What Made You Stop Watching TNA?

Itsoeasy: I don't watch WWE and most people my age and of my intelligence don't anymore because it's the MTV of wrestling. It's not gonna change. Most people with intelligence and age get that and don't look back. They don't need Stone Cold to become fans of something that isn't about real entertainment anymore. And the term PG is synonymous with another world called suck. Only children and iq lacking idiots who don't understand that 'bolded statement' could watch something so intellectually demeaning.

PS i stopped watching TNA when itssoeasy said that only mature people have moved on and enjoy WWE's current product. Ahem, illogical reasoning..ahem..
Jersey Shore anyone. What! lol..

Actually, WWE is a very entertaining show and very enjoyable. Their in a middle of a youth mevement and have many yound star's that have alot of potentional. Wade Barret, Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan to name a few.

You say PG is synonymous with the word, suck. But, incase you did'nt know, the ever-loved Rocky series is PG. PG does'nt mean it suck's, instead of the obnoxious; boobs, blood, and overextensive violence. They've moved to actual wrestling matches and throughly enjoyable storylines.
This entire goddamed angle between Kurt Angle and the Jarrett's. It's... it's just bad. It's offensive, their bringing real life problems that shouldn't be brough up like this, and their potentially scarring the lives of children. I'll admit, I'm a WWE guy, but I watched Impact every now and then. I give TNA the benefit of the doubt. Yes, their angles are fucking stupid, but the matches, at times, coud be really fucking. But THIS? FUCK YOU TNA. This is NOT funny.
3/4 Facelock, you've completely enlightened me with your last post. I was so wrong but that's because i lack intelligence because life has placed restrictions on my mental faculties so that i don't understand the logic of this thread. But now i do because you enlightened me by making sense of what i didn't realize was illogical this entire time. 3/4 Facelock came on here and told me i was trolling because i didn't agree with anything he said originally and i didn't understand such a simple and logical thread. Now i totally understand the point of this thread and his point about TNA and my life i live now with refreshed eyes.

I stopped watching TNA because all the WWE obsessed smarks at WZ bullied me for my opinion and belittled me for standing in opposition to their elitism. TNA ratings suck, wrestlers suck, creative sucks, Bischoff and Hogan can kiss my ass, i can't watch a product that WWE fans hate. I can only like what my mental faculties will let me like so now i stopped watching TNA and i watch WWE Raw and Smackdown, sometimes i tape the episodes and watch them 3 times a day because i just can't wait for another episode of King Sheamus and Michael Cole doing fantastic commentary. Popping for John Cena three times a day would make anyone stop watching TNA permanently.

I'm being honest with my reasons so if you don't like it 3/4 Facelock then whatever. It's a free country and i'm allowed to have an opinion (and change it every half an hour) regardless if none of you agree with me or if you all do. There's no ratings on my opinions for many of you here to judge their merit, unfortunately.

Like a condescending hypocrite, i too wish you, 3/4 Facelock, luck with how you wish others luck...wah wah, that's how people with weak arguments run away from an argument they cannot win...i have 8 years of post secondary education under my belt, i am a journalist, i've invested successfully, my house is bought, i have a family and friends and i move through the world quite easily without anyone's luck..what makes you think i need luck from some smark who invests his time discrediting TNA like a wannabe elitist and tries his darndest to get posters like me with oppositional viewpoints banned from WZ??
ilapierre, I am overwhelmed with joy that I was able to bring you into the light.

Though I must say if you have 8 years of post secondary education you should go get another 4 since your sentence structure and use of punctuation is atrocious. I am not a grammar Nazi, but please understand you are posting to a forum and not sending out a text message. Also, here in America, post-secondary education is called tertiary education. Which means you are going for a doctorate? In...journalism? I didn't even know that a doctor of current events and trends existed. But I digress.

Kudos to you ma’am. I've always said that no matter what happens, being stupid is not cool. Achieving the dream of a paid off house, a family, and real life friends is no joke and I do honestly congratulate you on that. Those 3 things are very hard to come by and hold on to.

However, I am neither impressed nor am I not impressed. I am indifferent. We are not here to talk about your fictitious accolades. We are here to talk about TNA.

So from here on out can you please stick to the topic at hand? If you must have it out with me you can message me personally. Try to edit your responses of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight. I request doing that so the rest of the internet doesn’t see your postings as proof of you being a living drooling idiot whose life is a monument to stupidity.

Again, I wish you the best of luck with the emotional and social struggles that seem to be placing such a demand on you.

Peace. I'm outie 5000.
3/4 facelock: my sentence structure and use of punctuation is atrocious when it comes to journalism standards. But i'm on WZ, i'm not writing a test or writing a story. No one here writes perfectly, myself included, and i don't strive for it. I just type and send. I don't live in America so no i'm not getting a tertiary education or becoming a doctor. I have my history and my journalism. Two degrees, four years each. I've also watched wrestling since 1986. So I might know just a little about wrestling and the way the world works. I write run on sentences here all the time. So what? So does everyone else..And i don't write anything here like a text message. If i did i would be abbreviating every word i write and i haven't done that so far.

Looks like you've won this argument in your own mind there 3/4 facelock for wishing me luck a second time and calling me ma'am. I can call you ma'am there too you PG loving sissyboy. Looks like i have emotional and social struggles because you said so. You know all about me because you didn't like what i wrote on wrestling forum. And your opinion counts more than mine because you hate TNA and i don't. If it wasn't for you continuing to talk about the topic at hand that you yourself can't seem to stick to, then i wouldn't even know there was a topic at hand. I bring my life and my accolades into a conversation ONLY when some douchebag hypocrite wishes me the best of luck with my life that i've already lived quite well and had much luck and success with. You brought it up, now like a hypocrite you're telling me it doesn't matter about my life when we're on a thread talking about TNA and why people on a TNA thread don't watch it when they most obviously all do. Well, then don't wish me luck with my life wish yourself luck with your life so that some day you can understand your own hypocrisy. Stop taking petty jabs at my character because your reasoning is shit..it has nothing to do with the thread. I must have problems because i don't agree with you buddy. Whatever, run off like a little girl, call me ma'am and attack my character. Taking the dumbass route of attacking someone's character because they don't agree with your opinion is a sign of a drooling idiot. So you've branded me a drooling idiot just like you've branded TNA shit. Your pretty good at negative connotations, that's what TNA bashing smarks do best. So if you're gonna be a drooling idiot and it's the cool thing to do, i'll be one right now and be just like you and go attack anothers' character.

itssoeasy: your opinion is that WWE is entertaining. Wade Barret, Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan are the future just like everything on MTV is the future of music. Shit music. There's so much good music out there without financial backing, without videos. It has artistic quality, it will gain critical praise and some of it will last forever if it reaches legendary status, with or without MTV airplay. It's your opinion that WWE is good, you are allowed to think like that and feel like that. Most wrestling fans and little children think like that because that's all they really have. And PG doesn't have to suck, it hasn't always sucked, it just does now in 2011 and has been that way for about half a decade. And that's my opinion. It's not the PG rating that makes wrestling suck, in my opinion, it's just an excuse WWE can hide behind. PG wrestling in the 80s and 90s was fine. Chairs were used, blood could happen. It can't now. Great angles and stories could be told. They can't now. It's all about image and using production quality to create the illusion that wrestling is entertaining. I swear, today, the only exciting thing about WWE is that their production quality confuses the average fan into believing WWE is worth watching. That's just my opinion and you don't agree so whatever. WWE uses all its money to make you think its worth watching just like any show produced by any corporate billionaire.

More people out there think like you do than think like i do. So does that mean your argument or opinion has more merit or does it mean there are just more people out
there lacking taste and individual, uncontaminated reasoning? Again, there are more people watching Jersey Shore than RAW and most Jersey Shore viewers would say that their show is more entertaining and therefore better than RAW. Doesn't mean it is, even though their ratings are higher and more people think like that enjoy that kind of garbage..but it doesn't mean their opinion has more merit because it's part of the consensus. Quite the opposite actually. It just means there's more of them than there is wrestling fans. Mass opinion molds individual opinion too much. TNA may very well be a lot worse than WWE. There's reasons for it, i've discussed them to death a million times before here..and they don't need to be rehashed here. It's like beating a dead horse 10 years after it's death. It's so annoying and childish to listen to. Pointless.

It's so easy to dump on TNA. It's so easy to dump on anything. It's so easy to see where you got your name.
Hey Oneleeway or whatever the hell your name is....i didnt start a TNA bashing thread, I simply asked everyone on the threads why they stopped watching it? if you havent noticed from kissing TNAs ass so much, there are alot of people who have stopped watching it entirely.....if you werent such a TNA fanboy, you wouldve answered the question or left it alone...did you see anywhere in my question where I was praising everything WWE does? nope, because i didnt do that...WWE in general isnt the best all the time, but I can name more things better in WWE than TNA... but they are going through a youth movement to get where they need to be...just a question bro, dont take it so personal, its not like you work for TNA, its a damn show, just like Seinfeld was or even Friends lol
3/4 facelock: my sentence structure and use of punctuation is atrocious when it comes to journalism standards. But i'm on WZ, i'm not writing a test or writing a story. No one here writes perfectly, myself included, and i don't strive for it. I just type and send. I don't live in America so no i'm not getting a tertiary education or becoming a doctor. I have my history and my journalism. Two degrees, four years each. I've also watched wrestling since 1986. So I might know just a little about wrestling and the way the world works. I write run on sentences here all the time. So what? So does everyone else..And i don't write anything here like a text message. If i did i would be abbreviating every word i write and i haven't done that so far.

Looks like you've won this argument in your own mind there 3/4 facelock for wishing me luck a second time and calling me ma'am. I can call you ma'am there too you PG loving sissyboy. Looks like i have emotional and social struggles because you said so. You know all about me because you didn't like what i wrote on wrestling forum. And your opinion counts more than mine because you hate TNA and i don't. If it wasn't for you continuing to talk about the topic at hand that you yourself can't seem to stick to, then i wouldn't even know there was a topic at hand. I bring my life and my accolades into a conversation ONLY when some douchebag hypocrite wishes me the best of luck with my life that i've already lived quite well and had much luck and success with. You brought it up, now like a hypocrite you're telling me it doesn't matter about my life when we're on a thread talking about TNA and why people on a TNA thread don't watch it when they most obviously all do. Well, then don't wish me luck with my life wish yourself luck with your life so that some day you can understand your own hypocrisy. Stop taking petty jabs at my character because your reasoning is shit..it has nothing to do with the thread. I must have problems because i don't agree with you buddy. Whatever, run off like a little girl, call me ma'am and attack my character. Taking the dumbass route of attacking someone's character because they don't agree with your opinion is a sign of a drooling idiot. So you've branded me a drooling idiot just like you've branded TNA shit. Your pretty good at negative connotations, that's what TNA bashing smarks do best. So if you're gonna be a drooling idiot and it's the cool thing to do, i'll be one right now and be just like you and go attack anothers' character.

itssoeasy: your opinion is that WWE is entertaining. Wade Barret, Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan are the future just like everything on MTV is the future of music. Shit music. There's so much good music out there without financial backing, without videos. It has artistic quality, it will gain critical praise and some of it will last forever if it reaches legendary status, with or without MTV airplay. It's your opinion that WWE is good, you are allowed to think like that and feel like that. Most wrestling fans and little children think like that because that's all they really have. And PG doesn't have to suck, it hasn't always sucked, it just does now in 2011 and has been that way for about half a decade. And that's my opinion. It's not the PG rating that makes wrestling suck, in my opinion, it's just an excuse WWE can hide behind. PG wrestling in the 80s and 90s was fine. Chairs were used, blood could happen. It can't now. Great angles and stories could be told. They can't now. It's all about image and using production quality to create the illusion that wrestling is entertaining. I swear, today, the only exciting thing about WWE is that their production quality confuses the average fan into believing WWE is worth watching. That's just my opinion and you don't agree so whatever. WWE uses all its money to make you think its worth watching just like any show produced by any corporate billionaire.

More people out there think like you do than think like i do. So does that mean your argument or opinion has more merit or does it mean there are just more people out
there lacking taste and individual, uncontaminated reasoning? Again, there are more people watching Jersey Shore than RAW and most Jersey Shore viewers would say that their show is more entertaining and therefore better than RAW. Doesn't mean it is, even though their ratings are higher and more people think like that enjoy that kind of garbage..but it doesn't mean their opinion has more merit because it's part of the consensus. Quite the opposite actually. It just means there's more of them than there is wrestling fans. Mass opinion molds individual opinion too much. TNA may very well be a lot worse than WWE. There's reasons for it, i've discussed them to death a million times before here..and they don't need to be rehashed here. It's like beating a dead horse 10 years after it's death. It's so annoying and childish to listen to. Pointless.

It's so easy to dump on TNA. It's so easy to dump on anything. It's so easy to see where you got your name.

Yes, your right, it's a television show. And a very good one at that. You actually have to watch the show and enjoy it with a open-mind and have fun with it. Wrestling's not meant to be analyzed and torn-apart, it's meant to be enjoyable and fun, and entertaining.
The PG rating is'nt for something for them to hide behind, it's something for them to work with. The show now has more of a emphasis on actual wrestling and not obnoxious storylines and cheap crude humor. Sure, they don't swear as much anymore, they've banned chair-shots to the head, and blood is gone for a while, but those thing's aren't what makes a wrestling show entertaining. The wrestlers, storylines, and matches can also make a show entertaining.
The main gripes I've had with TNA are few but they are great at least in my mind.

1: I watched the 1/4/10 show and it showed me the kind of people that TNA is marketing to. How can any "wrestling" fan say who needs Bret Hart? I mean seriously did TNA really need to try and put down Bret "The Hitman" Hart to try and take a shot at WWE? THE MAN IS A WRESTLING LEGEND, yet TNA "fans" decided to disrespect an icon to the business like that? Why hasn't a chant pleading Flair to leave wrestling forever started? If it has I haven't heard it because I refuse to watch Hogan and Bischoff ruin TNA and then take credit for my tuning in to the show and say it's all "thanks" to them.

2: TNA today is an exact replica of WCW when it was in its last months. Yes I know this has been mentioned time and time again but it doesn't change the fact that it's true. At one point in time I had high hopes that TNA would finally bring some much needed competition to WWE. Instead we are just having to see another company start to swirl the drain of the proverbial sink if TNA doesn't get their shit straight and get rid of Hogan and Bischoff ASAP. You know if I didn't know any better I would think that WWE has purposely sent these two to kill of potential rival companies.....hmm...

3: TNA needs to stop relying on ex-WWE stars to make a name. I loved TNA before the seeming WWE invasion started. TNA has made stars that right now I wish WWE had so that they could try to get some recognition from somewhere. I mean seriously JOE TAP TO JEFF JARRETT????? The ex-WWE cowboy is the one to make Joe tap?

WWE is by no means as good as it used to be but, it seems to get some basics right. You can't have future stars until they defeat BIG names at some point in their career. If WWE had AJ they would have replaced Cena with him.

So anyways this isn't meant to be a rant on TNA. I loved what they used to do but seriously, someone needs to KILL HOGAN AND BISCHOFF SO THEY NEVER DESTROY ANOTHER WRESTLING COMPANY EVER AGAIN!!!!

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