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What Will Make You FINALLY Stop Watching TNA?

Evenflow DDT

Pre-Show Stalwart
I've watched TNA since Aug. '02. I've seen a lot of good and a shitload of bad, but every thursday like a lot of you I keep watching. Mainly because I'm a wrestling fan and if wrestling is on I'm gonna watch it. Hell i even watch NWA Hollywood from time to time.

You can come on this or any other wrestling message board any day of the week and find people expressing their feelings about "Why TNA sucks" or "What would make TNA better/succeed" and no matter how much they complain they KEEP WATCHING! You can't REALLY know how bad TNA is unless you watch it for yourself. TNA is one of the if not the highest rated show on Spike Tv. Every week they are able to pull a 1.1+ which isn't great in the wrestling game when compared to WWE but its great for cable.

I've defened TNA from the beginning but starting around Feb 2010 it became harder and harder. But no matter how bad it got I KEPT WATCHING, hoping for the best and finding a decent match/feud here and there. Like many of you I've come on this forum and bitched & complained about bad booking, certain wrestlers not getting pushed, and poor hiring decisions but WE KEEP WATCHING.

The ONLY thing that will ever affect any televised wrestling company's booking is ratings/ppv buyrates. We only got our beloved Attitude Era because WCW was killing WWF every week in the ratings. 84 weeks straight I believe. Otherwise it would have been buisness as usual. We have the "PG" Era because there is no reason to be outragious due to the fact there is no REAL threat to the WWE. WWE still gets high 2s & mid 3s plus plenty of advertising dollars. Want to affect the product? Then you have to affect their pockets. Same with TNA, realistically their only downside, business wise is that they are not as big as WWE. You really want them to change than STOP WATCHING! There ratings will dip and the advertising will go away and so will their TV deal. Before that happens it will have to open TNA's/Dixie's/Panda Energy's eyes and make the changes that need to be made.

Ok now that i have all that off my chest and if you are still reading this and still watch TNA, then I have one simple question... "What will be the final straw that will make you stop watching TNA"

Me personally I'm gonna make my final decision after BFG '11. I'm hoping for a Kurt Angle vs. AJ or Robert Roode Main Event. I need to know where this BFG Series is going, but if I get let down with the aftermath of BFG '11 like i did in '10 (The Hardy turn would have been perfect if: 1. Raven had remained behind the scenes and worked with Hardy on his promos, 2. Hardy *NOT STING* act like the Heath Ledger Joker, and 3. If that druggie could have stayed clean) then I can't do it anymore. I'll just have to fill that 2 hours with something else.

Well I have only been watching it since 07, so I missed seeing 04-06 live (which apparently were their best years); but I've seen matches from that era.

But if this awful Immortal angle continues past BFG'11, I'll just be reading the spoilers each week. Also, it better have a conclusion too, not like the MEM angle which just fizzled out. I'm sick of TNA and their angles that just draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggg. If there's ANOTHER faction after this, then I won't even bother with the spoilers. Planett Jarrett, MEM vs Frontline, Immortal and Fortune, all the same boring recycled stuff that overstayed it's welcome by 6 months, completely boring me as a viewer and most importantly - a fan.
Ummm. I already had it with TNA, so I am no longer a weekly viewer of it. The show just wasn't organized enough and I felt I was watching the same bullshit every week. One really big reason I stopped watching was the way they booked their heels and faces. I mean if I missed a week, I had no idea who was the face and who was the heel. For example, I had no idea when Mr. Anderson......Anderson was a face or heel and it seemed Gunner was a face for like an hour or something and then he was instantly a heel by the end of the night on one episode. Also, every time I watch it feels like I am just watching the Hogan and Bischoff show because they are in every opening segment and they take up most of the backstage segments, which could be given to younger stars who bust their ass to make a living and entertain their fans.

However, the thing that really made me quit watching was the way they were pushing their home grown talent like Roode and Styles. The last time I was watching they were being overshadowed by a 52 year old man and a WWE reject. After watching Destination X, I had some hopes for talents like AJ and guys like Shelly and Roode, but the week after Destination X, I just couldn't watch anymore. I really hope things get better for the TNA product because right now I heard they are going to have even more focus on Hogan sometime down the road as a fan favorite. They will never learn that no one gives a flying shit about Hogan anymore.They need to learn how to make stars and not have them walk out on them (Samoa Joe, GenMe) because of TNA's love for anyone who has been in a WWE ring, so adios TNA. WWE has always been my favorite.
I just liked watching those two midgets. The young bucks were original in the fact that even though by looking at them you would think that it would be typical midget wrestling they actually managed to pull some moves off.
A lot of what ur saying there makes sense, but as triple h would say "heres the thing" wwe is just as bad as tna, they just rehash the same ol bullshit too! ye the punk/cena/vince angle has been good and different but it wont last they'le find a way to arse it up they always do! I watch tna, because I want to see my old favs like sting before he retires, and the fact that its a lot cheaper for me to watch than wwe! I admit its not the greatest and I def miss the attitute days, especially wcw/nwo v wwf/e, used to tune in to both every week to c them trying to better each other it was great viewing. but this is what we have now and if we all stop watching tna, it will die and the wwe will prob just give us kofi v ziggler every week and not care because there will be nothing else to watch!! :banghead:
what do u mean finally stop watching, im liking iw but i wish they would do something good wit joe and cut out the 10-20 min opening promos.
I quit watching TNA already. After the whole Jeff Hardy thing at the PPV. Immortal just bores the living shit out of me.
Like most I want TNA to push homegrown new talent, other then AJ, the belt as been on a WWE/old stars most of the time for the past like four years or so. I want them to figure it out, new stars make them and stop using old stars. For how much the WWE sucks, they always made new stars for the future, and I'm seeing the new crop coming in.

I wish TNA would be better, shake things up, do something dam it, make me want to watch again. Like WWE, both was sucking big time, but this new story with Punk, makes me want to watch again, but I don't know how long that is going to last. TNA do something dam it, the WWE as been making waves. Use the dam internet, the WWE is starting to do it a lot now, with twitter and all types of the stuff.
To be honest, I don't really know what'll make me stop watching TNA. Don't get me wrong though, I barely watch it as is, the ridiculous storylines and general sense of shit being lost all the time drove me away. I still tune in when I can though, and it's mostly because TNA is my WWE alternative. I'm a huge wrestling fan, and I like having an alternative choice, even if it is TNA. WWE is extremely hot right now, but I still like to see guys like AJ Styles and Alex Shelly do their thing. If there's a match going on that doesn't involve guys like that though, then I usually don't pay much attention to it. The only other matches I watch beginning to end are the Knockouts - who despite being on the lower end of entertaining - can still keep me watching the whole time, whether it's a match or a promo... and I can't say that about the Divas.
1/4/2010 - Is what made me finally STOP watching TNA. Yes People, I know exactly what Hogan has done for the entire business. I agree 100% that without him we would not have the product we love today. I just feel that the son of a %$#@! desperately needs to give up the damn ghost. Same with "Mr. Retirement match 4 times per year" Ric Flair. I don't care what anybody says, these two make any show they are on simply not enjoyable. I will never say these men have no talent, and everything you could possibly say about them in the 80s and 90s is completely true. But damn it, NO MORE! TNA's biggest mistake was hiring those idiots. Hogan is and will always be worse than HHH any day with his massive ego. He DESERVED exactly what he got at Bash at the Beach 2000 (the ONLY time I liked Vince Russo).
TNA actually doesn't have that bad of ideas, they just don't execute them well.

A great analogy would be that TNA knows the story is about the destination, not the result. So like when you go on a road trip somewhere, the trip there is usually just as fun as the destination. So you bring a buddy or 2 that you like to hang out with. You stop at some fun roadside attractions. Maybe you even pick up a hitch hiker to live dangerously. However, TNA is like you bring a ****e with you, then snort coke the whole time and eventually, you have no idea where the fuck you are, you just know your penis burns.

TNA seems to have this philosophy that more is better. More spots, more gimmick matches, more legends. Alex Shelley is a guy I'm not that big of a fan of now that I've heard pro wrestlers dissect his matche and heard successful guys explain things to me.

One thing WWE does incredibly well is they know their audience. They teach all their guys how to work this audience. TNA doesn't. They have guys who appeal to tourists, guys who appeal to smarks, and the a few guys who appeal to everyone. TNA should really think about their audience, and then do things that appeal to all. In my opinion, the way Kendrick wrestles is perfect. He does all the old school stuff, sells well, tells a story in the ring, but also has a higher workrate.

I will probably always watch TNA because I love wrestling and no matter how many stupid ass overbooking decisions I see, I will still find something about the show I really like.
After Sting returned, I realised it's just a trust fund baby paying for a bunch of guys retirements, while they act like they give a shit about the poor product.
I stopped watching in 2007 sort of time. My reasoning for stopping watching TNA was because when the stepped up the production values after the big move to Spike - they seemed to lose sight of what made them who they were.

TNA was built off the X-division. While yes it was "just a bunch of cruiserweights", that division HAD meaning and purpose and it DREW. That was the key thing. Anyone that watched TNA - the first few things they'd say..."Shit, did you see the X-division match between x and y?"

TNA lost sight of this and started to work heavily on the heavyweight division. Ok fairs fair, its their world title, and I like this but...I dunno, it just started to feel tacky and out of place in points. They started to put the title on people as they came into the company through that person "drawing" instead of working on homegrown talent more. I remember when EY and Roode were pet projects - Roode is now being seen as one of the best in the company, it paid off for them. Roode is fantastic, no doubt...but will he ever be TNA world champ - No. Why? Because he's not as big a draw as the ex WWE guys and the legends.

Back when it was the NWA belt it was fair enough. They had to give the title to the big draws because they were being part funded by NWA for this. NWA pulled out though and TNA had a chance to make their title something special - instead they fed it to all the ex botch masters and druggies of WWE and made themselves a second rate version of a second rate product - WCW.

I loved TNA circa 2005. Back when it felt like the matches meant something and I swore blindly that TNA would overtake WWE in the end in ratings...but it slipped horribly and so I stopped watching purely because it just started to feel tacky.

Occasionally I stumble upon it and I can maybe watch 10 mins before feeling the tack infecting my brain. I get they're making more money, but in getting more money - they're releasing a worse product.
What single thing or event would make me stop watching TNA/IW? Probably nothing, but Hulk Hogan, World Heavyweight Champion would make it REALLY difficult to continue on week-to-week.

Don't get me wrong, I respect Hogan for his place in the business. I also think that ultimately, Hulk being in TNA is a good thing. I'm not completely negative on this talk of a Sting/Hogan match at Bound For Glory either.

However, I don't care if it's Bischoff, Russo, or Hogan himself... if I see Hogan posing down in the middle of the ring with that Heavyweight title on his shoulder, I'll know that the product isn't about making new stars or elevating talent that never got a proper shot in WWE. It's only about Hogan and those close to him, bathing in the spotlight one more time.

Only problem is that this time, I (and I'm sure quite a few other people) won't be watching. I think that single event, unless immediately followed by something incredibly good for the company, could quite possibly kill TNA/IW outright, let alone make one viewer stop watching.
I stopped watching a while back, I just lost interest because of all the long and drawn out promos week in and week out. For a company that says WRESTLING MATTERS they sure as hell do way too much talking.
I'll stop watching TNA for the same reasons I stopped watching WWE. If it becomes boring, predictable and is no longer interesting I'll stop watching it. At the end of the day it's a TV show so I have no loyalty to TNA. Just like I have no loyalty to Eastenders. It's not like a football team, where if Chelsea were bottom of League 2 I'd continue to support them. If TNA gets shit I'll simply stop watching it.

But while it continues to be exciting, unpredictable and interesting I'll continue watching it.
Well I used to love TNA because of the likes of Sting, Jeff Hardy, and Mr Anderson but I stopped watching it because I didn't enjoy all the other stories that you would have to watch before you got to see Sting or the others. I couldn't watch all of that because it was plain boring. That's why I gave up on TNA.
I already answered this dozens of times it feels like.

I'll stop watching TNA the day it shuts down and/or is bought out and merges with We Were Entertainment. I have no desire to watch McMahon productions, and haven't for some time now.

Until then they could put the title on Shark Boy and have Eric Bischoff as the X Division champion and I'd still find a way to watch every week, because it's the only wrestling I have left.

I grew up on WCW, not WWE/F, and TNA made a home for a number of those WCW superstars who I get to see on a near weekly basis. Guys like Sting, Steiner and even Nash all held or hold prominent roles in the company who used their "star power" to draw people into a relatively unknown product who also injected itself with high-flying X Division stars and a crafty tag division. It just made/makes sense to me.

I watch wrestling to be entertained, and TNA entertains me because they hire entertainers, not body builders with dial tone personalities masquerading as "super stars".
Although we would all love to see Somoa Joe or Bobby Roode as TNA Champion the best thing for them to do for buisness as a growing company is to have an recogniseable ex WWE/WCW talent as the face of the company wether that be Sting, Hardy, Kennedy or RVD. I Cant stand Jeff Hardy and it hurts to say this but it makes more sense for him to be champ than any TNA original for his massive fanbase.

As to what would make me stop watching, I dont know. I fast forward through most of the hogan/bishcoff segments as they are far too many and they are all the same. Maybe if Hogan took anymore time or got back into the ring i would stop watching.

For me WWE and TNA are at two opposite ends of the same problem. WWE rushing fueds and not allowing them to develop before they end and just cutting pushes before the superstar has chance to establish themselves.
On the other hand TNA's product seems to be slow and repeatitve without ever getting anywhere.
As a fan of wrestling i cant see myself just stop watching but can get very bored of both companies.
Vince Russo doing creative. Hulk ogan and Eric Bichoff doing crappy promos every week and Sting ripping off a storyline from an audition tape sent in by an independent wrestler. Oh wait, it's already happening and that's why I don't watch that steaming pile of crap...
I never started watching, so I guess I can't really stop. I knew they were a joke the moment I heard their name was "TNA". Naming your organization after a sex pun tells you they clearly had no intention of ever being around in the long term. Why anyone ever took them seriously is beyond me.

The only time I ever saw TNA was around the time Christian wrestled for them back in, I'm gonna say 2006?? It was awful then, and from what I've heard it's only gotten worse. I probably would have tuned in the night they decided to go live head to head with RAW but thats the night Bret Hart came back so to hell with that. The one night everyone would be watching RAW is the night TNA decides to go live. How stupid can one promotion get?
Take a wild guess. Stupid storylines + boring matches + dumb roster. Those are the things that will make me stop watching ANY wrestling. Not old people, not Dixie is a mark, not "TNA used to be the shit in 2005 and now it's not", not "I don't watch it but I hate it because TNA is a porn pun". None of these idiotic, ignorant reasons.

And by the way, why is this section turning into TNA Complaints section? Every second thread is started by someone who doesn't enjoy TNA all that much and starts topics about things that the "haters" can *********e to.
For all intents and purposes, I have already stopped watching TNA. I went from never watching it years ago, to being a fairly regular viewer for a while, to present day whereby I probably watch once a month and struggle to get through an entire episode, which is actually really disappointing because I really wanted to be a fan of both companies, rather than choosing one over the other.

For me, the absolute and total end will be if a rumoured Sting versus Hogan in-ring actual match occurs in 2011 or 2012 (or beyond). That's not even factoring Ric Flair into the equation. Any combination of these fossils in this decade will force me to permanently leave Spike TV. And unfortunately, I truly believe this is where they're headed.

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