of the belt and let him go on from there.

Swagger looks to have a bright future and as long as creative sticks behind him and as long as he doesn't screw up, I could see Swagger have a nice long promising future in the WWE.
My views may be misguided, and that's because I almost never get to watch ECW and, aside from only the stuff I've read about young Jack Swagger, all I have to go by him is his one house match with Matt Hardy I saw, so I apologize if I offend anyone. I'll try not to, he does seem like a good young talent. The guy is definitely good at getting some heat. I've seen a couple of these young talents in ECW and usually they look nothing like thrown together jobbers. They get little to zero reaction from the audience. Swagger has shown to be a natural heat getter, the smile, the baby faced, clean cut, all-american look. The gimmick is also nice, tough all american, so you know that means some good mat wrestling. We've seen less and less god mat technicians since Angle left the WWE. I guess the good ones are choosing to go to MMA and UFC, but off subject. While I can't comment at all on his mic skills, his match with Hardy left a little something to be desired. I know it wasn't Hardy's best, and we shouldn't expect the very best matches when Hardy is the opponent, but Swagger looked awful at times. The kid definitely still needs a little fine tuning, especially in his timing and balance. What I did like about him those, was his ability to keep his heat throughout the match. As rough as it was at times, he kept the crowd hating him throughout the match. The kids got some good personality, a good look and a pretty great gimmick, but I think he still needs a little more work on his wrestling skills before he gets any kind of push where he becomes ECW champion. ECW really needs to increase the size of their roster a bit and even out the number of faces and heels. ECW has always been small on faces.

Any way, a feud with Hardy, where Swagger dominants most of the match and then Matt sneaks the Twist of Fate and wins, will still do wonders for Swagger, much like how Ziggler is being taken somewhat seriously simply because he held his own and actually dominated a good portion of his match verse Batista. From there Swagger could start appearing on RAW more and get some more exposure. When Bourne returns, Swagger should then feud with him and again keep building and improving. The kid does have a lot of potential and I think he can be very good someday. He just needs a little more time first. Let's not push him before he's ready, let's build him up strong and then watch him solidify himself as a middle card/main event when he's ready.
Anyone say Brock Lesnar without the angry look.

He has the look and ability, but that lisp "geeeesh" i know he can't help it but it's not condusive to taking notice of what he's saying

So yeah, i predict he'll be more of a Brock Lesnar than a Mr Perfect.
Unlike most people the WWE attempts to push Jack Swagger is actually pretty good. He will most likely be a main eventer and i think he does have the talent required but the WWE needs to slow the fuck down. Just as a general rule. They are starting to push people way to fast, let them build a legitimate connection with the audience (if they are face) before you start really pushing them and if they are heel let them start to draw some really good heat before they are pushed. Its better to push people after they are ready rather then before they are ready. they really need to make the most out of this Jack Swagger fellow. Have him win the ECW title and carry it for a while, maybe do the angle where he is criticized for not being a truly "extreme" champion so he goes through a series of hardcore matches to prove himself. This could generate interest in him and the brand. Eventually he can start talking about how he doesn't need these weapons and shit and how he has the technical skill to beat ppl without resorting to crude hardcore stuff, this would draw some serious heat, especially if he backs up his words(this makes him look stonger in kayfabe as well). After he continues to develop his mic skills and wrestling skills on ecw move him to raw or smackdown and have him work in the IC title or US title division for about a year. He cna have some great feuds in the midcard: against faces such as Mysterio, CM Punk, mr kennedy and Kofi Kingston. NOW hes ready for a main event level push. He needs to expand his character and add some new dimensions to it and he needs to continue to improve in the ring and he will be a top star. Swagger vs. Cena would be an interesting feud. The storyline could be something along the lines of who the true american hero is (playing off of Jack Swaggers all american american gimmick). Could be interesting and could really help elevate Swagger.
I'll be the first guy to say I judged Jack Swagger from the very start and felt he wouldn't be anything worth watching. And I'll be the first guy to say I was dead wrong.

Jack Swagger has become one of the few reasons E.C.W. is watchable. I mean, look at the remaining options..

Mark Henry? The 'black push' is over, as many would say.

Finlay? The only reason he's worth mentioning, is because little children get to come into the ring and dance.. that's not E.C.W., that's the Mickey Mouse Club.

The Miz & John Morrison? Hey, they were the bright spot of the show, but like other bright spots before them.. they earned a transfer to Raw.

Matt Hardy? He's good, and kept the brand afloat for a time, but he's desperately ran out of options. How many more times could they possibly match him against Mark Henry before people start booing, and or simply flipping the channel.. if it hasn't happened already.

Ricky Ortiz? I'm so sick of this guy. My first impression of Swagger should've been the overall impression I gave this guy.. he sucks, he isn't going to make it, and I'm flat-out shocked he's even getting a chance. The Ricky-O rally towel? W.. T.. F?!

So with all that being said, Ladies and Gentlemen.. the future is Jack Swagger, and the future begins Tuesday. Even in a losing effort, Swagger will continue to prove why he deserves to be the top guy.

And only a screw-up in storylines will cause him to lose, because it sure won't be due to effort. Swagger deserves the title, more than anyone. Matt Hardy has had more than enough time to attempt turning the brand around.. but his time has run out.

Swagger can feud with practically anyone on that brand. Hardy, Finlay, Dreamer, Ortiz, even Henry. Swagger for all reasons, should become the new Champion before the end of this month. Be it Tuesday, or a rematch at the Rumble.
Swagger only joined the ECW roster a few months ago and needs to develop further before he can win the ECW Championship. The ECW Title is used for guys who are in the upper mid-carder, and Jack simply isn't at that level in his career.

Develop further to win the ugly ass nearly wothless third tier show title?? Hardly. If anything, he deserves better, a US or IC title run, but alas, this is what we have to work with. Lets go over the list of champions for this year...

Cm Punk
Mizark Henry
Matty Harvey

Really Rust??? Jack Swagger isnt on the level of the above mentioned?? Chavo and Henry are better??? How about we be serious.

Actually if Jack dominants most of the match but Hardy wins via Twist of Fate out of nowhere, it benefits both superstars. It makes Swagger look strong and it makes Hardy retain his title at the same time. If Matt Hardy loses the title now, where does he go from here on ECW? He's done it all. Swagger's biggest victories have been against Finlay and Tommy Dreamer. He obviously isn't ready to be the face of an entire show. The slower the push, the better it will be for him.

Hardy feuds with Swagger, and then goes elsewere. Obviously. they can at least keep this rollin until NWO. Its not as if Hardy's carreer will be ruined by him having "nothing to do" he is one of the most over guys in the whole fed. He wil be fine/

Swaggers biggest victories are over Finlay and Dreamer you say?? well, please direct me to who else he was supposed to beat on ECW?? What are these oh so prestigous victories he couldve gotten that would make him deserving in your eyes???

See, but who would Swagger feud with over the belt? He's already faced Dreamer, Finlay and is about to wrestle Matt Hardy. And I'm not even sure when Evan Bourne is set to return. Plus, Matt Hardy is somebody who has accomplished enough to carry ECW on his shoulders. Swagger's career highlight so far is beating Finlay on ECW.

and who would Hardy feud with over the belt after this??? BTW, Evan Bourne is due back in a month, so there is your answer as to who Swagger is going to feud with, along with some rematches with Hardy, and of course, a guy who he has rivaled since he came into the WWE, in Ricky Ortiz. Couple these with them being able to easily revisit the Finlay and Dreamer feuds, and he has plenty to do until he can get drafted to one of the big 2. Add to the fact that the brand split isnt exactly the most rigid thing in the world.

Yes, he has potential to be a star in the making. But why rush his push so soon? Slow and steady pushes have been proven to be the better option. See Batista and John Cena for examples. The build doesn't have to stop, and it doesn't have to consist of an early reign as the ECW Champion.

You act as if he is going over Triple H, John Cena, and then the Undertaker in a world title unifacation gauntlet of hell match at Wrestlemania. Its just fucking Matt Hardy and his ugly ass tin can belt on a weekly one hour show that about 27 people watch. Its not over pushing at all. Add to the fact that super pushes for heels have MUCH less potential for backlash that super pushes for faces, simply becuase of the phsycology and disposition of the character. Dont belive it, just look at what our wonderfull main event for Survivor Series ended up being. And it was totally belivable. Everyone was crying out for a Kennedy title reighn OH so fast, and he isnt HALF the in ring worker that Swagger is. I also find it funny you go on to say he should go the route of Morrison right after this...im pretty sure I recollect Morrison being ECW champ for about 4 months TWO YEARS ago....jus sayin...

be drafted to Raw sometime this year so he can win the Intercontinental Title

ah, kinda like the guy who is the major storyline currently taking place surrounding the IC title?? CM Punk is his name yea??? remind me, if you could, what was he doing the months leading up to him being drafted to RAW....I mustve been imagining things...

After that, have him tag team with somebody of similar potential

Except for two things

1. putting him in a tag team would be an absolutely horrendous idea, and a huge waste

2. no one HAS simular potential. I seriously belive this guy could be main eventing on one of the big two by this time next year. If Kozlov can do it, Jack Swagger SURE as fuck can.

Its time to give people a damn reason to watch ECW. Give Jack Swagger this belt next week WWE.
Swagger only joined the ECW roster a few months ago and needs to develop further before he can win the ECW Championship. The ECW Title is used for guys who are in the upper mid-carder, and Jack simply isn't at that level in his career.

While NorCal pretty much hit everything out of the ball-park, Rusty, I'm in shock that you'd even say what you have.. and I pretty much feel the need to say something.

Okay, first.. "develop further"? We are talking about an individual competing for a Championship that the likes of Kane, Chavo Guerrero & Mark Henry have won.

Swagger is more developed in his few monthes of being on the active roster than those three, combined. If he gets any more "developed" he'll be moved to Raw with the rest of the talent that gets too big for the Sunday Night Heat known as E.C.W.

Actually if Jack dominants most of the match but Hardy wins via Twist of Fate out of nowhere, it benefits both superstars. It makes Swagger look strong and it makes Hardy retain his title at the same time.

How do you figure? It'd make Swagger look horrible. I never got why people felt if someone controlled the whole match, yet lost because of ONE MOVE, how that didn't hurt them?

Take Jeff Hardy's dominance over Randy Orton at the Royal Rumble last year. Hardy controlled everything, and outside of like 1 R.K.O., Hardy took NO punishment.. yet lost.

It made Hardy look incredibly weak, especially when you consider most people kick out of other people's finishers these days. So if Swagger dominates, then drops for 3 all because of 1 Twist of Fate.. it'll kill ALL of Swagger's momentum.

If Matt Hardy loses the title now, where does he go from here on ECW? He's done it all. Swagger's biggest victories have been against Finlay and Tommy Dreamer. He obviously isn't ready to be the face of an entire show. The slower the push, the better it will be for him.

Dreamer & Finlay.. ARE the entire show. :lmao: Come on, Rusty, open your eyes and get on the band-wagon.

The only individual Swagger hasn't defeated yet is Mark Henry, and that's likely because the only way heel v. heel would work, is if the title was on the line.

Swagger defeated the original in Dreamer. He defeated the brawler in Finlay, he defeated his rival new-comer in Ortiz, and he's pinned the Champion in Tag matches. Swagger's already done everything needed to become the next Champion.

If he wins, it takes us to a rematch and a deeper feud with Matt Hardy. Likely followed by Finlay, then Ortiz & Henry.

If Hardy wins.. it takes us where? Back to Henry.. again. If you really wanna see that, youtube the shit. You'll be the only guy doing it.

See, but who would Swagger feud with over the belt? He's already faced Dreamer, Finlay and is about to wrestle Matt Hardy. And I'm not even sure when Evan Bourne is set to return.

Once you win a Championship, you begin re-feuding with everyone who made you who you've become. That's what Championship matches are made for.

Matt Hardy has already defended the title against everyone, who's left? Ortiz? Really.. that's gotta be even worse than another Henry/Hardy match.. and that's sad.

I honestly WANT to see a Dreamer/Swagger - Championship - Hardcore, bloody & violent feud. It'll give E.C.W. something good for once.. instead of watching a fat ass, a midget, and some moron waving a towel.

Plus, Matt Hardy is somebody who has accomplished enough to carry ECW on his shoulders. Swagger's career highlight so far is beating Finlay on ECW.

PLEASE.. I could fucking carry E.C.W., all it takes is the ability to cut a half-way decent promo, and come up with a marketable gimmick that can be slapped on a t-shirt, or a towel. :glare:

If you wait another month, Swagger is going to likely join Punk, Miz & Morrison on Raw. His time is NOW.

Yes, he has potential to be a star in the making. But why rush his push so soon? Slow and steady pushes have been proven to be the better option. See Batista and John Cena for examples.

Oh yeah.. that's true.. just ask M.V.P. :rolleyes:

The build doesn't have to stop, and it doesn't have to consist of an early reign as the ECW Champion. He should be drafted to Raw sometime this year so he can win the Intercontinental Title. After that, have him tag team with somebody of similar potential so they hopefully become as successful as the Miz and John Morrison, then have him win the ECW Title right before winning a proper World Title.

So let me work this out. You want him to get drafted to a better show, win a more important title, then get dumped back in the shithole that is E.C.W. and win a less important title? Gotcha.

One question.. at one point in all of this does Swagger lose any of his talent, to be forced back into the hell that he's currently making the most of right now?

Moving slow and steady will benefit him in the long run. You don't want to waste an early push on somebody who will improve in the future.

M.V.P. and Mr. Kennedy need better agents. Perhaps you could attempt getting that job. :p
Swagger is becoming the best thing about ECW beside Bourne. He has the charisma and the talent and would be a great choice to carry ECW. I don't have a problem with Hardy being champion, but he mainly faced Mark Henry for the title and that's never a good thing. I don't think Morrison or Miz got a title chance considering they are still on ECW. It wouldn't hurt Swagger if he loses Tuesday so he can get a rematch at the Royal Rumble or No Way Out. He's being pushed just fine on ECW and he can become a mid-card champion on RAW or Smackdown (preferrably Smackdown) by the end of the year.
No, no, people, don't give Swagger the ECW title right now. Build him first. Until a Triple Threat match with Hardy, Bourne, and Swagger at Mania and THEN have Swagger win the belt. When Hardy and Swagger face up soon have Swagger lose by countout or win by DQ or some other bullshit. It will give Swagger 10 times the push if he carries the belt out of Mania rather than takes it into Mania.

But yeah, Swagger is pretty awesome. He has the perfect WWE look and is quite clearly a very fine technical wrestler: some of the stuff he did in that match with Finlay was amazing. I still can't figure out what that piledriver where Finlay's shoulder got whacked into Swagger's knee should be called. Forget the next Curt Hennig, how about the next Kurt Angle? Good heel psychology and not half bad charisma, although not quite perhaps on the level of, say, Bourne or Edge. Give him the title, sure. But not yet, wait till Mania. It will elevate both Swagger and the ECW title.
I'm split on this myself. I like Jack Swagger, and I really think that it makes no sense for him to lose at this point, but why not have this match for the Royal Rumble?

The only reason that I could possibly see Swagger winning, is that Matt Hardy is going to be yanked back off of ECW and head straight into the middle of the potential Hardys vs. Edge and Christian Angle. Simply Put, Matt Hardy hasn't proven his worth as the figure head of ECW, and is set to move on. Matt Hardy is too big for the ECW championship, so give the belt to a guy that might benefit from it.

Then I get to thinking, if Matt Hardy is staying on ECW, then Jack Swagger is going to get his ass handed to him. If ECW is truly meant to be Matt Hardy's show, then Matt still has a slew of feuds with guys like Morrison, Miz, Bourne and others, not to mention the imminent draft possibilities come summer time. Matt Hardy has the potential to stay on ECW, and dominate that show like no other.

So it's simple. If Hardy loses, expect him to be on ECW for about, 0 seconds after that match. Hardy will be back on Smackdown in no time.

If Hardy wins, ECW is Hardy's show, and the strap is staying on him for the forseeable future.
Develop further to win the ugly ass nearly wothless third tier show title?? Hardly. If anything, he deserves better, a US or IC title run, but alas, this is what we have to work with. Lets go over the list of champions for this year...

Cm Punk
Mizark Henry
Matty Harvey

Really Rust??? Jack Swagger isnt on the level of the above mentioned?? Chavo and Henry are better??? How about we be serious.

CM Punk is a former World Heavweight Champion, so you can't honestly tell me Swagger is on the same level as Punk.

Kane was champion as a little "thank you" gift from the WWE. Mark Henry won the title for a similar reason.

Matt Hardy is an upper mid-carder, and is much more established than Jack Swagger. He's been with the company for over a decade.

And I don't even know why Chavo won the belt, and I think the WWE regrets giving it to him. He was a horrible ECW Champion.

If the WWE wants to raise the credibility of the belt and use it as a upper mid-card title, why give it to a rookie? And just imagine how shit it makes Matt Hardy look.

Hardy feuds with Swagger, and then goes elsewere. Obviously. they can at least keep this rollin until NWO. Its not as if Hardy's carreer will be ruined by him having "nothing to do" he is one of the most over guys in the whole fed. He wil be fine/

Swaggers biggest victories are over Finlay and Dreamer you say?? well, please direct me to who else he was supposed to beat on ECW?? What are these oh so prestigous victories he couldve gotten that would make him deserving in your eyes???

Matt could feud with Evan Bourne, John Morrison and The Miz over the ECW Championship. He's still got something to do whilst holding the belt.

Maybe he could have shown up on Raw and beat the likes of Kofi Kingston, CM Punk and even somebody like Rey Mysterio. That way, he can establish himself as being a true contender for a title that should/is used as an upper mid-card title. So then maybe people might take Swagger very seriously as a contender to Matt Hardy's title.

and who would Hardy feud with over the belt after this??? BTW, Evan Bourne is due back in a month, so there is your answer as to who Swagger is going to feud with, along with some rematches with Hardy, and of course, a guy who he has rivaled since he came into the WWE, in Ricky Ortiz. Couple these with them being able to easily revisit the Finlay and Dreamer feuds, and he has plenty to do until he can get drafted to one of the big 2. Add to the fact that the brand split isnt exactly the most rigid thing in the world.

Ricky Ortiz isn't worthy to even challenge for that title. Jack Swagger simply isn't ready to be the face of an entire show. To me, a Matt Hardy vs John Morrison match at Wrestlemania 25 for the title sounds much better than Jack Swagger vs Ricky Ortiz for the belt.

You act as if he is going over Triple H, John Cena, and then the Undertaker in a world title unifacation gauntlet of hell match at Wrestlemania. Its just fucking Matt Hardy and his ugly ass tin can belt on a weekly one hour show that about 27 people watch. Its not over pushing at all. Add to the fact that super pushes for heels have MUCH less potential for backlash that super pushes for faces, simply becuase of the phsycology and disposition of the character. Dont belive it, just look at what our wonderfull main event for Survivor Series ended up being. And it was totally belivable. Everyone was crying out for a Kennedy title reighn OH so fast, and he isnt HALF the in ring worker that Swagger is. I also find it funny you go on to say he should go the route of Morrison right after this...im pretty sure I recollect Morrison being ECW champ for about 4 months TWO YEARS ago....jus sayin...

Triple H vs Vladimir Kozlov was a terrible main event. One of the worst I've seen in a while. And I never once believed HHH was going to drop the title to him. Now, Kozlov seems to be missing and seems to be dropped down to the mid-card. That's backlash. Morrison only won the title because Chris Benoit happened to kill himself, and was therefore unable to win the title himself. I don't care what anyone says, because in my opinion, the ECW Championship is the 3rd most valuable in the entire company. And Mr Kennedy is good from what I've seen, he just hasn't proven much due to constant injuries.

ah, kinda like the guy who is the major storyline currently taking place surrounding the IC title?? CM Punk is his name yea??? remind me, if you could, what was he doing the months leading up to him being drafted to RAW....I mustve been imagining things...

Yeah, after he won the ECW Championsship, he won the World Heavyweight Championship. And Swagger is certainly NOT ready to win a proper World Title. Now Punk is in the upper mid-card again, so his push has been a little fucked up.

Except for two things

1. putting him in a tag team would be an absolutely horrendous idea, and a huge waste

2. no one HAS simular potential. I seriously belive this guy could be main eventing on one of the big two by this time next year. If Kozlov can do it, Jack Swagger SURE as fuck can.

Its time to give people a damn reason to watch ECW. Give Jack Swagger this belt next week WWE.

Not really, look at Morrison and The Miz for examples.

Swagger teaming up with Dolph Ziggler is a great idea. Both have potential in my eyes. Kozlov wasn't even main eventing pay pay views. He had a match with Triple H at Survivor Series for the title, the match wasn't THE main event of the show, and it was a terrible contest by any means. He didn't win the match, he went back to facing Matt Hardy and mid-carders because he was pushed too soon and too fast. I now can't take Kozlov seriously as a main eventer, because he simply hasn't earned his spot yet.
If the WWE wants to raise the credibility of the belt and use it as a upper mid-card title, why give it to a rookie? And just imagine how shit it makes Matt Hardy look.

Why not give it to a rookie? Hes undefeated and has gone threw most of the ECW roster. If he beats Matt Hardy he will still be undefeated, making Hardy look less like shit since no one has been able to defeat him yet. All the while making people think someone dominant is holding the belt.

Matt could feud with Evan Bourne, John Morrison and The Miz over the ECW Championship. He's still got something to do whilst holding the belt.

Bourne is injured, and Miz and Morrison are locked in the tag team scene, especially now that they hold the tag team belts. So who does that leave Hardy to feud with? Henry again? No thank you i rather a fresh feud with Swagger.

Ricky Ortiz isn't worthy to even challenge for that title. Jack Swagger simply isn't ready to be the face of an entire show. To me, a Matt Hardy vs John Morrison match at Wrestlemania 25 for the title sounds much better than Jack Swagger vs Ricky Ortiz for the belt.

He seems ready enough to be the face of the "C" show to me. Not like you need much qualifications to be the face of it in the first place.
CM Punk is a former World Heavweight Champion, so you can't honestly tell me Swagger is on the same level as Punk.

Oh my dear Rusty, I no longer feel even the slightest bit bad about what I'm about to do.. all because of that very statement by you. So let's begin, shall we?

First and foremost, Indy Punk didn't win the World Heavyweight Championship until he left E.C.W.. therefore, you can't very well claim he was "of that caliber" while being on the E.C.W. Brand.

But let's for purpose sake just give Punk the little nod and say he was the World Heavyweight Champion, while being associated to that brand. How many title defenses did Punk have, and cleanly win? Uhm.. 1? 2? Both being against J.B.L.. yeah.. Punk's clearly in a category all to himself.

You're right though, Swagger isn't anywhere near the level Punk is.. because he far surpassed it the moment he entered E.C.W. Swagger has a better look, better in-ring skills, and shit.. even with a lisp, he's already cut better W.W.E. promos.

Kane was champion as a little "thank you" gift from the WWE. Mark Henry won the title for a similar reason.

A "thank you" gift? So you clearly and basically just stated in not so many words that the E.C.W. Championship is trash, and just randomly handed out to anyone and everyone as a way to say "thank you" for any random (or racist) reason?

Then Swagger's already a step far above both of them too, because he doesn't need you to say "thank you".. unless you're thanking him for saving that miserable excuse for a Brand.

Matt Hardy is an upper mid-carder, and is much more established than Jack Swagger. He's been with the company for over a decade.

Which means that he should've by rights eclipsed OUT of the "mid-carder" status. Since he hasn't, that means 1 of 2 things. Either he can't get himself over enough to be important enough to care about.. or he just plain sucks, and can't bring in ratings to be good enough to become a true "World Champion".

Swagger is already the biggest thing on E.C.W., why? Because he's being advertised in almost every weekly promo for it. His feud with Tommy Dreamer eclipsed Matt's w/ Henry and Finlay.

Swagger's chase for a title shot was overshadowing Hardy's loss and shit feud with Kozlov.. and finally, tomorrow night.. you're going to see what the world will see.. Swagger will take his rightful place at the top. It's going to happen, be it tomorrow, at the Rumble, or sometime before Mania.. it's going to happen.

And I don't even know why Chavo won the belt, and I think the WWE regrets giving it to him. He was a horrible ECW Champion.

I think the W.W.E. ultimately regrets bringing E.C.W. back as a whole, but shit happens and now they're just taking a chance. But the thing is, this is the best chance they've taken, because Jack Swagger is going to be a plus, not a negative.

Out of the list of E.C.W. Champions, possibly and maybe only The Big Show and/or Bobby Lashley would go down as better. And that's ONLY if Swagger doesn't hold the title beyond 2 monthes. If he does, you're looking at the greatest thing to ever hit that brand.. ever.

If the WWE wants to raise the credibility of the belt and use it as a upper mid-card title, why give it to a rookie? And just imagine how shit it makes Matt Hardy look.

If the W.W.E. wanted to keep the credibility of the World Heavyweight Championship, why give it to a jobber like Punk? Then have him constantly lose?!

Look at the history of Championships throughout wrestling. The Giant, in W.C.W. was a rookie that defeated Hulk Hogan to become World Heavyweight Champion. Jeff Hardy is one huge risk everyday as W.W.E. Champion.

Jack Swagger is going to be the safest thing they've ever done. Why? Because, if he does 'fail' as you seemingly believe.. what would be the reason? "He's still new". It's an easy fall-back.. but if he succeeds, what's he resembling? BROCK F'N LESNAR! And there you have it.

Matt could feud with Evan Bourne, John Morrison and The Miz over the ECW Championship. He's still got something to do whilst holding the belt.

Bourne is injured. Morrison & Miz are on Raw more than E.C.W. now. Hardy is likely gearing up to be Christian & Edge's bitch.. again. His time has been for the previous 4 monthes.. let it go, it's time for this change.

Maybe he could have shown up on Raw and beat the likes of Kofi Kingston, CM Punk and even somebody like Rey Mysterio. That way, he can establish himself as being a true contender for a title that should/is used as an upper mid-card title. So then maybe people might take Swagger very seriously as a contender to Matt Hardy's title.

Jack Swagger has defeated some of those names within tag team matches. And he's defeated all the IMPORTANT individuals.. you know, the actual talent that's ON the E.C.W. roster.

Why have him go to different brands to prove why he should be Champion over a completely different one? That's like telling Punk to begin running through the Smackdown talent to prove he deserves another shot at William Regal.. it's stupid and bogus.

Swagger should already be taken seriously, you're the only guy out of the loop not apparently getting the picture.

Ricky Ortiz isn't worthy to even challenge for that title. Jack Swagger simply isn't ready to be the face of an entire show. To me, a Matt Hardy vs John Morrison match at Wrestlemania 25 for the title sounds much better than Jack Swagger vs Ricky Ortiz for the belt.

Ricky Ortiz and Jack Swagger were the only two undefeated Superstars on the E.C.W. roster at the time it was being thought of. Swagger's defeated everyone on the fricken brand. Finlay, Ortiz, Dreamer, even the likes of Kingston & Punk through a tag match. He's even defeated Hardy in tag matches.

And what makes you think Ortiz v. Swagger would be a Mania match? If that happens, it wouldn't be Swagger who drags it under, it'd be that waste of fucking space, Ricky Ortiz.

Triple H vs Vladimir Kozlov was a terrible main event. One of the worst I've seen in a while. And I never once believed HHH was going to drop the title to him. Now, Kozlov seems to be missing and seems to be dropped down to the mid-card. That's backlash. Morrison only won the title because Chris Benoit happened to kill himself, and was therefore unable to win the title himself. I don't care what anyone says, because in my opinion, the ECW Championship is the 3rd most valuable in the entire company. And Mr Kennedy is good from what I've seen, he just hasn't proven much due to constant injuries.

You said earlier the E.C.W. Championship was merely passed around as a way to say "thank you" and now it's the 3rd most valuable title in the company? Uhm.. what?

And Kozlov doesn't have the charisma that Swagger has. He doesn't have anything that appeals to the fans, like Swagger does. He's the All-American fucking American for sakes.. he should flat-out be your role model.

Yeah, after he won the ECW Championsship, he won the World Heavyweight Championship. And Swagger is certainly NOT ready to win a proper World Title. Now Punk is in the upper mid-card again, so his push has been a little fucked up.

A LITTLE?! To take a quote from a movie.. I've seen monkey shit-fights at the zoo more organized than Punk's pushes.

I think you're living in a fairy-tale in believing that the E.C.W. Championship is some type of holy grail. Swagger is above and beyond being worthy enough to hold it.

Swagger teaming up with Dolph Ziggler is a great idea. Both have potential in my eyes. Kozlov wasn't even main eventing pay pay views. He had a match with Triple H at Survivor Series for the title, the match wasn't THE main event of the show, and it was a terrible contest by any means. He didn't win the match, he went back to facing Matt Hardy and mid-carders because he was pushed too soon and too fast. I now can't take Kozlov seriously as a main eventer, because he simply hasn't earned his spot yet.

Kozlov is NOT Jack Swagger. Kozlov's match wasn't even meant to get over to begin with.. it was set-up for Edge's return. Do you even watch the shows?!

And Dolph Ziggler?! I'll give you that I'm impressed with Ziggler, but he's a joke. They aren't using him seriously, and putting Swagger with him could do nothing but drag Swagger under.. which is apparently what you're desperately trying to do.
Oh my dear Rusty, I no longer feel even the slightest bit bad about what I'm about to do.. all because of that very statement by you. So let's begin, shall we?

:( Sorry Willy.

First and foremost, Indy Punk didn't win the World Heavyweight Championship until he left E.C.W.. therefore, you can't very well claim he was "of that caliber" while being on the E.C.W. Brand.

But let's for purpose sake just give Punk the little nod and say he was the World Heavyweight Champion, while being associated to that brand. How many title defenses did Punk have, and cleanly win? Uhm.. 1? 2? Both being against J.B.L.. yeah.. Punk's clearly in a category all to himself.

Please don't call him Indy Punk. I've never seen an Indy match before, so please don't mention that. Punk was booked terribly when he left ECW.

You're right though, Swagger isn't anywhere near the level Punk is.. because he far surpassed it the moment he entered E.C.W. Swagger has a better look, better in-ring skills, and shit.. even with a lisp, he's already cut better W.W.E. promos.

I disagree, Punk's promos are fairly underrated. Swagger is good on the mic though, and I won't deny that. And Punk's in ring skills are also underrated as I think he puts on good matches on a constant basis.

A "thank you" gift? So you clearly and basically just stated in not so many words that the E.C.W. Championship is trash, and just randomly handed out to anyone and everyone as a way to say "thank you" for any random (or racist) reason?

Nope, when Mark Henry and Kane won their titles, there was nobody else worthy to hold the belt, and since Kane and Henry are veterans who have never won a World Title (Kane's 24 hour reign doesn't count in my opinion, as a proper reign), who better than those two to hold the title until they are ready to drop it to a decent mid-carder, which Henry eventually did. It's the closest Henry and Kane will get to a World Title anyway.

Which means that he should've by rights eclipsed OUT of the "mid-carder" status. Since he hasn't, that means 1 of 2 things. Either he can't get himself over enough to be important enough to care about.. or he just plain sucks, and can't bring in ratings to be good enough to become a true "World Champion".

Well, Matt Hardy was apart of one of the greatest tag teams for a number of years, then he was released for a while due to relationship problems, then he returned as a mid-carder in 2005. He is over with the fans, and ECW's ratings are actually doing pretty good right now, which is also why Matt shouldn't lose the title just yet.

Swagger is already the biggest thing on E.C.W., why? Because he's being advertised in almost every weekly promo for it. His feud with Tommy Dreamer eclipsed Matt's w/ Henry and Finlay.

I'll admit that, the Dreamer/Swagger feud was very good and surpassed Matt's feud with Mark Henry.

Swagger's chase for a title shot was overshadowing Hardy's loss and shit feud with Kozlov.. and finally, tomorrow night.. you're going to see what the world will see.. Swagger will take his rightful place at the top. It's going to happen, be it tomorrow, at the Rumble, or sometime before Mania.. it's going to happen.

What if it doesn't Will? What if he doesn't win the title this very year? Will he just be unimportant? My answer is no.

I think the W.W.E. ultimately regrets bringing E.C.W. back as a whole, but shit happens and now they're just taking a chance. But the thing is, this is the best chance they've taken, because Jack Swagger is going to be a plus, not a negative.

Out of the list of E.C.W. Champions, possibly and maybe only The Big Show and/or Bobby Lashley would go down as better. And that's ONLY if Swagger doesn't hold the title beyond 2 monthes. If he does, you're looking at the greatest thing to ever hit that brand.. ever.

I never said Jack Swagger winning the title would be a negative, I just believe that they shouldn't push him so fast. He's got his whole career ahead of him.

Tell me when he wins a World Title that he's the best thing to hit ECW, because at the moment, there are others who are far more important than Swagger. Like Matt Hardy and John Morrison for example.

If the W.W.E. wanted to keep the credibility of the World Heavyweight Championship, why give it to a jobber like Punk? Then have him constantly lose?!

Look at the history of Championships throughout wrestling. The Giant, in W.C.W. was a rookie that defeated Hulk Hogan to become World Heavyweight Champion. Jeff Hardy is one huge risk everyday as W.W.E. Champion.

Jack Swagger is going to be the safest thing they've ever done. Why? Because, if he does 'fail' as you seemingly believe.. what would be the reason? "He's still new". It's an easy fall-back.. but if he succeeds, what's he resembling? BROCK F'N LESNAR! And there you have it.

Punk's World Title push was beyond me, and I admit it was a fuck up. And where is Brock Lesnar now... just saying. He isn't with the company anymore because he was pushed to the moon and ran out of things to do really. Let's hope Jack Swagger doesn't go down that road.

Bourne is injured. Morrison & Miz are on Raw more than E.C.W. now. Hardy is likely gearing up to be Christian & Edge's bitch.. again. His time has been for the previous 4 monthes.. let it go, it's time for this change.

Bourne is apparently returning soon and I can't see why Hardy can't feud with the Miz and John Morrison.

Why have him go to different brands to prove why he should be Champion over a completely different one? That's like telling Punk to begin running through the Smackdown talent to prove he deserves another shot at William Regal.. it's stupid and bogus.

Swagger should already be taken seriously, you're the only guy out of the loop not apparently getting the picture.

Not really, because ECW's roster is very small unlike Raw or Smackdown. If ECW had more superstars, than Swagger wouldn't have to find competition elsewhere after he's faced everyone on ECW.

Ricky Ortiz and Jack Swagger were the only two undefeated Superstars on the E.C.W. roster at the time it was being thought of. Swagger's defeated everyone on the fricken brand. Finlay, Ortiz, Dreamer, even the likes of Kingston & Punk through a tag match. He's even defeated Hardy in tag matches.

And what makes you think Ortiz v. Swagger would be a Mania match? If that happens, it wouldn't be Swagger who drags it under, it'd be that waste of fucking space, Ricky Ortiz.

Ricky Ortiz shouldn't be with the company. His former undefeated streak was a joke. And yes, Swagger defeated Punk and Kofi in a 6 man tag match, but did he beat them in singles action, cleanly? Tell me this, if Swagger went into Wrestlemania as the ECW Champion, who would he face on the big show? I seriously can't think of anyone.

You said earlier the E.C.W. Championship was merely passed around as a way to say "thank you" and now it's the 3rd most valuable title in the company? Uhm.. what?

And Kozlov doesn't have the charisma that Swagger has. He doesn't have anything that appeals to the fans, like Swagger does. He's the All-American fucking American for sakes.. he should flat-out be your role model.

Well, it was given to Henry and Kane so they could put over the younger talent and so they could actually been given something to do for once, and yes I do refer it to the 3rd most valuable title in the company.

Also, in my opinion Jack Swagger > Vladimir Kozlov. And why would a heel be my role model? He isn't supposed to be.

A LITTLE?! To take a quote from a movie.. I've seen monkey shit-fights at the zoo more organized than Punk's pushes.

I think you're living in a fairy-tale in believing that the E.C.W. Championship is some type of holy grail. Swagger is above and beyond being worthy enough to hold it.

If Swagger is "above" the ECW Title as you say he is, then why give it to him?

Kozlov is NOT Jack Swagger. Kozlov's match wasn't even meant to get over to begin with.. it was set-up for Edge's return. Do you even watch the shows?!

NorCal mentioned that if Kozlov could main event a ppv, then why couldn't Swagger. And I said that the match was horrible though and Kozlov wasn't ready for that match. I know it wasn't meant to be great, but it was pretty damn bad.

And Dolph Ziggler?! I'll give you that I'm impressed with Ziggler, but he's a joke. They aren't using him seriously, and putting Swagger with him could do nothing but drag Swagger under.. which is apparently what you're desperately trying to do.

I thought John Morrison would be dragged down by the Miz too, and boy was I wrong. I could be wrong again if Swagger and Ziggler become as successful as those two.
I love Swagger. He's someone who can actually move in the ring, is entertaining, and for a brand new talent, he's pretty decent on the stick for not being in the company that long. Now... his lisp aside. He's fresh, he's talented, and he's the new ECW champion!!! Thank god. I'm sorry to any of the fans... but Matt Hardy isn't even good enough to headline ECW. I've never seen someone work so stiff in my life. His matches vs. Mark Henry aree awwwwwwful. But I digress.

Jack Swaggah and DJ Gabriel are the only reasons I turn on ECW anymore. I mean both for totally different reasons. Swagger is a much needed breath of fresh air and has talent beyond talent. DJ Gabriel is just plain entertaining. Alicia Fox isn't too shabby to look at either. She's smokin hot. But I digress again. There's really not much else to say but Jack Swaggah... is the future.
This is only the beginning for Swagger. He is going to go on to have a strong WWE career. Glad to see WWE give him the ECW title and hopefully they let him run with it and let him have a nice run. I'd imagine after a run or two with the title, he will be drafted to Raw or SD and then have a nice run there leading to a future world championships.
According to a spoiler for ECW:

Jack Swagger is the new ECW champ after throwing Hardy onto an exposed turnbuckle and pinning him.

Totally unexpected. I don't think Swagger can really pull of being a champ unless he gets a manager or something. I still think it's too early to thrust the belt on him since he's still pretty young and new to WWE. Well, if Swagger can get the ECW title belt this early, then I guess Evan Bourne's next in line to win it.
Jack Swaggah, the All American American...This dude has got it all pretty much nailed down, he has the build WWE wants in its main eventers, a fantastic amateur background to slake the thirst of the purist wrestling fans , pretty damn good promo skills for a guy with a lisp, charisma, damn good and recognisable entrance music (an anomaly for a new guy as far as im concerned), and a simple effective finishing maneuver...why shouldn't he be your role model? an now hes the ECW champion , as far as im concerned hes the best choice for the title on the brand and im glad that Matt Hardy finally lost the title, if i have to see one more ECW title match between matt hardy and mark henry....ah but Now i dont have to thanks to the future of WWE...AND he beat Ricky Ortiz. Godspeed Swagger!
Unless Jack Swagger gets a manager, the guy will never amount to anything. Sure he the ECW champion right now but let's face it he probably going to drop the belt back to Matt HArdy in the near future, so i'm no getting to excited about this. The guy won the belt so that they could book a rematch at the rumble, that's all. I've seen a lot of guys like Swagger come on go in the WWE and they pretty much all fail miserably and this is for a simple reason, they don't have charisma. Jack Swagger got the talent, he got the attitude but everytime he opens is mouth, i can help but to either fall asleep or start thinking at something else.

The only way the JAck Swagger would become a start is to pair him up with somebody that can actually cut a promo because right now, he'S probably going to be out of a job by next year like all the others.
Jack Swagger will be have the same effect on the future of the WWE as Brock and Lashley had, in other words they'll push the fuck out of him, and in a few years, maybe less, he'll likely bolt in favor of a career in MMA or something else, WWE seems to be pushing this guy waaaaay to fast, just like they did with Lesnar and Lashely, they need to slow down and give the guy time to develop a personality, and a little charisma, personally I would rather see them put the title on Miz, Morrison, or even Helms, hell MVP or Kennedy would both be great candidates as well, throwing the title on him the way they did just seems like a waste, give him time to build a bigger following, and become a better all around wrestler, then have him win the title at a fucking PPV, or at least do it at a 3 hr. RAW, hell, move him to RAW and have JBL take him under his wing so to speak, then give him a long dominate IC title run and go from their, that's what I would do anyways, right now it just seems to me that they are just repeating the same mistakes they've made with both Lashely and Lesnar, and this will likely just end up ending the same way as it did for those two
I haven't seen too much of Swagger because I don't watch ECW that much, but from what I have seen I wouldn't say he is the future of the WWE. I think everyone is really overvaluing the ECW title. This is a title that has been held by Chavo Guerrero. Even John Morrison, who I think is a better talent then Swagger, wasn't pushed to the main event after holding the ECW title. He has a good future but it isn't going to come as quick as people think and I don't believe he will be as great as a lot of people think. To me he is just a bigger version of Kenny Dykstra.

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