Have you ever heard of the word?
His last name is Swagger
He is confident.
I refer to that as a cliche.
I know what it means, i'm asking you where you've heard the name Jack Swagger before
Take an English class Commander Smart.
Sterotype. Commonly used. Overused
His Gimmick is OVERUSED.
God damn.
Oh really? by who
Not saying he is Kurt Angle, saying he has the same gimmick
Again, same gimmick.
Read this very close. Jack Swagger> All American American
Kurt Angle> Olympic wrestler
Once again, same gimmick. At least when Haas started out
No, just no.
One more time, same gimmick to start.
And another little added pwn. Swaggers getting pushed pretty fast huh?
The guy is just great and that's why he's getting a push so fast.
According to you.

OVERALL, If you're going to try and own me here, try and understand what the fuck I'm saying
Chill, take a deep breath and relax. I'm trying to show you why Jack Swagger is'nt ''cliché'' as you mentioned.
Yeah, you're right. What the hell am I doing here? I'm not a wrestling fan! I dont know anything about wrestling!
Well actualy you dont know much. If you did you wouldnt act like a smark.