Is 10/10/10 The Day That Will Make or Break TNA?

The WHC match is suppose to be big; that's the Main Event (or suppose to be) but they really haven't done anything but strip the gold from RVD just so he can face whoever wins it in this match. Doesn't make much sense if you think about it and that's why I'm not that interested..

Actually their has been a entire 8 man tournament behind the title, and what makes you so sure about RVD, its not a lock that RVD gets the next shot, the belt was stripped because of his contract since he can only work a certain amount of dates, if anything I think he is on the BFG to add another name to the PPV would not be surprised of Abyss takes him out either. The title has been vacant for awhile if it does not interest you then you simply are not interested in TNA, it will be over 2 months the company has gone without a champion, and it does not interest you because you are just assuming RVD is getting the next shot??? So it doesnt interest you based on your own assumption

Which is probably going to culminate along with Abyss's "They"- hyped to the moon and most likely the payout will be disappointing. ..
This is based off of what??? You have no clue, here is the problem nothign in the wrestling industry is that hyped unless you attach mega star/s to it (ex. Taker vs HBK) (nexus vs cena) TNA has gained your interest with all the hype and its going to be disappointing because you are not interested in TNA and they dont have the money to have some awesome payoff because their is no storyline TNA could create with their roster to please everyone.

Haven't these guys fought every-other-week on TNA iMPACT? I doubt they'll steal the show because they seem a bit over exposed...
:wtf: are you talking about Alex Shelley has been out since No Surrender so thats impossible, and its an Ultimate X match which adds a whole other element, Chris Sabin has had a singles match with one of them thats a small taste compared to both teams going against each other in a Ultimate X match.

1. They are already over as heels. Kicking a dead horse isn't helping matters.
2. So take out all of the Main Eventers and you'll notice EV2 draws more fans than midcarders? By Golly you're a genius.....
Yes so who is Fortune going to face???? Every face that matter is in a BIGGER MORE IMPORTANT INTERESTING STORYLINE.

The point of watching EV2 was to bring closure to the ECW tandem, and that was suppose to end at Hardcore Justice (at least it was in an old-school ECW fan's mind). They decided to turn a dead company's last able-bodied superstars into something younger superstars can "beat up on" just so they can get more heat that was really not needed. Winning against wrestlers way past their prime is not proving that you're the best; it proves your company is running out of ideas. If TNA really wants Fortune to stay on top then why aren't any of them gunning or at least facing someone who is in the TNA WHC title run? Because there's dead weight to face instead.

Fortune isnt gunning for anyone who is in a WHC tite run because their was a 8 man tournament to determine who was in that run. Doug Williams and Morgan both were in the tournament and lost in the first round. Fortune is a STABLE they are being built AS A STABLE thats another reason why none of them are gunning or facing someone in WHC run. What 4 guys are TNA going to put against them thats a threat??? If Fortune is the self proclaimed best in TNA, who built TNA... any combination of guys would not only be random and have ZERO storyline it would take away from all the other storylines they have going. Not to mention if they went against upper card/ME guys Fortune would have to win or else they would look weak. So lets take hardy out the main event, and pope, and joe out of deception, and throw another tna guy in their, your going to have potential main event guys job for Fortune with no storyline yes thats whats really good for BFG:disappointed:

Thats why they are facing Ev2, but yea it makes more sense to have them face midcarders, or take apart important storylines, instead of EV2, or to just let one of them get a good feud which would be uneccessary. Its simple the guys in Fortune have all had their time as individual/tag team where they have all gotten over or won a title. or been in a title run, so now they are being built as a STABLE , if you cannot realize that you must not be watching Impact.
I think that 10.10.10 is a VERY Important date for TNA. There has been alot of speculation about Who "they" are and for alot of people that are sick of TNA and who do not like the current product this is TNA's last chance for them to live up to the hype and build for 10.10.10 and depending on the reveal of "They", if it is lousy those people might just give up on TNA and not watch anymore, if the reveal is something intriguing they may continue to watch the product and many others will watch to. 10.10.10 for me and many of the Loyal TNA will still continue to watch so it is Not Make or for those fans but for some people this is Make Or Break for TNA. Two things can happen after 10.10.10 either some people will give up on TNA or It may gain new viewers. 10.10.10 is a VERY IMPORTANT because of those two things.
I have been saying for weeks now, and I truly believe this, that as TNA's Bound For Glory approaches on 10/10/10, TNA is definitely approaching a crossroads, one that will have significant ramifications for their future, positively or negatively, which will determine if TNA is going to progress and move forward into a significant player in the grand scheme of things, or whether or not they are going to remain insignificant or even move backwards, alienating the TNA faithful and WWE hopefuls in the process.

They have a number of issues and storylines brewing. There's "deception," the identity of "them," the 3-way championship match, etc., , we all know what is potentially on the horizon for TNA. One one side of the coin, they have the potential to put off an epic PPV which truly shakes the world of TNA to its foundations and changes the landscape of professional wrestling. This could coincide with a lull in the ratings of WWE, making it an even bigger event if it is done effectively. They have been hyping the "they" angle for months now, and teasing "deception" even longer, not to mention EV2.0, Fourtune, potential debuts of WWE rejects, whatever. If TNA can follow through on the hype and hooplah of all of this, I think they can finally make some positive strides as we move forward. If they can deliver and live up to the anticipation of it all, the TNA have cause for some optimism, finally.

Then of course, there's the flip side. It could all be another letdown, another disappointment, another culmination of false promises and a failure to deliver. Promises of surprises which simply aren't there. Having "them" be no one significant. Dixie Carter tweets, other stars' hints, which they don't live up to and don't in fact even try to. I'm not saying this will happen, in fact I hope my last paragraph is more indicative of the situation. But if it does, I feel TNA will be in serious trouble. All apocalyptic conjecture aside, if TNA gets its fans' hopes up, again, tweaks the interest of WWE fans (and potential future TNA fans), again, and gets the IWC all excited and then produces nothing, I think it will be devastating to the organization, I really do. There's been numerous letdowns in the past, and TNA marks have been very forgiving, but I think there has to be a limit to the disappointment that many of them will tolerate, and if they are disappointed again, in a letdown of this magnitude, they are definitely going to suffer for it. I don't know how typical I am of the average fan, but speaking on my own behalf, if TNA drops the ball on this one, which is a distinct possibility, that will be it for me. No more chances, no more excuses, no more explanations. And I doubt I'll be alone. There's only so much letdown that the iMPACT players will tolerate.
I do not think it is make or break. While they obviously have a lot riding on this show, it is pretty clear that like many things to do with TNA a lot of people have made up their mind before it happens. At this point I am convinced Stone Cold could come out and all we would hear about is wwe reject. It is sad in a lot of ways. To get any credit TNA has to do something right for a long time. Just look at the reaction to anderson initially vs now. This is why one show, even if it is the culmination of a long story, can only do so much either way. If "bad" wasn't subjective then having a bad end to this story could break them. But it is not and I think that the build was obviously a success simply because people care about it. That was the first step and if they deliver something a few more than average people find "good" then they can continue to grow their product.

i agree that TNA has to deliver something good, not decent (because of the hype they put in), for the PPV to be successful. but i strongly disagree with ur "WWE reject" assessment.

the thing TNA is doing wrong with talent that's not homegrown is that they're hiring guys WWE releases. Steve Austin, the Rock, Goldberg, etc. etc. are guys WWE would want (either as on air talent or just to bleed the money out of them while they're still somewhat relevant). but when you got TNA putting so much stock into guys WWE doesn't want anymore (like Anderson), why would you really care? Anderson, Kendrick, Pope, those are guys WWE let go because they think they aren't too good. yeah i don't think they are, but TNA puts so much hype into guys WWE released it makes you question their "prestige", if any. what's hurting the wrestling business is long contracts like the one Orton just signed a while back (10 years i believe?) how's TNA going to match that for that many years? if Vince didn't offer that many years, TNA would've surely thrown a decent offer out there (or a better short term one). the only guy TNA has signed that left WWE was Jeff Hardy and they really ruined any hype he had with the way they book things.

TNA needs to do something original with "They" or any other angle they do now, something that hasn't been seen on TV for 10+ years. as an old wrestling fan for 20+ years, everything is recycled in the business, but you have to recycle it where it's your own. they have to get away from things like The Band, Fortune, etc., stables that blatantly copy old stables. even though Evolution was a Horsemen ripoff, it was original in the members, the reason why they were together, and the roles (Flair wasn't the leader unlike when he was a Horsemen). they just need originality to get over this PPV in my opinion. i'm not a big TNA fan, but i hope they succeed so they can make WWE change their product into something entertaining. i won't be picky on 10/10/10, but i'm hoping they decide to make a new name for themselves, a new image, originality.
Zeven_Zion I agree with most the bloody things that you say lol... back on topic...

Yes this is a big date for TNA, arguably the biggest date for it BUT I really do not want to see anything but TNA originals winning on 10.10.10. I seriously don't want TNA to ruin this shot where WWE fans and the like are getting the ppv just because of the hyping, anything less than AMAZING is gonna make WWE fans climb a wall and act like TNA is shit and it has the "lurgys" ¬.¬.

If something seriously ******ed happens like EV2.0 beats Fortune I would shoot who ever made that happen. TNA ORIGINALS HAVE ENOUGH BLOODY TALENT TO HOLD THE COMPANY AND RUN WITH IT. This bringing back old WWE/F stars business was just TNA wanting to get to the stage where the originals can run with the company faster and them making sure that people other than old TNA fans tune in to watch *and see big names like Kurt*; then after this TNA will probably keep the stars that are worthy and can hold the company without some arse-hole saying he's a guy WWE made. (which would still happen but... meh... basically their gonna keep the good people... obviously).

On a more "furturistic" note I hope that after Fortune wins they become a faction like MEM and when they split up I hope to god that they let Beer Money take control of the tag team division and AJ the WHC... (I'm not liking this Hardy, Pope, Anderson crap--> Kurt I'll always watch/enjoy watching because he's just great lol). But I mean futuristic as in like a year or so from now... so FORTUNE FTW for now =].

EDIT Forgot to mention one thing, I'm not liking AJ as heel it doesn't work for me he just seems like the BEST face TNA have and he's there as heel.

To all those people who are saying Roode needs a singles push, NOT EVERY TAG TEAM HAS ONE STAR WHO GOES ON TOP OF THE OTHER... What I mean to say is TNA's tag team division is superb and splitting one of the best tag team (THE best heel tag team, possibly of all time if they get the right treatment) is not the way forward. Another note about TNA why the hell does everyone think Roode is better than Storm... is it because he has like slightly better mic skills... *F***ing mic skills getting on my nerves now*. I prefer Storm always have/will, his superkick is awesome lol (oh! Just thought of something get Mr.Wrestlemania himself to manage Storm or Beer Money =o). EDIT
Okay I hate to say this BUT A LOT OF U PEOPLE R GOING TO BE HELLA DISAPPOINTED... LMAO! I honestly hope TNA delivers but I DON'T SEE IT! For one because of the BUILD UP FOR THEY unless it turns out that TED TURNER and JERRY JONES is buying out TNA it will be a disappointment. Here is why I say that... Who is BIG ENOUGH 2 live up 2 the HYPE! SERIOUSLY! Unless its the ROCK AND GOLDGERG then it's a Letdown... I mean HOGAN AND BISCHOFF are already there... FLAIR is already there... Who is more LEGENDARY then these 2... I actually miss when there was more than one BIG ORGANIZATION so I am hoping TNA delivers but honestly I DON'T SEE IT!!!
Okay I hate to say this BUT A LOT OF U PEOPLE R GOING TO BE HELLA DISAPPOINTED... LMAO! I honestly hope TNA delivers but I DON'T SEE IT! For one because of the BUILD UP FOR THEY unless it turns out that TED TURNER and JERRY JONES is buying out TNA it will be a disappointment. Here is why I say that... Who is BIG ENOUGH 2 live up 2 the HYPE! SERIOUSLY! Unless its the ROCK AND GOLDGERG then it's a Letdown... I mean HOGAN AND BISCHOFF are already there... FLAIR is already there... Who is more LEGENDARY then these 2... I actually miss when there was more than one BIG ORGANIZATION so I am hoping TNA delivers but honestly I DON'T SEE IT!!!

Think about it... WWE fans chose to not watch TNA so what they do is hype one of the main events (although I admit it was quite a lot of hyping) but if there wasn't any hyping WWE fans wouldn't even think about buying the ppv nor would TNA fans... if they had a "they" that randomly turned out and came as "they" for Abyss in the same way TNA gave Lethal the match (which he should have got... anyways...) in iMPACT then WWE fans would still complain about TNA.
Think about it... WWE fans chose to not watch TNA so what they do is hype one of the main events (although I admit it was quite a lot of hyping) but if there wasn't any hyping WWE fans wouldn't even think about buying the ppv nor would TNA fans... if they had a "they" that randomly turned out and came as "they" for Abyss in the same way TNA gave Lethal the match (which he should have got... anyways...) in iMPACT then WWE fans would still complain about TNA.

So just because I like WWE over TNA that means I don't watch TNA? Matter of fact I do watch TNA as well but at the same time I never bought a TNA PPV. That being said I have little interest in this PPV I may watch it on a Stream but im not expecting much mainly because the Card just seems weak. Lets take a look at the Card and see whats on it,

World Title-Angle/Hardy/Anderson-Ok this might be the only Match I actually care to see because I still like all 3 despite being in TNA. Not sure who will win but if its Anderson they better turn him Heel again.

RVD/Abyss-Meh an Ok Match but im not overly excited about it and could care less as to who "They" will be because it won't matter.

Fortune/ECW-A Steel Cage Match/Lockdown Match which they have already done at the Lockdown PPV and they are doing Angle/Abyss on TV this week so why should I care about this?

The Guns/Gen Me-Already seen this Match haven't we on PPV? Now its another Gimmick Match.

6-Man Tag-This is suppose to be the Match where Sting & Kevn Nash reveal the "Deception" consrpiracy theory deal or whatever. Not sure what to expect from this whole thing.

Thats the Card so far for their Version of Wrestlemania,to me it could be ok but thats as far as im going. Is it a Make or Break for TNA? Maybe who knows but time will tell on that.
I believe in my heart the "they" storyline is just one more attempt at a big splash. I rarely read any possible spoilers, such as which wrestlers are coming or going to different companies so my prediction could be shot if you all know he is or isn't going this way but I will be VERY DISAPPOINTED if the "they" group or thing has anything to do with Batista, Goldberg or even Paul Heyman. It is the been there done that effect. We have all seen the 3 of those guys at their BEST. So why would them going to TNA help TNA become better? I just don't see it happening. However, I am curious to see how dumb or smart TNA management really is. Because this IS IT.
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I know for a fact that Paul Heyman & Goldberg want nothing to do with TNA and I applaud them for that. Why get involved with Hogan,Bischoff,and Russo espeically Heyman who has had his run-ins with Bischoff & Russo over the years. Batista is a very outside chance but whoever "They" is it won't make a difference for them.
I don't know if it will make or break TNA as a company, but it may make or break TNA fans. We have talked about this angle since March and it doesn't look like any big names are going to be involved such as Heyman. TNA has pushed this angle and Dixie's TNA surprise that will change TNA forever for months now. It will be a huge disappointment if none of these "changes" deliver. I'm going to wait and see how it develops, but as the time draws near I have a bad feeling about all of this.
See I honesyly want TNA to LIVE AND GET BIGGER...I am from the day when U had dream Matches to fantasize about... Like what would happen if Savage fought Luger or Flair vs Hogan...Sting vs the Warrior... Lugar vs Rick Rude... Now with one federation their is no mystery...
But again I say That I can NOT se this ENDING WELL FOR TNA.... I liked TNA better when they had the MEM... I thought that was a great storyline and I like how Bobby Lashley showed up... I was feeling AJ STYLES and I thought they were going somewhere... Now I just don't know... These stories have been WAAAAAAAYYYYY TO DRAWN out... Sorry I wasn't feeling ABYSS branding anybody,,, I just can't see how AFTER 6 MONTHS THIS LIVING UP TO THE HYPE & THAT IS GONNA LOSE A LOT OF FANS.... Believe that!!!
WWEislife2 said: So just because I like WWE over TNA that means I don't watch TNA? Matter of fact I do watch TNA as well but at the same time I never bought a TNA PPV. That being said I have little interest in this PPV I may watch it on a Stream but im not expecting much mainly because the Card just seems weak. Lets take a look at the Card and see whats on it,

The same can be said about TNA folks. But if you want to compare cards how about HIAC this sunday. Name one match that stands out that says I need to buy this PPV to watch it. For the record I watch both, like TNA better not as boring and kind of like the confusing storylines makes me guess what is going on. Although the RAW GM is ok but how much longer is this going to last???? How many times can Edge and Jericho beat up a computer.

Orton vs Sheamus-- boring Sheamus does nothing and orton can only flop in a seizure how many times before RKOing him.

Cena VS Barret--- Not a Cena Mark but this is the only interesting match because i wouldn't mind a heel Cena.

Kane Vs UT---- How many times has this been done.....30

Daniel Bryan vs Miz vs JoMo--- could be interesting Miz is not winning more likely cashing in money in the Bank would be more interesting.

WWE ruined Nexus by having them lose to Cena early. Lost interest in it quickly.

TNA's card has more mysteries----which as was stated earlier is hard to make any good surprises as who is big enough to make that big of an impact that is relevant.....HBK, Rock, SCSA, Goldberg, Heyman.....None of them unless they have someone signed and it has not leaked for a while now. The hype oh well as long as the story makes sense will be ok. Like James Mitchell makes sense or Ultimate Warrior (not that i want this) but the OWN could come in and help Abyss.... I dont know that is the whole point NO ONE KNOWS.

Deception....not very important Sting hasn't liked Hogan for a while we all know that...Could be interesting though.. What if it was something like Hogan now owns TNA....something stupid like that and he has been lieing to Dixie about it. We Don't KNOW.... Will it be like Paul Bearer returning Hell no but how many times can he return to either help or hurt UT.

Fortune vs EV2..... yes it sucks ev2 is there but i Understand the story they get their shot at a good bye and the originals get angry want to take them out. Not so confusing....

GenMe and MCMG in an ultimate X match....... who wouldn't want to see this....reminds me of an old E&C vs Hardy's match..... Everyone one loved those matches...its on TNA thats right so it sucks.....Makes absolutely no fucking sense...If vince thought of it it would be genious ok ok.

RVD vs Abyss....typical revenge match....ok done all the time....Abyss is not the most interesting character but he does what he needs to and the match will probably suck but will be ok.

WHC match....there is no way they are putting the belt on the winner will be good with Angle or Anderson. I would prefer Anderson but will take Angle.

TNA will probably change the ramp and LOGO which was mentioned how many months ago along with some new faces and hopefully some leaving for a long long long time. It will be ok but not what WWE can do with alot more money.
No matter what TNA does i feel like it wont be clear cut success.

1. TNA haters will shyt on it no matter what, if its and awesome storyline with AAA guys, WWE fans will say who the fuck are they, all that waiting and hype for these guys, and if it was someone like batista, they would get shyted on for taking WWE stars and not making their own. Catch 22

2. I do think its going to result in more viewers for TNA in the future worldwide, as much as i hate downgrading my great country of the USA we will eat up a pile shyt if its aadvertised to be delicious, WWE has been shoved down our throats for so many years people will just stand by it because its what they know and what they know cant possibly be shyt right? unlike other countries who are willing to see past the pyro, expensive setup, and mega star names, but rather look at the quality matches and enjoy the psychology of a storyline.

3. TNA plays to its fans and has variety, they acknowledge all wrestling fans different countries, independents, ages etc... TNA also has solid match quality on the whole card their arent really squash matches, if you saw impacts mainevent theirs a good example, so if these storylines are good and original at BFG I think it will make TNA, because the talent and match quality is their.
I think it will make TNA...but only for a few weeks. TNA are desperately going all out to make BFG a success by bringing in "THEY", bring Russo back next week who I believe will be a part of "THEY", honestly the whole thing is exciting. Even if it is history repeating itself, Hogan turning heel, NWO reforming, it's gonna be epic no matter what. However as the Impacts go along, it will become disappointing with all the angles, segments & promos they give them, it is TNA afterall, most promos/angles/segments there either never make sense or are just plain shit. Just like January 4th when they brought Hogan & co. in. It was exciting for a few weeks but then started to suck, it will be the same here.
It wont do anything for TNA. No matter what "they" is, it wont effect TNA in any way. TNA will be the same as before. Maybe some new wrestlers come in, big deal. No matter what BIG names that may get signed, it won't help them where it counts. TNA doesnt keep anything goin and when it comes to an end it usually fails. Lets just hope something good happens for once.
Honestly, I think it will. I'm a casual fan of TNA, but if something really interesting happens at Bound for Glory, I will probably watch it when it's on TV, instead of waiting for it to be OnDemand. I think all the hype surrounding 'they' needs to be resolved, as does the deception angle. Also, TNA needs to put some prestige back into the World Title. That would help with viewership, I think.

I think 10/10/10 could also help TNA in terms of business. If 'they' is AAA, as is being discussed, it would help them get more exposure and possibly more money. A joint venture with one of the biggest companies in South America would be a smart business move for TNA. An AAA invasion may not please the fans completely, but it would make perfect business sense.

I don't think TNA can please everybody with 10/10/10, but it could make TNA if done smartly, mostly in a business sense. With business comes fans, so yes, it possibly could break them.
"They" will NOT be the reason EVERYONE is buying BFG.....That 3-Way Dance will be EPIC, and the Ultimate X will steal the show........What happened to watching PPVs and TNA for the hyped MATCHES, not the storylines....If it sucks...big deal....remember Katie Vick???? Or Mae Young/Mark Henry and the birth of a HAND??? or the infamous Shockmaster in WCW years ago......See, bad ideas happen in pro wrestling....HISTORY HAS SHOWN THIS.......So, come on yall, don't base BFG on "They"...If it is a flop, we'll just call it TNA's Shockmaster.....
Its either going to be disastrous for them, or just a decent shot in the arm that dies out fairly quickly. I really can't see this being the big moment that leads to TNA breaking out and reaching their potential.
"They" will NOT be the reason EVERYONE is buying BFG.....That 3-Way Dance will be EPIC, and the Ultimate X will steal the show........What happened to watching PPVs and TNA for the hyped MATCHES, not the storylines....If it sucks...big deal....remember Katie Vick???? Or Mae Young/Mark Henry and the birth of a HAND??? or the infamous Shockmaster in WCW years ago......See, bad ideas happen in pro wrestling....HISTORY HAS SHOWN THIS.......So, come on yall, don't base BFG on "They"...If it is a flop, we'll just call it TNA's Shockmaster.....

Yeah those are all awful storylines, but those weren't the biggest angle in the company that they're hyping as absolutely HUGE and will change the company forever either. TNA has a lot of people excited with these vague mysteries because the Attitude Era fans they reach out to love that shit. New debuts, worked shoot backstage POLITIKS, SWERVES, more 'realer' than fake WWE PG (quoting my cousin), etc. If its a letdown reveal, its going to really hurt TNA's credibility.
They = Mickie James's roast beef lips. Abyss is hungry.

I see they being explained but not what the POPE, Sting and Nash are talking about. TNA likes to keep a mystery going and having two big payoffs at once would seem like a waste. I hope TNA spreads it out for a while and make it good because whatever those three are talking about has to be something bigger than THEY and truly shake TNA
I wouldn't say its a "make or break" for TNA. BFG is the Wrestlemania for TNA and as long as the matches are booked properly, than the show should be a good one. They have been building up this ppv for a while now. Even if BFG is a bad show, fans will still tune in the following week to see whose going to be the new number one contender, and new champs and new feuds, etc.
TNA are fools for not having Impact after BFG live so people don't read the spoilers to first impact after their biggest show of the year for them.

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