The WHC match is suppose to be big; that's the Main Event (or suppose to be) but they really haven't done anything but strip the gold from RVD just so he can face whoever wins it in this match. Doesn't make much sense if you think about it and that's why I'm not that interested..
Actually their has been a entire 8 man tournament behind the title, and what makes you so sure about RVD, its not a lock that RVD gets the next shot, the belt was stripped because of his contract since he can only work a certain amount of dates, if anything I think he is on the BFG to add another name to the PPV would not be surprised of Abyss takes him out either. The title has been vacant for awhile if it does not interest you then you simply are not interested in TNA, it will be over 2 months the company has gone without a champion, and it does not interest you because you are just assuming RVD is getting the next shot??? So it doesnt interest you based on your own assumption
This is based off of what??? You have no clue, here is the problem nothign in the wrestling industry is that hyped unless you attach mega star/s to it (ex. Taker vs HBK) (nexus vs cena) TNA has gained your interest with all the hype and its going to be disappointing because you are not interested in TNA and they dont have the money to have some awesome payoff because their is no storyline TNA could create with their roster to please everyone.Which is probably going to culminate along with Abyss's "They"- hyped to the moon and most likely the payout will be disappointing. ..
Haven't these guys fought every-other-week on TNA iMPACT? I doubt they'll steal the show because they seem a bit over exposed...

Yes so who is Fortune going to face???? Every face that matter is in a BIGGER MORE IMPORTANT INTERESTING STORYLINE.1. They are already over as heels. Kicking a dead horse isn't helping matters.
2. So take out all of the Main Eventers and you'll notice EV2 draws more fans than midcarders? By Golly you're a genius.....
The point of watching EV2 was to bring closure to the ECW tandem, and that was suppose to end at Hardcore Justice (at least it was in an old-school ECW fan's mind). They decided to turn a dead company's last able-bodied superstars into something younger superstars can "beat up on" just so they can get more heat that was really not needed. Winning against wrestlers way past their prime is not proving that you're the best; it proves your company is running out of ideas. If TNA really wants Fortune to stay on top then why aren't any of them gunning or at least facing someone who is in the TNA WHC title run? Because there's dead weight to face instead.
Fortune isnt gunning for anyone who is in a WHC tite run because their was a 8 man tournament to determine who was in that run. Doug Williams and Morgan both were in the tournament and lost in the first round. Fortune is a STABLE they are being built AS A STABLE thats another reason why none of them are gunning or facing someone in WHC run. What 4 guys are TNA going to put against them thats a threat??? If Fortune is the self proclaimed best in TNA, who built TNA... any combination of guys would not only be random and have ZERO storyline it would take away from all the other storylines they have going. Not to mention if they went against upper card/ME guys Fortune would have to win or else they would look weak. So lets take hardy out the main event, and pope, and joe out of deception, and throw another tna guy in their, your going to have potential main event guys job for Fortune with no storyline yes thats whats really good for BFG

Thats why they are facing Ev2, but yea it makes more sense to have them face midcarders, or take apart important storylines, instead of EV2, or to just let one of them get a good feud which would be uneccessary. Its simple the guys in Fortune have all had their time as individual/tag team where they have all gotten over or won a title. or been in a title run, so now they are being built as a STABLE , if you cannot realize that you must not be watching Impact.