What would make you stop watching WWE?

This not a single event, real or kayfabe, that could get me to stop watching. Even in Hornswoggle won a championship, Triple H faked fucked a corspe,
and Mae Young gave birth to a hand; i wouldn't stop watching. However, if the product became stale for an extended period of time, or the storylines were consistently boring or disturbing, I might be tempted to stop watching. Pretty much, if WWE got to a point where it was (week in and week out) less entertaining and more frustrating as TNA, I'd give up (most likely temporarily, however.)
1. The Undertaker losing at WM. I would watch all the WWE shows for that week and then never watch again. It would show that nothing is sacred there and no loyalty exists to the fans, stories, talent, or anything but the dollar.2. After hearing all the rumors and mud slinging about these people doing horrible things to each other and non-wrestling people I really am not sure. I've heard it and read about it but I still watch, sometimes to even my own confusion and disappointment.


Well #1, there isnt really loyalty to the fans, at this point Vince isnt concerned with what you like, just what gets him media/outside attention and gets him money (PG). WWE has enough loyal/regular fans that it doesnt need to be that concered about ratings. Every now and then they up the ante, like with Nexus though. But you shouldnt be watching with the idea that a wealthy man like Vince is loyal to you. It just so happens that what gets him money is soemtimes interesting to a large group of people (see PG & kids).

I dont know what you're talking about when you say mudslinging, but if you're refering to wrestlers being rude to eachother, the majority of wrestlers are deuches. 95% of wrestling fans dont know who the true HBK is. I'll just leave it there, you can make your own conclusions.

But on to the point, I would stop watching when it becomes extremely repetitious (idk if i spelled that right). I remember one time we were in our I assume 10th Cena/Orton rivalry and I just stopped watching. I think thats what keeps people watching, fresh material, like Nexus. The Cena/Orton thing wasnt fresh to me, and the lack of other interesting rivalries made me stop watching. Of course I watch now lol

I would also stop watching if nothing of significant importance happened on the show, which is what 9 times out of 10 happens on SD. Every week on RAW we get a twist to the main storyline. On SD we get Edge playing with a toy Paul Bearer and Kane chasing him only to never catch him until it was too late. And other than that its just a bunch of matches. So I rarely pay attention to SD unless something important like an Undertaker return or a title defense is going on.

to make a long story short, if the material becomes incredibly stale and repetitious I'll stop watching, not forever, but until I hear somethign interesting is goign on.
1. An unbelievable champion, like Zack Ryder, Dolph Ziggler, or Curt Hawkins. I would quit watching WWE forever if this happend.

2. If WWE turned into a G-rated show. That would just be so STUPID! No violence at all? It will be like Dora The Explorer.

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