What would make you stop watching WWE?

If they took WWE off the air, that would definitely make me stop watching.:blush:


Okay, okay......I just couldn't resist saying that.

It's interesting that two posters said they would stop watching if Undertaker ever lost at WM or if John Cena ever turned heel. Ironically, those are two things that would make me more interested than ever, because they are unexpected events that WWE is famous for: taking us out of our comfort level.

Think about it: the whole Nexus program was unexpected and made me feel uncomfortable. Watching Edge and Randy Orton as a tag team ("Brokeback Mountain") made me uncomfortable. Watching The Miz win the world title made me (and that little girl) uncomfortable. Watching Edge portray Ric Flair in a skit about his road rage incident was funny as hell, but it made me uneasy as I wondered exactly how far WWE would go in spoofing things like that. This kind of stuff has always kept us coming back to WWE programming, year after year. Naturally, they can't come up with things like that every week, but the fact it's so unpredictable is what makes it attractive.

Seeing Undertaker lose at WM or Cena as a bad guy would be nice, safe viewing...... but where's the fun in that?

So, there's my answer: When WWE stops taking me out of my comfort zone is when I'll stop watching them.
Kayfabe: Nothing. I don't really care what happens in storylines and all of that. In the end, it's all arbitrary.

Real Life: Well, I only really watch Raw, I keep saying I need to start watching more of SD but I forget. Don't know what it'll take for me to stop watching besides it going off the air.
well I haven't stopped watching all of WWE, but I HAVE stopped watching anything to do with RAW's main event scene due to the Miz winning the belt. The only reason he's getting any sort of Title Reign is because he likes to kiss ass to Vince and do promotional work. Who cares? That's not wrestling.
thats easy when roh gets a 2 hour spike tv deal then i will have no reson to watch wwe cause there up in comers r alum anyway
The fact that most if not all of the matches i can predict a winner. Jerry Lawler pinning the Fail(Miz)...i saw that. The countout victory the next week....saw that coming 2.
Next week when Morrison loses....i can say that i saw that. Ill tune in to see how he gets screwed over tho.

Non-Kayfabe: If WWE and TNA dont come together and have a joint storyline or something. Both companies, IMO, need each other to grow even more. If they come together, have a WWE VS WCW kinda storyline, then maybe ill start watching wrestling fulltime again. If not, maybe ill check out ROH...............
michael cole announcing had me at the brink, miz winning the title pushed me over. i'm done with the wwe for now. maybe one day i'll go back to watching, but i don't see that happening anytime soon.
I'll stop when I die. It's only 2 hours on nights I don't have anything else to do for the most part. It's just a TV show. People say the Simpsons has gone down hill, but I still watch it and have some fun.

Everything you guys mention would be short term in the world of WWE. And then the next major angle happens. And ONE angle doesn't ruin the whole 2 hour show. There are other angles too, and other shows at that.
I have to be honest...I've been watching WWE/WWF since 1985, and watching wrestling was the only thing I had in common with my dad's dad...it would really take something to get me to stop watching all together. It's more or less a habit at this point. But...

1. If they keep doing things like reliving Montreal every couple of months, or just start completely trashing the guys I really like to see, that might do it. TNA's post-Hogan/Bischoff booking has come really, really close to making me stop watching them completely, so it is possible.

2. If they start intentionally trying to be offensive off-camera...I don't know, start getting racist or something to get a rise out of people, that could do it. It's hard to see anything "IRL" make me want to stop watching the product completely. As long as they are putting up an entertaining product, and aren't going out of their way to make me feel like a dirtbag for supporting them, I'll probably keep watching.

I will say that I stopped watching NXT and that Thursday show...Superstars, maybe?...because they really stopped being entertaining. And my DVR can't seem to find Smackdown since it moved, and I haven't really put any effort into finding it again. I do watch Raw faithfully, though...it seems to be where all the effort is.
1. A pg rating
2. wrestlers that cant not wrestle and only appeal to children and preteen girls such as cena or the miz main eventing.
3. young wrestlers with so little talent that the last 2 wrestlemanias have been stolen by 2 men who although legends are at the end of their careers.
4.a leperichaun beating a veteran wrestler for several weeks in a row.

wait this all happened. this is why i quit a while back. say what you want about TNA but TNA is much closer to 90's style wrestling which is when wrestling was good. what has wrestling in the last 10 years given us? katie vick? several nWo wanna bes? John cenas movie career actually being more laughable than Hulk Hogans?( sorry no holds barred was good cena has made nothing good yet 8 rounds ring a bell?)

sorry 12 rounds the movie sucked so bad i forgot the right name
1. A pg rating
2. wrestlers that cant not wrestle and only appeal to children and preteen girls such as cena or the miz main eventing.
3. young wrestlers with so little talent that the last 2 wrestlemanias have been stolen by 2 men who although legends are at the end of their careers.
4.a leperichaun beating a veteran wrestler for several weeks in a row.

wait this all happened. this is why i quit a while back. say what you want about TNA but TNA is much closer to 90's style wrestling which is when wrestling was good. what has wrestling in the last 10 years given us? katie vick? several nWo wanna bes? John cenas movie career actually being more laughable than Hulk Hogans?( sorry no holds barred was good cena has made nothing good yet 8 rounds ring a bell?)

That's very sad to think that somehow PG makes a product bad. I guess before the attitude era wrestling sucked. And that didn't happen until 97 and before then it was PG. So did 1990-1997 suck because it was PG? Did the 80s suck because it was PG?
no because in the 80s we had talented wrestlers like dusty rhodes harley race ric flair randy savage the list goes on and on. if you wanna be honest i really consider the attitude era starting in the early 90s because ofthe birth of ECW and even wcw became edgy before 97 with the rise of the nWo.
I can't believe Undertaker losing would make people stop watching. I mean, the guy's had a great career but seriously? Every single wrestler in the past that had an undefeated streak came to an end eventually. Tatanka and Goldberg for example. It needs to come to an end in a Streak and Career with a World Title on the line. That's the most logical scenario.

Kayfabe: I don't know. I'm pretty loyal to the WWE right now. Maybe if they made Drew Mcyntire world champion. The guy has NO wrestling talent. His moves are crap. A DDT and using the medal thingy under the ring. That's it. Also, if Evan Bourne doesn't get pushed at least for an IC title, in the next few years. The guy is amazing in the ring, especially with Mysterio.

Real: Doing something illegal. Discrimination. Firing of talented stars. Just the usual stuff.
no because in the 80s we had talented wrestlers like dusty rhodes harley race ric flair randy savage the list goes on and on. if you wanna be honest i really consider the attitude era starting in the early 90s because ofthe birth of ECW and even wcw became edgy before 97 with the rise of the nWo.

No the Attitude Era started when the WWF started the slogan Attitude. It has nothing to do with ECW or WCW, although both greatly influenced the WWF to change its product from a PG rating. The Attitude Era was born in a PG rating and there is no need for a higher rating anymore. The rating has no affect on the product, its simply the people who are in charge nothing more.

What would stop me watching, one thing if idiotic ignorant fans ran this company. Those who think they know it all, then are proven wrong time and time again. If they ever ran a wrestling company it wouldnt even last a year.
I already stopped watching because a) it's become a waste of time generally b) we gave up cable last year (although I know I could find a stream online if I wanted). What I mean by waste of time is that the WWE designs its product toward kids. I'm not a kid now, but todays storylines/direction reminds me of when I was a kid and I got very sick of their company in the early 90s when they did that and had Hogan (except now its Cena). For me, it's unwatchable. I'm a big fan of telling the story within the match with out of ring promos here or there, and that just isn't what the WWE (or TNA) is today.

TNA became worthless this past year with Hogan and Bischoff in charge in my opinion. I liked TNA before they came aboard for a variety of reasons, having a valid tag team division, the X division, and letting the wrestlers wrestle with innovative moves being a few reasons. But from what I can gather through sites like this, it's been taken over by retreads and stale story lines with their younger talent being buried. TNA sounds like the MLS is for soccer, the last stop to prolong ones career before actually going away (in other words, staying too long).

Real life wise, I would say I've been turned off by the reality of wrestling life. That is, the abuse of prescription and illicit drugs by a decent number of wrestlers in order to cope with the reality of the business (crazy travel and pain). The abuse of steriods/hgh, etc...is mind numbing and very sad.
you implying that im ignorant? i can promise you i could run a much better company. get rid of over rated no talent hacks. like cena and miz. bring back edgy intresting story lines like the we had 10 years ago that gave birth to wrestlers like stonecold, the rock, HHH, . Hire talented wrestlers such as Aj styles give the best young talent out there. I would push young talent that was worth pushing like evan bourne. I would go for an R rating to keep the little bastard kids out and make it feel like ECW. I would have some veterans around that are willing to give rubs and teach the young talent. this is how you run a wrestling company.
you implying that im ignorant? i can promise you i could run a much better company. get rid of over rated no talent hacks. like cena and miz. bring back edgy intresting story lines like the we had 10 years ago that gave birth to wrestlers like stonecold, the rock, HHH, . Hire talented wrestlers such as Aj styles give the best young talent out there. I would push young talent that was worth pushing like evan bourne. I would go for an R rating to keep the little bastard kids out and make it feel like ECW. I would have some veterans around that are willing to give rubs and teach the young talent. this is how you run a wrestling company.

And you have no clue about the business side of things, how to manage money, what it really takes to run a wrestling company, etc. Just because you follow internet BS doesn't mean you can do it.

And having an "R" rating (even though it's a TV rating and it would be TV-MA) would mean you'd have to probably go on at a later time slot, lose plenty of viewers, and have to deal with a 250 day travel schedule.

And ECW was highly overrated. Those hardcore guys like Balls Mahoney and Sabu couldn't wrestle a good normal match to save their lives. They were totally exposed in the WWE ECW

get rid of over rated no talent hacks. like cena and miz

Get rid of your top draw? Shows you do know nothing about wrestling and that the purpose is to put asses in seats and Cena does that.
right i guess having a buisness degree would mean i know nothing about buisness right? and no getting rid of no talent hacks would cost me nothing why? because they would never ever be anything more than certain jerkers at best.. Maybe you right about not having tv-MA although i think that wwe was tv MA at least during raws 2nd hour during that attitude era. But the point is if you make it mature again and get rid of the kids then you can have quality wrestling and storylines again and get rid of crap like cena beating up half of the roster on his own. Or having Hornswaggle beating chavo. you know crap like that. if you really want to talk about what has the better dsraw attitude or pg what your basicly doing is asking whos a bigger draw Stonecold or cena? No contest Austin wins this sorry.

There is absolutely nothing that could ever make me stop watching. There's so many people who watch that complain especially the IWC moreso, and I hate most of the hypocrites of the IWC and their views on wrestling, but I'm stronger than most if I can still stomach everything they cant because it's "so bad" even though it may be less appealing than it was 10 years ago or so, it's still better than what it could be, which is much worse.

I'll say, nothing at all could get me to stop. I love it way too much and I cant get offended by anything and most people wil cry over the littlest thing so nothing they could even do to try to make me stop would work. I'd likely laugh at the effort thus being entertained

I made a post a while back somewhere that got a whole hell of a lot of heat on things that hadnt been done yet that I'd like to see in wrestling, some have mentioned minor things from that list, but everyone here hated it for the most part though one or two found it funny, well that's me.

You cant run me away from wrestling with "offensive" material, you cant run me away with focusing on entertainment more than wrestling, even if it became ridiculously kiddish, I'd still watch, or if they changed the show from wrestling to something else like Crush Hour or even if they did re-runs of Raw & SD! and only aired new material Seasonally every few months for 8 week. No matter what, even if McMahons no longer ran it, I'd keep watching.

I could not stand some of it, but I'd keep watching, hell I dont like every aspect now, but it's something I love. Some people have Highschool Sweethearts, well wrestling is my Childhood Sweetheart.

You cant stop the addiction

(edit: MAYBE I would consider it, if Trish Stratus or Stephanie McMahon Helmsley offered me sex to stop watching, MAYBE) never considered that option for stopping, but I might say yes with my fingers crossed
1. I guess only one thing would make me stop watching WWE and that is if they brake Undertakers streak at Wrestlemania with a John Cena win. That would make me sick to my stomach. I know it is kayfabe but I'm sure that I would see that as a totally unforgivable booking.

2. If I somehow found out that WWE was going keep the PG Rating forever, then my hope for WWE to get excellent again would be crushed and that would probably make me to disappointed to ever watch WWE again.
right i guess having a buisness degree would mean i know nothing about buisness right? and no getting rid of no talent hacks would cost me nothing why? because they would never ever be anything more than certain jerkers at best.. Maybe you right about not having tv-MA although i think that wwe was tv MA at least during raws 2nd hour during that attitude era. But the point is if you make it mature again and get rid of the kids then you can have quality wrestling and storylines again and get rid of crap like cena beating up half of the roster on his own. Or having Hornswaggle beating chavo. you know crap like that. if you really want to talk about what has the better dsraw attitude or pg what your basicly doing is asking whos a bigger draw Stonecold or cena? No contest Austin wins this sorry.

Once again PG has nothing to do with the product being good or not. And raw was NEVER TV-MA.

You bring up Hornswoggle when WWF had Gillberg, Mae Young giving birth to a hand, Val Venis, etc.

You can have kids and have quality wrestling. 80s wrestling had that.

And it's very convenient that you say you have a "business degree" just to try and counter your internet "smarkness" (even though everyone is a mark). There is a reason why actual wrestlers laugh at the internet fans.

Austin never beat up half the roster on his own?

And Wrestlemania 23 had the highest PPV buy rate for a wrestlemania, and that wasn't in the attitude era.

Sex and blood doesn't make a product good.
And you have no clue about the business side of things, how to manage money, what it really takes to run a wrestling company, etc. Just because you follow internet BS doesn't mean you can do it.

And you do? You ran him down and added absolutely nothing to make you look like you have any more of a clue than he does

And having an "R" rating (even though it's a TV rating and it would be TV-MA) would mean you'd have to probably go on at a later time slot, lose plenty of viewers, and have to deal with a 250 day travel schedule.

Firstly TV-14 would be perfect because it keeps the WWE in check and prevents us from having to see bullshit like Katie Vick again. Most importantly though.. what the hell does the tv rating and their touring schedule have to do with one another?

And ECW was highly overrated. Those hardcore guys like Balls Mahoney and Sabu couldn't wrestle a good normal match to save their lives. They were totally exposed in the WWE ECW

Get rid of your top draw? Shows you do know nothing about wrestling and that the purpose is to put asses in seats and Cena does that.

In ECW Balls and Sabu were indeed.. top draws. pardon my extreme misuse of the term they are most certainly not my words. They sang Balls' entrance music from when it started til it went off and the crowd didn't quiet down until balls exited through the curtain. What ECW fan wouldn't have paid to see Sabu if they could have at that time? Yeah getting rid of the people who put asses in your seats despite not being able to chain wrestle just isn't smart business when there are more than 1 way to entertain. Sure they were exposed in WWECW, but at that point they are 10 years removed from their prime and in a very corporate and watered down version of their old promotion that was doomed to fail before it even started.
2. If I somehow found out that WWE was going keep the PG Rating forever, then my hope for WWE to get excellent again would be crushed and that would probably make me to disappointed to ever watch WWE again.
this is pretty much confirmed with linda trying to get into politics sorry

thank you vintage your reasonable and make sense.
As far as Undertaker's streak goes I almost hope it does end just to piss the rest of you off. Besides if it's done right it could get someone over like gangbusters instantly and be one of the biggest moments in WWE history

1. If John Cena Ever Beat Undertaker At Wrestlemania And Ended His Streak I Think It Would Put Me On Edge Drastically And Id Just Have To Stop Watching Because Thats When WWE Would Have Completely Lost Their Minds. (No Offense To Cena Fans)

2.If Hogan Ever Got Creative Control Of WWE And If Racism Has Held Other Talented Performers Back(As Listed Above)
Good topic.

There are a few things that would cause me to stop watching the WWE. Most of them would never happen, but still.

Kayfabe- 1. If Austin or The Rock ever stepped foot into a WWE ring, even for a guest spot, and got fed to SuperCena. Not regular John Cena that we've seen as of late. SuperCena from a year ago. I'd probably punch a senior citizen. 2. If Taker's streak is broken by Cena... or Jack Swagger.

Real life - If Linda McMahon ran for Senate, and won, I'd be done because that means that the WWE would be PG from then on. Or if Hornswoggle were revealed to be the Anonymous Raw GM.
Kayfabe - If Hornswoggle won the World Title. That would be the biggest atrocity since David Arquette winning the WCW Heavyweight Title.

Real Life - If the WWE changed their rating to TV-C (or TV-Y in the US) which would be mean no wrestling, faces calling the heels "big meanies" or faces using lame jokes worse than John Cena's insults. But of course, that is very unlikely to happen.

Both of these are unlikely to happen, so there isn't much more that would make stop watching the E.

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