Is 10/10/10 The Day That Will Make or Break TNA?

Former WWE star Ed Leslie, known as Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, told The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz this past Friday that he will be joining TNA Wrestling. He added that he and Hogan will be "starting from scratch" and will be "going NWO style."
there will always be TNA haters, regardless of what TNA does. some WWE fans have no interest in TNA, don't want to have any interest TNA, and will always hope TNA fails.

I don't think everything has to be connected. when Dixie talked about TNA changing forever, I don't think that necessarily has to do with BFG. I thought I read before that what will change TNA is the company going away from PPV and having future PPV be live on TV rather than having to pay for it. maybe I'm wrong about that.

TNA wikipedia list of employees has Mickie James under contract making her debut on 10/7, this Thursday on Impact.

TNA wouldn't tape the Impact following the PPV until early in that week after the PPV has already happened.

Beefcake said he was coming to TNA, but that could also end up being false. what would Beefcake do? he is a waste right now. one website said this in follow up to Beefcake.
It should be noted that he's said this before and nothing has ever happened. As of last word, TNA wasn't interested.

I would say Hogan/Bischoff heel turn will happen, it's just a matter how how it will happen and what else is connected.

I'm wondering if the Hogan/Bischoff heel turn along with Abyss and "they" might not be connected. could they be 2 separate things?
when are "they" being revealed? Abyss has been the one going on about "they" so would that mean "they" would be revealing during his match? maybe Hogan/Bischoff come out and people assume Hogan/Bischoff are helping RVD, but instead help Abyss? that would be a surprising type involvement, but then what would that do for the 6 man tag match? would there be no surprise during that match?
if there is a Hogan/Bischoff/Jarrett heel type turn in the 6 man tag match, then how would that be connected to Abyss? if Hogan/Bischoff heel turn come during the 6 man tag match, then would it really be that surprising to have them come out later to end up being "they" in the Abyss/RVD match?
usually the big surprise comes during the main event final match of the PPV. so what is the main event match to end the PPV? Abyss/RVD with the "they" reveal? the 6 man tag match with Hogan/Jarrett/Joe vs Nash/Sting/Pope? but if Hogan/Bischoff/Jarrett are "they" and the 6 man tag match is the last match, then does nothing end up being revealed during the Abyss/RVD match?
if Hogan/Bischoff turn heel, does that make Nash/Sting/Pope are face?
what if Hogan/Bischoff heel turn, also has them joining with Nash and Sting? I buy Nash more as a heel, and TNA did a lot not too recently in making Sting heel when he beat down people with the baseball bat. not sure how that connects with Jarrett/Joe/Pope.

while the 3 way heavy weight title match is a main event itself, I don't see this ending the PPV.
isn't it obvious that somehow Angle will win? Angle has already said multiple times that if he loses he will retire. he has already resigned a TNA contract so he will continue to be around, doesn't that mean he has to win? maybe it still ends up being surprising with Anderson turning back heel, maybe doing something to Hardy? I think Anderson fits better as a heel.

I never really watched WWE much in recent years, and only started watching TNA more once Hogan came on in January. I don't know what Anderson(or Kennedy) was doing when he was in WWE, but just because WWE released him and he came to TNA doesn't mean Anderson can't be a huge impact with TNA. I think he would one of the best in the company for a long time. I would like to see him heel and think he works better that way.

I think a Hogan/Bischoff heel turn can work, but you have to assume there are multiple other wrestlers joining them. I think in order for those 2 to have an effective story line they need to have at least 1 impact main event wrestler capable of being the champion. as much as Jarrett is there, I really hope he is not someone who would wrestle much. maybe this is why Samoa Joe is with Jarrett/Hogan? maybe this could also tie in with Joe being kidnapped awhile back? personally I would love to see Anderson in there.

one of the reasons nWo worked so well back in the day was because Hogan had been face for so long NOBODY would have expected him to turn heel. that was SHOCKING! even before that you had Hall and Nash coming over from just being in WWE and people just assumed they were coming to take over WCW as still part of WWE. that was the first "invasion" that I think there ever was. back in the early days of nWo it seemed like there were always new shocking surprises, like Giant turning nWo with Ted Dibiase buying him after Giant had his ass kicked numerous times by nWo. then WCW management Bischoff being known as being nWo. always surprises.

went over a lot in my first post here.
Best case scenerio for 10-10-10...

Fortune vs. EV.2 - AJ Styles looks strong and pins Dreamer. Post match, Flair cuts a killer promo declaring that EV.2 are now dead and gone from TNA. WHOO! Cameras cut to AJ Styles leaving the ring without Fortune.

Nash/Sting/Pope vs. Jarrett/Hogan/Joe - Hogan is getting triple teamed and is looking for the hot tag. Makes it over to his corner and tags Joe. Joe jumps in the ring and looks to go after his opponents, but turns and punches an unsuspecting Jarrett in the chops. He then delivers the muscle buster heard round the world to Hogan and leaves the ring alone. Sting gets in the ring and covers Hogan for the pin.

Backstage cameras catch up to Joe as he walks into the backstage area. He is immediately greeted by AJ Styles. They embrace and AJ asks Joe if he is sure they are coming. Joe says he talked to Chris earlier today. They are already here. AJ smiles.

Main Event - Angle vs. Anderson vs. Hardy - Angle wins an amazing match. As he walks up the ramp, his theme music suddenly stops and all the lights in the arena go Red. Suddenly on the screens flash 3 letters - R-O-H. The Ring of Honor theme music plays and out comes Jim Cornette followed by Christopher Daniels, Homicide, Austin Aries, and Steve Corino. They all attack Angle and roll him into the ring. Then they kick the crap out of Hardy and Anderson as well.

Cornette cuts a scathing promo on TNA for overlooking the men who are standing behind him. He announces that TNA has what ROH wants...a network television deal. So instead of playing political kiss ass games, they would simply take TNA's spot by force. But he tells us that he couldn't have done it without some inside help and he wanted to publicly thank the man who has worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make this moment happen...Vince Russo!

Vince Russo comes to the ring and embraces every member of ROH and shakes the hand of Jim Cornette. Russo takes the mic and fills everyone in on their little secret - how they swerved everyone with their internet war of words and planting rumours of how much they hated each other. Russo informs us that their plan was hatched the day that the cancer was let into the company - namely Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff.

Vince shows a video tape of Hogan, Jarrett and Bishoff talking to a man on the phone who they were calling "Vince". They were talking about how they would get control of TNA and bring in WWE wrestlers and push them over the TNA wrestlers. Then they would wait until the ratings got low enough that Dixie Carter would want to sell. "Vince" could then buy them at a bargin price and bury them just like he did with the other 2 companies he purchased.
Russo proves his point by naming all three men in tonight's main event - all 3 men made their names in the WWE. Russo explains that the only way for TNA to survive was to join forces with ROH and become the WWE's worst nightmare.

This brings out Hogan, Jarrett and Bishoff along with security who are slowly moving towards the ring. Then from behind, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, The MCMG and Desmond Wolf all attack the TNA security as well and Hogan and Bishoff. Jim Cornette laughs and announces "Ring of Honor and TNA are united as one. We aren't TAKING over...we have TAKEN over. Chose this day whom you will serve!"
I've never watched ROH, only heard of the name, no idea who is even in there.

seeing that I don't know much of other companies other than WWE and TNA I don't really want to see "they" end up being new people coming in, unless "they" are significant well known people. names like Paul Heyman and/or Batista come to mind. but I don't see them coming. other names (to me anyway) wouldn't match the hype that TNA has created with "they".

back when Hogan and Bischoff first came to TNA and brought in wrestlers like Hardy/RVD/Anderson I was wondering if this was all a conspiracy from Vince McMahon to buy out TNA. I think its a real stretch, but the thought was there.

what type of impact can Hogan have in the tag match? he has already been in the hospital from his back, can he really do anything in the ring? he should not be in the ring much. can he take any bumps?
not sure if it has been mentioned, but I know I've seen it mentioned elsewhere. BFG is in Daytona Beach, the same place where Hogan first turned heel to start nWo. coincidence? I think that's another clue that Hogan will again turn heel, and why he is in the 6 man tag match.
I was talking with friends yesterday and we thought that 'they' can point to 2things or brands. ROH or even WWE. We said that ROH is a possible outcome because recently ROH have had some really good shows and are begining to become a well known federation. We said that WWE would just be pefect but i dont think ti will happen. WWE have the cena/nexus undertaker/kane and toher things to deal with BUT they are itching to have a go at TNA because TNA always diss WWE's talent. I hate TNA but i'll watch it if WWE ain't on and i enjoy watching wrestling. Going with the kurt idea. He walks up the ramp and some sort of theme plays ending with the WWE. The whole of the TNA locker room run saying they're here! They all gather around but nobody comes out. suddenly WWE surround the TNA arena and BRAND VS BRAND with vince going up to dixie saying he'll stop if he gets TNA. TNA goes to WWE. Monday=RAW Tuesday=NXT Wednsday=TNA Thursday=SUPERSTARS and Friday=SMACKDOWN. This wouldn't happen. i say this because i think it would be really good to watch. But i dont think it could be WWE because there is alent in TNA that WWE dont want. plus theres all this talk about WWE not wanting to let Matt Hardy resign from WWE just so he can jump to TNA. ROH has a better chance of being 'they' than WWE. But WWE would be more entertaining to watch take over TNA.
Best case scenerio for 10-10-10...

Fortune vs. EV.2 - AJ Styles looks strong and pins Dreamer. Post match, Flair cuts a killer promo declaring that EV.2 are now dead and gone from TNA. WHOO! Cameras cut to AJ Styles leaving the ring without Fortune.

Nash/Sting/Pope vs. Jarrett/Hogan/Joe - Hogan is getting triple teamed and is looking for the hot tag. Makes it over to his corner and tags Joe. Joe jumps in the ring and looks to go after his opponents, but turns and punches an unsuspecting Jarrett in the chops. He then delivers the muscle buster heard round the world to Hogan and leaves the ring alone. Sting gets in the ring and covers Hogan for the pin.

Backstage cameras catch up to Joe as he walks into the backstage area. He is immediately greeted by AJ Styles. They embrace and AJ asks Joe if he is sure they are coming. Joe says he talked to Chris earlier today. They are already here. AJ smiles.

Main Event - Angle vs. Anderson vs. Hardy - Angle wins an amazing match. As he walks up the ramp, his theme music suddenly stops and all the lights in the arena go Red. Suddenly on the screens flash 3 letters - R-O-H. The Ring of Honor theme music plays and out comes Jim Cornette followed by Christopher Daniels, Homicide, Austin Aries, and Steve Corino. They all attack Angle and roll him into the ring. Then they kick the crap out of Hardy and Anderson as well.

Cornette cuts a scathing promo on TNA for overlooking the men who are standing behind him. He announces that TNA has what ROH wants...a network television deal. So instead of playing political kiss ass games, they would simply take TNA's spot by force. But he tells us that he couldn't have done it without some inside help and he wanted to publicly thank the man who has worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make this moment happen...Vince Russo!

Vince Russo comes to the ring and embraces every member of ROH and shakes the hand of Jim Cornette. Russo takes the mic and fills everyone in on their little secret - how they swerved everyone with their internet war of words and planting rumours of how much they hated each other. Russo informs us that their plan was hatched the day that the cancer was let into the company - namely Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff.

Vince shows a video tape of Hogan, Jarrett and Bishoff talking to a man on the phone who they were calling "Vince". They were talking about how they would get control of TNA and bring in WWE wrestlers and push them over the TNA wrestlers. Then they would wait until the ratings got low enough that Dixie Carter would want to sell. "Vince" could then buy them at a bargin price and bury them just like he did with the other 2 companies he purchased.
Russo proves his point by naming all three men in tonight's main event - all 3 men made their names in the WWE. Russo explains that the only way for TNA to survive was to join forces with ROH and become the WWE's worst nightmare.

This brings out Hogan, Jarrett and Bishoff along with security who are slowly moving towards the ring. Then from behind, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, The MCMG and Desmond Wolf all attack the TNA security as well and Hogan and Bishoff. Jim Cornette laughs and announces "Ring of Honor and TNA are united as one. We aren't TAKING over...we have TAKEN over. Chose this day whom you will serve!"

wow, that sounds TOO GOOD to be true. If that would happen, would be awesome if ROH went to two hours.
As a Hardcore TNA fan, whatever happens at BFG i will still be loyal to it. I do agree that this could be the make of break for TNA though. They has been hyped so much and its the event that every one wants to know. It had better be worth the hype and it has to be something original. No NWO or WWE invasion storylines PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! Been there with WCW and WWE. TNA is the last safe haven.
RVD vs Abyss. i hope Rvd can defeat Abyss but i cant see it happening. Why? RVD was attacked by a 2 by 4 with nails in it. He was only out 7 or 8 weeks and there is no way he should be back in a ring so soon after. Could you recover from those injuries and be able to wrestle with a psycho like Abyss. Before you ask, Yes im aware Its Storyline and was not real but thats what fans do. Is believe what they see on screen. Just thought id better add that.
EV2 vs Fortune. The members of EV2 have been wrestling for years and the company they worship is no more so they needed an outlet to have their last blaze of glory in which they have now done but if allowed to continue it will destroy not just their credability but TNA's as well. there are wrestlers that rarely wrestle and with EV2 taking up tv time they wont have their chance. I love EV2 but its time to go home boys. I dont like fortune but respect them for loving what thay do and with Ric Flair they are undefeatable. As for the rest of the card, I just hope its good and im happy and saying wow, that was worth watching and well done TNA. Its sink or swim for TNA but they will always have me in TNA's corner

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