Aries vs Ray or Storm vs Roode?

Aries vs Ray or Storm vs Roode?

  • Austin Aries vs Bully Ray

  • James Storm vs Bobby Roode

  • Other (please notify)

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This is the first time I ever make a TNA thread in these forum. I don't know how but TNA managed to grab my attention this past month with guys like Roode, Storm, Bully Ray and of course the current TNA Champion Austin Aries.

Now, onto the point. Bound for Glory is only two months away and TNA seems to be making a pretty good build-up to it with the BFG series. I, for one, believed that Bobby Roode will go straight into the PPV as champion and loose to James Storm, something that many fans want to see happening. But, TNA, made a really smart swerve by giving Austin Aries the Championship. This not only excited many fans around the world but it also set the BFG series "on fire".

Bully Ray, I believe, is currently leading the series with Storm being a close second. This sparks a question: who will go into BFG as the TNA Heavyweight Champion? Is it going to be Aries or Roode?

Austin Aries deserves the spot he is right now, but Roode deserves that spot most. However, having Roode just going into the event only to loose sounds a little bit lame to most fans. Aries is champ and Ray, their top heel, is leading the series. These two have unfinisted bussiness. That adds to the mystery of the future of the TNA Championship.

I believe that a lot of questions will be solved after Hardcore Justice but until then I'm asking you fans, what would you like to see taking place for the Championship at BFG?

Do you want to see Austin Aries vs Bully Ray? Both of these men deserve that spot and it's about time for Ray to finally pay his dues and become the champ.


Do you want to see James Storm vs Bobby Roode? With Storm finally getting his revenge on Storm and winning back the TNA Championship that was stolen from him almost a year ago.
Ummm.Bully Ray is in 7th place.I dont know who told you he was the leader.

Anyways i perfer to see Bobby Roode & James Storm fued come full circle with a Storm victory @ BFG.
While it would be fun to see bully ray crown off all his recent success this last year with the main event of the biggest show of the year, when I think about it I think we arent there yet..... so I gotta pick Roode vs Storm, Wrestling is at its best when everything culminates with that feel good moment.... WWE made some of the biggest moments in wm out of feel good moments... so why not TNA, having Storm finally defeat his biggest rival would provide TNA the ultimate feel good moment!
Feel good moment huh...

And then one Storm finally beats Roode, then what?

The rematch. Then the rematch. Then the rematch, and then some garbage with Storm vs some heel and another superkick finish.

I'm kinda done with James Storm and his farm.

Keep the title on Aries and give us the tna dream matches we want, with Kurt, AJ, RVD, etc.

That'll be more interesting then Roode and Storm's "damn luck."
For me, it's easily Storm vs. Roode. TNA has been steadily and slowly building Storm as their top "homegrown" babyface for close to a year. There's still so many unrresolved issues regarding the Storm/Roode feud that their match not main eventing BFG renders so much of what TNA has done with the two of them over the course of a year as something of a waste.

The entire reason storyline surrounding Storm "doubting himself" and returning to his farm in order to "find himself" is for him to succeed in "finding himself" and return with a renewed focus & determination to make right what caused him to lose faith in himself in the first place: defeat Bobby Roode to become the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. We've gotten a few bits and pieces of Storm vs. Roode over the course of the year but, in all honesty, I think a lot of people have just had the feeling that their feud would truly come to a head at BFG. It's really the ppv where Roode started to "change" and to become a different person, having come so close to winning the TNA WHC only for it to slip through his fingers. Then, his best friend winds up winning the title less than a week later, thereby forcing him to do whatever it takes to take the title for himself. Storm vs. Roode at BFG has a sense of bringing things full circle I think.

As far as Aries vs. Ray, I don't really see it, to be quite honest. Ray is someone that I enjoy listening to on the mic but, quite frankly, I don't take him seriously as a main event level threat. Most of the time, Ray comes out on the losing end in whatever feud he wrestles in. That's not uncommon for heels but Ray comes out on the losing end in EVERY feud rather than the top level guys. Ray's lost his feuds against Angle, Anderson, Storm, Styles, Abyss, Devon and even Joseph Park. On the mic, Bully Ray's a star but that's as far as it goes in my opinion. Besides, Aries has already beaten Ray and beaten him definitively several months ago.

Ray's done much better as a singles wrestler than I thought he would, but I just don't see him main eventing BFG. I don't see him as a top contender for the title right now. That's not to say that he couldn't be at some point, but TNA would have to seriously build him up as someone that's a threat rather than someone that talks awfully big before almost always getting his ass handed to him. There's not nearly enough time to do that in my eyes between now and BFG.

As for Austin Aries, I think his current title run will end at Hardcore Justice. I might be wrong, but it's just a feeling I've gotten. His match with Roode at the ppv has sort of taken a backseat to the Aces & Eights angle. I have a feeling taht Aries current run was mostly done for the sake of increasing his stock and to sort of test the waters as to how fans might respond to Aries being a main eventer and a potentially long reigning champ at some point.
Storm vs Roode for sure. I had just mentioned in another thread that I would like to see the year long culmination of Roode and Storm. It just seems like the match that fits into place the best as the main event of BFG. Former best friends and partners torn apart by the title. Storm waiting all this time to get his revenge on Roode. It just seems like a match that needs to happen.
For the emotion, the heart, the hate, the love, broken friendship, all the times we watched these guys over the years, it should be Roode vs Storm. They deserved and earned the Top in TNA. It's Storm's turn to get his Glory. Storm needs it more than Aries I think: if Storm doesn't get it, it could be damaging for him while if Aries doesn't get the main event spot at BFG, it's no big deal as nobody expected him to get it anyway. For Aries everything that is happening for him now is a bonus.
Feel good moment huh...

And then one Storm finally beats Roode, then what?

The rematch. Then the rematch. Then the rematch, and then some garbage with Storm vs some heel and another superkick finish.

I'm kinda done with James Storm and his farm.

Keep the title on Aries and give us the tna dream matches we want, with Kurt, AJ, RVD, etc.

That'll be more interesting then Roode and Storm's "damn luck."

But everytime Roode and Storm meet, they tear it up. I have never seen guys having so much chemistry in TNA. I'll take that over anything involving Aries, Angle, RVD, Hardy or anybody else in the company.

Plus it's pretty short-sighted of you to think all we're gonna have is Roode-Storm. I think Storm will win this and start feuding with AcesAndEights. He'll be their Sting against their nWo.
Austin Aries beat Bully Ray at a PPV, cleanly, and it wasn't the Main Event. So now you want to see that match again, as the Main Event of the biggest PPV of the year? Where's your logic?

Truth be told, logic isn't TNA's strong point so you may be onto something.

The main event was begging to be Roode/Storm, but the only reason I'd wanna see that is to end this feud once and for all. I'm with what that guy said earlier, I'm done with James Storm. TNA is force feeding him into the main event and it's just not going over well, especially when it's so obvious to see how Robert Roode out classes him in every aspect.

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